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Chapter 10

Saying What You Have Done: The Present Perfect

conjugated haber + _______ i/a do AR ER/IR he hemos + stem + a / i + do has habis Ellos han ido a Europa. (They have gone to Europe) ha han He viajado a Panama. (I have traveled to Panama) Irregulars abrir: abierto (to open/opened) cubrir: cubierto (to cover/ covered) decir: dicho (to say/ said) escribir:escrito(to write/written) hacer:hecho(to do/ done) morir:muerto(to die/dead) poner:puesto(to put/put) resolver:resuelto(to solve/solved) romper:roto(to break/broken) ver:visto(to see / seen) volver:vuelto(to return/returned)

describir:descrito(to describe/described) inscribir:inscrito(to enroll/enrolled) reponer:repuesto(to put back/put back) suponer:supuesto(to suppose/supposed)

devolver:devuelto(to return/ returned)

ya and todavia no (already and not yet) are adverbs commonly used with the present perfect

Por and Para

Para -To indicate destination -To show the use or purpose in order to for the purpose of -to indicate a recipient -to express a deadline or specific time -to express a contrast from what is expected Por -To express gratitude -For frequency (5 times per week) -Through along by in the area of -Talking about exchange, including sales -on behalf of in favor of -To express a length of time (por dos horas) -To express general time (por la noche) -for means of communication or transportation -To show the reason for an errand, cause / reason -por + inifitive an action that remains to be completed -Passive 3rd person (book written by Juan)

Chapter 11
Giving Polite Commands
ar stem + e(n) er/ir stem + a(n) Lleve el paquete. Track the package Coma cereal por la manana. Eat cereal in the morning Abra la ventana, por favor. Open the window please. *If verb ends in car command ends in que *If verb engs in gar command ends in gar

Irregularities in stem are present. Ex. conozca, diga, tenga, vea, haga, oiga, venga, traiga Stem changes also are present Ex. piense, duerma, sirva, cierre, vuelva, consiga

Irregulars d (dar) give |sepa (saber) know | est (estar) be | vaya (ir) go | sea (ser) be Reflexive verbs Affirmative commands object pronouns are attached + acc Dgame la verdad.

Negative commands object pronouns proceed No me diga que no le sabe.

The Present Subjunctive: Regulars

Endings AR ER/IR pronouns / reflexive e a affirmative commands negative commands es as -attached -separated, no is before e a -accent added to first syllable emos amos Llmelo no lo llame is is en an Always used with these keywords: (te me le ) Sugerir (ie), Querer (uie), (te me le) recomendar (ie) Also use in an expressing beginning with cuando

The Present Subjunctive: Irregulars

Verbs that have different stems in the yo forms of the present indicative conocer:conozc_ recoger:recoj_ hacer:hag_ oir:oig_ venir:veng_ contruir:construy_ poner:pong_ ver:ve_ decir:dig_ traer:traig_ salir:salg_ tener:teng_

Verbs that end in oy in the yo form as well as saber dar:d, des, d, demos, deis, den ser: sea, seas, sea, seamos, seis, sean estar:est, ests, est, estemos, estis, estn ir: vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayis, vayan saber: sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepis, sepan Verbs that go from eie and oue eie and oue in all forms except nosotros and vosotros, just e and o piense, pensemos | vuelva, volvamos Verbs that go from ei ei in all forms pida, pidamos Verbs that go from eie in present but eI in preterite or go from oue in present but ou in preterite e ie except in nosotros, just i, oou, except in nosotros just u me divierta, nos divirtamos | duerma, durmamos

Chapter 14
Giving Informal Commands
+ AR a ER/IR e AR es ER/IR as

Hablar Habla Comer Come Escribir Escribe Irregulars ( + only) Venir Ven Tener Ten Decir Di Ir Ve Salir Sal Poner Pon Hacer Haz Ser S

Subjunctive + es/as No Hables (hablar) No Comas (comer) No traigas (Traer) No Busques (Buscar)

Chapter 15
Future Tense
infinitive + ending s emos is n correr (I will walk) buscar (He will buy) irn (they will go)

Irregulars Drop the E caber cabr_ haber habr_ poder podr_ querer querr_ saber sabr_

Drop E or I, add D poner pondr_ tener tendr_ valer valdr_ salir saldr_ venir vendr_

Drop E and C decir dir_ hacer har_

Formal Ud / Uds.

Affirmative Pronouns are attached Ex. Dgame la verdad.

Always AR stem + e(n)

ER/IR stem + a(n)

Negative Object Pronouns proceed Ex. No me diga que no le sabe.

Ex. Lleve el paquete. Ex. Abra la ventana, por favor. Note: If the command has more than one syllable, a written accent is required when one or more pronoun is added. Irregularities *If verb ends in car: command ends in que *If verb engs in gar: command ends in gar Ex. tocar toque, pagar pague *Present indicative yo form irregulars Ex. conozca, diga, tenga, vea, haga, oiga, venga, traiga *Stem Changes Ex. piense, duerma, sirva, cierre, vuelva, consiga *Pure Irregulars d (dar) give |sepa (saber) know | est (estar) be | vaya (ir) go | sea (ser) be

Note: If there are both direct and indirect object pronouns, the indirect object pronoun comes before the direct object pronoun. Ex. No me lo compre. *No double L sounds Ex. No se las traiga.

Informal Tu

AR stem + a

ER/IR stem + e

Subjunctive + ____ AR ER/IR es as Ex. No Hables, No Comas

Ex. Habla, Come, Escribe *Pronouns: Same as above Ex. Hazlo, Hzmelo *Pure Irregulars Venir Ven | Tener Ten Decir Di | Ir Ve Salir Sal |Poner Pon Hacer Haz | Ser S *Pronouns: Same rules as above

*Irregular Subjunctive Ex. No traigas, No Busques

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