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Valluvar on Ethical Life

Dr.P.Loganathan,  Dr.M.Chandrasekaran
Prof. of Management Studies ,  Lecturer in commerce,
Jamal Mohamed College,  Pavendar Bharathidasan College of Arts
Tiruchirapalli-620 020  Tiruchirapalli-620 024
Thirukkural of Saint Thiruvalluvar holds all sanctity to be called as a Testament. It
guides and preaches the humanity to lead a humane life. Ethical living is expected of human
beings, as they alone have the privileged sixth sense. Most of the truth revealed by Valluvar
are addressed to various sections of the people like a commoner, the king, his courtiers, the
businessmen, the traders etc. But such teachings can not be considered as exclusive for any
one category. They could be used universally even to business people or traders. What is said
for a king, is common for anyone else, hence it is applicable to business men and there is no
harm in taking it as Business ethics. With that idea in mind this article tries to explain the
lifestyle of a businessman, which could also be interpreted as the lifestyle in general.
Through out this article, the word “aram” – mwk; is taken as ethics .
Ethics- road to wealth and goodwill
Being virtual and behaving ethically will bring not only good name and reputation
but it will enrich one’s wealth. There is nothing in this world which could bring both
reputation and riches together. Therefore, one should be ethical in his behaviour.
rpwg;gPDk; nry;tKk; <Dk; mwj;jpD}q;F
Mf;fk; vtNdh capu;f;F 31
Ethical syndrome
Normally, what is wrong or what is right is being identified and cautioned by one’s own
conscience. If he happens to ignore such caution and engage in that act which goes against
his conscience, it is sure that he will get ruined. Therefore, one should understand that if he
goes against the warning of his conscience he will be ruined and he should act in accordance
with his conscience.
nfLty;ahd; vd;gwpf jd;neQ;rk;
eLnthuP, my;y nrapd; 116
Emerging point of ethical living

Being ethical is not just acting or behaving but should originate from the heart, or
else, it can not be considered ethical. In short, other than those things that does not originate
from heart (without the sanction of heart) can not be considered as ethical.
kdj;Jf;fz; khrpyd; Mjy; midj;jwd;
MFy ePu gpw 34
Ethical living needs no time and place
Leading an ethical life is not being ethical when ever it is possible but practicing
ethics where ever it is possible i.e., irrespective of time and place ethics is to be followed.
Xy;Yk; tifahd; mwtpid XthNj
nry;Yk; tha; vy;yhk; nray; 33
Ethics lie in discharging duty
Being ethical is nothing but, realizing the responsibilities and duties and acting
accordingly. No need to think about, who is to travel ( being carried) and who is to drive ( to
carry)1.It goes in line with the preachings of Geetha “ do your duties ; don’t think about the
outcome’.Karma (duty)alone has to be considered while taking up any task, its outcome will
follow suit.
mwj;jh wpJntd Ntz;lh rptpif
nghWj;jhNdh ^u;e;jhd; ,il 37
Now or never
Do not postpone, ethical behaviour as the situation is not conducive and favourable,
because there is no guarantee that such favourable and conducive conditions ever to occur. If
you miss the opportunity, by the time you wish to do that the chance may not be there at all.
md;wwpthk; vd;dh jwQ;nra;f kw;wJ
nghd;Wq;fhy; nghd;whj; Jiz 36
Ethical communication
Ascertain the capacity of the receiver before speaking to one, as that is capable of
bringing (riches and) good results .Such an act is considered as ethics for communication or
conversing. While communicating one should be clear about the effectiveness of the words
he uses and also the ability of the person ( receiver) to understand .It is not only ethical but
will bring fortune.

Palanquins are being carried by two or four people and people use occupy palanquin to travel
comfortably. Four to toil to put some in comfort, but it is the duty of the bearers to carry and the passengers to
travel. This is what ethics is.

jpwdwpe;J nrhy;Yf nrhy;iy mwDk;
nghUSk; mjdpD}q;F ,y; 644;
Society’s contribution to ethical living
The level or degree of being ethical by thinking or by practice of an individual
depends on the society which surrounds him . One acquires purity in his thinking as well as
goodness in his acts from the society (forefathers) he hails from.
kde;J}a;ik nra;tpid J}a;ik ,uz;Lk;
,de;J}a;ik J}th tUk; 455;

Ethical eliminations
Ethical living is avoiding the four unethical characters and behaviours such as envy,
greed, anger and harsh or violent words. Flawless ethical life rests in avoiding the above said
four vices .
mOf;fh wthntFsp ,d;dhr;nrhy; ehd;Fk;
,Of;fh ,ad;w jwk; 35
Ethical living brings delight
Earning wealth ethically, using skill and without resorting to unfair practices, will
not only bring pleasure but also it will bring rewards for ethical behaviour (making a moral
mwd;<Dk; ,d;gKk; <Dk; jpwdwpe;J
jPjpd;wp te;j nghUs; 754
Distress - no excuse to ethics
Incase someone causes some damage beyond one’s tolerance level he should not feel
about it and start doing unethical act against that person. Reciprocating the misdeed can not
be the solution.
jpwdy;y jw;gpwu; nra;apDk; Neh nehe;J
mwdy;y nra;ahik ed;W 157
Ethics - not an exception to Management/Governance
Good governance has to avoid all unethical practices in order to avoid disgrace that
might have been caused by unethical practices.
mwdpOf;fh jy;yit ePf;fp kwdpOf;fh

khd Kila juR 384
Ethics - illusion
To those who are inclined to amass wealth, ethical practices would appear unethical
and unethical practices would appear ethical. Therefore, they should be careful in
segregating the good and the bad in their pursuit for wealth. The interest to acquire wealth in
general will make the aspirant less concerned about ethics. ‘Vyaparam throga chinthanam‘ is
a popular saying meaning once you think of business naturally ethics and morality has to be
bundled out.
ey;yitnay;yhme; jPathe; jPaTk;
ey;ythQ; nry;tQ; nraw;F 375

Effects of being unethical

Living ethical is fruitful and will yield all productive force; on the other hand being
unethical will spoil everything and bring disgrace. In fact, there is nothing worse than
forgetting that ethical life and being unethical which could bring disgrace and ignominy in
this world.
mwj;jpD}q;fhf;fKk; ,y;iy mjid
kwj;jypD}q;fpy;iyf;NfhL 32
Being unethical is a damage to ethics itself
One has to avoid what others ridicule and consider as unethical, if he fails to do so
that will cause damage not only to the individual but will demoralizes those who are ethical
and even the code of ethics will get spoiled.
gpwu;ehzj;jf;fJ jhd; ehzhd; Mapd;
mwk;ehzj; jf;fJ cilj;J 1018
Gains from unethical practice spoils everything
Acquiring and storing wealth through unfair means is like saving water in an unfired
mutpot, which easily dissolves in water. Such an attempt would lead to not only loss of the
wealth but the pot itself will be lost.
ryj;jhw; nghUs;nra;Nj khu;j;jy; gRkz;
fyj;JdPu; nga;jpuP, aw;W 660

Life is essentially to earn wealth and reputation in order to command respect and
enjoy comfort in life. The pursuit to lead such a life requires to conduct oneself ethically.
Normally , most ethical practices are being prompted and cautioned by conscience .If one
goes according to conscience, without ignoring the caution he is said to be leading an ethical
life. Thiruvalluvar insists that ethical living whether of an individual or of a business man lies
in realising the duties and responsibilities and earning wealth only through fair means Time
and place should never be a hindrance for ethical living . One should not be carried away by
ethical illusions, because being unethical is capable of spoiling everything.

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