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TG585v7 - Command line configuration

Telnet to the IP address of the device. Use Hyperterminal if you want to get a copy of the config (using capture to file) Login as Administrator with a blank password (the default otherwise use the password you gave it)

Useful things to know

Use ? to see valid commands Use .. to go back a level Use : (colon) if reqd to execute cmd from root level (eg :saveall) OR to get back to root level Use saveall at root level to save config Use config dump to show the config (turn on text capture in Hyperterminal to save it) Use Ctrl-C or Ctrl-G to exit configuration of an object Use exit to exit router configuration

Adding and Removing Wireless devices from Allowed list

If using Registration mode for new wireless devices you can modify these as follows: wireless macacl (go to the wireless MAC ACL section) list (list the registered wireless devices) delete (delete a registered wireless device you will be asked for the mac address) add (add a device. When it asks for permission use allow and not accept which doesnt work) Or all in one line: wireless macacl add hwaddr=30:30:30:30:30:30 permission=allow name=MyDevice (add a device) wireless macacl delete hwaddr=30:30:30:30:30:30 (delete the device)

To add/reconfigure DHCP pool

(this can't be done via Web interface as it gives an error on the SubnetMask)

dhcp server pool list (this will show a list of the current server pools) (To add a new DHCP pool use the add command, or to configure an existing pool, go straight to the config command)

add (if you want to create a new one) name = DHCP2 (name must be different to existing pools) [index] = 1 :dhcp server pool add name=test index=1

If a pool has active leases (eg the default LAN_private) youll need to clear the active leases first as follows: :dhcp server lease list (view leases the colon is required if executing from other than root level) :dhcp server lease flush (flush all leases the colon is required if executing from other than root level)

config name = DHCP2 (use the name of the pool you want to configure LAN_private is the standard pool) [state] = enabled [intf] = LocalNetwork (interface name see below how to list interfaces) [index] = 1 [poolstart] = [poolend] = [netmask] = 24 (this is [gateway] = [server] = [primdns] = [secdns] = [dnsmetric] = 0 [primwins] =

[secwins] = [leasetime] = 86400 (configures a 1 day lease) [renewtime] = [rebindtime] = [unnumbered] = [localgw] = :dhcp server pool config name=LAN_private index=0 poolstart= poolend= primdns= leasetime=86400

Other useful commands

ip iflist (list interfaces)

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