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Guduchi Herb Benefits - Boost Immune System Guduchi or tinospora cordifolia is an ayurvedic herb well-known for its numerous

medical benefits. Guduchi is used in homes to treat various medical situations. Guduchi helps to boost your immune system and prevents you from the repeated attacks of the infection. Guduchi increases the function of the macrophages which prevents us from infection. It is recommended to treat the urinary tract infections, gastric disorders as well as fever. It helps in treating the stomach disease with worms. It helps to deal with the renal infection. It acts as a diuretic. Guduchi has antibacterial properties along with anti-inflammatory action. Guduchi helps to inhibit the growth of bacteria in the body and helps in the easy and fast healing of the immune system. It is a useful product for increasing the protective action of the white blood cells. White blood cells are called as soldiers of our body as they help us to protect from any infection and also strengthen our immune system. It is very useful Ayurvedic herb to treat the kidney infection. It acts as a diuretic and helps to remove urinary stones without causing any discomfort and also helps to bring down the normal levels of blood urea. It is an excellent herb that acts as an anti-infective, antibacterial, anti-viral and it is believed to be a wonderful herb for liver. It helps to prevent any liver infection such as hepatitis, jaundice, etc. It helps to increase the memory. It helps to sharpen the brain and bring back the lost memory. Guduchi increases the concentration. It is also an herbal product for joint pains. It is a very good product indicated in joint pains. It gives you immediate relief from pain and inflammation. Regular intake of the drug helps in quick recovery of the suffering. It is also known for its action on the skin. It is a very good natural remedy for various skin infections such as eczema, psoriasis, acne etc. It is a very good natural herb that is beneficial for digestive disorders. It helps to treat chronic diarrhea or constipation, hyperacidity, flatulence and pain in the stomach. Guduchi, also otherwise known as Tinospora cordifolia in the scientific world, is a huge climbing shrub which has been bestowed with a number of wonderful therapeutic values. This medicinal herb is a unique health rejuvenator which is widely known for its effectively in enhancing natural immunity to fight against a number of health diseases. Guduchi : Ingredients The most active ingredients of Guduchi supplements include - Tinosporin, Diterpenoid furanolactone tinosporidine, Columbin, Beta-sitosterol, Tinosporide, Tinosporaside, Cordifolide, Cordifol, Heptacosanol, Clerodane furano diterpene, Diterpenoid Uses of the Guduchi The main indication of the Tinospora and its Satva includes: * Immunity booster. The herb builds up immunity to remain unaffected by infections that we face daily. * General debility * Fever and common colds * Urinary problems The Guduchi plant- Tinospora cordifolia is a large, hairless, broadleaf climbing shrub. Its stems are rather succulent with long filiform fleshy aerial roots coming out of the branches. Guduchis bark is grey-brown in color and warty. The shrubs leaves are membranous and cordate. Where as the flowers are small, yellow or greenish yellow. The male flowers are clustered and females are usually solitary. The drupes are oval, glossy, succulent, red and pea-sized and the seeds curved.

Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia)

Written by Dr. Ram Mani Bhandari | | 3 0 inShare 0

Guduchi Guduchi is also known as Amrita means divine nectar referring restoring drop to bring life back. Guduchi is the most important common Ayurvedic herbs. This herbs is very commonly grown in forests. its therapeutic action is for rejuvenating, detoxifying, cleansing and strengthening properties to whole system. Common name Guduchi, Giloy (Hindi) Sanskrit Guduchi, Amrita, Cakralaksana Latin Tinospora cordifolia Caulis (Menispermaceae family)


Rasa (taste) Bitter, astringent, pungent Vrya (energy) Heating Vipaka (post-digestive effect) Sweet Guna (quality) Light, unctuous Dosa effect VPK=, primarily VP Dhatu (tissue) Plasma, blood, muscle, fat, nerve, reproductive Srotas (channel) Circulatory, digestive

tinosporone, tinosporic acid, cordifolisides A to E, syringen, berberine, giloin, gilenin, crude giloininand, arabinogalactan polysaccharide, picrotene, bergenin, gilosterol, tinosporol, tinosporidine, sitosterol, cordifol, heptacosanol, octacosonal, tinosporide, columbin, chasmanthin, palmarin, palmatosides C and F, amritosides, cordioside, tinosponone, berberine, ecdysterone, makisterone A, sitosterol, magnoflorine, tembetarine, syringine, glucan polysaccharide, syringine apiosylglycoside, isocolumbin, palmatine, tetrahydropalmaitine, jatrorrhizine.

include; antioxidant, Hypoglycemic, Antitumor, Antibacterial, Antimicrobial, Diuretic, Hepatoprotective, Antipyretic.


Guduchi is best hepatoprotective. It prevents liver damage, viral hepatitis and useful in regenerating liver tissue. Joints

Guduchi is best for Vata disorders like Gout (vata rakta), arthritis (ama vata) and other inflammatory joint conditions. it is best immunomodulator, acts by clearing pitta toxins and uric acid via the urinary system that have accumulated in raktavahasrotas. Also helps in removing toxins form body. Immunity Guduchi is best immune protective. It build up human immunity and prevents diseases such as cancer, AIDS and auto immune disorders. It is also useful to offset the ulcerative and toxic effects of chemoradiotherapy. Skin Giloya is best for any inflammatory skin disease like eczema, psoriasis, etc. It is used in pitta condition to enhance immunity /Ojus. It is cooling and soothing nature and can be mixed with pitta balancing medicines. Digestion Guduchi helps in protecting our digestive system as well and prevent gastritis, constipation, intestinal bleeding, piles and dysentery. It is useful in balancing symptoms like bloating, flatulence, malabsorptions. It is bitter in test strengthen digestion and absorption. Metabolic Guduchi help in regulate metabolism like blood sugar levels. Guduchi is very calming to vata and the nervous system via its unctuous nature, soothing nervous irritation. Reproductive Guduchi helps in balancing the pitta and clears the heat when sexual dysfunction caused by over heat. it is often mixed with the formulas for male in sexual problem caused by pitta. It is good nourishing for sukra dhatus applicable to both male and female. Rasayana It is excellent rasayana for diseases of rasa, rakta, meda and asthivaha channels.

* Manjishtha, bhumiamalaki, pippali in hepatitis and liver degeneration. * Guggulu, myrrh, ginger, turmeric, ashwagandha in arthritic amavata conditions. * Kutki and chiretta in immunodeficiency. * Coriander, neem, sandalwood in sannipata fevers involving all three dosa. * Neem, gotu kola, manjishtha, bakuchi in inflammatory skin conditions. * Gurmar, tumeric, amalaki, shilajit in diabetes * Amalaki, licorice in hyperacidity and imbalanced agni in pitta types. * Ginger and aloe vera in gout and arthritis.

* Gokshura, shatavari, kapikacchu, safed musali in male reproductive problems.

Caution during pregnancy.

Parts Used :
Stem, leaves

115 gm per day in a decoction or 315 ml per day

Ayurvedic Preparations

Guduchi Churna Guduchyadi kashaya Guduchi swaras Guduchi Satwa

*Indicates additional research is available

Single Herbs
Amalaki* is used to rebuild and maintain new tissues and increases red blood cell count. It is considered helpful in cleansing the mouth, strengthening teeth, nourishing the bones and is the highest natural source of vitamin C. It reduces pitta without aggravating vata or kapha.It is a one of three herbs used in triphala, the primary Ayurvedic tonic for maintaining health. Arjuna* is a famous cardiac tonic used in Ayurveda for a variety of heart conditions. Used to lower blood pressure and heart rate. Traditionally given to support circulation and oxygenation of all tissues. Often combined with ashwagandha, brahmi and guggul in heart formulas. Ashoka is used in Ayurveda as a tonic for the uterus and is believed to help maintain proper function of the female reproductive system. Ashwagandha* has been traditionally used for general debility, sexual debility and nerve exhaustion. It also is said to regenerate the hormonal system, promote healing of tissues, and support sound sleep. It is considered the primary adaptogenic Ayurvedic herb for its ability to build reserves for handling stressful conditions. Bacopa* assists in heightening mental acuity and supports the body's ability to relax. It is used in formulas for mental exertion. Bhringaraj* is considered helpful in premature graying of hair, balding , alopecia, loss of teeth, enlargement of liver or spleen, chronic hepatitis, anemia and skin diseases. It is a rejuvenative for pitta. Also available in oil form. Bibitaki* is used as a laxative to cleanse the bowels. It is also used as a gargle for sore throats because of its heating and soothing properties. It is a one of three herbs used in triphala, the primary Ayurvedic tonic for maintaing health. It is considered a powerful tonic for excess kapha. Bitter Melon has been shown to regulate the body's ability to process sugars by suppressing the neutral response to the stimuli of sweet tastes. For control of blood sugar levels also see shardunika ( gymnema) and chandraprabha. Boswellia* has been used extensively in Ayurveda for joint support. Along with its cousin guggul, it offers broad health and immunomodulating benefits for arthritis sufferers. Brahmi* has been traditionally used for nervous disorders, epilepsy, senility, premature aging, hair loss, obstinate skin conditions and venereal diseases. It is considered the primary Ayurvedic nerve and cardiac tonic. It pacifies high vata or pitta. Also available in oil form. Chitrak is a pungent herb used to improve digestion and remove toxins from the GI tract. Chyavanprash is a famous herbal jam made from amalaki fruit, one of the highest sources of vitamin C. It is fortified with over 20 herbs to rejuvenate and strengthen the immune system. Garcinia contains biologically active phytochemicals such as hydroxycitric acid and antioxidants. Supports normal appetite levels and metabolism and storage of carbohydrates and fats to maintain normal body weight. A key ingredient in LeanCare Gokshura* is a rejuvenating herb used in Ayurveda to support proper function of the urinary tract and prostate. Guduchi* is a considered a bitter tonic and powerful immuno-modulator. It is regarded as a blood purifier and liver protector. It is considered helpful in eye disorders and promotes mental clarity. It balances high pitta conditions.

Guggul (aka guggulu)* A gum resin, historically used for its antiseptic and deep penetrating actions in the treatment of elevated blood cholesterol and arthritis. Often used as a carrier and combined with other herbs to treat specfic conditions (see Kaishore Guggulu, Yograj Guggulu, Goksuradi Guggulu and Triphala Guggulu). Gymnema* is commonly referred to as "Gurmar, the destroyer of sugar". It is traditionally used in formulas to control blood sugar levels in the body. Haritaki* is used for coughs, asthma, abdominal distention, tumors and itching. It is a one of three herbs used in triphala, the primary Ayurvedic tonic for maintaing health. It is a rejuvenative for vata. Kutki* a bitter and pungent herb used by Ayurvedic practitioners to support proper function of the liver and spleen. Holy Basil offers a wide rage of health benefits, principally supporting the respiratory system. Manjista* is considered one of the best blood purifying herbs in Ayurveda. It is said to cool and detoxify the blood, dissolve obstructions in blood flow, and clear stagnant blood from the system. It clears high pitta from the system. Neem* is considered one of the best healing and disinfectant agents for skin diseases and antiinflamatory for joint and muscle pain.It balances high pitta conditions. Also available in oil form. Shatavari* is traditionally used to support the female organs, prevent sexual debility, help menopausal conditions, stomach ulcers, inflamation and chronic fevers. It is also a primary rejuvenative for pitta.

Traditional Formulations
Chandraprabha A traditional formula used to maintain healthy cholosterol levels and blood sugar levels, while supporting proper weight control. Also for those prone to frequent urination. Digestive Fire contains the herbs ginger, black pepper and pipalli. Traditionally used to enkindle digestive fire and to burn fat and toxins. Gasex Gasex is a traditional formula used to help eliminate gas and bloat due to weak digestion. It contains warming herbs such as cumin, black pepper and asafoetida. Gokshuradi Guggulu is known for its rejuvenating action on the kidneys and prostate, helping to promote their healthy functioning. It also detoxifies the urinary system reducing susceptibility to infections and stone formation. Hingvastak is traditionally used in supporting digestion, reducing abdominal distension and flatulence and in controlling candida. It balances vata and kapha. Joint Formula Contains boswellia, ashwagandha, tumeric and ginger to control inflammation and maintain healthy muscles and joints. Immune Force Contains herbs such as guduchi and turmeric, traditionally used to boster the body's natural defenses against allergens and infections. Kaishore Guggulu is used to reduce pitta inflammations in joints and muscles which cause bursitis, tendonitis and arthritis. it helps to detox and cool the musculo-skeletal system, to restore comfortable movement of joints and muscles. Lean Formula Contains herbs traditionally used for balancing metabolism and weight control. Can also help in reducing cravings as nourishment from digestion and assimilation improves. Liver Support Contains herbs traditionally used for the detoxification and rejuvenation of the liver. The combination of bitter herbs such as guduchi and amalaki help to cleanse the liver from the toxic effects due to overeating, drugs and alcohol.

Men's Formula a blend of herbs to support the male reproductive system, enhance sexual vigor and control. It helps maintain a healthy prostate with its diuretic and toning actions Mind Force contains herbs which have traditionally been used to sharpen mental acuity. Mind Force strengthens focus and attention, as well as memory. It is most helpful for those prone to fogetfulness and indecisiveness. Punarnavadi Guggulu is traditionally used to remove excess kapha from the body.It's diuretic and demulcent properties work to reduce swelling and to soothe painful tissues.It improves fluid circulation, aiding in the removal of stones and toxins and restoring balance in the urinary and reproductive systems. Shilagit is a rejuvenative known to promote strength and immunity in the urinary tract and a primary rejuvnative for the prostate. Sitopaladi contains rock candy, banslochan, pippali, cardamom and cinnamon. It is traditionally used for relief of colds, congestion and bronchial conditions. It is taken in powder form to help break up congestion and soothe inflammed membranes. Stress Formula contains ashwagandha, shatavari and gokshura.It is a rejuvenative to support adrenal strength. It is a balanced formulation, good for all doshas and can be taken over extended periods of time to restore and maintain optimum energy levels. Triphala contains amalaki, bibitaki and haritaki.It is said to promote normal appetite, good digestion, increase red blood cells and hemoglobin and aid in the removal of undesirable fat. It is a balanced formulation, good for all doshas and can be taken over extended periods of time to restore and maintain health. Triphala Guggulu contains the detoxfying action of triphala with the penetrating action of guggulu.It is said to promote normal cholesterol levels, support proper weight management and remove deep seated toxins from joints and tissues. Trikatu contains black pepper, ginger and pippali. It is used as a digestive tonic and to clear the body of toxic material. It clears excess kapha from the system. Women's Formula contains ashoka, shatavari, ashwagandha, brahmi and gokshura to help relieve PMS, regulate the menstrual cycle, promote fertility and ease the transition into menopause. Yograj Guggulu is one of the most popular Ayurvedic formulas. It is useful for reducing joint pain, reducing cholesterol and removing excess fat from the system. It clears toxins from joints and muscles with its deep penetrating and cleansing action.

Task Specific Formulas

Abana* contains arjuna, ashwaganda, shatavari.Promotes healthy cholesterol levels, helps regulate blood pressure and supplies needed oxygen to the heart. Artrex* contains ashwaganda, boswellia, turmeric and ginger. A formula which promotes healthy joints and is used to regulate the body's inflammatory and immune response function. (Please see Joint Formula for generic version) Digest Ease is a digestion formula for pitta. It supports proper digestion and absorption for individuals prone to hyperacity and heartburn. Geriforte* contains chyavanprash, ashwagandha, gota kola. A rejuvenating tonic that is designed to build reserves against stress and slow down the ageing process. Heart Formula contains arjuna, bala and hawthorn berry to nourish and strengthen the heart muscle, stimulating circulation and oxygen flow. It promotes healthy cholesterol levels aiding in the defense of heart disease. Immune Support A synergistic blend of traditional formulas: sitopaladi, triphala, trikatu and mahasudarshan. Helps to bolster the immune system, providing extra protection against allergens, bacteria and viruses.

JointCare contains guggul and other herbs which help to reduce morning stffness and joint pain. Also considered helpful for relieving pain due to sports strains and sprains. Joint Support Contains gugglu and detoxifying herbs to eliminate accumulations of toxins that impair healthy function of muscles and joints. May be used in conjunction with Mahanarayan Oil. Kidney Formula includes goksura and guggul. A rejuvenationg tonic for the kidneys and adrenals. Soothes inflamed membranes from urinary tract infections and aids in the prevention and dissolution of stones. LeanCare a unique herbal formula that regulates lipid metabolism and aids in weight reduction and contol of body fat. LiverCare is a potent liver protection formula that acts against toxins from food, water, alcohol or pollution. Liver Formula is an excellent detoxifier and rejuvenator for the liver. It aids in reducing the deleterious effects of toxic foods, alcohol and environmental pollution. Liv.52* has been shown to improve the functional efficiency of the liver and regulates levels of enzymes and optomizes assimilation. Lung Formula Rejuvenates the respiratory system to bolster natural defenses against allergies and infections. It help to remove excess mucus accumulation from the system, to dialate the bronchial tubes and soothe inflamed membranes. Menosim Menopause Support a formula that addresses all menopausal discomforts. It contains herbs to stimulate hormone utilization and provide a sense of well being. Men's Support a blend of herbs to support the male reproductive system, enhance sexual vigor and control. It helps maintain a healthy prostate with its diuretic and toning actions. Mental Clarity is a formula designed to enhance concentration. awareness and learning capacity. It may be useful for the needs of a student, stress from overwork or for the person prone to forgetfulness. Mentat* contains brahmi, gota kola, to enhance learning ability and attention span. A natural and safe calming product. Also available in junior tablets for chidren. Para Cleanse contains herbs that traditionally are used to rid the gastrointestinal tract of unwanted parasites. Also may be helpful for conditions such as candida, giardia and dysentery. Pilexim* for vascular support. Contains tree turmeric, guggul, triphala to support tone and efficiency of venous walls. Prostane* helps maintain a healthy prostate and urinary comfort. Considered a geriatric tonic and a rejuvenative for overall gentiourinary function. Rumalaya* contains guggul and boswellia for support of healthy joints, promotes circulation and helps maintain flexibility and freedom of movement. Septilin* contains guggul, guduchi and amalaki. Helps increase production of white blood cells and stimulates the immune function to cope with common allergens. Also available in junior tablets for chidren. Speman Natural Reproductive Support, contains salep orchid, hydrophilia, to increase male sex drive and support healthy sperm count and motility. StressEase is a balancing formula containing ashwagandha and other herbs for coping with stress and fatigue. It helps create reserves to deal with the stress of modern life. SweetEase A blend of 7 herbs to promote healthy glucose levels. It may be useful for individuals prone to obesity, or related conditions of high blood sugar or high cholesterol.

Tentex Forte* contains ashwagandha, shilagit. A a non-hormonal stimulant that tones up the male system and improves vitality and stamina. TranquilMind a blend of 15 herbs to promote relaxation and restful sleep. It also helps to alleviate nervous tension or anxiety due to stressful situations. Trim Support gently detoxifies the body to support proper nutrition of tissues and metabolic function. When coupled with proper diet and exercise, Trim Support helps achieve optimal weight levels. UriCare helps to clear impurities from the urinary tract and maintain efficient kidney and urinary system function. Vegelax* is a natural bowel regulator formula that promotes the comfort of smooth evacuation and relief from constipation. Women's Support contains 18 herbs to support the female reproductive system and maintain the healthy production of hormones.

Other Products
Herbal Oils (in organic oil base) Brahmi: execllent for relaxing the mind after a stressful day, balances pitta and vata. Bhringaraj: traditionally used in India to promote hair growth and prevent premature greying. Mahanarayan: Contains over 30 herbs in which help relieve soreness from weak muscles and joints. Neem: One of the best oils for pitta related skin inflamation. Known to have powerful antifungal and antibacterial properties. Nasya Oil for mental tranquility Contains brahmi and other calming oils. Can apply to third eye or use in Neti Pot. Rainshower Filter attaches to your shower to protect your skin and hair from the harsh, toxic effects of chlorine in your shower water. Active-Oxygen Air Purifiers oxidize allergens such as mold spores, dust mites and harmful bacteria and produces negative ions to freshen and revitalize indoor air naturally. Capsule Fillers save money buying bulk herbs and create formulations to balance your Ayurvedic Conststution. Neti Pots the natural way to keep your sinus passages clear and healthy. Use with Naysa Oil formulated specially to lubricate nasal passages and help decongest sinuses. Tongue Cleaners keeps your breath fresh and taste sharp for better digestion. Medical Magnetherapy Items natural pain relief through increasing oxygen and circulation to painful areas. Applications for lower back, knee, elbow, neck and shoulders. Biochemic Tissue Salts Kit and Book How to get well and keep fit with tissue salts, the essential constituents of the cell. Herboplus the natural way to keep your hair and skin clean and healthy. This formula contains soapnut, which is helpful to counteract the harmful effects of using chemical solutions and chlorinated water (also see Rainshower filter).

Cross Reference by System

Mental Function: Brahmi, Bacopa, Mentat, Mental Clarity Heart Function: Arjuna, Guggul, Bala, Abana, Heart Formula Respiratory: Ginger, Holy Basil, Sitopaladi, Trikatu, Lung Formula

Digestive: Hingvastak, Trikatu, Digest Ease Colon Health: Triphala, Vegelax Liver Function: Amalaki, Bhringaraj, Kutki, Liv52, Liver Formula Kidney Function: Gokshura, Kidney Formula, Cystone, Shilagit Male Reproductive: Ashwagandha, Men's Support, Tentex Forte Female Reproductive: Shatavari, Ashoka, Women's Formula, Women's Support, Menosim Menopausal Support Metabolic (weight): Kilose, LeanCare, Trim Support Joints and Muscles: Guggul, Boswellia, Artrex, Rumalaya, Joint Formula Nervous System (stress): Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Stress Ease, Geriforte, Tranquil Mind Immune System: Guduchi, Septilin, Immune Support Blood Sugar Management: Shardunika (Gymnema), Bitter Mellon, Sweet Ease, Glucosim Blood Purifiers: Amalaki, Guduchi, Neem, Mangista
*Please note: The uses of the above herbs or products are given as traditional uses according to Ayurveda and as reference material only. They are in no way meant as prescriptions for the conditions indicated, but given to provide an alternative perspective on restoring and maintaining good health . For additional herbal references, please request additional research or consider purchasing "The Yoga of Herbs" by Frawley and Lad which is available from our order page. Thank you for your interest.

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