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Part 1. 1. Why is it important to immerse the metal in the boiling water for a long time? The metal must be immerse for a long time in order to let the metal gain some heat, so that it will reach its thermal equilibrium with the boiling water. The Longer it gets the better because it achieves the 100 0C temperature of the water. 2. Why do you need to wipe off the water from the metals surface before dropping it into calorimeter? It is important to wipe off the water from the metals surface because the water will have an additional temperature when it is place on the calorimeter. Then the mixture will have inappropriate equilibrium temperature. 3. Give one advantage and one disadvantage of using a stirrer of the calorimeter in mixing the metal and the water? With the use of the stirrer, It will shorten the time to reach the thermal equilibrium of the mixture although the mass and the kind of material of the stirrer will have an additional temperature to the System.

Part 2. 1. What is the initial temperature of the ice? How can you determine the temperature of ice without using a thermometer? It is already established that any form of frozen water have a 00C temperature. So it is not necessary to use the thermometer to measure its temperature. 2. Why is it important to wipe off the water from the ices surface before putting it in the calorimeter? It is necessary to wipe off the water from the ices surface before putting it into the calorimeter because the melted water from the ice have greater temperature than 0 0C, then it will messed up with the system because we have to consider the ice and melted water at the same time.

1. In part 1 of the experiment, would the result of the experiment improve if the larger masses of metals were used? Explain It will not affect the result of the experiment if we used a larger mass for the metals, although mass is one factor on determining the specific heat its equilibrium temperature will decrease proportional to the increase with its mass. 2. In part 2 of the experiment, is it better to used hot water in calorimeter compared to using just tap water? Why or Why not? It is better to used warm water in the calorimeter because it will have a greater change in the temperature which means the system will have a significant transformation to hotter to colder system with the addition of the ice. 3. Give at least 2 possible source of error in the experiment. For each, give a suggestion on how to minimize the error. a) When the metal is transferred from the boiling water to the calorimeter, it is exposed to the room temperature thus our initial temperature of 100 0C will get colder. We can minimize this by getting the initial temperature of the metal as we transfer it to the calorimeter. b) When ever we open the calorimeter the room temperature will go inside thus its initial temperature will change, although it is necessary to open it for us to place the material in the isolated system, we could minimize this by putting the material as fast as we can in order to lessens the effect of it to the system.

With this experiment we have explored the principle, law of heat and exchange, that in a given system the hotter body will loss heat while the colder one will gain heat as they both reach their thermal equilibrium. We have used this principal to determine the specific heat of brass and aluminum. We had a successful outcome although we have a difficulty on the part where we get the specific heat of brass even though we repeated it several times the outcome is still far from the actual value. Also we have successfully determined the latent heat of fusion of the ice. The factors in determining the specific heat and latent heat are mass of the bodies and change of temperature in the system.

Sample Computation: Part 1: Trial 1 Given: Ccalorimetry= .2174 cal/g-0C, mmetal=33.4g,mwater=165.5 g Tinitial metal=1000C, tintial calorimetry and water=240C,Tequilibium temp=270C Qloss=Qgain mmetalCaluminum(Timetal- TET)=mwCw(TET-Tiw)+mcCc(TET-Tiw) Cal= [mwCw(TET-Tiw)+mcCc(TET-Tiw)]/ mmetal(Timetal- TET) Cal=[(165.5g)(1 cal/g-0C)( 270C-240C)+(33.4g)(.2174cal/g0C)( 30C)] 33.4g(1000C-270C) Cal=0.2198 cal/g-0C % error= [EV-AV/AV]X100=[.2198-.2174/.2174]x100=1.10% Part 2, Trail 1 Given: Ccalorimetry= .2174 cal/g-0C,mwater=206.7 g, mmixed=293.2g Tinitial ice=00C, tintial calorimetry and water=270C,Tequilibium temp=160C Mice=mmixture- mwater-mcalorimetry=293.2g-(206.7g+60.6g)=25.9 g Qloss=Qgain mwCw(Tiwater- TET)+ mcCc(Tic- TET)=mLf+miceCwater(TET-Ti) Lf= mwCw(Tiwater- TET)+ mcCc(Tic- TET)- miceCwater(TET-Ti) mice 0 Lf=(206.7g)(1)(27 C -160C)+(60.6g)(.2174)(110C)(25.9g)(160C-00C) 25.9 g Lf=77.38cal/g %E=[AV-EV/AV]x100=[79.71-77.38/79.71]x100=2.92%

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