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1. The variable of an experiment is a changeable element of an experiment 2.

. Rank the following levels of biological organization from smallest (top) to largest (bottom). a. atom b. molecule c. organelle d. tissue e. organ 3. ______ are compartments within eukaryotic cells that carry out specialized functions; one example is a chloroplast. a. organelles 4. What is a group of joined atoms, such as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)? a. Molecule 5. What are the domains of the taxonomic hierarchical system? a. Eukarya b. Prokaryotes bacteria and Archaea 6. The biological science of naming and classifying living things into categories is called ____ a. Taxonomy 7. Well-designed experiments include a(n) ___ group with a zero value or inert treatment for the independent variable as a basis of comparison for the experimental group. a. Control 8. A leaf is composed of several tissues organized to work together and is a(n) ___ of a plant a. Organ 9. In asexual reproduction, a. Offspring are genetically identical to the parent b. Genetic information comes from only one parent 10. All the populations of different species in a region is called a(n) ___ a. Community 11. Rank the following steps of the scientific method in order from first (top) to last (bottom) a. Observe and question b. Create hypothesis c. Carry out experiments to test hypothesis d. Analyze and interpret results e. Draw conclusions 12. Match the following category of organisms with their method for obtaining energy a. Producer autotroph which obtains energy and nutrients from nonliving sources b. Consumer heterotroph which obtains energy and nutrients by eating other organisms c. Decomposer heterotroph which obtains energy and nutrients from wastes and dead organisms 13. In the scientific method, a(n) ____ is an investigation carried out under controlled conditions to test a hypothesis. a. Experiment 14. In living organisms, the process of maintaining a state of internal constancy, such as a temperature, nutrient, and water balance, is called ____ a. Homeostasis 15. Flowers shaped for their pollinators, specific camouflaged color patters of animals, and a beavers enormous front teeth for gnawing are all examples of ___ a. Adaptations 16. The changes in genetic makeup of a population over multiple generations is called ____ a. Evolution 17. In science, a ____ is a tentative testable explanation of an observation; a ___ is a broader, well-tested explanation for a natural phenomenon. a. Hypothesis b. Theory

18. An experiment collects data to support or reject a(n) ____ a. Hypothesis 19. Which of the following are limitations to scientific inquiry? a. Biases of scientists b. Misinterpretations of results c. Multiple interpretations 20. Match the statement with the correct type of reproduction. a. Asexual reproduction genes from only one parent; offspring virtually identical b. Sexual reproduction offspring has mix of genes from two parents; results in genetic diversity 21. A new combination of traits inherited from two parents is passed to offspring as a result of ____ a. Sexual reproduction 22. A forest glade, including the organisms that occupy it and the nonliving components of its area, is an example of a(n) ____ a. Ecosystem 23. ____ is characterized by cellular organization, energy requirements, maintenance of internal constancy, reproduction, growth, development and evolution. a. Life 24. _____ ______ is a mechanism of evolution in which certain individuals from a population exhibit enhanced reproductive success based on inherited characteristics. a. Natural selection 25. Each type of organism is assigned a unique, two part name called the __ a. Genus and species 26. Which of the following characteristics do scientists use to compare evolutionary relationship between organisms? a. Cellular attributes b. Biochemical aspects c. Behaviors d. Anatomical features e. Genetic characteristics 27. The ____ includes all parts of Earth and its atmosphere where life can survive a. Biosphere 28. Organs are made up of ___ a. Tissues 29. The cells genetic instructions are encoded in a molecule called ___, and these instructions are transcribed into RNA and used to build proteins a. DNA 30. It can be difficult to scientifically study events that occurred in the past and that left little evidence because a. It can be hard to accurately re-create conditions from the past 31. Which of the following is an example of an organism a. Bacterium b. Human skin cell c. Computer d. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) 32. An ____ system is composed of several organs that are connected and working together a. Organ 33. Particles which make up molecules are called ____ a. Atoms 34. The low, medium and high concentrations of vaccine in the experiment shown comprise the ___ variable a. Independent 35. Consider a species of frog that lives in many ponds throughout central California. A group of the frogs living in one of the ponds is an example of a(n) ____

a. Population 36. All living organisms consist of ____ cell(s) a. One or more 37. After scientific research is published in a paper, other scientists independently evaluate the validity of the research in a process called a. Peer review 38. Energy is permanently lost in the form of ___ during energy transfers a. Heat 39. Which eukaryotic kingdom consists mostly of autotrophs? a. Plantae 40. Statistical significance of experimental results measures the probability that the results occurred __ a. Purely by chance 41. Match the following types of variables to their correct definition. a. Dependent variable portion of the experiment that is measured to determine change b. Independent variable manipulated portion of the experiment c. Standardized variable portion of the experiment held constant 42. Which two scientists independently developed the idea of natural selection? a. Charles Darwin b. Alfred Russel Wallace 43. The number of individuals examined in an experiment is called the a. Sample size 44. A(n) ____ study occurs when neither the researchers nor participants know which experimental groups are given the placebo or true material to be tested a. Double blind 45. True or false: natural selection is a mechanism of evolution a. True 46. Which of the following are qualities of a valid hypothesis? a. Must be testable b. Lead to specific predictions 47. What is one difference between domains Bacteria and Archaea? a. Differences in DNA sequences 48. Identify the characteristics of life. a. Energy use b. Maintenance of internal constancy c. Reproduction, growth, and development d. Organization e. Evolve as a population over time 49. Which of the following organisms reproduces asexually? a. Bacterium b. Human c. All organisms d. Rabbit 50. A(n) ____ is an inert substance given to a portion of the experimental group without their knowledge to act as a control. a. Placebo 51. Domain characterized by having unicellular and multicellular organisms with organelles, including a nucleus? a. Eukarya 52. New complex functions and characteristics called ____ arise when the smaller components of an organism interact. a. Emergent properties

53. Every cell has a layer called a ___ that separates the components of the cell from the outside environment. a. Membrane 54.

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