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Nejat Newsletter I S S U E N O 18
1 1 J AN U ARY 20 08


Delayed Happy New 1
Delayed Happy New Year! Year
How Desperate can 1
you get to . . .

Although it is a bit sists of former mem- opinion to its cause. Gordon Brown: No 2
evidence that MKO
late, but we wish all bers of the Mojahe- We made every pos- has given up terror
our readers a very din-e Khalq Organi- sible effort in our Baroness Nicholson: 3
successful and flour- sation (MKO) and capacity to put pres- MKO still on terror-
ishing New Year. the families of the sure on the MKO to ist list in UK
We do hope that the present members make them yield to Brainwashing: Crime 4
year 2008 is a pros- based in Ashraf against Humanity
the demands of the
perous and thriving Camp in Iraq is to families. Obviously Documents of 16000 5
victims of MKO
year for you and try to arrange meet- the MKO, like all presented to MEPs
every member of ings between the other cults, is not Failed abduction of 6, 7
your family. families and their welcoming any sort Iranian family in Iraq
On the first month beloved ones. This, of contact between by the MKO
of the year 2008 we of course, when you their members and Iranian Pen Club 8, 9
present you the 18th are dealing with an the outside world. letter to the ICRC
edition of the Nejat isolated established McCormack: MEK
cult, is by no means In the coming year 9
Newsletter. We do we are continuing
is considered a ter-
hope that by now we an easy task. rorist organization
our efforts and we
have managed to This society and its Neocons find new 10,
do it until we reach exile group patsies to 11
meet our goal to sat- associates strived our aims. Please push war with Iran
isfy your demands through the years to contact us and let us MKO supporter un- 10
on in fo r mat io n reveal the nature and know your opinions dermines efforts
about a destructive deeds of the MKO and demands. We EU keeps MKO on 11
terrorist cult. in order to draw the would be more than its terror list
The aim of Nejat attention of the in- glad to see or hear EP delegation to Iran 12
Society which con- ternational public from you. visits Nejat Society

How desperate can you get to use a Terrorist cult as a witness?

Another exposing ar- works closely with the official said... overthrow the cur-
ticle by WSJ, Decem- White House on Iran ...The NCRI is the rent government
ber 11, 2007 said that all the intel- political wing of the since the mid-
ligence related to the Mujahedin e-Khalq, a 1980s. The U.S. and
NIE was being reas- group that still has as the European Union
sessed and that infor- many as 4,000 mem- list both the NCRI
mation coming from bers in a disarmed and Mujahedin e-
sources such as the military camp just Khalq as terrorist
NCRI would be in- inside Iraq's border organizations. The
cluded. "You have to with Iran. The MEK NCRI has had a
take seriously what has its roots as a mixed record in the
they say, but you also Marxist-Islamist body accuracy of its
have to realize that that fought to over- claims concerning
...A former U.S. intel- they have gotten throw the Shah and Iran's nuclear pro-
ligence official who things wrong," the has been seeking to gram...

Gordon Brown: No evidence that MKO has given up terrorism

House of COMMONS, De- and others. hideen organisation of

cember 13, 2007 Iran, which has been
2. Any public use of, or proscribed in this
http://www.publications. reference to, the con- country. The pro-
parlia- tents should make clear scribed organisation's that neither witnesses appeals committee
mselect/cmliaisn/uc192- nor Members have had have said that they
i/uc19202.htm the opportunity to cor- are not involved in
terrorism and that the
Link to the video broad- refusal of the Home
cast of the session: Secretary to de-
proscribe them was
http://www.parliamentliv flawed, perverse and must be set aside.
px?meetingId=665 Why does the Govern-
ment not accept that?
SCRIPT OF ORAL EVI- looked at that issue
DENCE To be published that you raise. It is
as HC 192-i certainly, however,
the case that the or-
House of COMMONS ganisation that you
MINUTES OF EVIDENCE describe has been, in
TAKEN BEFORE the past, involved in
LIAISON COMMITTEE rect the record. The terrorist activity, and
THE PRIME MINISTER transcript is not yet an I do not think there is
approved formal record any doubt about the
Thursday 13 December of these proceedings. evidence that has
2007 3. Members who receive been the case. There-
RT HON GORDON this for the purpose of fore, to proscribe an
BROWN MP correcting questions ad- organisation that has
dressed by them to wit- been involved in ter-
Evidence heard in Public nesses are asked to send rorist activity seems
Questions 1 - 120 corrections to the Com- the right thing to do
mittee Assistant. by the decisions of
USE OF THE TRAN- 4. Prospective witnesses this Government to be
SCRIPT may receive this in consistent with other
1. This is an uncorrected preparation for any writ- decisions that we
transcript of evidence ten or oral evidence they make.
taken in public and re- may in due course give Q98 Malcolm Bruce:
ported to the House. The to the Committee. We have accepted
transcript has been sometimes that ter-
placed on the internet on Q97 Malcolm Bruce: rorist organisations
the authority of the Just on that, Prime can change their
Committee, and copies Minister, the main de- ways?
have been made avail- mocratic opposition to
Mr Brown: But I do
able by the Vote Office the Iranian regime is
not think we have that
for the use of Members the People's Muja-

Baroness Nicholson:Mojahedin Khalq Organisation (MKO) still on

terrorist list in UK
In an exclusive in- Nicholson said the find- with respect to IAEA and
terview with Press ings were that the British NIE reports proving that
TV, member of the government's actions on Iran is not involved in a
Human Rights Sub- putting the MKO on the military program, Nichol-
list had not been carried son stated that Iran did
committee of the
out properly. not fully explore the
European Parlia-
European Union's offer in
ment, Emma Nichol- "But the British govern- 2006 which suggested
son, said that a spe- ment does not agree. Iran stop its uranium en-
cial new court has The British government richment and in return,
been convened and the European Union
decided that the would lift sanctions.
British government
acted in haste in In response to a ques-
putting the Mujahe- tion regarding the West's
din Khalq Organiza- increasing pressure on
tion on the terrorist Iran to stop nuclear en-
richment which is com-
pletely in line with IAEA
regulations, Nicholson
Press TV,
answered, "There has
been a loss of confidence
December 12, 2007 on both sides - a loss of
.ir/Detail.aspx?id=3 is appealing and is When asked if Britain is
4645&sectionid=35 against that judgment," following US policy and
1020101 she added. not making independent
choices, Nicholson re-
EU lawmaker, Emma Concerning the MKO plied that Britain, Ger-
Nicholson has proclaimed presence and operations many and France began
that a British court, not in Iraq, Nicholson said negotiations with Iran
government, believes in the sovereign nation of from “a specifically Euro-
lifting the ban on MKO Iraq has to decide about pean Union position”.
terrorist group. this terrorist group's
presence in the country. Asked if the International
In an exclusive interview Atomic Energy Agency is
with Press TV, member The situation requires a not the legal referee in
of the Human Rights dialogue between the decisions about Iran's
Subcommittee of the Iranian and Iraqi govern- nuclear case rather than
European Parliament, ments, adding that the the UN Security Council,
Emma Nicholson, said expulsion of MKO mem- she replied, "Because the
that a special new court bers has nothing to do nuclear issue is so im-
has been convened and with the US or UK forces portant, it has gone up
decided that the British in Iraq. to the Security Council
government acted in level."
haste in putting the Mu- When asked why Britain
jahedin Khalq Organiza- still supports tougher
tion on the terrorist list. sanctions against Iran

Brainwashing: Crime against Humanity (Tabriz University)

Nejat Society, Tabriz Uni- this global difficulty ur- way out of their misery. He
versity, December 04, 2007 gently. therefore concluded that The next presenter was Mr the followers must be
dex_en.php?news_id=755 Ebrahim Khodabandeh a helped and the leaders of
Gathering and Speeches in former member of Mojahe- all destructive cults must
the city of Tabriz in Iran din-e Khalq Organisation legally and internationally
On Tuesday 4th of Decem- (MKO) lead by the cult be prosecuted and brought
ber 2007, a meeting was leader Mas'ud Rajavi. He against justice.
held in the Law Department spoke about his experi- Then Mr Arash Sametipur
of Tabriz Islamic Free Uni- ences of 20 years member- another former member of
versity. The topic was ship in the MKO and gave the MKO started his
"Brai n w ash i n g: Cri me many examples of how a speech. He too explained
against Humanity". person could practically be his own experiences within
The meeting started at brainwashed. the Rajavi's Cult. He men-
1600 hours with the atten- tioned that many former
dance of hundreds of stu- members of MKO have or-
dents and scholars. Dr ganised themselves into an
Samad Azizi the head of NGO called Nejat
the Law Departmen t (Salvation) Society and
opened the meeting and their aim is to free the pre-
welcomed the students and sent members held captive
participants. He introduces in the Ashraf Camp in Iraq.
the presenters and dis- He emphasised that many
cussed the importance of He mentioned that he has families of members who
the topic in the world to- been studying about cults are brainwashed by the
day. and their common tech- MKO are extremely worried
Then Dr Hassan Movassaqi niques of thought reforms about the destiny of their
a senior lecturer in the Law since he left the organisa- beloved ones and they
Department started his tion in 2003 and returned need urgent help.
speech. He gave a back- to Iran. He went into de- In the end Mr Khodabandeh
ground of brainwashing in tails of the process used by and Mr Sametipur an-
the history and discussed the MKO and many other swered the students' nu-
its consequences on human cults to manipulate their merous questions. Appar-
life in details. He went members using psychologi- ently the topic of the meet-
through many past exam- cal methods in order to re- ing and the speeches had
ples of brainwashing and cruit, preserve and control extremely drawn the atten-
showed how it abuses hu- their followers. tion of the students. They
man rights and why it must demanded that more of
be considered as a crime such sessions be held in the
against humanity. He sci- future. This meeting fin-
entifically showed the psy- ished at 1830 hours.
chological aspects of brain- The students were ever so
washing and explained how eager to learn more about
someone could hold control the methods of brainwash-
over other people's minds He concluded that the ing utilised inside the MKO
and change their thoughts leader of a cult is the only and hours after the termi-
and persuade them to do person responsible for the nation of the meeting they
deeds against their own crimes committed by the had circled around the two
will. He referred to the cult and all followers are former members and asked
Davidian Cult lead by David themselves the prime vic- them various questions.
Koresh in Waco in Texas tims of the brainwashing Some students showed in-
and their final fate and practiced inside the cult. He terest to be in contact with
called upon the Interna- explained how followers of the Nejat Society. Some
tional community to adopt a cult are mentally capti- reporters and photogra-
serious measures to tackle vated and why they see no phers from the media were
present in the meeting too.

Documents of 16000 victims (over 80 percent civilians) of Mojahedin

KhalqTerrorism were presented to European Parliament Reps.
IRNA, December 17, 2007 barked on terrorism as its of the non-governmental
tactic, strategy and ideol- organization (NGO) saying ogy, are used as tools, be that the group advocates
s/view/line- sure that they would use justice and fights violence
17/0712175220191301. h t this opportunity to launch as its platform.
m terrorist operations against Member of European Parlia-
ment from Spain Mr. Callie
said that Spain has fallen
victim to terrorism and
knows it well.
"We share the same suffer-
ings," he said.
The Justice Advocacy Group
delivered documents to the
MEPs putting the number of
families falling victims to
the MKO terrorism at
16,000 and that over 80
percent of those assassi-
nated were civilians.
Italian Member of the Euro-
pean Parliament who was
among the delegation
asked whether those re-
the European citizens too, maining from MKO at Ash-
Members of Justice Advo- because, terrorism is the raf camp are dangerous?
cacy Group comprising innate nature of the The spokesman for the Jus-
families who fell victims to group," member of one of tice Advocacy Group re-
terrorist Mujahideen Khalq the families said. sponded that Iraqi dictator
Organization (MKO) met
with Members of European
Parliament (MEPs) in Te-
hran to remind them of the
human tragedy perpetrated
by the MKO.
Fami li es of S epeh ri ,
Sobhani and Rezaei, vic-
tims of MKO terrorist assas-
sination, told the MEPs led
by Mrs. Angelika Beer that
their loved ones were as-
sassinated in 1980s just for
supporting the revolution-
ary government and having
faith in God.
They called on the Euro-
pean delegation not to al- Mrs. Beer and Baroness Saddam Hussein had pro-
low the western warmon- Nicholson sympathized with vided them with shelter to
gers to divide terrorism into families of the MKO victims use them against Iran
good and bad or provide and said that the European whenever he wanted.
the MKO with an opportu- Union listed MKO as terror- "Of course, they are dan-
nity to repeat its terrorist ist because of its practices. gerous, because they were
operations once again. The Justice Advocacy Group under Saddam's protec-
"If the MKO which em- briefed the MEPs on goals tion," he said.

The failed abduction of a Canadian Iranian family in Iraq by MKO

C.T.D.H.R., In our opinion since she distance they were sud-

does not have any legal denly confronted by a
status in any country and group of people, confirmed
December 18, 2007 the Canadian government members of MKO who are
refused to recognize her residing in the adjacent status so far she has been camp Ashraf under the
m/2007/12/ f a i l e d - convinced that if she leaves watch of American forces,
a b du ct i o n - o f -c an a di an - the camp she has only the who pretended to be pass-
iranian.html option of going back to ing drivers and offered
Iran. them a lift. Base on their
-‫ﮐﺎﻧﻮن اﻧﺪﻳﺸﻪ ﮔﻔﺘﮕﻮ و ﺣﻘﻮق ﺑﺸﺮ در اﻳ ﺮان‬ prior knowledge and ex-
‫ﺗﻮرﻧﺘﻮ‬ periences of the ways of

Centre for Thought, Dia-

logue & Human Rights in
Iran – Toronto

9251 Yonge St. #219

Richmond Hill, ON L4C 9T3

The Mohammadi family,

Mostafa Mohammadi and
Mahbobeh arrived in camp
TIPF/(Camp Ashraf) in Iraq
on December 6, 07.

On December 8, at 3:15
local time , after constant
requests from US authority, MKO, Mr. Mohammadi and
However, on the morning
they were able to meet his wife refused to take
of December 9 the U.S.
with their daughter, their offer and kept walking
forces in charge of TIPF
Somayeh, for 45 minutes towards the main road. At
asked the Mohammadi fam-
during which time this point, realizing that
ily to leave the camp since
Somayeh, out of fear, re- they are vigilant about the
they met with their daugh-
fused to speak to her father intention of the MKO mem-
ter and received her an-
but talked to her mother bers, the guys grabbed Ms.
swer to their plea. Follow-
and refused to acknowl- Mohammadi by force and
ing that, the Americans es-
edge that she wants to pushed her into a car trying
corted them to the gates
leave camp Ashraf and re- to kidnap her. When Mr.
and let them out while still
turn back to Canada. Mohammadi, who was at
watching them from behind
Somayeh , told them that” the same time defending
their gates. (mind you that
she is in touch regularly himself against their physi-
the location of camp is in a
with his uncle, Hassan cal attacks and also trying
deserted area with the clos-
Hamzeh , an active mem- to secure their bags since
est access to a road and
ber of MKO in Canada , is they were slashing them by
public transportation being
passing information on her knife and managed to
6-7 kilometers away from
parents activities in Canada break open their camera
the camp).
on their collaboration with trying to remove the mem-
I.R.I. security services. ory card by knife, started
As they started walking the shouting for help one of the

The failed abduction of a Canadian Iranian family in Iraq by MKO

guys pulled a gun from un- the Canadian Consul, Ms. We urge every Human
der the driver's seat and Sonia Hooykaas in Jordan, Rights organization as well
put it on his head. to report the situation. At as the authorities of the
the same time Ms. Canadian and American
Hooykaas kindly informed government to use their
Realizing the seriousness of our Centre that she will re- power and influence to help
the situation the Americans port the case to Ottawa and this family.
who were watching from a will reflect our concerns re-
short distance interfered garding this situation.
and rescued them from the For the full story on
scene and arranged for a Mohammadi family you can
ride to Baghdad for them Mohammadi family are still read the Stewart Bell ‘s ar-
ticles published by National
post on Saturday, Septem-
ber 23, 2006.

We also demand that the

case with the MKO be in-
vestigated immediately and
proper control be enforced
with regards to violent and
illegal activities of MKO
members since the con-
tinuation of such acts en-
dangers the reallocation of
after making a report of in Iraq and trying all that is over 200 people, residents
what happened and also possible to rescue their of TIPF, who were also the
kept their broken camera daughter from the MKO prisoners of MKO and cur-
as an evidence of the inci- camp/influence and also rently recognized refugees
dent. Though, the Ameri- take a legal action against of the UNHCR.
cans were helpful in many the leaders of MKO for all
occasions they were unable the damages to their family In the past week eight peo-
to answer the question of: including this last case. ple who were released from
how these people who are TIPF in order to obtain visa
supposed to be disarmed and arrive in Turkey to con-
and confined inside the Since this is their 9th trip
to Iraq since 2003 and the tinue with their legal proce-
camp are armed and free dure with the UNHCR for
to carry their operations family has exhausted all its
limited resources in order final reallocation have dis-
under the authorities appeared and there is no
watch. to free their child from the
clutch of MKO they feel that sign of them anywhere.
they need to stay in Iraq in
After arriving in Baghdad order to finalize this impor- We hold MKO and American
Mr. Mohammadi and his tant issue and bring peace Forces and Iraqi govern-
wife had to receive medical to the life of their shattered ment liable for the safety of
attention to their injuries family and other three chil- the above people.
and then started contacting dren.
the authorities including

The Iranian Pen Club Letter to Ms Megevanal Roggo

The Iranian Pen Club Letter around 200 so far – has been sued a report on 18 May 2005
to Ms Megevanal Roggo stopped or intensely slowed which points out many cases
International Committee of down. of systematically violating
the Red Cross The Middle As you are aware, in various human rights inside the MKO
East Department reports by the Human Rights since 2002. The report done
Watch, the European Union, by the HRW is based on the
Dear Ms Beaterice Megevand former members' testimonies
Roggo the British Government, the
US State Department, the Ca- now living in Europe. A copy
According to the news re- nadian Foreign office, and of the report is enclosed
ceived in the last few days by many other sources as well You are aware that self-
Iran-Ghalam (IRAN-PEN) as- as the worldwide media, the immolations done by some
sociation, the condition of deeds and practices of the members in European capi-
disaffected members of Moja- MKO and its leader Mas'ud tals after the arrest of their
hedin Khalq Organisation Rajavi have been categorised leader Maryam Rajavi in Paris
who are now accommodated as terrorist, cultic, and violat- on 17 June 2003, is one obvi-
in the TIPF part of Ashraf ing the bases of human ous example of the kind. Like
Camp is critically dangerous. rights. Some documentation all cults, this organisation
Some personalities have al- is enclosed to this letter in needs a remote site to be
ready raised concern not the this regards. Therefore, we able to isolate the members
least Mr. Mohammed Hasibi urge you to pay attention to from the outside world. The
who has written an open let- our concerns as well as residents of Ashraf Camp
ter today, 21 December 2007 those of the families of the have no contact with the real
raising his deep concern MKO members for the des- world, not even with their
about the situation of these tiny of our offspring, our sib- relatives or old friends. The
people. A copy of this letter lings, our spouses, and our members are forced to par-
is attached. friends who are held in Ash- ticipate in the daily ideologi-
You are aware that after the raf Camp by a destructive cal sessions called "the Cur-
fall of the former Iraqi dicta- cult. Those who have de- rent Operation". In these ses-
tor Saddam Hussein, and fected from the organisation sions members are system-
since September 2003, TIPF and are held at the Tempo- atically subject to peer pres-
was established provisionally rary International Presence sure and coercion methods.
alongside Ashraf Camp. The Facilities (TIPF), as well as According to articles 25 and
purpose was to locate those those who for any reason 26 of the fourth convention of
who defect the organisation have not been able to flee the Geneva which had enabled
at the first instance inter- MKO and are still kept in their the MKO's presence in Iraq,
views by the American base, must be protected by the members could freely
Forces. In those days the to- the ICRC and the World Dec- have contact with their fami-
tal number of people con- laration for Human Rights; lies. But unfortunately, both
fined within the Ashraf Camp and we urge you to help them the members and their wor-
was 3855 while today only by any means you can. ried and suffering families
3450 are remaining there. It is also worth mentioning have been deprived from
From those defected mem- that the MKO is considering such benefits. Therefore, we
bers who managed to get the freedom of its members insist that the pressure be
themselves to TIPF, more and their departure from Iraq mounted against the MKO to
that 350 have succeeded be- as a grave threat to its exis- lift any obstacles. The Iranian
ing sent to their own country tence and consider it as an Pen Club has become aware
(Iran) or some European encouragement to the re- through its corresponding
countries with the help of maining members to defect about the efforts made by the
various governments, the this terrorist cult. Iraqi ministry of human rights
International Committee of for preventing the violation of
the Red Cross, and the Iraqi It is essential to point out the
fact that the Amnesty Interna- human rights within the
ministry of human rights. But MKO. We would be more that
unfortunately it is more than tional (AI) has expressed its
concern over the events car- pleased to learn that we
a year now that the process could benefit from your co-
of freeing from the Camp – ried out inside the Ashraf
Camp. Also, the Human operation and assistance too.
the total number makes to We are prepared to hand over
Rights Watch (HRW) has is-

Department Spokesman Sean McCormack :

the MEK, the Mujahedin-e Khalq is considered a terrorist organization
Daily Press Briefing our intelligence commu- tional Council of Islamic
Sean McCormack, nity. Resistance.
Spokesman QUESTION: But this guy MR. MCCORMACK: Mm-
Washington, DC is the one who actually hmm.
December 11, 2007 made revelation in 2002 QUESTION: Is it a group
about (inaudible). that you consider as a
MR. MCCORMACK: Syl- terrorist?
vie, I can't -- you know, MR. MCCORMACK: Well,
can't offer any comment the MEK, the Mujahedin-
beyond the fact that our e Khalq is considered a
intelligence community - terrorist organization.
- 16 intelligence agencies
QUESTION: Today an in that community -- QUESTION: But not the
Iranian dissident said came up with a consen- National --
that the military program sus assessment. This MR. MCCORMACK: Syl-
-- the military nuclear was what it was. And I vie, I can't tell you --
program was suspended can't speak to this. And QUESTION: You don't
in 2003, but it -- that it you know, they had ac- know.
restarted in 2004. So cess to a whole variety
that actually it was alive. MR. MCCORMACK: -- off
of different information.
It was still working -- it's the top of my head, you
They actually went back
working. Do you have know, where they fall. I
and carefully went
any information about think this is a group that
through all the informa-
that? was in some way consti-
tion that they had and
tuted in the United
MR. MCCORMACK: I came up with this as-
States. I can't tell you
don't, Sylvie. I can only sessment.
exactly how we view
just refer you back to the QUESTION: Okay. I have them. You'd probably get
consensus intelligence a small question. This a better read on that
estimate that we re- guy is the former from the Department of
leased last week from spokesman from the Na- Justice or the FBI.

The Iranian Pen Club Letter to Ms Megevanal Roggo (cont)

the names and particulars of the violation of human rights 00491759726840
the discontented members within the MKO. We would be 00491639076911
and those who wish to defect more that pleased to learn
from the organisation as well that we could benefit from Copy to:
as necessary files and docu- your cooperation and assis- The Representative of the
ments. We would be most tance too. International Committee of
pleased to have a meeting With many thanks and re- the Red Cross in Iraq
with you or your colleagues gards The United Nation's General
in the office of the ICRC in
The Iranian Pen Club Secretary
European countries and be
able to present our stories 21.12.2007 The Human Rights Watch
and documents in person. The Minister of Human
Postfach 90 06 63
The Iranian Pen Club has be- Rights of the Republic of Iraq
51116 Köln
come aware through its cor- The Representative of the
responding about the efforts Germany International Committee of
made by the Iraqi ministry of the Red Cross in Geneva
human rights for preventing

Neocons Find New Exile Group Patsies to Push War with Iran (1)
Many of us remember the Iraqi figures, NCRI has for over a Organization (known also as
exile groups whose tall tales the decade spared no effort to de- MEK, MKO, or PMOI), ac-
Administration used to justify stroy any chance of a U.S.- cording to the U.S. State De-
the invasion of their country in Iranian détente. partment, which bans both as a
2003. Fewer people are aware Eight days after the NIE sum- single terrorist organization.
that similar groups from other mary assured the world that MEK's pariah status makes it
Middle Eastern countries fre- Iran is not developing nuclear entirely dependent on the good-
quent the halls of Congress and weapons at this time interna- will of the U.S. military, which
editorial board rooms carrying tional media reported that has since the spring of 2003
their frightening ghost-written NCRI dismissed the report's sheltered its 3,500-plus fighters
books with guidance from pro- findings. No other Iranian op- in northern Iraq after they dis-
war think tanks. The organized position group has actively armed.
challenge against the 2007 Na- challenged the new NIE's credi- The militia has for a quarter-
tional Intelligence Estimate bility. century topped Tehran's "most
(NIE) summary on Iran this Going even farther, NCRI's wanted" terrorist list and is now
month included such a group, Wa s h i n gt o n s p o k es ma n, sought by Iraq's government for
which for years cried wolf Alireza Jafarzadeh, claimed atrocities it allegedly commit-
about Iran. that Iran's nuclear program is ted in Saddam's service. It fled
The NIE's critics are complain- managed by the Iranian Revo- Iran in the mid 1980s and
ing that it falsely weakens the lutionary Guard Corp's (IRGC) fought on the Iraqi side during
Bush administration's campaign scientists during a Fox News the Iran-Iraq war, hoping to
against Iran. Trusting that Iran interview. As the most trusted overthrow the young Islamic
is not developing nuclear weap- branch of Iran's armed forces, Republic. Its campaign to
ons is suicidal, warn the neo- the IRGC was late this year deepen Western distrust of Iran
conservatives who prompted designated by the White House is motivated primarily by the
the invasion of Iraq in search of as a sponsor of international real possibility that its key fig-
imaginary banned weapons. As terrorism. The exile group has ures will face capital crimes
in the period that preceded the also echoed the Washington charges in Iraq and Iran if a
Iraq War, the hawks are now war party's claims that Iran is U.S. accommodation with Iran
validated by an exile entity arming Iraqi resistance groups ends the militia's utility to U.S.
dedicated to violent regime with advanced weapons result- strategists as a bargaining chip.
change. The Iranian enabler ing in U.S. casualties. The latest sign of MEK's vul-
group that has replaced the old NCRI's scare campaign against nerability emerged December
Iraqi National Congress is the Iran is an attempt to overcome 16 when Iran asked that the
National Council of Resistance its own infamy. The "Council" next round of U.S.-Iran nego-
of Iran (NCRI). In cooperation is a front group based in Paris tiations in Baghdad address
with leading neoconservative for the Mojahedin-e Khalgh MEK's status. (next page)

Mojahedin Khalq supporter "Struan Stevenson" undermines

efforts to promote democratic Values
The European legislator Beer, condemns the invitation would undermine the Euro-
said ignoring the terrorist of the MKO terrorist group to a pean Parliament's efforts to
group's violation of human parliament session. promote democratic values.
rights and inviting it by Beer slammed the Greens Alli- Beer expressed strong opposi-
Struan Stevenson would ance in the European Parlia- tion to lifting the ban on the
undermine the European ment for providing the out- outlawed group.
Parliament's efforts to pro- lawed Mujahedin-e Khalq Or- The MKO has carried out
mote democratic values ganization (MKO) with an op- countless terrorist acts against
Press tv, December 19, 2007 portunity to attend a parlia- the Iranian nation, including ment session. the assassination of a presi-
px?id=35653&sectionid=3510 The European legislator said dent, a prime minister, 80
20101 ignoring the terrorist group's senior officials as well as thou-
A senior member of the Euro- violation of human rights and sands of defenseless civilians.
pean Parliament, Angelika inviting it by Struan Stevenson

Neocons Find New Exile Group Patsies to Push War with Iran (2)
Groups like the ones that grounds of U.S. Congress in MEK operatives for clandestine
sold the Iraq war still fre- 2004. missions in Iran, after having
quent the halls of Congress them renounce terrorism and
with plenty of guidance The surest way for the MEK to swear allegia nce t o
stay in business appears to be "democracy."
from pro-war think tanks.
just the path they are following.
They need to make themselves If, on the other hand, the Bush
indispensable to the warmon- administration or its successor
gers in the United States by chooses sustained dialog in-
helping subvert accommodation stead of confrontation with
Like the old Iraqi National with Iran. (In this, they share Iran, the future of the MEK will
Congress headed by Ahmad the predicament of their neocon never be far from the minds of
Chalabi, the MEK has powerful masters, who will be out of a Iranian negotiators. The White
conservative backers in West- job if peace prevails for too House has stressed its twin ob-
ern capitals that promote it as a long.) jectives of strengthening the
democratic alternative. In government of "liberated" Iraq
Washington, these have in- If Washington decides against and limiting Tehran's influence
cluded John Ashcroft, Dick an all out war on Iran and opts there. Iranian leaders see an
Armey, Richard Perle, and instead for a "low intensity con- inherent contradiction in that
members of Congress Ileana flict," as Ronald Reagan's wars policy. They are anxious to find
Ros-Lehtinen and Tom Tan- of attrition in Central America out whether the U.S. will con-
credo, all of whom were and came to be known, the MEK tinue to shelter the MEK as an
remain advocates of the Iraq can well be the core of a Con- irritant to Iran or will transfer
invasion. Among officially des- tra-style mercenary force. custody of the militia to Iran's
ignated foreign terrorist organi- Claiming the mantle of the trusted Iraqi authorities as an
zations, MEK is the only one "Reagan Revolution," the neo- affirmation of Iraqi sover-
that can obtain street demon- conservatives would certainly eignty. As Washington prepares
stration permits in Washington welcome that as the next best for its next round of talks on
through its thinly disguised thing to the war that they want Iraqi security with Iran in Janu-
front operations. Poster-size badly even after the NIE ary, a sure way it can build con-
portraits of the husband and largely vindicated Iran. There fidence would be to agree to
wife team that have headed have been persistent rumors discuss this sensitive matter.
MEK for a generation are in over the past year that Ameri-
abundance at such rallies, in- can military or intelligence
cluding one held on the agencies have trained selected

The EU keeps Mojahedin Khalq Organisation (Rajavi cult, MKO,

MEK,...) on its terror list
Official Journal of the The document published cember 18th Maryam Ra-
European Union, Decem- the official Journal of the javi addressed the Euro-
ber 2007 European Union on Decem- pean Parliament urging on
ber 22nd included the list the removal of her terror
On Thursday, December of persons, groups and en- cult from the EU terror list.
22nd, the European Union tities referred to in Article 1 The EU listed MKO as a ter-
updated the Common Posi- of the document. rorist entity once more.
tion 2001/931/CFSP on the
application of specific On page 113 of Legislation
measures to combat terror- 340, you can consider Mua-
ism and repeated Common jhedin-e-Khalq listed as a
Position 2007/448/CFSP. proscribed Organization by
the EU. However on De-
EP Delegation to Iran visits Nejat Society
Nejat Society, De- the activities of the Casaca the other side
cember 12, 2007 organisation in the of the story about the
http://www.nejatngo. western countries. Mr MKO which he has
org/index_en.php?ne Khodabandeh re- never heard before.
ws_id=758 ferred to the absence Then Ms Shahin Rabi'i
On Sunday 9th De- of Mr Paula Casaca a relative of a mem-
cember 2007, the MEP from Portugal ber of MKO in Ashraf
European Parliamen- who dropped his camp addressed the
tary Delegation to name from the list of delegation and ex-
Iran met with the the delegation in the pressed her demand
members and associ- last minutes due to of private contact
ates of Nejat (rescue) the pressure imposed with his brother Sa'id
Society in their office by the MKO. He said in Iraq. She said that
in Tehran. that he was really she believes her
The Delegation which willing to visit Mr brother has been
was headed by Ms Casaca today and tell mind manipulated
Angelika Beer MEP him some mere facts and she seeks a way
from Germany (the about Iran and about to help him out.
Chairwoman of the EP the MKO. He men- Then the members of
Iran Delegation) con- tioned that surely Mr the EP delegation
sisted of 24 MEPs Casaca missed an raised their questions
from various groups opportunity to face which were answered
from different Euro- the truth by the administrators
pean countries. Next was Ms Hura and members of the
Mr Arash Sametipur a Chalchi another ad- society. Baroness
former member of the ministrator of the So- Nicholson of Winter-
military section of the ciety and also a for- bourne MEP from the
Mojahedin-e Khalq mer member of the United Kingdoms re-
Organisation (MKO) military section of the ferred to her visit
TheBriefing and one of the ad-
ministrators of the
Nejat society wel-
MKO who went into
the details of the so-
ciety's activities. She
with Mr Khodabaneh
and Mr Bassam in
Evin Prison four years

Publicationof comed the delegation

and introduced the
goals and activities of
brought up the case
of the families of the
members of the MKO
ago on the demand of
the family of Mr
Khodabandeh in Brit-

Nejat Society the society. He dis-

cussed how he was
recruited in the USA
in Ashraf Camp in
Iraq who have no
contact with their be-
ain and said that the
MKO made a huge
propaganda demon-
and sent to Iraq to loved ones and urged strating that these
receive military train- the European parlia- two individuals were
ings as well as ideo- mentarians to make under severe torture
Address logical teachings and every possible effort and soon would be
E-mail: then sent to Iran to to ensure a safe and executed which later
P.O. Box 14395/679, Tehran carry out assassina- private meeting be- was proved to been
tions. He explained tween the families wrong.
Fax: 88 96 10 31 that since the Iranian and their relatives Members of the dele-
authorities have a inside the MKO. gation also expressed
good understanding Mr Qorban-Ali Pur- their regret about the
of the cultic nature of Ahmadi from Gilan presence of Mrayam
the MKO and they are province and Mr Reza Rajavi in the Euro-
well aware that the Sadeqi Jebali from pean Parliament and
We’re on the web followers are brain- Esfahan, both former emphasised the fact
washed, they con- members of the MKO that these people like sider the members of and present members all cults do not ex-
the MKO as the prime of Nejat Society pose their real iden-
victims of the organi- spoke next. Mr Jebali tity and try to deceive
sation which must be referred to his last people to reach their
helped rather than be meeting with Mr own goals. In the end
punished. Casaca in Ashraf Ms Beer thanked the
Then Mr Sametipur Camp in Iraq and said Nejat Society for pro-
invited Mr Ebrahim that he was really viding them with
N ej at Soci et y Khodabandeh and Mr looking forward to good information
Jamil Bassam former seeing him here to- about the MKO.
members of the MKO day since he had spo- Some materials and
from the political sec- ken with him in Ash- documentations on
tion to talk about raf Camp and today MKO were handed
their experiences with he wanted to tell Mr over to each member
of the delegation.

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