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Able Abuse Accuse Activist Aggression Amend Anarchy Ancestor Artillery Attempt Cabinet Capture Ceasefire Century Claim

Coalition Comment Condemn Conflict Conservative Convention Corruption Crises Criticize Crush Curfew Dissident Drown Debate Defend Delegate Denounce Deny Deplore Detain Enforce Ethnic Evidence Execute Exile Federal Fierce Flee Genocide Guilty Halt Harvest Holy Hostage Hostile Humor Inflation Insane

Having the power to do something. Bad treatment causing harm or injury. To say a person is responsible for crime. One who seeks change through actions. An attack against a person or country. To add to or to change. A lack of order. A family member for the past. Big Guns To work towards something. A group of ministers that helps lead a government. To make a person or animal a prisoner. A halt in fighting usually by agreement. One hundred years. To say something as fact. Forces, groups or nations joined together. To say something about. To say a person or action in wrong or bad. A fight. One who usually supports traditions and opposes great change. A large meeting for a special purpose. Action taken to gain money or power that are legally wrong. An extremely important time when something may become much better or worse. To say what is wrong with something or someone. To damage or destroy by great weight. An order to people to stay off the streets or to close their business. A person who strongly disagrees with his or her government. To die under water. Public discussion or argument. To protect One who To criticize severely. To refuse a request To regret strongly. Keeping on hold. To make something be done. A reason for believing. To Kill. To force a person to leave his/her country. National or Federal Govt. Extremely Strong. To Run away. A plan of action to kill a national or ethnic group. Responsible for a bad action. To stop. Cutting the crops. Greatly honor in religion. A person capture and hold as a guarantee that a demand or promise wise to be honored. Ready to fight. The ability to understand. A continuing rise in prices. Mentally sick

Intense Interfere Intervene Invade Jury Justice Kidnap Kind Knowledge Laboratory Launch Legal Legislature Lend Lonely Loyal Mayor Memorial Militant Mourn Mystery Narrow Native Navy Negotiate Nominate Obey Observe Offensive Often Oppress Organize Oust Overthrow Owe Parade Persuade Possess Postpone Poverty Propaganda

Very Strongly To get in the way of To come between in order to solve. To enter a country by force with an army. A group of people choose to decide what is true in a trial. The quality of being right. To seize and take away by force. Gentle. That what is known. A room or place where experiment in science are done. To begin Agreement with the law. A govt. law making group. To make loan of money. Feeling alone and wanting for friends. Showing strong friends and support for someone or something. The chief official of the city or town govt. Something done to honor the memory of a person or event. Someone active in trying to cause political change often by the use of force. To feel or express sadness. A secret. Limited in size. Some who was born in a place. The part of a countrys military force trained to fight at sea. To talk about a problem to find a common solution. To name someone as a candidate for a election. To act as one is ordered to act. To watch A military campaign of attacks Many times To make others suffer. To put in order. To force to leave. To remove from power. To pay usually money in written for something received. A group of people and vehicles moving together to celebrate a special event. To cause someone to do something by explaining. To own To delay action until a later time. the condition of being poor. Ideas used to influence opinions.

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