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Normas liga ETC Warhammer Fantasy

Septiembre 2013

Normas liga ETC Warhammer Fantasy

Quin puede jugar? Para poder jugar la liga se deber abonar la cantidad de 5 a la organizacin, en concepto de participacin, por cada mes que dure la misma (si la competicin dura ms de 1 mes se deber abonar una nueva cuota por cada mes). Con estas cuotas la persona que se apunte tendr derecho a participar en las actividades de wargames organizadas en ese mismo periodo por la asociacin Casus Belli y adems, ser miembro de pleno derecho de dicha asociacin, por ese mismo tiempo (ver para ms detalles sobre ventajas para los socios). Si ya eres socio no tendrs que abonar dichas cuotas.

Sobre la liga El formato de la liga se determinar segn el nmero de jugadores, intentando siempre que la duracin total de la liga sea de dos meses mximo. La condicin de ganador ser impuesta por el propio formato de la liga. A los ganadores se les compensar con un premio, cortesa de la asociacin Casus Belli. La entrega del premio se llevar a cabo en las instalaciones del colaborador. Las cuantas de los premios as como el nmero de ellos depender del nmero de jugadores y sern comunicados por la organizacin a travs de los distintos medios de que dispone. Entre el resto de jugadores se sortear algn regalo, cortesa del colaborador Player vs Player. Cada semana, cada jugador, jugar una partida de liga que no podr posponerse a otra semana. Las partidas podrn celebrarse en las instalaciones de la tienda colaboradora "Player vs Player" o en el local del que dispone la asociacin Casus Belli (Calle Jeromn 5, Jerez de la Frontera). Si se detectase cualquier intento de engao por parte de algn jugador, ste quedar automticamente descalificado y ser expulsado de la liga. Igualmente, cumpliendo con los estatutos de la asociacin, la organizacin se reserva el derecho de expulsar a aquel jugador que no juegue limpio o que en cualquier momento agreda a otro jugador, ya sea fsica o verbalmente. Las miniaturas deben estar correctamente representadas y debe reconocerse a simple vista qu unidad es y qu armamento lleva. Las conversiones estn permitidas. En caso de usar algn proxy consultar antes con la organizacin la validez de dicha

Asociacin Casus Belli |

Normas liga ETC Warhammer Fantasy

Septiembre 2013

representacin (un Can Infernal del Caos y un Can Enano slo se parecen en que ambos se llaman can). Cada jugador utilizar dos listas para toda la liga. Ambas sern intercambiables y se harn pblicas en cada momento justo antes de cada partida. Las listas de ejrcitos deben cumplir con las restricciones indicadas en el reglamento para ETC (ver Anexo I) para cada raza. La lista de ejrcito deber ser enviada antes del comienzo de la liga a la direccin de correo electrnico La organizacin informar de la validez de dichas listas, a los participantes, por correo electrnico. Todas las listas deben ser validadas por la organizacin. Cada participante DEBE llevar su libro de ejrcito y una copia de su lista a cada partida y deber estar disponible en todo momento para que su contrincante, o cualquier persona miembro de la organizacin, pueda verla, si as se le requiere. Se recomienda traer dados, metro, plantillas, FAQs de su ejrcito y reglamento del juego.

Observaciones En el correo electrnico donde se enven las listas debe constar el nombre completo del jugador y telfono de contacto. Fecha lmite de inscripcin y envo de listas: 2 de septiembre de 2013. Fecha de publicacin de listas en el foro de Casus Belli: 4 de septiembre de 2013. Fecha de inicio de la liga: 9 de septiembre de 2013

Reglas Especficas
Se usarn las reglas ETC (European Team Championship), el ltimo draft y FAQs publicadas hasta la fecha (en caso de ambigedades o traducciones incorrectas prevalecern las que estn en idioma ingls. Las que estn en espaol slo servirn como ayuda o soporte a su comprensin), salvo en aquellos puntos en los que se refiera a equipos y asuntos de pintado de miniaturas los cuales deben ser ignorados:


LTIMAS FAQs (ver tambin Anexo II):

Puntuacin El resultado de cada partida se calcular segn el siguiente sistema de puntuacin (sistema ETC):

Asociacin Casus Belli |

Normas liga ETC Warhammer Fantasy

Septiembre 2013

Puntos de victoria: Son los conseguidos por aniquilar unidades enemigas: unidades destruidas darn el 100% de su coste; huyendo o por debajo del 25%, al finalizar la partida, darn el 50% de su coste. El general y los estandartes capturados puntuarn tal y como se describe en el reglamento de juego. Los personajes puntuarn aparte de las unidades, incluidos PeB. Puntos de batalla: Son los conseguidos al finalizar una batalla, segn la tabla de puntos ETC siguiente (para ello se tendr en cuenta la diferencia entre los puntos de victoria conseguidos en la batalla por cada contendiente): DIFERENCIA EN PTOS DE VICTORIA RANGO
0-150 151-300 301-450 451-600 601-750 751-900 901-1050 1051-1200 1201-1350 1351-1500 1500 +


10 - 10 11 - 9 12 - 8 13 - 7 14 - 6 15 - 5 16 - 4 17 - 3 18 - 2 19 - 1 20 - 0

Es caso de que un jugador no pueda jugar una jornada y el contrincante s, se dar un resultado de 10-0 a favor de ste. En caso de que ambos jugadores puedan jugar pero no lleguen a acordar cundo el resultado ser de 5-5.

Escenarios Siempre se jugar la misin Lnea de Batalla (especificada en la pag. 144 del reglamento de juego). Se jugar sin escenografa mgica.

Lnea de visin Lnea de visin simple: todas las unidades y los elementos del terreno se dividen en las siguientes dos categoras: Bloquean lnea de visin: colinas, edificios y terrenos impasables. No bloquean lnea de visin: resto de terrenos.

Se considera que una unidad est bajo cobertura pesada cuando: la mayora de sus miniaturas est situada detrs de de otra unidad o de cualquier terreno que bloquee lnea de visin, que obstaculice la lnea de visin. la unidad est guarnecida en un edificio. la unidad se encuentra defendiendo un obstculo. la mayora de las miniaturas de la unidad se encuentra sobre ruinas

Asociacin Casus Belli |

Normas liga ETC Warhammer Fantasy

Septiembre 2013

Se considera que una unidad est bajo cobertura ligera cuando: al trazar lnea de visin hay que atravesar un bosque o la unidad se encuentra dentro de uno.

Las miniaturas que disparan desde una colina o edificio de ms de una planta no les penaliza la cobertura pesada al tener que disparar sobre una unidad que interfiera salvo que esa unidad se encuentre sobre una colina. Las unidades que se encuentren sobre una colina no dispondrn de cobertura pesada si se dispara sobre ellas atravesando alguna unidad intermedia que interfiera a menos que esa unidad tambin se encuentre sobre una colina. Los "objetivos grandes" nunca podrn encontrarse bajo cobertura por unidades que interfieran, ruinas u obstculos.

Asociacin Casus Belli |

Normas liga ETC Warhammer Fantasy

Septiembre 2013



Cambios de reglas Hasta dos personajes en una unidad (a eleccin del dueo) tendrn "Cuidado, seor!" contra los siguientes hechizos que automticamente matan miniaturas o eliminan regimientos enteros: Los que habitan bajo tierra, Transmutacin Final, El temido 13 hechizo. Las restricciones habituales para el Cuidado, seor! se aplican. Todos los Portaestandartes de Batalla (PeB) pueden escoger cualquier equipo mundano, como si no fueran PeB. Restricciones generales Sin personajes especiales. Se puede usar cualquier ltima edicin de los libros de los publicados por GW. Los ejrcitos y unidades publicados por FW no se pueden usar, a excepcin de los Enanos del Caos. Un ejrcito puede tener hasta 4 mquinas de guerra y/o armas que usen plantillas. Las mquinas de guerra que usen plantillas contarn como una nica opcin. Todas las armas de plantilla (de objetos mgicos, habilidades, etc...) cuentan, excepto hechizos. Los lanzavirotes cuentan como media mquina de guerra (redondeando hacia arriba). Cualquier objeto que disperse automticamente un hechizo contar como un dado de dispersin en cada fase de magia (DD). La Fortaleza de Fozzrik est prohibida. Las unidades no pueden superar las 40 miniaturas o los 450 puntos (incluyendo grupos de mando, mejoras, estandartes/objetos mgicos...). Estas restricciones se aplican durante la creacin del ejrcito - el coste/tamao de la unidad puede incrementarse durante la partida (por ejemplo, aadiendo personajes a la unidad). Esta restriccin no se aplica a los personajes. Restricciones a la magia No se pueden duplicar los hechizos que no sean identificativos (a excepcin de los vinculados), y un mximo de 2 Sorber el Espritu (los hechizos identificativos son hechizos que puedes cambiar por otros hechizos). Un ejrcito puede usar un mximo de 12 dados de energa (PD) durante cada fase de magia. No se pueden usar ms de 5 dados a la hora de lanzar un hechizo. Para los hechizos del Saber de las Sombras/Muerte/Hashut, el mximo es 4. Aparte de los dados generados por los Vientos de la Magia, un ejrcito no puede tener ms de 2 dados extra por fase. Despus de que un ejrcito genere el mximo, el resto de dados se perdern. Esto incluye los dados canalizados Puedes tener unidades o habilidades que puedan generar ms de 2 dados, pero el exceso de dados se perder. Algunos objetos mgicos o habilidades cuentan como generar dados para este lmite. "Cuenta como" objetos/habilidades nunca pueden acumular ms de dos dados por fase. Esto significa que un jugador que ya haya gastado su lmite de dados, no podr coger ms objetos que "cuenten como aadir un dado" o aadir un dado de una canalizacin durante el juego (lo

Asociacin Casus Belli |

Normas liga ETC Warhammer Fantasy

Septiembre 2013

mismo para los dados de dispersin). Todos los modificadores son aplicados en la lista de ejrcito y no cambiarn durante el juego. Descripcin detallada Aparte de los Vientos de la Magia, un ejrcito no puede usar ms de dos dados de energa/dispersin por fase (a menos que las restricciones especficas indiquen lo contrario). Despus de que un ejrcito genere el lmite de dados, el exceso se perder. Esto incluye los dados canalizados. Si se roba un dado de la reserva del oponente, pero tu ejrcito ya ha generado el mximo de dos dados, el dado ser removido de la reserva del oponente, y luego descartado. Algunos objetos o habilidades especiales DISMINUYEN el lmite de dados que puedes aadir a la reserva. Nos referimos a eso como objetos "cuenta como". Esto significa que si tu ejrcito incluye un objeto "cuenta como un dado de energa", tu ejrcito slo puede aadir un dado de energa adicional (en vez de los dos habituales) a la reserva en cada fase de magia por el resto del juego (sin importar si el objeto es destruido o usado). Hay que hacer notar que no se pueden tener combinaciones de objetos que disminuyan el lmite de dados por debajo de cero. Restricciones especficas por razas Tamao de ejrcitos, dados adicionales y reduccin de Puntos de Victoria se representan como sigue: Ejrcito (Lmite de puntos, dados de magia adicionales, PV reducidos si los hubiere (excluyendo bonos por General, estandartes, etc...). Algunas opciones estn limitadas a un nmero mximo. Si hay un "," entre las unidades, significa que puedes tener un mximo de cada una de esas unidades correspondiente al nmero. Si hay un "/" significa que puedes tener un mximo de estas unidades en combinacin (o eleccin por miniatura individual) correspondiente con el nmero. Algunas veces habr un 0-1, significando que esa unidad slo puede elegirse una vez. Por ejemplo, un ejrcito de Hombres Bestia puede tener hasta 4 Carros Tuskgor y 4 unidades de Cazadores Ungor; mientras que un ejrcito Ogro puede tener un mximo de 2 de las siguientes 4 opciones: Maestro Carnicero/Escupehierros 0-1/Estandarte de Disciplina/Corona de Mando. As, puedes tener dos Maestros Carniceros pero ninguna otra opcin de las listadas, o un Maestro Carnicero y un Escupehierros, el Estandarte de Disciplina o la Corona de Mando. El 0-1 despus del Escupehierros significa que slo puedes escoger uno, no est permitido escoger 2 Escupehierros. Bretonia (2400pts) Sin restricciones. Hombres Bestia (2700pts, +1 Dado de energa, -10%)

Asociacin Casus Belli |

Normas liga ETC Warhammer Fantasy

Septiembre 2013

Carros Tuskgor, Cazadores Ungors, mximo 4. Las unidades pueden ser de 50 miniaturas, y un lmite de 550 puntos en vez de los 450 habituales. Enanos del Caos (2400pts) Cliz de Oscuridad o Brujo-Sacerdote. El Cliz de Oscuridad cuenta como dos dados de energa. El Demonio de Hierro cuenta una mquina de guerra, el Destructor K'daii cuenta como dos mquinas de guerra. Can de Magma/Can Infernal 0-1/Mortero Estremecedor, max 3 en total. Elfos Oscuros (2400pts) Max. 35 Ballestas de repeticin (excluyendo Carros y Personajes) en el ejrcito. Arpas, Personajes voladores, Estrellas lacerantes max 2 de cada uno. Jinetes Oscuros 0-3. Sombras max 20 miniaturas. El Colgante de Kaeleth no puede ser elegido por un Prncipe Oscuro o miniaturas con la Corona de Mando. Colgante de Khaeleth/Corona de Mando/Caldero de Sangre/Hidra max 2 en total. Daga del Sacrificio/Gran Hechicera, max 2 en total. Demonios del Caos (2400pts, +1 Dado de Dispersin) Can de Crneos de Khorne 0-1 Miniatura Bestia de Nurgle max 8 en total. Unidades voladoras (excluyendo Carros y miniaturas con la regla Flotar), max 4. No se puede elegir la Roca de la Inevitabilidad. Enanos (2400pts, +2 Dados de Dispersin) Ballesteros/Atronadores, max 45 miniaturas en total. Lanzaagravios, max 2 en total. El Girocptero no cuenta para el mximo de mquinas de guerra/plantillas. El Yunque cuenta como una mquina de guerra. Imperio (2400pts) Miniaturas con armas de proyectiles de al menos F4, max 45 en total. Unidades de rdenes de Caballera, max 3 en total. Miniaturas de Semigrifo, max 8 en total. Can/Tanque de Vapor, max 3 en total. Can/Tanque de Vapor/Unidad de Semigrifos, max 4 en total. Corona de Mando/Tanque de Vapor, max 1 en total. Altos Elfos (2400pts)

Asociacin Casus Belli |

Normas liga ETC Warhammer Fantasy

Septiembre 2013

Unidades Voladoras (excluyendo Carros), max 4. Fenix Corazn Glido max 1. Libro de Hoeth cuenta como dos Dados de Energa y 1 Dado de Dispersin. El Estandarte del Dragn del Mundo cuenta como 1 Dado de Dispersin. Ellyrian Reavers, max 3. Miniaturas con armas de proyectiles (lanzavirotes cuanta como 5 minis) max 70. Hombres Lagarto (2400pts) 7 EDICION Unidades de Salamandras, max 1. Escamaduras montados en glido, max 2. Manos Protectoras de los Ancestrales cuenta como 2 Dados de Energa. Cogitador/Pergamino de Dispersin/Cubo de Oscuridad, max 1 en total. Una miniatura con Pergamino de Reaccin y/o el Saber de la Muerte no puede tener la Cabeza Reducida. Corona de Mando o Estado de Conscienca Superior/Estandarte de Disciplina/Foco Corpreo/Segundo Slann, max 2 en total. Unidades que no sean personajes que sean de menos de 20 miniaturas o cuesten 130 puntos o menos , max 6 en Total. Reinos Ogros (2400pts) Unidades de Gnoblars de menos de 20 miniaturas, max 3. Pergamino de Dispersin/Coraznaverno (cuenta como 1 Dado de Dispersin), max 1 en total. Maestro Carnicero/Escupehierros 0-1/Estandarte de Disciplina/Corona de Mando, max 2 en total. Miniaturas de Jinetes Dientes Martirio, max 8 en total. Orcos y Goblinbs (2600pts) Los dados de las setas de los Chamanes Goblins Nocturnos no cuentan para el lmite de dados. El tamao mximo de las unidades es de 60 miniaturas. Fanticos/Despachurradores max 9. Skaven (2400pts) Unidades de Esclavos, Enjambres de Ratas, Ingenieros, max 3 cada uno. Unidades de Ratas Gigantes de menos de 20 miniaturas, max 2. Corredores de Sombras estn limitados a 2 unidades y un mximo de 20 miniaturas. Campana Gritona/Segundo Vidente Gris/Pergamino de Energa, max 1 in total. Abominacin del Pozo 0-1/Campana Gritona/2 Asesino/Rueda de la Muerte 0-1/Can de Disformidad 0-1, max 3 en total. Cohete CABRON/Orbe de Cobre/Estandarte de la Tempestad, max 2 en total. Reyes Funerarios (2600pts, +1 Dado de Energa, -10%)

Asociacin Casus Belli |

Normas liga ETC Warhammer Fantasy

Septiembre 2013

Mximo de 80 miniaturas con Arco o Arco Gigante. Pergamino de Poderosos Encantamientos de Neferra cuenta como 2 Dados de Energa y 2 Dados de Dispersin. Hierotitn cuenta como 1 Dado de Energa mientras est vivo. Jinetes Esqueletos, Jinetes Esqueletos con arcos, Unidades de Carros son 0-3 cada uno. Esfinge de Guerra/Necroesfinge max 3 en total. Condes Vampiro (2400pts) Zombies, Unidades de Lobos Espectrales son 0-3 cada. Unidades Voladoras (excluyendo las que tengan la regla Flotar), max 4. Miniaturas de Vargheists, max 8. Unidades Etreas 0-3, y max 2 del mismo tipo/personajes. Aullidos/Gritos, max 2 en total. Furia de Sangre/Sangre Veloz/Terrorgheist 0-1/Cada opcin de Comandante, max 3 en total. Max 15 Caballeros Negros y personajes montados en cualquier combinacin. La mejora del Tomo Blasfemo cuenta como 1 Dado de Energa. Guerreros del Caos (2400pts) Carros bsicos, Jinetes Brbaros, Mastines del Caos son max 3 cada uno, Can Infernal es max 1. Miniaturas con tirada de salvacin especial de 3+ no pueden tener el Tercer Ojo de Tzeentch. Quimera/Prncipe Demonio, max 2. Un Prncipe Demonio puede tener un mximo de 3 de las siguientes: Sed de Almas/salvacin por armadura de 2+ o mejor/Marca de Nurgle/Volar/Nivel de hechicera (cada nivel de hechicera cuenta 1/2). 5 o ms carros/Prncipe Demonio/Unidad de Revientacrneos/Opcin de Hroe en Montura Demonaca, max 3 en total. Elfos Silvanos (2700pts, -10%) Max 70 Guardia del Bosque. Jinetes del Bosque, Unidades de Exploradores son 0-3 cada uno.

Asociacin Casus Belli |

Normas liga ETC Warhammer Fantasy

Septiembre 2013

ANEXO II ETC Fantasy Battle Q&A 2013 Q&A Team: Krzysztof Lidder Widera (Poland) Mohammad Viruk Ashraf (England) Guido Gitzbang Gerboth (Germany) Diego Arthain Garcia (Spain) Kent Max El Rey Hansen (Denmark). Green text marks answers which go clearly differently than the WHF official rules. Table of Contents 1 Deployment and Start of the Game 2 Movement Phase 3 Magic Phase 4 Shooting Phase 5 Close Combat Phase 6 Magic Items 7 Special Rules 8 Terrain 9 Formations and Characters 10 Miscellaneous 11 Beastmen 12 Bretonnia 13 Chaos Dwarfs 14 Demons of Chaos 15 Dwarfs 16 Empire 17 High Elves 18 Lizardmen 19 Ogre Kingdoms 20 Orcs & Goblins 21 Skaven 22 Tomb Kings 23 Vampire Counts 24 Warriors of Chaos 25 Wood Elves 1 Deployment and Start of the Game Q: When do you declare whether something deploys unusually? A: Before deployment, decide which and how units will be deployed. If both players have unusually deploying units, roll-off and alternate declaring before deploying anything. Q: How are we to interpret the rules for choosing spells - i.e. when can you double a A: Due to AR Restrictions, a wizard can only have a spell that another wizard in the army also has if it is his signature spell. If he rolls a spell which another wizard already knows, he may swap it under normal rules for it. He may not swap it for a spell another wizard already knows. Q: When do I have to generate the spells for my wizards? A: Before deployment. Roll-off and alternate the spell generation for each wizard. 2 Movement Phase


1.2. spell?


Asociacin Casus Belli |

Normas liga ETC Warhammer Fantasy

Septiembre 2013

Q: Are virtual pivots allowed? A: Yes, pivoting models may ignore any obstructions when pivoting, as long as they abide by the 1 rule at the end of their pivot. 2.2. Q: What happens when a unengaged unit is within 1 of another unit or an impassable terrain? A: Treat it as it is 1 apart to that particular unit for the duration of the move. This means that you can end up within 1 of that unit. 2.3. Q: While charging, do I have to maximize frontage or supporting attacks? A: No. you only have to maximize number of models in base-to-base contact. 2.4. Q: Can multiple characters charge out of the same unit in one turn? A: No. 2.5. Q: Can a character charge out from the second rank? If yes, whats his Line of Sight? Can he start wheeling inside the unit? Can he charge if he cant clear the unit before hitting the enemy? A: Yes. His Line of Sight is the one of the model(s) directly in front of him. He can wheel and move inside the unit but must completely leave it to finish the charge. 2.6. Q: Is closing the door a wheel? A: No. The rulebook contradicts itself occasionally. 2.7. Q: Can an already engaged unit ever close the door? A: No. A charge requiring such a maneuver will fail or be an illegal charge declaration. 2.8. Q: What is an impossible charge? A: For considering whether a Charge is possible take into account the current position of charger and target, as well as any already declared charge or reaction. 2.9. Q: Do characters charging out of a unit with a bonus to a charge move benefit from the bonus? A: Yes. 2.10. Q: Non-marching character joins a unit that marched. Can the character shoot? A: Yes. 2.11. Q: Can a character leave a unit after it performs a swift reform? A: No. 2.12. Q: Because of the rule that forces characters to go on the front rank, can a character exceed its normal movement distance when he joins a unit? A: If you can reach a legal (front rank) position with your normal movement distance, you must do so. If not, you can exceed this limit to achieve a legal position, but moving as little as possible. 2.13. Q: Can you Fly over a Vortex? A: No 2.14. Q: What happens when you successfully charge a unit which is destroyed before the charger moves into base contact or before the Close Combat Phase? A: Finish the charge before removing the charged unit. The charging unit counts as being in close combat and will count as having destroyed its enemy in the Combat Phase. 2.15. Q: How do you take into account the Free Reforms made during a move? A: They dont count towards the spent movement (measure the movement startingto-endpoint as per GW FAQ), but you must be able to actually perform them. 2.16. Q: How exactly do you work out if a unit is in the front/flank/rear for a charge? A: Work out the total amount of front rank models bases in each zone, including any fractions. The unit counts as being where the majority of that lies. If unclear, call a judge. 2.17. Q: How do you measure the movement spent by Skirmishers or Fast Cavalry that makes an attack during its movement (Like Screamers, Terradons or Hexwraiths)?


Asociacin Casus Belli |

Normas liga ETC Warhammer Fantasy

Septiembre 2013

A: Measure the distance that each individual model moves, from its starting position to a position where it is over/through the target unit and then to its final, legal position. The total distance a model moved cannot go over their movement value (or double that value if marching). Terradons and Screamers still need only 1 model to move over the target unit for all the models to attack. 2.18. Q: Is a unit forced to charge multiple units, if it can pivot in such a way as to force the defender to close the door and avoid in this way charging multiple units? A: No, if defender can close the door to avoid the charger charging multiple units, it must do so. 3 Magic Phase Q: Does Steed of Shadows work on mounted heroes? A: Yes. 3.2. Q: What Leadership value does a model use while under Okkams Mindrazor? A: Its current Leadership value, including any modifier or Inspiring Presence. Mounts use riders Leadership, as per BRB. 3.3. Q: Do model's under Okkams Mindrazor treat their Leadership value as their Strength value for any effect regarding close combat attacks, such as caps, modifiers or Kaeleths ward save? A: Yes. 3.4. Q: Can direct damage spell templates be placed with the centre out of a unit? A: Yes, but some part of the template must touch a target unit 3.5. Q: How do spells (Dwellers/Purple Sun) that make a characteristic test affect multi-part models? A: Each part of the model individually passes a test on its own characteristic or suffers the effects. 3.1. Q: Does a character get the 4+ Look out Sir! against spells that cause hits? A: No, you only get 4+ Look out Sir! versus magic against templates. 3.7. Q: How do the old lores spells work with the general casting restrictions? A: Unless specifically stated otherwise, they cant be cast into combat, dont require front arc or line of sight, and can target both friends and enemies. 3.8. Q: When can you dispel a Remains in Play spell? A: Right before step 2 or right after step 4 (See: BRB, p.29, Magic Summary). 3.9. Q: If a non-template, non-sniper spell causes a hit or a wound on a multi-part model, is it randomized? A: Yes. 3.10. Q: If I Windblast a HPA/Doomwheel into another unit, does the other unit take the Impact Hits? A: No, it only takes the D6 S3 hits due to the spell. 3.11. Q: Is Winds of Magic rolled before or after applying any items/special rules (which does not generate power or dispel dice) that are triggered at the start of a Magic phase? A: Active player decides. 3.12. Q: Are spells that draw a straight line a template? Do they have a target? A: Yes, and they can only hit one model per rank. Yes. 3.13. Q: Net of Amyntok. Can a unit retry the same action until it succeeds? Does a character failing the test prevent other characters from trying to do the same action? Can it prevent actions that are not movement, shooting or casting? If a character tries to do an action, who takes the test and the hits? Does a fleeing unit count as fleeing if he fails the test and is unable to actually flee? 3.6.

Asociacin Casus Belli |

Normas liga ETC Warhammer Fantasy

Septiembre 2013

A: No. No. No. The character takes the test but the unit takes the hits, except if the character was trying to leave the unit. Yes, bump it 1'' away from combat if there were no pursuers. 3.14. Q: What Leadership value do you use with regards to Spirit Leech? A: The highest Leadership value within the unit, without any modifiers or Inspiring Presence. 3.15. Q: Will the Curse of Anraheir make a unit treat Open Terrain as Dangerous Terrain? A: Yes. 3.16. Q: Can a single casting result in several miscasts? A: No. 3.17. Q: Do champions get Look Out Sir! against Dwellers, Final Transmutation or Dreaded 13th? A: No. 3.18. Q: Do spells ever grant magical attacks to the model(s) benefiting from them? A: No, unless specifically stated. 3.19. Q: Are all hits/effects/damage caused by magical items magical attacks? A: Items that directly cause damage or magic weapons cause magical damage. A Noxious Breath from Black Dragon Egg is not magical. Dragonhide Banner and Wyrmlance breaths are magical. 3.20. Q: Does the order of characteristic modifiers effects (bonus, penalties, and setting it to a certain value) matter? A: Yes, any effect that sets, increases or reduces a stat is applied chronologically. 3.21. Q: What sorts of moves trigger Fulminating Flame Cages secondary effect? A: Any Stupidity failure, Charge, Flight, Compulsory Move, Remaining Move (including spells that work as if in this subphase) Pursuit and Reform. Hidden models are unaffected. 3.22. Q: Do spells affecting a model affect its Stomps or Breath Weapons? A: Yes, although Special Rules granted still have no effect on Stomps or Breath Weapons. 3.23. Q: Do the effects of multiple copies of same spells stack? A: Yes. Net of Amyntok and Phas Protection for example would require two tests each time. 3.24. Q: Does the Heavens lore attribute affect characters with Fly special rule inside units without it? A: No. 3.25. Q: Do champions magic items return with the Regrowth spell? A: Yes, as long as it is not a used, one use only item. 3.26. Q: Can you increase basic Movement Allowance beyond 10 with Bironas Timewarp? A: No. 3.27. Q: Can Smoke & Mirrors be used to join or leave combat? A: Yes. Note that other restrictions still apply (to join ethereal, unbreakable, khainite...) 3.28. Q: Can characters and champions take a Look Out Sir! from miscast templates? A: Yes, except the miscasting wizard. 3.29. Q: If two units are simultaneously hit by a template, does the active player decide the order to resolve the hits? A: No, the hits are resolved simultaneously. 3.30. Q: Does the Savage Beast of Horros/Panns Impenetrable Pelt affect a characters mount? A: No 3.31. Q: Does Regrowth round up on Cavalry? Is Monstrous Cavalry also affected by this? A: No, any spare wound is lost. Yes, MC also requires 2 wounds rolled per wound healed.

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3.32. Q: Are the special attacks of the Hellpit Abomination and any Giant affected by spells such as Soulblight or Enfeebling Foe? A: Yes, but other units special attacks (such as Manglers or Screamers) are not. 3.33. Q: Can a unit wheel or reform when under movement spells (such as Vanhels Danse Macabre, Walk Between Worlds, or Khsars Incantation of the Dessert Wind)? A: It can always wheel, but only the Khsars Incantation allows to Reform or Swift Reform 4 Shooting Phase Q: What is a Shooting attack? A: Any attack done in the shooting phase, stand and shoot reaction, or attack specifically noted as being a shooting attack. (Howls are not affected by things that affect shooting per GW FAQ). 4.2. Q: What is a Ranged attack? A: Any attack which can be done while not being locked in base contact with the target of the attack, including a Shooting Breath Weapon (but not a Close Combat Breath Weapon) 4.3. Q: Can a shooting attack be made if the model marched? A: No, unless they are Skirmishers, Fast Cavalry, or otherwise specifically stated. 4.4. Q: Cannon sees nothing. Can he fire at empty spots and hit models it cannot see? A: No. 4.5. Q: Does a model on a large base prevent models from being hit by a cannon in every rank it occupies? A cannon hits two models in the same rank, which one takes the hit? A: No. For these purposes, a model on a large base is in the rank it is first hit by the cannon. When hitting multiple models in one rank, the model that was first hit takes the hit. 4.6. Q: Can shooting attacks that do not use scatter dice fire in a way that it has a chance of hitting friendly models or models in close combat? A: No, unless hitting friends is only possible due to misfires (such as Doomrocket). 4.7. Q: Can you place a template in a way that part of it is outside of the table? Or if a template scatters by a fraction outside of the table, can it still hit with the part on the table? A: Yes. 4.8. Q: Can a lone character use 4+ Look Out, Sir! to transfer hits to close combat? A: Yes. 4.9. Q: How many models do I need for monstrous infantry to gain the Look Out, Sir! rule? A: 5 rank-and-file models, excluding any special cases like look-out gnoblars. 4.10. Q: When allocating hits to a unit with a character who is the controlling player? A: Controlling player is the one who owns the unit. 4.11. Q: Where does a shoot from a war machine or weapon that fires like one originates from? A: From the centre of the front of their base. 4.12. Q: Is a model within the forest (or other terrain) if its only partially within it? A: A unit needs to have at least half its footprint in/behind cover-granting terrain to be covered. 4.13. Q: Can a model that fires like a war machine freely pivot before choosing a target? Must it directly face its target? A: No, it is limited by the regular Line of Sigh. No, these models dont pivot when shooting. 4.14. Q: Can a War Machine freely pivot before choosing a target? Must it directly face its target? 4.1.
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A: Yes (In practice WM have 360 LoS). No. 5 Close Combat Phase 5.1. Q: How are close combat casualties removed inside Squig Herds and similar mixed units? A: Remove targeted type of model. Wounds do not carry over. 5.2. Q: Does a flaming wound in close combat prevent regeneration from other non-flaming attacks with the same initiative? A: No. 5.3. Q: Can a model make a supporting attack if it couldnt normally make it from its rank? A: No. 5.4. Q: When fleeing from combat is the fleeing done centre to centre, causing odd angles? A: Yes. 5.5. Q: Can units use combat reform to slide sideways? And to turn their side or rear to the enemy? Can a model in a challenge reform in such a way that it is not in base contact with his challenger? Can you exchange an engaged Command Group model with an unengaged rank-and-file model, or vice versa? A: Yes. Yes. Yes. No. 5.6. Q: Are combat reforms of a player simultaneous? Can you break the 1 rule with them? A: No. No, except to units involved in the combat. 5.7. Q: BRB p. 102. Fighting a Challenge. Should any mention of character be read as character(s) or champion(s)? Can you attack a model that refused a challenge, if hes exposed? A: Yes. Yes, if hes exposed after removing casualties. 5.8. Q: Can a challenge-accepting model displace another model and put it anywhere to face his challenger? Can any close combat attack from outside the challenge affect the models in it? A: It may only switch places with the displaced model. No (wounds still carry over to champions) 5.9. Q: How do -1/+1 to hit kind of effects apply in situations where units hit on a fixed number, such as Annoyance of Netlings? A: They are not applied. 5.10. Q: A unit has a model with a deeper base than the unit sitting on one flank, and gets charged to the other flank. Do the models count as being in base-to-base contact across the gap? A: Yes. 5.11. Q: Should units in pursuit stop when they come within 1 of obstructions, not just when they hit them, assuming no enemy would be reached further away? A: Yes. 5.12. Q: Unit breaks from close combat but is immediately Caught!. How do the pursuers move? A: Simulate the final position of the fleeing unit, pursuers move towards that point (and beyond). 5.13. Q: Can you parry special or unusual Close Combat attacks? A: Yes, unless otherwise stated (Such as Stomps or Impact Hits) 5.14. Q: How many models does a model on a 50x50 base displace when Making Way in a 25x25 unit? A: Up to 4. 5.15. Q: When several units are pursuing a fleeing enemy, they tend to bump and block each other when pivoting to face the centre of the fleeing enemy. Does this mean they do not move at all?
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A: No. While pursuing, ignore such obstructions during the initial pivot and movement to clear it. Do not ignore other obstructions after clearing the initial one. 5.16. Q: Is a unit in a multiple combat that drops out of it nudged back into combat? A: When removing casualties, you have to try to keep fighting units in base contact with each other, if possible. If weirdness follows, call a judge. 5.17. Q: When can you do a Make Way move? A: At the start of any combat round. 5.18. Q: Is the direction of flight determined before deciding whether to pursue or try to restrain? A: Yes. 6 Magic Items 6.1. Q: Do wounds from models affected by the Other Tricksters Shard carry over to unsharded models? Does the OTS affect impact hits, stomps and similar? A: Yes. Yes, but only if the hit is allocated to a sharded model, under the regular rules for allocating attacks that are distributed as shooting. 6.2. Q: Can a model benefit from a magic weapon or shield it is not currently wielding? Can you use a one use only magic shield as a regular shield after its special effects have been used? A: No. Yes. 6.3.. Q: Do magic items carried by Hidden Models work? A: No. 6.4. Q: Does Earthing Rod and similar items cancel out effects that force re-rolls of miscasts? A: Yes, though only once for Earthing Rod. 6.5. Q: Can a magic weapon ever gain Flaming Attacks or Poisoned Attacks where the magic weapon itself does not confer such benefit? A: No, unless specifically stated. 6.6. Q: Does a mounted character with a magical weapon, which is a lance or spear, always use it? A: No, it is only used on the charging round. 6.7. Q: Does a Wizard turn into a frog if the Sivejirs Hex Scroll is used on him while casting Transformation of Kadon? Is any mount transformed too? A: Yes. Yes, unless the mount can be target separately. 6.8. Q: Does Scroll of Shielding protect every target of the spell? And all the Comet of Cassandora victims? A: Yes, to both questions. 6.9. Q: Does Ironcurse Icon work against Anvil of Doom? Does it work against weapons that fire like war machines? A: Yes. Yes. 6.10. Q: Is Gleaming Pennant used if the bearing unit re-rolls a failed Ld test due to other reasons? A: Yes. 7 Special Rules Q: How are models with Random Movement moved and what options do they have when close to being blocked by other models and the 1 rule? A: Random movers may not end their initial pivot within 1 of other units, unless the direction they choose to pivot in would bring them into contact with that unit (either with the pivot or a 1 move forward), in which case they charge it as usual.


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7.3. Blow? 7.4.

Q: Is a unit with the Random Movement special rule affected by Movement modifiers? What happens if a unit has two sets of the Random Movement special rule? Can a unit with Random Movement move in the Remaining Moves sub-phase (or as if in this sub.phase)? A: Yes, modify the result of the roll. Use the slowest one. No. Q: Does a monster, chariot or unique mount die if the rider is slain with Heroic Killing A: No. Q: Are Handlers counted towards unit size (Heavy Casualties, rallying, VPs, ...)? Do wounds from Handlers carry over to their Monster? Do you remove the Handlers for a slain Monster if there are other Monsters alive in the unit? Can all Handlers fight if just one Monster is engaged? A: No. No, any excess is lost. No. Yes. Q: Does immunity to Killing Blow also protect from Heroic Killing Blow? A: Yes. Q: Do charging units suffer Impact Hits if they charge a unit with the special rule, that also charged? A: No, Impact Hits are inflicted on the charged units. Q: Can frenzied units avoid the leadership test by declaring a charge? A: Yes. Q: Can a mount and his rider both use a Breath Weapon on the same turn? A: No. Q: Is having to take a stupidity test the same as being subject to stupidity? A: Yes, whenever a unit takes a stupidity test, it is subject to stupidity for one game

7.5. 7.6.

7.7. 7.8. 7.9.

turn. 7.10. Q: Is a unit with the Hover special rule affected by things that affect Flyers? A: Yes, they are for example affected by Roiling Skies and cant fly under Stormbanner. 7.11. Q: Does Killing Blow cause a wound? A: Yes, it causes a special kind of wound. 8 Terrain Q: Can a unit enter a building using a movement spell or effect? Can a unit that came out a building move later in the turn? A: Yes. Yes, but not in the same Movement Phase. 8.2. Q: Can mixed units comprising entirely of Infantry, Monstrous Infantry, Warbeasts, Monstrous Beast or Swarms garrison buildings? A: Yes. 8.3. Q: When a model stands partially on a hill, is the whole model base treated as being on the hill? A: No, only the part of the models base that actually is on the hill counts as being on the hill. 8.4. Q: A unit stands weirdly, sideways, on, or next to an obstacle. How does the obstacle give penalties in close combat? A: The obstacle will only protect models clearly lined against it and in base contact with it. 8.5. Q: Can a unit ever have to take several Dangerous Terrain from a single piece of terrain? A: No, but it may have to take a DT test from each piece of terrain it moves through. 8.6. Q: When exactly do you take Dangerous Terrain tests? A: Whenever you enter a Dangerous Terrain with all models that would enter it during the move. 8.1.

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9 Formations and Characters Q: May an incomplete last rank contain gaps? Where is the centre of such a unit? A: No, unless specifically stated. Assume the last rank is complete. 9.2. Q: If an incomplete last rank is charged to the rear by a slim unit, at a location where there is no last rank models, will the last rank models shift sideways to block the unit if possible? A: No. The charger stops at the level of last rank and fights over the gap. Distances (charges, etc.) to the unit are still measured normally. 9.3. Q: Does command groups priority to be in the first rank only apply to the first rank, allowing characters to fill the second rank and push the rest of the command to the third rank? A: Yes. 9.4. Q: Can a character join a skirmisher unit if the unit and character have different-sized bases? A: Yes. The character is placed as in a non-skirmishing unit, except hes roughly half an inch apart from the skirmishers. 9.6. Q: How many characters with different base size can join a unit? A: Only 2 characters with mismatching bases can join such units, one on each side. 9.7. Q: Does a character on a Pegasus or a disc have the special rule Flying Cavalry? A: No. 9.8. Q: Can characters join Unique units? Can they get a Look Out, Sir! roll from Unique units? A: Yes. No. 9.9. Q: Is a Look Out Sir! roll mandatory? A: A 2+ LOS roll is mandatory for both characters and champions. 4+ LOS roll is voluntary. 9.10. Q: Is there space in the front rank for a character that should displace 2 models from it, if theres 2 non-command, non-character models, but theyre not next to each other? A: Yes. Move the Command and/or other characters and put the big character in the front rank. 9.11. Q: A spell is casted at a unit with a character, who later leaves the unit. Is he still affected? A: When he leaves the unit, he ceases to be affected, except for any movement effect (for the clearing move only) and the Skavens Wither effect. 9.12. Q: Can a characters chariot mount use the character Weapon Skill or when it is hit? A: No, as the character is not part of the crew. Use mounts WS if there is no crew present. 9.13. Q: What happens if ever two flying characters are forming a unit of characters, alone? A: They are immediately split into two lone characters. 9.1. 10 Miscellaneous 10.1. Q: What happens if a unit needs 7+ to hit and is under an effect that forces it to reroll 6s to hit? A: Reroll all natural 6s 10.2. Q: Are unused points in an army list automatically awarded to the opponent as VP? A: No. 10.3. Q: Is there a connection between units front arc and its line of sight? A: Units front arc is also its line of sight, limited by possible obstructions. 10.4. Q: When do you have to decide whether to use Inspiring Presence for a leadership test? A: Before rolling the test. If no declaration is made, assume highest available ld was used. Players might agree to roll the test before this declaration, to skip possibly pointless analysis paralysis.
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10.5. Q: Is it Worst Play if a unit is blocked but some of the blocker units belong to the same player? A: No 10.6. Q: What is a hit? A: Anything that would then roll to wound, or auto-wound with poison or similar effect. All templates cause hits. Feedback Scroll and Spirit Leech do not cause hits, as an example. 10.7. Q: Do you always round any fraction up? A: Yes 10.8. Q: How do you work out the % left of the starting unit size? A: Divide the remaining number of models by the starting size, multiply by 100 and round up. 10.9. Q: Do you receive the +100 VP if you kill the General but not its mount? A: Yes 10.10. Q: When Abomination or Flamespyre Phoenix resurrect or place new models, do they have to abide by the 1 rule? Do they have to be wholly within the distance marked? A: Yes. No, they only have to be partially within the distance. 11 Beastmen Q: What is the Herdstone? A: The Herdstone is an impassable terrain which must fit inside a 5 diameter circle. Q: What is basic strength with regards to Ramhorn Helm or Many-limbed Fiend? A: The Strength of the model, like a Stomp attack. Q: Do the Tuskgors and Razorgor pulling a Chariot benefit from Primal Fury? A: Yes. Q: Can the Hagtree Fetish force your opponent to reroll failed to wound rolls? A: No

11.1. 11.2. 11.3. 11.4.

12 Bretonnia 12.1. Q: What do Knights in the 3rd+ rank of Lance Formation attack, if the front model is touching only characters and champions? A: Divide the attacks evenly between the models in base contact, randomizing the excess. 12.2. Q: How does the Twilight Banner work? A: When activated, it allows the unit to move as if it were ethereal. 13 Chaos Dwarfs 13.1. Q: Is any Chaos Dwarf war machines or Iron Daemon daemonic with regards to lore of light? A: No, not even with the Hellbound upgrade. The Hellcannon is daemonic. 13.2. Q: When can the Chalice of Blood be used? A: Whenever you could attempt to dispel a Remains in Play spell (See Magic Section, Q3.9.) 13.3. Q: Can a wizard cast area spells that also target himself or his unit while under Ash Cloud? A: No. 13.4. Q: Is the Infernal Engineers War Machine LOS! a 2+? Can they take it if inside a unit? A: Yes. Yes (but they can only get 1 LOS!). Note that 2+ LOS only works against templates. 13.5. Q: Is the Eternal Hatred rule the same one as the Dark Elves one? A: No, it grants Hatred but its rerolls to hit work on every round of combat. 13.6. Q: Does being Hellbound increase the wound count of a War Machine in practice?
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A: No, it adds a wound to the profile but doesnt add a crew member, so its an empty bonus. 13.7. Q: Are both Taurus affected by the Fuelled with Fire and errated Blazing Body special rules? A: Yes 13.8. Q: Does every model in a unit under Quake! effect have to take a dangerous terrain test if it only moves? What if a character charges out of the unit? A: Yes, the unit test if it moves at all. No, only the character tests. 14 Demons of Chaos 14.1. Q: How is it handled a regular rank and file Beast of Nurgle being on a challenge? A: Treat that model as if he were a champion, for the duration of the challenge. Wounds do not carry over from challenge to rank and file models. After challenge, merge the wounds in the unit. 14.2. Q: What happens if a unit is on the Portalglyph? A: The unit in the portalglyph may enter the battlefield having its rear rank as close as possible to the Portalglyph rather than touching it. Other restrictions still apply. 14.3 Q: What wounds count towards the Souleater daemonic gift? A: Only those caused by close combat attacks, not including Stomps, Breath Weapons and such. 14.4. Q: Can Daemons ever suffer wounds from Daemonic Instability if they roll a 2? A: Yes, if they lost combat by enough, they can lose up to 2 additional wounds. 14.5. Q: Do Daemons ignore any Leadership modifier when they are steadfast? A: No, they only ignore Combat Resolution. 14.6. Q: Do non-steadfast Daemons ignore the Combat Resolution when doing a Combat Reform? A: No. 14.7. Q: Do you count mounts Leadership or Ld values of - under Treason of Tzeetnch? A: No, you never use a blank Ld or a cavalry, monstrous cavalry or chariot mounts Ld. 15 Dwarfs 15.1. Q: Does the Gyrocopter Steam Gun have partials? A: Yes. 15.2. Q: What happens if a flying character in non-flying unit is hit by the Rune of Wrath and Ruin? A: The unit halves its Movement. A flying character charging/moving out of the unit can do it using his ground Movement, since the anvil has only taken away his flying. 15.3. Q: What models are not greenskins in the Orcs & Goblins book? A: Squigs from squig herds, trolls, giants, great cave squigs, gigantic spiders and wyvern mounts. Gnoblars are greenskins, as are Arachnaroks due to goblin riders. 15.4. Q: How does Rune of Wrath and Ruin affect charges? A: It halves the Movement stat, but has no effect on the charge dice. 15.5. Q: Can the Rune of Challenge be used against units that cant declare a charge? A: No 15.6. Q: How are we to treat an entrenchment? A: It provides Hard Cover against shooting and -1 to be hit during the first round of combat. 16 Empire 16.1. Q: Can Steam Tank freely split fire between targets? A: No, all the shooting weapons must at least have a chance of hitting the same target.

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16.2. Q: Does Van Horstmans Speculum swap the mounts Toughness of a Monstrous Cavalry? A: No 16.3. Q: When does a Steam Tank make his grind attack? A: During the Compulsory Movements sub-phase 17 High Elves 17.1. Q: Does the Frostheart Phoenix Blizzard Aura stack? A: No 17.2. Q: Does the High Magic Lore Attribute stack with conditionals Ward Saves like Parry? Does a unit with such a save also receive the 6+ Ward Save? A: Yes, any and all Ward Saves are improved. Yes, if it doesnt have a general Ward Save 17.3. Q: Does Drain Magic work against the effects of Plague of Rust or Skavens Wither, Warpflame special rule or Lore of Nurgles attribute Bloated with Disease? A: No 18 Lizardmen 18.1. Q: Can Slann cast magic missiles if his unit is engaged in CC but he is not in base contact with an enemy model? A: No, unless he is in a temple guard unit 18.2. Q: Are wounds caused by Feedback Scroll or Cupped Hands doubled on a character under Bane Head? A: Yes 18.5. Q: Can Becalming Cogitation affect bound items carried by wizards? A: No. 18.6. Q: Does a Slanns Becalming Cogitations kick in before or after re-rolls to casting dice? A: After re-rolls. 18.7. Q: How will Cupped Hands work with items that allow a re-roll (or negation) of a miscast? A: Lizardmen player chooses whether to use Cupped Hands and rolls a die. Determine the result on the miscast table. Active player chooses the order of Earthing Rods, etc. After this, the miscast is transferred and the result may not be changed by Earthing Rods, etc. It may still be ignored by Ignore miscast effects, such as Throne of Vines. 18.8. Q: Is the panic test caused by the salamanders treated as a panic test by heavy casualties (25%)? A: No 19 Ogre Kingdoms 19.1. Q: Does Runemaw work against templates, vortexes, area effects, spells that target a single model in the unit or recurring spells (Plague, Chain Lightning)? A: Yes, except for vortexes and templates that scatter onto the unit. 19.2. Q: Does a WS1 model have WS0 when fighting Yhetees? A: Yes. Theyre automatically hit, and can hit back only on 6s. 20 Orcs & Goblins 20.1. Q: Can you check how the first released fanatic fares before declaring other fanatics direction?

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A: No, they are declared simultaneously and then resolved and moved one by one. Complete this process before other units release their fanatics (In an order decided by active player). 20.2. Q: How does the goblin spell Itchy Nuisance affect the Steam Tanks movement? A: If attempting to move, Steam Tank moves with D3 dice less, down to a minimum of 1D6. 20.3. Q: Is a Doom Diver a template weapon? Can it hit more than 1 unit at the same time? Can it redirect onto combat? Can it move less than D6? A: Yes, use a 30mm template. Yes. No. No. 20.4. Q: A unit has to charge the closest visible enemy due to animosity. Can the Rune of Challenge be used against it? A: No. 20.5. Q: Does Hand of Gork counts as moving for the purposes of shooting, Flame Cage etc.? A: No. 20.6. Q: How exactly does it work releasing fanatics with teleport spells, such as Hand of Gork? A: If the teleporting model would be placed within 8 of a unit with fanatics, it stops at 8 from that unit as if it were doing a Fly move straight to its destination. 20.7. Q: What happens if a flying unit cant land when it comes within 8 of a unit with fanatics? A: The unit stops for the fanatics to be released, but doesnt have to land. 20.8. Q: Brain Bursta has the Sniper special rule. Do you need to be able to see the target? A: Yes. 21 Skaven 21.1. Q: Can the Plague Furnace/Screaming Bell do a Make way move? A: No. 21.2. Q: What happens if a character passes his Look out, Sir! to the 13th but the unit is destroyed? A: As per Skaven FAQ p7, Clanrat unit is created and character stands next to it as close as possible to its former position 21.3. Q: Does a Grey Seer need to choose lore(s) on the armylist? A: No. You may choose any combination of Ruin and Plague, even 0/4, before rolling for spells. 21.4. Q: Can you direct the cracks call through friendly units? A: Yes, as long as the unit is not in combat. 21.5. Q: Does a character on a Bell/Furnace change his troop type to Unique? A: Yes. 21.6. Q: Do unique models stop cannonballs if theyre hit but not killed? A: No. 21.7. Q: Are the Bell/Furnace and the unit that pushes it, two different units, for targeting purposes? A: Yes, whenever you direct attacks against them, they count as two separate units. 21.8. Q: Screaming Bell rolls a result that allows it to move. Can it wheel? Move half D6 to the side or rear? Must it spent the whole movement allowance? Can charged enemies react? A: Yes. Yes, but cant charge. Yes, unless there is an obstruction. Yes. 21.9. Q: Are you allowed to leave or join a Screaming Bells unit with Skitterleap? A: No. 21.10. Q: Must a Doomwheel shoot after rallying? A: Yes

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21.11. Q: Does Warp-Lightning Cannon straight line hit only 1 model per rank? And the small template? Is it stopped by obstacles? Can it fire grapeshot? A: Yes. The small template can hit more than one model per rank but it cannot hit models already hit by the line. Yes, and no small template is placed in such cases. No 21.12. Q: Can Warpstone Weapons get Flaming or Poisoned Attacks? Do they affect special attacks? A: Yes. All attacks and hits except Stomps are magical. 21.13. Q: If an Abomination with 1 wound left takes 3 wounds at the same initiative, 1 of which is flaming, does it roll for Too Horrible to Die? Does it roll if it dies to a Pit of Shades/Purple Sun/The Dwellers Below? A: No, to all questions. 21.14. Q: Can the Stormbanner be activated on any players turn? In which turns you roll the 4+ if its effect ends? Does the storm end if the bearer dies or leaves the board? A: In any players turn. Check every player turn. Yes, it stops if the bearer is not on the board. 21.15. Q: With regards to Plague Banner, what models count as plague monks? A: Plague monks, their champion, plague priest, and the Plague Furnaces crew. 21.16. Q: How are 40mm-base models placed in a Rat Ogre pack? Do they count towards ranks? A: They are placed besides or behind the Rat Ogres (Characters can only be placed besides). If placed on the side, they can rank up with each other. They dont contribute to ranks. 21.17. Q: Do Warplock Jezzails still have Move or Fire and Warpstone Weapon? A: Yes. 22 Tomb Kings 22.1. Q: What happens if a unit Entombed beneath the Sands scatters off the table? A: Roll on the mishap table. 22.2. Q: Does a Tomb King chariot mount ever suffer a hit if his rider passes a Look Out Sir! roll? A: No 23 Vampire Counts 23.1. Q: Does Invocation of Nehek affect lone characters in range? A: No 23.2. Q: If you have a unit of zombies less than 5 models wide in 2 or more ranks, can you summon more models in the unit? A: Yes 23.3. Q: Nightshroud. Is setting the Strenght to a certain value a strength bonus? A: No. 23.4. Q: Must the wizard with the highest Leadership value in the army be the General and therefore use the Lore of Vampires (if he can choose which Lore to use)? A: Yes. If two wizards are tied for the highest Ld, the player decides who is the General. 24 Warriors of Chaos 24.1. Q: Do you count mounts Leadership or Ld values of - under Treason of Tzeetnch? A: No, you never use a blank Ld or a cavalry, monstrous cavalry or chariot mounts Ld. 24.2. Q: Does the Warshrine have effect on The Reward Of Chaos? A: No. 24.3. Q: Does the self-inflicted wound by the Hellfire Sword have the Flaming Attacks special rule?
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Normas liga ETC Warhammer Fantasy

Septiembre 2013

A: No. 24.4. Q: Can I use Soul Feeder on wounds caused by stomps or breath weapons in close combat? A: No, these kinds of attacks are not affected by special rules. 24.5. Q: If a unit of Hellstriders upgrades with Hellscourges, does that also give ASF to the steeds? A: No, it is a weapon wielded by the riders. 24.6. Q: Can a Marked character join a unit devoted to another god (either with a Mark or another similar upgrade)? A: No. 25 Wood Elves 25.1. Q: How does the Stone of Rebirth exactly work? A: Against Multiple Wounds effects, the item doesnt work unless the bearer already was in 1 wound. If receiving several separate wounds, the bearer first takes enough wounds to reduce him to 1 wound, then uses 2+ ward save on the rest. If he regains wounds, he stops using the ward until reduced to 1 again. One use only means nothing.

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