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Peninei Yakkov - "

Mechel Mashinsky

n this weeks Parsha we are told about the story of the Miraglim (spies) that Moshe Rabeinu sent to Eretz Yisroel. We find that even though they were great men but in the end they failed by speaking negatively about Eretz Yisroel, causing the Yiden to wander another forty years in the desert before they would enter Eretz Yisroel. This day remained etched in history as a day of mourning. Hashe-m said because you cried tears in vain, I will establish this day as a day of lamenting forever (Bavli Sotah 35-1) which ultimately was the cause of the destruction of the Bais Hamikdash on that same day Tisha BAv. Many Meforshim try to explain how is it that such great Tzadikim should be able to stoop so low as to cause such a tragedy to Klal Yisroel. The Balei Mussar explain that the Miraglim contained some bad Midah which was hidden deep inside them, which they themselves didnt even realize that they had. It is known that there are people that have bad midos buried in their sub conscience which triggers them to mistakenly transgress while actually thinking they are doing a Mitzvah. Zohar Hakodash says the Miraglim, being that they had powerful positions in the Midbar, they were afraid they were going to lose it when they enter Eretz Yisroel. Therefore though they certainly didnt intend to speak slanderously about Eretz Yisroel but deep imbedded in their conscience they may have had such a concern that they may lose their Nesius, therefore whatever they saw became distorted. We see later in Parshas Devarim (Devarim 1-36) that Hashe-m says except Calev the son of Yephunneh he will see it, and I will give him the land, the question that many ask is, isnt it superfluous to say that he will see the land once we know that he will go into the land? A simple answer would be that we find many people travel to Eretz Yisroel but they dont necessarily see the beauty of the land. They may appreciate their hotel room or the service in the restaurants, but not Eretz Yisroel. Others though are zoche that not only do they enter the Land, they also can see the beauty, holiness and splendor of it too, like it says (Tehilim 128-5) , ' , see the good of Yerushalayim. There are people that come to Eretz Yisroel and always complain about the weather, the rudeness of the taxi drivers, the aggressiveness of the sabras. Yet others only see goodness, holiness, and greatness. Calev and Yehoshua, on the other hand, did not falter, because of their complete trust in Moshe Rabeinu. Yehoshua the faithful student of Moshe as the possuk says (Shemos 33-11) , he never moved away from Moshes side. Likewise, Calev when he noticed the people talking against Moshe, the possuk says (Bamidbor 13-30) , and Calev silenced the people to [hear about] Moshe, saying, you think this is the only thing that Ben Amrom did to us, [everyone thought that he was going to say more negative things about Moshe so they all crowded around to listen to him,] then he started listing all the great things that Moshe Rabeinu did for Klal Yisroel. Calev and Yehoshua trusted and believed in Moshe Rabeinu implicitly. No matter what Moshe said they accepted, even if he would tell them to build ladders and go up to heaven they would heed his request (Rashi Bamidbor 13-30). Since Moshe has told

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them that they will go up to Eretz Yisroel the land of milk and honey, and capture the land, this was an undoubted fact to them. Even in the event that they saw something which contradicts what they were told, Moshes words were undisputable. I had the Zechus to speak with the big Tzadik Rabbi Mordechai Schwab Ztl, who was a talmid of the Chofetz Chaim. He repeated from the Chofetz Chaim, that we know when a person has a problem he is supposed to say Gam Zu Letovah, everything is for the good, as we find by Reb Akiva and his Rebbe Nachum Ish Gam Zu. Even though something may seem to us that it is bad we must realize and believe really it is for our good. Only good can come from Hashe-m, even though we dont necessarily understand it. The Chofetz Chaim added that if a person truly believes that everything is for his good, Hashe-m would do him a great kindness that he will merit to actually see the good. That is the explanation of the possuk , he will see it. When Calev reported to Klal Yisroel how good Eretz Yisroel is, it was built on his belief, and trust in Moshe Rabeinu. He had to explain everything that he saw happening according to his belief. The Miraglim said that the people who inhabit the land are mighty, living in huge fortified cities. Calev explained that the cities are fortified because the people are weak and are afraid. The Miraglim said they saw an excessive number of funerals, but Calev explained that Hashe-m did this in their favor that the people shouldnt pay any attention to the Miraglim. Due to his complete belief and trust in Moshe he reconciled everything to fit according to Moshes understanding of Eretz Yisroel. Therefore, because of Calevs Emunah, his belief in Moshe and Hashe-m, therefore he was awarded that , not only will he enter the land he will merit to see the good of the land. This is why when Moshe sent the Miraglem Hashe-m told him (Bamidbor 13-2) , Rashi explains it as which means only if they have your Daas, they already accepted everything you told them about Eretz Yisroel and they know already your opinion about Eretz Yisroel, for them it is a fact that Eretz Yisroel is an and that Hashe-m is definitely going to give it to them, then you can send them to spy the land. Calev and Yehoshua were on that level but the rest of the Miraglim fell from that level, because of the midos that they had hidden in them that caused them to fall from that level of Emunah in Moshe Rabeinu therefore they ended up speaking negatively about the land. May we all be zocheh to go to Eretz Yisroel and see the goodness and kindness of Hashe-m and the wondrous beauty of our Eretz Yisroel. Amen

Excerpts of a shmuess given by Reb Yakkov Akiva ben Reb Tzvi Mashinsky Zatzal, given to talmidim of Yeshiva Ohr Someach. The full shiur can be downloaded at, or it can be heard on Kol Haloshon at 718-906-6400 press 1 and then 1 and after that 34. Anyone interested in getting a free copy of all the shiurim on an mp3 disk can call 718-208-3543

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