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"Come over into Macedonia, and help

us." Acts 16:9


Christmas Is a time for remembrances. For us It was a time

of mixed emotions, remembering Chrlstmases past and pre sent. We had feelings of homesickness for Brazli, and at the same time a gladness in our hearts that we were with our lov
ed ones.


It now appears, that the Lord has a task for us to do here In Frankfort-Indiana. We arrived here without any Intention of doing so on our part. We arrived here in November, 1972, and In February,
1973, the minister had a heart attack and we were here to

help out. Since that time we have accepted the pulpit here un
til our return to the work in Brazli.


With the medical bills Incurred (Joyce, $800.00 all together), shortage of funds to return to Brazli, the lack of a teacher(s), we have been delayed beyond our expected departure date. We wlli need an Increase in our support to meet the basic needs for Housing, Office, Utilities, fvlaterials

John H. Bush and family, at East Side Christian Church.

Thank you for your continued support. It has helped to pay off some expenses in Brazil and it has made it possible to br ing Marconi and Jane to the States, to study in Lincoln Chris tian College.

and Postage: plus funds for foltow-up of correspondence courses, film and tract contacts. Approximately $1,200.00 (ersonal and mission) is needed to make the above program possible. As a part of our ministry with the East Side Christian Church, Frankfort, Indiana, Joyce has been having a Good News Club with the children of the neighborhood each week. We hope to take back this idea to be used with the children of our neighborhood in Brazil. Our children are just now catching up on their schooling. Mark, who is now a Junior Deacon in the church: Jerry, 7th grade, is selling the Grit Newspaper. Mike who is in the 6th grade. Is out for basketball: Jeff and Janice are just being normally active for their ages, 8 and 4.


Marconi Avelino da Costa, 22 years old, married, his wife Jane, is our daughter. Our first contact with Marconi, led to our asking him to assist us with our work in Torre. He and Jane, and his sister Marta. continued this work after my
return to the States. I left the service with about 40 to 50

children and 6 to 8 adults. When they left Brazil, there were 104 children and 26 adults registered. Along with the work In Torre, they had Bible study groups among the hippies. He

Baptism of D. Maria de Felix and Jerry Bush, at Rio Doce Beach.

By surprise, while I was studying the Bible with one of the Hippies, someone took my picture.

and Jane were able to reach many of the hippies for Christ (5, but they wanted to study more before being baptized, to be sure what they were doing). They were able to baptize one lady named Hilda, 50 years old, from the congregation in Torre, and one girl (hippie) named Sandete, who is now work ing among the hippies and has baptized several and has
taught more than one hundred.

Their work there was more than satisfactory. Their work at East Side Christian Church, Frankfort, Ind., during the D.V.B.S., in August, was more than satisfactory too, in their presentation of missions in Brazil to the primary, junior and high school classes, since that time he has return ed for evening worship. We can recommend them to the brethren for speaking engagements and support. Marconi, has been working in Lin coln, Illinois, to help pay his college (LINCOLN CHRISTIAN COLLEGE) expenses, but still owes part of his first semester
tuition and now, books and tuition are due for the second

D. Hilda's baptism at Aguas FInas swimming pool. At the present time they are without a car, and this com plicates their getting around in the city or out to the churches.

semester ($900.00). Jane is taking music classes at L.C.C., and will be taking classes in Christian Education. She is work ing full time, but has had a hard time getting a very good job.

So far the Lord has helped with the necessary arrangements

for their travel; when they were at East Side Christian Church, Mike and his sister Linda Qoidsberry, took them back to the college in Lincoln, Illinois. Because of his need to keep in contact with the Brazilian people and to help follow up our contact in Recife-Brazil, we are suggesting that Marconi and Jane return to Brazil for at least the summer months. After he has completed two years of schooling at L.C.C., this will help the work there and keep him In contact with the culture at home. Being Brasilian will also help make it possible for him to open the Portugues Territories (Mozanbique and Angola) in South Africa, to the Gospel. Only someone from a Portuguese speaking country can enter. We hope to train Gospel teams and send them to
these two African countries.


Marconi has already been in contact with Professor Max Ward Randall, from the missions committee at Lincoln Chris The front door In Torre's congregation (D. Maria's house) with Mar coni & Jane, and Maria de Felix & daughter in the middle.

tian College, and missionaries for some countries in Africa. Professor Randall has given a great deal of incentive for opening these fields.

At left: Some of the adults after

the Sunday morning service.

At right: Marta, Marconi's sister, who helps Jane teach the

children In Torre.


Mailing Address:
JOHN H. BUSH 1759 E. Walnut St.



Frankfort, Ind. 46041

Box 178





I want to send support ($

Marconi's tuition
Other reasons ^ : ' ~ -

) to:

Lincoln Christian College Lincoln, III. 62656

DBush's return to Brazil

I have a friend who would like to receive your newsletter. (Enclose name)


East Side Christian Church



1759 East Walnut Street

Frankfort, Ind. 46041

Frankfort, Ind.
Permit No. 2


T?* - Jio, Avo, Joplin

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