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Dementia care.

Part 3: end-of-life care

for people with advanced dementia
Emma Ouldred, Catherine Bryant

diagnosis of dementia (Kay et al, 2000). Additionally, tbere is

no cure for most tbrms of dementia; it is a progressive disease,
Abstract a terminal condition like cancer, and yet it is not recognized
End-of-life care issues for people with advanced dementia have only as such. Access to palliative care services for people with
recentíy been addressed in guidance. There appear to be barriers to advanced dementia is unequal and mucb less defined than
accessing good palliative care for people in the terminal phase of the palliative care tor other terminal diseases such as cancer.
disease. The reasons for this are multifactorial, but may be attributed
to factors such as dementia not being recognized as a terminal What is palliative care?
disease like cancer, problems in recognizing the symptoms of terminal Tbe World Healtb Organization (WHO. 2004) recently
dementia, and decision-making conflicts between family caregivers and stated tbat 'every person witb a progressive illness bas a right
other health and social care providers. This article highlights common to palliative care', and tbat palliative care is 'tbe active total
symptoms of advanced dementia, and the need for a palliative care care of patients and families by a multiprofessional team
approach. It also addresses specific issues in both caring for people wben the patients disease is no longer responsive to curative
with dementia at the end of their lives and in supporting carers. treatment" (WHO, 1990).
Tbe wider model of palliative care fits well witb tbe
Key words: Advanced dementia • Carer support • Palliative care person-centred approach to dementia care first proposed
by Kitwood (1997), wbicb promotes bolistic care and a
need to see tbe person ratber than tbe disease. AccortÜng to

art 1 of this series outlined recent guidance on Henderson (2007), palliative care:
demenria care and provided information on dementia • Provides relief from pain and other distressing symptoms
and its different subtypes, the assessment process • Affirms life and sees dying as a natural process
and the utility of cognitive screening tools. Part 2 • Intends neither to hasten nor postpone death
focused on cienieiitiLi management, with particular emphasis on • Integrates tbe psychological and spiritual aspects of patient
understanding and managing behavioural challenges; it described care
psychosocial interventions in dementia care in addition to • Offers a support system to belp people live as actively as
discussing current drug treatments for the condition. possible until deatb, and to families to belp cope during
This article, part 3, brietly detines palliative care and explores illness and bereavement.
issues around barriers to palliative care in advanced dementia. However, the palliative care approach to dementia does
It provides guidance on recognizing the advanced stages of not appear to be commonly adopted throughout tbe UK.
dementia, and bow nurses can care for and support people In 2002, tbe Audit Commission reported that specialist
with dementia in tbe tinal stages of their disease. Significantly, support for managing people with advanced dementia was
it also makes reference to tbe difficult decisions tacing family not available in 40% of all areas of the UK, and dementia
caregivers at this stage and the psychological impact of care specialists lack confidence in providing palliative care.
advanced dementia on caregivers. Sampson et al (2006) undertook a retrospective case-note
audit of older patients dying on an acute medical ward in
Background 2002-2003; those with dementia were much less likely to
Approximately 10000 people with dementia die eacb year in be referred to palliative care services than those without
tbe United Kingdom (UK) (Harris, 2007). Of tbi.s number, a diagnosis of dementia (9% I'i 25%), and were prescribed
over 40% die in tbe community (McCartby et al, 1997; Kay et fewer palliative medications (28% i>s 51%). A retrospective
al, 2000), and over 50% in hospital (McCarthy et al, 1997). Less study on a hospital ward for older people with mental
tban 2% of people in hospice care in tbe UK have a primary bealtb needs in the UK showed patients witb end-stage
dementia bad a number of symptoms for which they did
not receive adequate palliative care (Lloyd-WilHams and
Emma Ouldred is Deriicnti.i Niirst? Specialist and Catherine Bryant is Payne, 2002).
Consultant Physiciiin, King's College Hospitai NHS Trust, London
Guidance on end-of-llfe care for older people
Acct'picd tor pitblicalum:Jatmary 2008
Recently, attention has been tbcused on improving end-
of-life care for all older people. The Department of

308 | of Nursing. 2UiIS,Viil 17. No 5


I leakh (DH, 2004) document, The NHS Improvement Plan. care teams should assess the palliative needs of people close
included a commitment to develop a training programme to death and relay information to other members of health
lor staff working in primary care homes and hospitals to and social care. Specific guidance relating to nutrition, pain
ensure all people at the end of life, regardless of diagnosis, relief and resuscitation is also included.
should have the choice of deciding where to die and how NICE (2006) also recommends that practitioners discuss
they wish to be treated. In the Government white paper, certain issues with the person with dementia while he or
i)iir Health Our Care Our Say (DH, 20i)6a), a commitment she still has capacity, and to ensure people are familiar with
was expressed to extend palliative care to .ill who need it the main clauses of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA),
regardless of terminal condition. which is initiated when a person does not have capacity.
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence Such areas of discussion include:
(NICE, 2004) has produced guidance on improving support • Use of advance statements (stating what is to be done if a
and palliative care for adults with cancer, and although this person loses capacity to communicate or make decisions)
work is focused on services for adult patients with cancer • Advance decisions to refuse treatment
•liid their families, it may inform the development of service • Lasting power of attorney
models for other groups of patients. The NICE (2004) • A preferred place-of-care plan.
document recommends three tools to support high-quality
end-of-life care: Barriers to providing palliative care
• The Gold Standards Framework (Thomas. 2003) There are several barriers to overcome in order to achieve
• t'he Liverpool care pathway Care of the Oyin^iA Pathway excellent end-of-hfe care for people with dementia, namely:
to Excellence (EUershaw and Wilkinson, 2(K)3) • Dementia is not recognized as terminal disease
• The "Preferred Place of Care Plati" (www. cancerlan cash ire. • There are difficulties in prognostication and difficulties in
ü recognizing when somebody reaches the point at which
The NHS End of Ufe Care Programme (DH, 2005) aims to care becomes palliative
improve care at the end of life for all. and the programuîc • Problems in client communicability that impacts on
website ( provides good symptom management
practice, information and resources, including links to the • A lack of skills and knowledge in providers of care regarding
three tools. palliative care for people with advanced dementia, and
a lack of access to specialist palliative care consultation
Guidance on end-of-llfe care (Shuster, 200(i)
The development of policies specifically related to end-of- • A lack of education and support about complications
life care for people with dementia has evolved slowly, but of advanced dementia, and limits to treatment options
recently a number of important documents have addressed encourages healthcare proxies to request admission to
this complex issue. Recent guidance has stipulated that hospital and aggressive interventions (Koopnians et al,
older people with mental health problems should have 2003)
equal access to the same home-based end-of-care services • A lack of advance decisions that set out the wishes of a
as others, and that a palliative care model of service person to ta-atment in advance.There is evidence to suggest
delivery should be made available for people with dementia that a person with dementia is significantly less likely than
supported with advice from general medicine physicians a person with cancer to have set up advance decisions
,uid palhative care services (Care Services Improvement (Mitchell et .i!, 2004).
Partnership, 2005).
Programmes on dignity and end of life, and mental health Advanced dementia
in old age, are included in the follow-up to the document it is not inevitable that all people with dementia will reach
A New Ambition for Old A^e: Next Steps in Impleiiiv!iliii_i; the the end stages of their disease before death. Cox and Cook
National Service Framework for Older People (DH, 2006b). (2002) describe three ways in which people with dementia
Dementia and palliative care are also included in the die, namely:
Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) for the GP • People with dementia may die with a medical condition
contract. Under this framework, GPs must hold a register of that is unrelated to the dementia, e.g. people with tnild
patients diagnosed with dementia, and under the paUiative dementia who develop and subsequently die from cancer
care QOF GPs must hold regular review meetings of these • People with dementia may die from a complex mix of
patients (Royal College of General Practitioners, 2006). mental health and physical problems where dementia is
NICE issued guidance on dementia in 2006. which not the primary cause of death but interacts with other
specifically addressed the need for a palliative care approach conditions, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
to dementia care to be adopted from diagnosis to death • People with dementia may die with comphcations arising
to enhance the quality of life of people with dementia advanced dementia.
and to enable them to die with dignity in an appropriate
environment. A holistic approach to care is recommended, Signs and symptoms
which encompasses the physical, psychological, social and When does a person stop living with dementia and start
spiritual needs of people with dementia, and also emphasizes dying from it? Failure to recognize when a person has
the importance of supporting families and carers. Primary entered the advanced stages of dementia has been proposed

UritishJuuriMl ol'Nursing,2tKm.Vol 17.No 5 309

the presence of severe cognitive impairment, conimunication
Box 1. Typical features of advanced difficulties or language and cultural barriers.
The analgesic drug of choice is influenced by the severity of
pain. However, it is usual to gradually move up the analgesic
ladder and start with a simple drug such as paracetamol. Some
Dependence in activities of daily living requiring the people with dementia will require morphine, but this is likely
assistance of caregivers to survive to confusion (National Council for Palliative Care
Severe impairment of expressive and receptive and Alzheimer's Society, 2006). Codeine is commonly used,
communication often limited to single words or nonsense but again it can sometimes cause increased confusion and is
phrases likely to cause constipation (British National Formulai^ 2008).
Loss of the ability to walk followed by inability to stand. Analgesics should be administered regularly every 3—6 hours
problems maintaining sitting posture and a subsequent loss rather, than on demand, to ensure freedom from pain (WHO,
of head and neck control 2006).Transdermal patches and medication, which are available
Deveiopment of contractures because of muscle rigidity and
in suspension or dispenible format, should be considered. Non-
pharmacological ways of managing pain, such as aromatherapy,
Loss of ability to recognize food, self-feed and swallow
massage and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, should
be considered despite a lack of evidence.
Bowel and bladder incontinence
[nabiiity to recognize seifand others
SAvaUo\ving, eatíng and drinking
Dysphagia is a common feature of advanced dementia,
as a possible barrier to the provision of palliative care for affecting up to 70% of people (Feinberg et al, 1992). Other
this vulnerable group. Box 1 outlines typical features of factors affecting nutrition in advanced dementia include loss
advanced dementia and may help practitioners understand of appetite, loss of hunger and problems with dyspraxia that
when palliative care services should be initiated. affect the process of feeding (Hughes et al, 2007).

Specific care issues Management

Cominunication Eating apraxia can be managed by hand-feeding, and fooil
Problems wich communication are common in the later refusal may respond to antidepressants or appetite stinuiLmts.
stages of dementia. As dementia progresses a person's Swallowing difTiculties can be minimized by adjustment
cognitive and communication abilities decline and it of diet texture and replacing thin with thickened fluids
becomes harder to ascertain accurately the wishes and (Treloar, 2007).
needs of the person (Shuster, 2000). Communication
problems also hinder the identification of hunger, pain Artificial hydration and nutrition
and concurrent illness. Practitioners need to be trained The most common form ot medical treatment for problems
in conmiuniciiting with people with dementia if effective with eating and drinking is artificial hydration and nutrition
end-of-life care is to be provided. such as percutaneous endoscopie gastrostomy, nasogastric
tubes and subcutaneous infusions. However, in people with
Pain dementia, artificial hydration and feeding when compared
Although pain is not an obvious symptom of advanced with hand-feeding has no evident benefits in terms of survival
dementia, it is miportant to remember that people with (Meir et al, 2001). Artificial feeding does not reduce the risk
dementia may sufier pain üroni coiiiorbid conditions such as of aspiration pneumonia infections, pressure sores, or offset the
arthritis or peripheral neuropathy. It is useful to obtain a pain effects of malnutrition (Finucane et al, 1999). Despite research
history from the person with dementia and their caregiver. su^esting little or no benefit, up to 44% people with dementia
People with dementia may be unable to conceptuaUze pain die with feeding mbes in situ (Gillick, 2000). The Alzheimer's
due to visuospatial deficits caused by the dementia, and thus Society (2007) does not consider the use ofa tube for artificial
it is useful to look at non-verbal indicators, such as facial hydration and feeding as best practice in the advanced stages ot
expression, tense body language and agitated bebaviour. dementia. C'aregivers need to be supported in understanding
The Assessment of Discomfort in Dementia protocol the potentiai complications associated with tubes and the
is designed to assess and treat pain and discomfort, and appetite changes associated with advanced dementia.
guides the user through a physical and medical assessment
of possible sources of pain and discomfort (Kovach, 2003). Infection
The Abbey Pain Scale is a brief assessment scale for people Infections are an unavoidable consequence of advanced
with end-stage dementia. The scale consists of six items dementia due to an inability to report symptoms, decreased
(e.g. physiological changes, physical changes) with four immune responses to infections and loss of ability to ambulate
response modalities scored from 0 (absent) to 3 (severe), (Robinson et al. 2005). However, the effectiveness of antibiotic
with a range for the total scale of 0-18 (Abbey et al, 2004). therapy is limited by the recurrent nature of infections in
The Royal College of Physicians et al (2007) have issued advanced dementia. The use of antibiotics in people with
comprehensive guidance on the assessment of pain in older advanced dementia should take into consideration the
people and highlights the challenges of identifying pain in recurrent nature of infections, which are caused by persistent

310 Lintisii lourii.ll ii!" Niirsjiig. 2U(I«.V()I 17, Nii S

swallowing difficulties with aspiration, and by other factors, such as selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs),
such as poor fluid intake and dehydration, predisposing should be considered as they have fewer side-effects and are
for development of infections that significantly reduces shown to have good efficacy (Doody et al, 2001).
the benefits of antibiotic therapy (Vblicer et al, 1998). The Up to 40% of people with dementia suffer from
palliative use of antibiotics should he considered on an psychosis (National Council for Palliative Care and
individual patient basis (NICE, 2006), Alzheimer's Society, 2006). It is often the cause of
behavioural disruption. Despite the increased risk of stroke
Fever and possible deleterious cognitive effect, antipsychotics
Fever should be clinically assessed. Consider treatments such (such as risperidone and olanzapine) are the only effective
as simple analgesics, antipyretics and mechanical coohng treatment for psychosis, and if it is severely distressing
(NICE, 2006). then It should be treated (Treloar, 2007). In a recent
study of people with advanced dementia who were cared
Depression and psychosis for at home until they died, it was antipsychotics and
The incidence of depression is high in advanced dementia antidepressants that were rated as more useful than any
(National Council for Palliative Care, 2006). Antidepressants, other class of medication {Treloar, 2007).

Case study 1. Care of the person with advanced dementia at home

Mrs T is a 73'year-old lady with Parkinson's disease and advanced dementia. She lives at home with her son, daughter-in-law ¡main carer) and her
two grandchildren. Mrs T is fuHy dependent for ail her activities of daily living. She is bed/chair bound and requires hoisting. She is incontinent of urine
and faeces. She has dysphagia and is at high risk of aspiration. Her pressure areas are intact (she has a pressure relieving cushion and mattress). She is
unable to communicate her wishes and has iost her grasp of English (her first language is Gujarat and she may respond to a few words spoken in her
native tongue). She loves being around her family and enjoys regular massage sessions at home, Mrs T fulfils the criteria for NHS Continuing Care.
She has a care package consisting of two carers three times a day to attend to her personal care, perform pressure area care and address toileting
needs. Mrs T's daughter-in-law. Sema, administers her medication and manages her feeding (Mrs T requires feeding and can only take fortified liquid
supplements because of her dysphagia), and also attends to her elimination and psychosocial needs at all other times. Mrs T used to attend the local
memory clinic (she presented to clinic at an advanced stage of dementia), but as her condition has progressed, the dementia nurse specialist (DNS) and
Alzheimer's support worker visited her at home on a regular basis to provide support for her and the family. On a recent visit to the family, the DNS
explored end-of-life issues with them. They expressed the wish for her to stay at home and die peacefully when the time comes. Sema and her husband
expressed concerns regarding the wish to avoid hospital admission if at all possible, the wish to avoid tube-feeding, and the need for intensive and
immediate medical support and advice when required. The fear of not knowing what to do if Mrs T started to exhibit distressing symptoms was a major
concern for the family.

The DNS organized a case-conference to explore and discuss the palliative care needs of Mrs T and her family. Present at the case-conñerence was:
• Sema
• GP
• District nurse
• Community matron
• Speech and language therapist (SALT)
• Care agency manager

Professional roles
The care needs of Mrs T and her family were discussed, A written plan of care was formulated, which addressed care issues and the family's concerns,
and set out each person's professional roles and responsibiiities:
• GP - review medication and reduce amount of tablets if indicated. GP also offered to speak to Sema by telephone (and visit as necessary) whenever
any medicai concerns arose
• SALT - assess swaiiow and provide advice on reducing risk of aspiration
• District nurses/community matron - assess pressure area risk and provide equipment as appropriate
• Community matron - provide contact detaiis to Sema and coordinate care of Mrs T, including review of care pian through regular contact
• Care agency manager - provide experienced carers and ensure there is continuity of care to enabie a rapport to be estabiished between caregivers
• DNS - refer Mrs T and Sema to local hospice home-care team to review Mrs T. support her famiiy and provide contact details; refer Mrs T to a
Parkinson's nurse speciaiist for review; speak to sociai services to request respite care at home for Sema {as she did not wish for her mother-in law
to go into a care home for respite); and to maintain regular contact with Mrs T and her famiiy aiong with the Alzheimer's support worker.

Mrs T's famiiy ailowed to advocate on her behalf, and were given the opportunity and support to explore end-of-life issues
Close collaboration and understanding across heaith and social care agencies
Formulation of a written care plan that is shared across agencies
Designated case manager who will regularly review care plan

312 Uriiish Joiirii:il ot ^ , 2lHIK,Viil 17, No 5


Spiritual needs Case Study 1 highlights the benefits of a multidisciplinary

There is evidence to surest the spiritual needs of those approach to the care of a person with advanced dementia
dying with dementia are often ignored. In a recent study within the home environment.
that compared the case notes of patients with and without
dementia who died during acute hospital admission, Sampson Conclusion
et al (2IH)6) found signÍfR\mtly fewer p;itients with dementia Dementia is a progressive and incurable condition. Current
who made any mention of their rehgious faith. Spiritual needs evidence suggests that people with advanced dementia do
go beyond attention to religious practice, and practitioners not have equity of access to specialized palliative care services
may tieed to find out a person's spiritual needs by talking to (Audit Commission, 2002). There have been a number of
their carer if communication is difficult. recent health policy documents and guidelines in the UK
emphasizing the need for improving the quality and access
Psychological needs of palliative care for all people, and for those with demetitia
I'tactitioncrs need to he sensitive to the psychological (Care Services Improvement Partnership, 2005; 1)H. 2005).
impact of advanced dementia on the person with the disease. The role of palliative care services for people with advanced
Moving a person with dementia from one environment to dementia has unfortunately heen underutilized up to now.
another, such as from a care home to an acute hospital The ethos of palliative care, however, is consistent with a
setting, can he traumatizing and provoke feelings of loss person-centred approach to care of people with dementia.
and separation that might manifest themselves as behaviour Health practitioners need to be able to recognize the
that challenges. clinical features of advanced dementia. Specific issues for
consideration in palliative care in advanced dementia include
Family caregivers hydration and nutrition,management ofpain.and management
To improve palliative care for people with dementia there of depression. It may he very difficult to communicate with a
needs to he greater comminiication with families and person with advanced dementia hut carers can be strong
proxies. They need to be given clear information about the advocates on their behalf. It is hoped that the MCA will
disease trajectory, complications of dementia and limited empower people with dementia to be able to make their
treatment options (Caplan et al. 2006). wishes and thoughts on their care in advanced stages of the
The progression of dementia confronts families and disease known. It will also give carers the legal right to make
proxies with difficult ethical and moral decisions, and welfare decisions on their behalf through a lasting power of
caregivers need to be supported through this difficult attorney. Good palliative care for those with advanced
period.There is also evidence to suggest that the more social dementia will be a multidisciplinary team approach that will
support carers receive pre-bereavetnent, the hetter adjusted not only consider the person with dementia but also support
they are post-bereavement (Schulz et al. 2003). their families and carers. UH

Recommendatlons for Improvements to care

11.iiKock ct al (2006) eke several ways m which care of
people with advanced dementia can be improved, namely: Abbey J, Piller N. De Bellis A ct al (2(>l)4) Tht- Abbey pain scale: a 1-minute
• The development of evidence-based guidelines to inform nunitricil indicator for people with end stage dementia, ¡nt J Polliat Nun
practice for people with advanced dementia, including Alzheimers Si>ciety (2(K)7) Palliative care/withdrawing and withholding
planning of goals early in disease trajectory, and feeding [rfatiiieiit. Position Staieiiieiic. Alzheimers Siiiicry, London. Available al: (last acces.sed 5 March 2(H)8)
symptom management with emphasis placed on bereavement Aiitlit Commission (21)02) Forget Me Not: Devclopitig Mental Health Servías for
care for families Older l\opk ill England. Auclit CCommission, London
British National Formulary (2008) C:odeine Phospliatc. BNF 54. UMJ
• Increased awareness during the early stages of dementia of Publishinji Group Lid .md RPS Piitilishing, London
advance decisions Caplan CiA, MCIKT A. St|Uires B. i:iiaii S. Willctt W (2il0f.) Ad\'ancc care
pianning and hospital in the nursing home. i^,i;c .-H.Ci'iifi,' 35(6): 581-5
• More research into palliative care needs of people with Care Services Impnwement I'artnership (2l)0f>) ííii'i^'í'míylí Btisiiu-ss: liitcgmting
advanced dementia Mental Haillli Si-n-ias for Older .Adulty CSIl'. London
Clare L. Woods RJ {21H)4) Cognitive training and Cognitive training tor people
• Health providers to he educated about the need for with i-ariy stage Alzheimer's disease, a review. Neimfsychol Rehabiti 14(4):
palliative care, especially applying principles of palliative 385-401
Cox S, Cook A {2(K)2) Caring for people uith dementia at the end. In: Hocklt*y
care to advanced dementia J, Clark D, eds. Palliatiiv Care for Older People in ('are Homes. Open University
• A palliative care approach rather than specialist palliative Pres.s, Buckingham: 86-103
[>eparntifnt of Hfalth (2(X)4) Tlie NHS Improvement MMI: hitting People ¡it flu-
care services, and palliative care interventions which focus Ham of Pi'l'li'' Sfrt'iœs. HMSO. London
on pain .md symptom management and communication Departtnent of Health (20115) 77ic \'HS Bud of Ufi Care /^MIIIÍHC. H M S O ,
London. Available at: www.endofiifccare.iihs.iik/eolc (last acces.sed 29
regarding end-of-life issues. Consultation of specialists October 2CH17)
and multidisciplinary teams would encourageflexihleand l>fpartmtnt of Health (20()6a) (Sur Health Our Care Say: A New Dimtionfor
responsive service. Community Sewices. O H . London
Department of Health (2<)0()b) A Nein Amhiiion for Old Age: Next Steps in
• Continuity of care and collaboration between healthcare Impienietitin); the Natiotml Sen'ice Framework for Older People. HMSO. London
Doody RS. Stfvcns J C . Beck C et al (2001) Practice paramt-tcr: man.igniK'm
professionals is important for good quality palliative care of dementia (an evidence-based review). Report of the Quabiy Standards
• Communication between professional care providers and Subconimittt'e of the Amtrican Academy of N e u r o l t ^ . Nft'if/tTO' 56(9):
families is critical to minimize the risk of conflicting EUershaw J, WilkiTison S (2003) Orr' of the DyiH.?; A Pathwity to Excellence.
opinions in management goals. Oxibnl University' Press. Oxford

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314 British Journal ot g, 2(IUH,Vul 17. No 5

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