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Vocabulary 1-10 Abscond: v, to run off with something.

Affable: adj, friendly.

Anarchy: n, lawless, no government. Appease: v, settle or to please. Apathy: n, lack of interest.

Acquiesce: verb, give in.

Apprehensive: adj, fearful, uneasy.

Adamant: adj, stubborn.

Ambiguous: adj, not clear.

Advocate: v, to support. n, a supporter.

Vocabulary 11-20 Arduous: adj, hard to do. Benign: adj, kind or gentle.

Atone: v, to make up for. Auspicious: adj, attended by favorable Circumstance, marked by success. Belligerent: adj, aggressive loud mouthed.

Biased: adj, favoring one side.

Blasphemy: n, contempt for the sacred.

Brazen: adj, shameless.

Benevolent: adj, kind or gentle.

Brevity: n, to the point, concise.

Vocabulary 21-30 Callous: adj, cruel, coldhearted.

Content: adj, satisfied.

Cynic: n, one who doubts. Cavalier: adj, careless, stuck up.

Debacle: n, an overwhelming defeat.

Cherubic: adj, resembling an angel. Circumlocution: n, the use of unnecessary. language. Coerced: v, persuaded. Cordial: adj, friendly.

Decorum: n, good manners.

Vocabulary 31-40 Demure: adj, serious or modest.

Dross: n, waste products-flotsam and jetsam.

Diligent: adj, hardworking, not lazy.

Dubious: adj, causing uncertainty or doubt.

Deluded: verb, tricked, mislead.

Earnest: adj, serious. Discombobulate: v, to confuse.

Delusional: n, psychotic belief. Disdain: n, contempt, strong dislike.

Dogma: n, a belief.

Vocabulary Week 41-50 Eccentric: adj, odd, unusual. Exploit: v, to make use of. n, a deed.

Edification: n, moral improvement.

Epiphany: n, a sudden realization of the importance of something.

Eminent: adj, famous or outstanding. Equinox: n, 2 times a year when day and night are the same length.

Fecal/feces: n, poop. Facetious: adj, playful, joking, witty. Flippant: adj, lacking respect or seriousness. Futile: adj, useless.

Vocabulary 51-60 Gauche: adj, lacking grace or social polish. Gauntlet: n, ordeal, difficult to get past. Gist: n, general idea.

Gregarious: adj, outgoing. Heterogeneous: adj, variety in a group.

Homogeneous: adj, of the same or similar kind, when everything is the same.

Glib: adj, thoughtless or insincere. Gratuitous: adj, unnecessary, uncalled for.

Hostile: adj, aggressive, unfriendly.

Hubris: n, conceited arrogant.

Vocabulary 61-70 Imperative: adj, necessary, commanding.

Inebriate: n, v. related to drunk.

Indelible: adj, permanent. Infinitesimal: adj, tiny, very small.

Insolent: adj, rude, without respect.

Inundate: v, to overwhelm.

Incognito: adj, in disguise.

Perdition: n, hell, the loss of ones soul.

Impunity: n, exempt from punishment.

Jaded: adj, bored, doesnt care.

Vocabulary 71-80 Jeer: v, to make fun of.

Laissez faire: n, a philosophy that government should not interfere.

Juggernaut: n, a large destructive force. Kinetic: adj, of or related to motion.

Languorous: adj, lazy slow, dreamy.

Latent: adj, hidden or not realized. Lethargic: adj, no energy, lazy.

Lascivious: adj, related to lustful thoughts.

Kowtow: v, to show submission.

Loquacious: adj, very talkative.

Vocabulary 81-90 Lucid: adj, easy to understand or clear.

Melancholy: n, depressed.

Malignant: adj, evil, hateful.

Metamorphosis: n, a marked change in appearance, condition or character.

Malaise: n, a feeling of being uncomfortable, lost.

Moderation: adj, self control, not too much.

Malice: n, done with evil intent. Mediocre: adj, average, ordinary, not impressive.

Morose: adj, not friendly or sociable. Mundane, adj, dull, boring.

Vocabulary 91-100 Narcissistic: n, abnormal love of oneself. Narcissist: n. Nirvana: n, absolute blessedness.

Odious: adj, hateful.

Obtuse: adj, not smart.

Omnipotent: adj, all powerful and knowing.

Obstinate: adj, stubborn. Ominous: adj, threatening.

Obsequious: adj, always agreeing, kiss up.

Obtrusive: adj, undesirable, in the way, forward.

Onus: n, duty, responsibility.

Vocabulary 101-110 Pacifist: n, peace lover, anti violence.

Pompous: adj, conceited, stuck up.

Posthumous: adj, occurring after death. Pander: v, to cater to a persons weakness. Preposterous: adj, ridiculous. Pensive: adj, thoughtful, reflective. Plethora: n, overabundanc. Prim: adj, very neat, proper.

Platitude: n, over used expression, clich.

Profound: adj, showing great understanding.

Vocabulary 111-120 Resolute: adj, stubborn.

Reciprocal: adj, done or given in return, equal.

Proponent: n, one who supports a cause.

Rejuvenate: v, to make young again.

Pugnacious: adj, tends to fight. Pugilist: n

Reprimand: v, to tell a person they have done wrong.

Pulchritude: n, beauty.

Reparation: n, money, act given to right a wrong.

Prurient adj, having lustful thoughts.

Repugnant: adj, offensive.

Vocabulary 121-130 Reticent: adj, quiet, reserved.

Somber: adj, serious, sad.

Rift: n, a split or break.

Sordid: adj, run down, low class, filthy.

Serendipity:n, fate/chance.

Spurious: adj, not genuine, false.

Serene: adj, peaceful.

Squander: v, to spend foolishly, waste.

Skeptic: n, one who doubts.

Squalor: n, filth, foulness.

Vocabulary 131-140 Stagnant: adj, not running or flowing, inactive.

Subtle: adj, having a delicate quality, almost secret. Superfluous: adj, exceeding what is required.

Subjugate: v, to bring under control, conquer. Sublime: adj, majestic, elevated, inspiring awe.

Surreal: adj, unreal, strange.

Sycophant: n, kiss up. Tacit: adj, implied, inferred.

Subterfuge: n, an excuse or trick for escaping.

Tentative: adj, uncertain.

Vocabulary 141-150 Temperate: adj, mild or moderate.

Vehement: adj, forceful or intense in emotion.

Tempestuous: adj, characterized by violent emotions.

Vernacular: n, language or dialect of a place.

Tenacious: adj, stubborn, not giving up, relentless. Ubiquitous: adj, being everywhere.

Vindicate: v, justify.

Visceral: adj, instinctive. Vortex: n, place or situation that sucks everything into its center.

Usurp: v, to seize and hold without right.

Vocabulary 151-160 Vulgar: adj, rude, bad. Ornery: adj, bad tempered .

Wrought: v, put together.

Curmudgeon: n, an unhappy person.

Xenophobe: n, one who fears strangers or foreigners.

Churlish: adj, without manners rude.

Yeoman: n, a servant, worker.

Supercilious: adj, Arrogant.

Angst: n, anxiety, worry.

Sanguine: adj cheerfully optimistic.

Vocabulary 161-170 Unctuous: adj characterized by excessive piousness or moralistic fervor, especially in an affected manner; suave, or smug. Deciduous: adj not permanent; transitory.

Levity: n, Humor, lighthearted. Egregious: adj extraordinary in some bad way. Minion: n, follower, underling. Quarrel: n, v, an argument.

Nihilism: n, philosophy an extreme form of skepticism. Candor: n, honesty, bluntness, straightforward.

Qualm: n, an uneasy feeling related to conscience. Pedantic: adj, overly concerned with details or learning.

Vocabulary 171-180 Cacophony: n, a mixture of meaningless or disharmony. Nebulous: adj, hazy, vague, confused. Neophyte: n, beginner, novice. Nemesis: n, someone or thing as an opponent that cant be conquered. Nepotism: n, favoritism showed to family.

Esoteric: adj, secretive, only known by a few.

Capricious: adj, erratic, done on a whim.

Autonomy: n, independence, on ones own. Pessimism: n, tendency only to see the bad. Petulant: adj, easily annoyed.

Vocabulary 181-190 Stoic: adj, free from emotion.

Innocuous: adj, harmless.

Piety /pious: n, having great respect for God or the state of being religious. Collusion: n, a secret agreement for evil.

Supercilious: adj, conceited, haughty.

Recapitulate: v, to summarize.

Jubilant: adj, showing great joy.

Nefarious: adj, wicked, evil. Nadir: n, the lowest point.

Malign: v, to say or write or damaging things of another that may not be true.

Vocabulary 191-200 Scatological: adj, a preoccupation with the obscene or excrement. Manic/mania: adj, n, excessive happiness or agitation.

Perennial: adj, lasting, permanent.

Hindrance: n, obstacle.

Homage: n, a show of respect. Domicile: n, a home.

Sovereignty: n, independence, self governance.

Scrutinize: v, inspect or look over closely. Poignant: adj, emotional, important, sad.

Docile: adj, easily managed, passive.

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