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Zefanya Putri Lincoln Movie Assignment

Lincoln once said that he only cared about keeping the Union together, that it didnt matter how it happened, whether through emancipation or none at all, and that the sole thing that really was at stake was only and only the Union. That was his only goal; however, during the course of the Civil War, Lincoln, in his Gettysburg Address, had unexpectedly changed the true purpose of the Civil War, from only about the preservation the Union, to the holy crusade of human rights and liberties. Thus, Lincoln was a man of moral principle, who in his 2nd Inaugural Address referred to God and his divine will, and the Bible which he loved, to heighten and conclude the war with the moral idea of forgiveness and compassion. let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nations wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphanto do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all the nations. As the Caesar of his day, Lincoln was indeed often uncompromising and violating the Constitution to achieve his means. He had violated the Constitution by suspending the writ of Habeas Corpus to assure the border state of Maryland to stay with the Union, by ordering the publications of newspapers to stop, by allowing civilians to be tried by a military court, and many more. To make sure the 13th amendment was passed, Lincoln, driven by moral principles, allowed persuasions in the House to achieve Democratic votes. He had indeed done those things, but werent those effective in preserving the Union, in making sure that the North would win and the South wouldnt? As Secretary of State William H. Seward theorized, There is a higher law than the Constitution. The Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th amendment made Lincoln the Great Emancipator, the one who abolished slavery once and for all. Its true that Lincoln could never see whites and blacks ever living equally together, but he believed slavery was wrong and that whites and blacks were all equal in humanity, and that one should never have to work for the good of somebody else, but for himself.

About 600,000 thousand people perished during the Civil War, and the South was left to be a desolate land that was filled with widows and orphans, looking for security and protection. Lincoln had indeed caused so much death and destruction in the Civil War, and not only did the Conscription Act brought the first military draft of young men to fight in the war, but the war eventually became a total war, in which troops, civilians, everyone, became equivalent targets. Lincoln justified the tragedies of the Civil War as a punishment from God, whose judgments are righteous and true altogether. Lincolns many references to God and His divine will and also his actions that have saved the Union made him to be a sainted, Christ-like savior. He wasnt Christ, of course, but he spread Christs teachings of moral course in his 2nd inaugural address when he emphasized compassion and forgiveness by boldly saying With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right Lincoln may not have followed the Constitution as any man in power should, and he may not have prevented thousands of deaths and piles of ruins to occur; Lincoln may not have answered the widows prayers by drafting more and more troops to the battlefields, and he may not have used less ruthless methods to assure victory for the North; but Lincoln became that man who had the revelation that the Civil War was more than just selfish desires of North and South. He had seen the future of the United States; a nation that would repent from its sins and that would take that moral course of forgiveness and compassion; and with that, Abraham Lincoln may just have been our greatest president.

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