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Publicalion 652 SPUV . BA 4

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t{tlnME D EL A C E I




Publication 652
Premid6 re d i t i o-n F i r s e t dition


pylones Essais mGcaniques des delignes aGriennes

Loading lests line 0nouerhead towers

- Copyright - all rights Droits dereproductioh r6serv6s reserved

Bureau Central delaCommission Electrotechnique lnternationale

1, rue de Varembd

0endve, Suisse

publication R6visionde Ia prdsente

Le contenu technique des publications de la CEI est constamment revu par la Commission afin d'assurer qu'il refldte bien l'6tat actuel de la technique. Les renseignements relatifs ir ce travail de rvision, ir l'tablisse' ment des 6ditions rvisdeset aux mises ir jour peuvent tre obtenus auprds des Comitds nationaux de la CEI et en consultant les documents ci-dessous: O O Bulletin de la CEI Rapport d'activit6 de la CEI Publi6 annuellement O Catalogue des publications de Ia CEI Pub1i6 annuellement

Revisionof this publication

The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC, thus ensuring that the content reflectscurrent technology. Information on the work of revision, the issue of revised editions and amendmentsheetsmay be obtained f r o m I E C National Committeesand from the followins IEC sources:


IEC Bulletin Report on IEC Activities yearly Published

Catalogueof IEC Publications Publishedyearly

En ce qui concerne la terminologie g6nrale, le lecteur se reportera i la Publication 50 de la CEI: Vocabulaire Electrotechnique International (V.E.I.), qui est dtablie sous forme de chapitres sdpards traitant chacun d'un sujet d6fini, l'Index gndral 6tant publi6 sdpardment. Des details complets sur le V.E.I. peuvent tre obtenus sur demande.

For general terminology, readers are referred to IEC Publication 50: International ElectrotechnicalVocabulary (I.E.V.), which is issued in the form of separate chapters each dealing with a specific field, the General Index being published as a s e p a r a t eb o o k l e t . F u l l d e t a i l s o f t h e I . E . V . w i l l b e s u p p l i e d o n request. The terms and definitions contained in the present publication have either been taken from the I.E.V. or have been specifically approved for the purpose of this publication.

Les termes et ddfinitions figurant dans la prdsente publication o n t i t d s o i t r e p r i s d u V . E . I . , s o i t s p 6 c i f i q u e m e n ta p p r o u v 6 s a u x fins de cette publication.

graphiques et litt6raux Symboles

Pour les symboles graphiques, symboles littdraux et signes d'usage gdndral approuvds par la C E I, le lecteur consultera: la Publication 27 de la CEI: en 6lectrotechnique; l a P u b l i c a t i o n l l 7 d e l a C E I : S y m b o l e s g r a p h i q u e sr e c o n mandds. Les symboles et signes contenus dans la prdsente publication ont 6t6 soit repris des Publications 27 ou 117 de la CEI, soit spdcifiquement approuvds aux fins de cette publication. Symboles littdraux ir utiliser

Graphical and letter symbols

For graphical symbols, and letter symbols and signs approved by the IEC for general use, readers are referred to: IEC Publication 27: Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology; IEC Publication 117: Recommended graphical symbols.

The symbols and signs contained in the present publication have either been taken from IEC Publications 27 or ll7, or have been specifically approved for the purpose of this publication.

C.D.U.lU.D.C. : 621.315. 620.17

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l i l T E R lA , lT I 0 N A L E L E G T R ( } T E C H NC IC ( )A MLM I S S I ( l N

Publication 652
- Firstedition Premidre 6dition


SPLil 34 *

Essais meGanrques despylOnes delignes afriennes

Loading lests linelowers 0nouerhead

D e s c r i p t e u r s : p y l 6 n e sd e l i g n e sa 6 r i e n n e se , ssais, e x i g e n c e se , s s a i sm 6 c a n i q u e s

Descriptors: overhead l i n e t o w e r s ,t e s t i n g , requirements , e c h a n i c atle s t s m

.K , {AA q rl ll. )x.1

t ' : J S A TP : h ; . : L i C i . { i ' ; ; l t I . 1 : A : . 1 H t ( : L I $ T S t { 1 I

\ o i s . : r - t . r0 , 0601 'ra,,ssar I APRlgflQ ,

- Copyright - all rights Droits de reproduction r6serv6s reserved

partieds cettepublication Aucune no peut tre reproduite ni ulilisesous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procd6, 6lectronique ou mdcay compris nique, la photocopie et les microfilms, sansI'accord dcritde l'6diteur. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic photocopying or mechanical, including and microfilm, withoutpermission in writinglrom the publisher.

B u r e aC ue n t r d ae l l a C o m m i s s iE oln e c t r o t e c h nIin qtu ee rnationale

l , r u ed e V a r e m b d

Gendve, Suisse

, t0.Fiix,r,

- 3 -



FOREWORD 1) The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technicalmatters, prepared by Technical Committeeson which all the National Committeeshaving a special interest therein are represented,express,as nearly as possible,an international consensus of opinion on the subjectsdealt with. 2) They have the form of recommendations for international use and they are acceptedby the National Committeesin that sense. 3) In order to promote international unification, the IEC expresses the wish that all National Comrnitteesshould adopt the text of the IEC recommendationfor their national rules in so far as national conditions will permit. Any divergence betweenthe IEC recommendationand the correspondingnational rules should, as far as possible,be clearly indicated in the latter.

PREFACE This standard has been prepared by I E C Technical Committee No. 11, Recommendationsfor Overhead Lines. A flrst draft was discussed at the meeting held in Melbourne in 1975.After this meeting, a seconddraft was submittedto the National Committeesin1976. Taking account of the comments,a draft, Document ll(Central Office)3, was submitted to the National Committees for approval under the Six Months' Rule in February 1977. Due to four negativevotes, a revised draft, Document 1l(Central Office)6,was submitted to the National Committeesfor approval under the Two Months' Procedurein March 1978. The following countries voted explicitly in favour of publication: Australia Austria Bel-eium Brazil Canada Egypt Finland France Germany Italy Japan Norrvay Poland South Africa (Republic of) Spain Srveden Switzerland Turkey Union of Soviet Socialist Republics United Kingdom United Statesof America


- 5 -


1. Scope This standard is applicable to the testing of towers and structuresof overheadlines for voltages above 45 kV. 2. Object The object of this standard is to codify the methods of testing towers and structures of overhead lines for voltages above 45 kV. These tests are made on the prototype prior to manufacture (prototype tests). Under certain conditions, these tests may also be made as acceptance tests on a batch of towers.


General test criteria

3.1 For a prototype test, the material used shall be made to the same standardsas those that will apply io all towers during production. Thesestandardswill include bar size,bolt size,metal quality, connections, geometryand surfacecoatings.

3.2 Responsibility for checking the conformity of the structure used for the prototype test with the correspondingproduction structuresshall be decided before the test. 3.3 If an acceptancetest on the entire tower is required, the components shall be chosen at random from the batch offered for acceptance. 3.4 The test tower shall be erectedon a rieid base. 3.5 The selected tower shall successfully withstand the loads specifledfor the various conditions stipulated by the relevaut I E C standards or by the client of the testing station. 3.6 The client of the testing station is the organization, or its nominee, giving direct instructions to the testing station for the test to be undertaken.


Load application Loading cases(values,directions and points of application of loads) are given by the client.


Grouping of loads If, for practical purposes,some loads (i.e. due to wind on the structure) have to be grouped,the value of the resultant, its direction and its point of application shall be agreedby the client.


. 74.2 Application of loads in steps The test covers five steps of 50 %, 75%, 90%, 951 and 100% of the specifiedultimate loads. A 25\ station. step may be selectedsubject to the a-qreement of the client and the operator of the testing

The 95 \ stephas been selected in order that readingsmay be taken just before the specifiedI00% step which might not be reached. In this event, a result from the 95 )( step would be useful for a decision on the replacement of damaged components, as indicated in Clause 7. If the test station has facilities for continuous recording with simultaneous incrementalapplication of all loads, this step could be omitted.

4.3 Dynamic effects Loads shall be applied in such a way as to avoid any dynamic effect. However, bolt slips in the joints during the tower test, leading to possible dynamic stresses, shall be accepted.

4.4 Adjustment of loads per step For each step,exceptfor the final 100:; step,the various loads shall be considered to be adjusted if the readins for each of them is rvithin the follorvine limits: Step Permissible range

(2s%) s0% 7s% e0% es% r00%

(23%27%) 48%-s2% 7 3 % -7 7% 88%-e2% e3%e7 % > t00%

The 100ft stepis reachedwhen the loads are equal to or greater than 100% of the specifiedloads. As all loads approach 100%, care shall be taken to avoid overloading of any point of application of theseloads.


Duration oJ'load application For each step, the time during which loads are applied may be as short as possible: it will depend upon the facilities of the testing station, that is, upon the time necessary for the loads to be adjusted in accordancewith the table in Sub-clause 4.4 and for the recording of the relevant values. For the final 100\ step,the loads shall be maintained for 1 min.

The client may ask that, for the final 100f step,loads be maintained for a longer period, with a maximum of 5 min; but, should a failure occur during this period, the test shall be considered valid if the structure has held for at least I min. If the material employed for the structure is not steel and has a creep tendency, the client may request for the 100% step, a longer duration of load application before considering the test as v alid.

9 5. Sequence of test loailing cases The sequence of test loading casesshall be determined by the client. It is recommendedto choose tests. Secondly, the choice first those tests having the least influence on the results of the successive for carrying might take account of the simplification of those operations necessary of test sequence out the test programme.


Check of tower mechanicalstrength

6.1 The structure is considered to be satisfactory if it is able to support the specified ultimate loads (100% step) for I min as stated in Sub-clause 4.5, with no visible local deformation after unloading (such as bowing, buckling), and no breakage of elementsor constituent parts.

However, when the structure is designedin such away that the deformation after unloading is a part of the design data (for instancein a frame calculatedwith plastic theory, etc.) and on condition that the client be informed before the test, such deformation can be accepted. 6.2 Ovalization of holes and permanent deformation of the bolts shall be accepted.


Procedure in the event of premature collapse

7.1 In the event of collapse of a part under loads of a value lower than the 951 step,the part that has collapsedmay be replacedby another with greater mechanicalstrength. The modified structure shall be required to pass the test for the specifiedultimate load values (100% step).

7.2 If the collapse of a part occurs at loads between those corresponding to the 951 and 100% steps, one of the following two procedures may be adopted by the client or the manufacturer of the tower according to previous agreement. 7.2.1 As indicated in Sub-clause7.7, which is the normal mandatory procedurefor the prototype tests.

tests, the test may be repeated on another tower of the same batch. The latter 7.2.2 For the acceptance structure shall be required to pass the 100f test. To build the new structure, any part of the original tested tower can be re-used.

8 . Check of quality of materials used for prototype test 8 . 1 If the materials used for the fabrication of the prototype are selected at random from the manufacturer's stocks and if they can be considered as representativeof the materials used in production structures, no limitation shall be required on their yield point and ultimate tensile strength value, and on tolerancesof their geometricaldimensionsother than those specifiedto the material supplier.

8.2 If this requirement is not satisfied,the material of the prototype shall be checked for mechanical characteristicsand dimension tolerances.

ll 8.2.1 The client shall consider the test satisfactoryif bending and compression memberswith slendernes sr at ios s ma l l e rth a n 1 5 0 fo r s te e la n d 100 for al umi ni um (or any al umi ni umal i oy),andtensi on ptrints: members,have the follorvine average-r'ield yield point lower or equalto 300MPa: a) steelor aluminium membershaving a minimum guararlteed averagevaltre 4 guaranteedminimunt value x 1.25; b) steel or aluminium membersharine a minimum guaranteedyield point greaterthan 300 MPa: value x 1.17. rnittinttrnt average value { guaranteed The averages are obtained from eight tc-:t:pecirnens taken from eight differentmost heavily loaded membersof the structurefor each grad!' trf rnaterial. 8 . 2. 2 Howev er ,fo r me rn b e rs ri .i ti ohi gherthan those i ndi catedi n S ub-cl ause rv i th s l e n d e rn e i : 8.2.1and for redundants,the above limits nral be c-rcecded sincetheir yield point has little influenceon their c ollaps e. v a l u e o f th e u l ti n ta te:t rc-n.' th. the fol l orvi ngl i mi t shal l be accepted: 8 .2. 3 F or t he av e ra g e rLilit( : L:(). averege value { gttarottteccl ntittitnui)t is obtainedfrom the eight ir,',it specin-iens usedfor the determinationof the average The average value of the yield point of the material. sre n o t s a trs l l e dthe . test i s not ral i d and the prototype shal l be rej ected. I f all t hes ec o r-rd i ti o na
. c n r t d i t r . ' t l i n t h e l r r : h t t r f f r r t r r r c ' r - \ D e r i c n c.e Note. *- This clausecan. if necessar\'b


Presentationof test results The test report shall include the follorvin,e data: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The type of testedtor,ver. The name and addressof the tower manulacturerand ofl the tower desisner. The name and addressof the client. The dates and location of testing. The namesof personspresentduring the tests. A list of various assemblyand detail drawings reiating to the tower tested, including any modification of the drawings referred to. A dimensionedline diagram of the tower showing the various load points and directions of loading to be applied and a table with the specifiedloads. Diagram showing the rigging arrangement used to apply the test loads. Brief description of the test facility including the number, location, range and calibration charts or tables of every load transducer or other load measuring devices,as well as the accuracy of the equipment used to measllrethe test loads. One table per test showing the loads required at the various points on the structure and for the various loading steps. One table per test showing the various deflection values measured. In the caseof failure: table shorvingthe maximum loads applied to the structure just before the collapse; a brief description of the failure; the dimensional and mechanicalcharacteristicsof the failed elements.

10. 11. 12.

13. Photographs showing the whole of the structure and, possibly, details of the failure. of tests. 14. Environmental meteorological data during the sequences

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