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Java Case Study

In this case study, you should be able to apply what we have discussed in the class. You may divide the parts within your group but you have to specify which part of the module you handled. Create a class (MyCaseStudyMenu) that will execute the following functions:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Insert in a table Update an entry in a table Delete an entry in a table Display the contents of a table Download the contents in a file

You may refer to the image on the right for Then sample UI. You may refer to the connection strings : String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = hklxd74v)(PORT = 1521))(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = hklxd75v)(PORT = 1521))(LOAD_BALANCE = yes)(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME = irnps1_4.oocl)))"; String aID = "csesowner"; String aPwd = "csesowner"; TABLE TRAIN_BANK_ACCT: Name Null Type ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACCT_NO NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10) ACCT_NAME VARCHAR2(50) USER_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(7) ACCT_TYPE VARCHAR2(2) CURR VARCHAR2(3) CURR_BAL NUMBER(20,2) AVAL_BAL NUMBER(20,2) LAST_UPD DATE

Insert New Account


You should be able to utilize the previous ice breaker. Input Details Class. When you click the Insert New Account Button in the main class, this frame should pop up. You can do this by calling the instance of your class inside the actionListener. Ex. InputDetail ins = new InputDetail(); The save button should insert the value in the table. The clear button should clear all the values in the fields.

Entry Inquiry (DisplayDetail)

This should pop up when you click the Entry Inquiry button. This Selects ALL entries in table TRAIN_BANK_ACCT.

Delete Bank Acount (DeleteDetails)

This should pop up if the Delete Bank Account Button was clicked. Same as the other options, you can do this by creating a separate class and instantiating an object. The Delete button should delete the provided ACCT_NO and USER_NAME. Pop up a message before proceeding with the actual delete. Inform user of success or failed deletion.

The Clear button should still clear the fields

Update Bank Acount (UpdateDetails)

This is a combination of search and update option. This screen should pop up when you click the update bank account button. The search button should search the matching ACCT_NO and USER_NAME from the table. If it has a match all the fields should be filled up. If no match found, it should pop a message that says no match found. The update button updates the fields from ACCT_NAME up to LAST_UPD for the matching ACCT_NO and USER_NAME. The clear button should still clear the fields.

Download All Account (DownloadDetails)

Using the knowledge in Java I/O, you should be able to download the details in a file. Once the user click this, you should be able to generate a comma delimited text file without header details sorted by USER_NAME in C:\account_balance.txt or an excel file with header details in C:\account_balance.xls

BONUS: Upload All Account (UploadDetails)

Add a function where user may choose to upload data in the database using a text file or an excel file. You may add the button in the main menu after the Download All Account button.

Summary of the program

Create a brief explanation of each of the program logic in a word file. Note:


A validation of the input should be implemented in the program. For example, a valid date input (Last Updated) a valid number input (account number, currency, current balance and available balance) and a valid character input (Account Name, User Name and Account Type). If the input is not a valid format/type, a warning dialog box should prompt stating why such an error occurred. For the input date, the program should be able to handle any type of date format input but will internally convert it to this format MM/DD/YYYY

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

In the Last Updated input text field, create a dynamic calendar that user can use to select for the date. You may use a drop down calendar, or a dynamic calendar display. Add a tool tip that will help the user understand each part of the UI. Add handlings and proper message alerts Add proper comments. Adhere with the Java coding standards. Put your classes in a package.

Grading System Functionality (60pts) - can perform expected functions based on requirement - has no errors/bugs Readability (15pts) - use of comments - codes are easy to understand Punctuality (10pts) - Submitted on time Aesthetics (15pts) - Design - User-friendly Deadline is on July 22, 2013, End of day

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