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P meet 20082013 Created for Life;Fellowship;Community Gen 1-11 Duraisingh Intro: -- Animals in zoo dont belong to zoo but

ut to wild Even if they are born in zoo there is a

desire in them to go the wild ???? Why???? Answer i.e. how God has created. Humans also created for something which is lost and he is searching for it a desire in him.

3 examples woman; two brothers; family. I. Created for Life - 2 chps abt creation God is reason for all[Radical idea in our culture] Today science has made theological claims. No creation at all. - How things were first created 2 chps on Life(Trees capable of life; animals,fish,bird) Human beings were given responsibility for continuing the job of filling this new world with life. -- Not just life. But all times 6 times Good 7thday Very Good. 1-2chp = God creates life and it is good. Gen 2.8-9 Garden; [paradise] place of enjoyment Wikipedia.
That is a pretty good summary of what God created. This garden was about displaying life. It was about cultivating life. And it was about enjoying life. At the center of this garden is the first kind of life that God created in Genesis 1 and the very symbol of life itself: the tree of life.

-- C & A hav potential to be in a good relationship 4.3-5 = offerings. Eg. Cain substandard offering. Competition Jealousyvery angry 4.8 -- Finally MURDER. God created brothers.a choice was made we get murderer [Eve chooses death for herself Cain chooses death for someone else] -- God created us for RELATIONSHIPS [ Stingeness ] -- Life is also not no relationship. Relsip offer so much promise -- Here also God persists allows Adam Eve have other children [ God wants relationship for us. He wants us to experience intimate connections with other people. Friendships. Romance. Siblings. Parents. Children. .. he will provide. Will you trust him? [eg. Parents leave children to boardings; grandparents; later children send to old homes; Fulfillment in life not only in food,shelter and facilities. EMOTIONAL NEEDS.] III. Created for community -- Creation; Relship all ruined In chp 6 all intended by God marred beyond regonition 6.5-8= same conditions things are badBut God wants to make it better.
God himself longs for his creation to experience what it was meant to experience. And even what he is about to do here, even wiping out mankind and starting over serves that purpose.

TREE SYMBOL OF LIFE - We are created for Good life. Not [consumerism] etc But Joy;Peace;Contendness; Satisfaction. Gospel of John Life in full. Jn10.10 - This longing is in all [Plato says Ideal if we know life can be better then we have to have a knowledge of itdistant memory of past] Lewis [thirsty water is there; hunger food is there; Longing then something must be there = Desires dont exist for things that dont exist. -- Adam Eve were given this beautiful life. But they mistrusted Gods intentionsGen 3.1-6 Failure of pinnacle man and woman. [many trees will lead to life but one death. They chose death tree.] Confusion about what life is all about Eve confused here.both trees here But her thoughts revolved around dis one.which she cudnt hav -- Same happens = we revolve around where life isnt. other than where God tells us to find life eg. Grass greener on other side. --Are u confused where the source of Life is??? TRUST GOD TO PROVIDE LIFE. -- In all decisions will u Trust God////// Bcoz of our bad past we make wrong decisions. Gen3.24 they were removedno access to life. [Angel to guard it guard until can be handed over to enjoy] II. Created for Relationships 3-11chps what happened to the plan of God. -- Adam Eve child = Cain create Abel vapour - Brothers are theynew kind of relationship. Close & Reliable relship even today.

-- One man righteous.Noah. Walked with God[adam eve cain abel failed] If God starts with good familyHope is there with his Family. Creation of world and second creation Ark there is lot of similarities. -- Does it work? Gen 9.20-25 Wine drunk naked also.things getting worse. Eve choice Cain wait killed Noah sons handle poorly due to mistake of Noah. Eg. Parent siblings is never the one person completely wronglittle blame everywhere. -- Sin infect everything. Nobody has clean hands. -- Yet we want to be a community. We want a place where there is justice, love , peace. God CREATED US TO EXPERIENCE COMMUNITY. -- this fails.yet God persists. Nature of Gospel is abt community.
Gods intentions for his creation seem to be growing: from life to relationship to community. But the mistakes these people make seem to be growing as well. They get more complicated, more messy and harder to fi x. In the midst of that we still see a God that is working to restore his creation to what he intended for it.

Created for vibrant life; intimate relship; deep community. But choices.bad. we inherit these choices sin. Any animal does not belong to zoo but to the wild. We dont belong in the world as it looks now. We belong in a beautiful garden with a tree of life in the center. We can trust God to bring us back there. p-b-c

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