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CHAPTER NOS 13, 14, 15. Std 9th SOCIAL SCIENCE. 1 In which continent does India lie?

2 Which is the second largest populated country in the world? 3 In which Hemisphere does India lie? 4 Between which two latitudes and longitudes does India lie? 5Name six bigger countries of the world? 6What is Indias position in the world? 7Which are the neighbouring countries of India? 8Which bay lies to the East of India? 9Which ocean lies to the south of India? 10Which sea lies to the west of India? 11What is the North South distance of India? 12How many square kms is the area of India? 13How many % of the earths surface is occupied by India? 14Suez canal was constructed in the year---------. 15Which countries are connected by the means of Suez canal? 16What is the Southern most tip of India known as? 17What is the Southern most point of India known as? 18Where is the Southern most point of India situated? 19How can a person reach to Canada from India? 20How much distance is reduced between India and Europe after the construction of Suez canal? 21Which longitude is taken as Indian standard time? 22Why is India called a peninsula? 23What is an island? 24What is a pass? 25Write a note on size and shape of India? 26What is meant by tectonic movements?

27What is the result of the tectonics movement? 28Define the term Divergence and Convergence? 29Name the seven plates of the earth? 30India belongs to -----------land. 31Which are the five physiographic divisions of India? 32Write a note on Northern Mountainous region? 33Why are the Himalayas called as the young fold mountains 34Which is the highest peak in the world? 35In which country does it lie? 36By which other name is Mt Godwin known as? 37By which other name is the outer Himalayas known as? 38Which are the 4 ranges of the Himalayas? 39The area between Tista and Dehang rivers is known as ----. 40The region between Sutlej and Kali rivers is known as------. 41Famous tourist places like ------------and-----------lies in Jammu and Kashmir. 42Name the passes situated in the Himalayas? 43By which other name is river Tsangpo known as? 44Where is Kailash Mansarovar situated? 45The region which includes Patkoi, Naga and Mizo hills is known as--------46Jaintia ,Khasi and Garo are the hills located in--------- of India. 47What is meant by Delta? 48Which is the biggest Delta of the world? 49Name the tributaries of River Indus? 50Name the 5 rivers of Punjab? 51What is meant by Doab? 52Name the tributaries of River Ganga? 53Which land is formed by the older alluvium?

54The land formed by the newer alluvium is called--------. 55Write a note on Peninsular Plateau. 56Chota Nagpur plateau lies in the state of -----. 57Malwa plateau lies between -----and-----mountain ranges. 58Rajmahal hills and Shillong plateau are the part of the ----------plateau. 59By which other name is Sahayadri known as? 60Where do Narmada and Tapi end them selves? 61Give any four points of difference between East coast plain and West coast plain? 62Name the two Archipelagos? 63What is meant by an Atoll? 64By which other name is an Atoll known as? 65Which factors plays an important role in deciding with the Climate of a place? 66In which climatic zone does India lie? 67When do we have summer season ? 68Which months are said to be winter months? 69What is the highest temperature recorded during summer? 70What is the lowest temperature recorded during winter? 71Which place is said to be the coldest place in India? 72What is meant by Mango Shower? 73Which states are affected by the Cyclones? 74Write a note on Distribution of Rainfall? 75State the difference between the summer monsoon winds and winter monsoon winds. 76What is meant by sea breeze and land breeze. 77When do the land breeze blow and when do the sea breeze blow?

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