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Letter from J.D Higham for the Colonial Secretary, Singapore, to

the British Adviser, Johor, and appendices, 12 June 1953
me llmmumbla
me B r i t i s h Addsar,

I am dlroctod t o ark f o r lnformatlon about the

rock scme CO miles f x m Gingapare k m m a s Pcdra Brsnca
on Wah t h o Borekrrgh Lighthonss stands. Tho r a t t o r is
*want t o t h e detrwination of the boundaries of t h o
Cololaq8s t e r r i t o r i a l v a t u r , It ap w r this roak la
orrtsfde t h o linih aodsd by m t a n t;, srLn and tho Dato
n m a n g g c q to the Bslt India vith tho Inland of
Swapom in the Trww of 1824 er€ract a t 'A1),
vas barwu mentioned Ln a despatch from
Oavrmor of
re on IL8th l l a r a b e r L81( (axtract at lBt), Tho
EE trre vu brrirt l n 1660 by the Colony
ulm h t o lsintalnd it rrm riacs. Thla by iatcullstlonal
asa(a rw, doubt confor8 bore r i g h t s and obllgatlano on tho
In the case of m u Piaang which 18 also oat
%da tho Z r r t ~ -tm
. of th. Colony it haa been posrlbXo
t o t n a o an irrddnre ln tb. Jobore b g t t r y of Deeds
dated 6th Oatobar U O O , TbIs abvs that a part of PuLau
via -td t o t h e C- t o r th. m a oi
ball ng a lightbcffso. C e r t a i n aonditions v m attached
and it 1s el- that t h u r no abn, atlon of tho
urrarelgnty of Jobor- The stat- of 1s-
B is qdte

3. It i8 hav dm-d t o 0Lazlf7 th, status of Psdra

Bratma. I w u l d t-ore be moat grateful t o knav whether.
there 18 any doortlcrrt lrhovlng a lease o r g& of the rouk
or vhrthm it has ceded by tha Qoveranant of t h e S k t o
of Johorr o r in any othrP way blilpaB@d of,
4. A oopy of thlr letter 1s being s e n t t o t b Chief
8sc-7, JkdA hpur.

I am, air,
Pour obedient nerrsnt,

The Honourable
The Chief Secrdary,
Federation of M a y a ,
m a r a rnrmrm

Extract fros Hr. John Crayford'g trealy p{-l€?A.

JoHORE. 1824


TH$ EllcLISl{ EA*STLN-DIri'COliPAlW qr the one si-de, and bheir HIGHNESSES
the $JLTAI{ and TUMJNGO}.|C
on the other, concluded on the
Second day of August, One Erotrsand Eight Hundred and tVenty-four (1824).


Ttrelr Highnesses the Sultan Hussain Mahooed Shah and Datu

Turungong Abdul Ratrnan Sri MaharaJah hereby cede in full sovereignty
and property to the Honourable the English East lndia Conpany, their
helrs and successors for eyer, the Island of Singapore, situated in
the Straits of llalacca, togelher rith the adjacent seas, straits, and
islets, to the extent of ren geographical niles, fron the coast of the
said roain Island of Singapore.

Extract froa a despatch by the Governor of Singapore to the

Covernor{enera-I in Bengal, 28.IL.I8tr..

Cig ?")'-,6^-"'*]
This Rocklia part of a territory of bhe Rajair of Johore
xho with thc fuqrnggmg has riJ-lingly conseoted to cede lt gratult/ousty
to the East Indla Coopergr.

ffi. b,r Attcms/€E!.al crf Sfu@e

The abi/e hardrrj.ttsr tnds in parsrUnsis: rrie Rfra EfttrErr rtEe rpt Frt of
tte ciginaf de+atch hry the Coru:s of Sirrye to tie Go/Errur{ersal in
brgal dat€d 28 ltasrb t8 . A f,acsjnile of tte cigirnl ae+atAt f,:qn th3
Gqrel:.rt. of Sirryoe to tlE Col'rerpg.cgenl in Bg.F.I is at lppg.dix Z. It
is r* clear *rt aU"a tte hardri.ttsr wEG in patrtlesis in tlE abwe
e<ffi. ScutfuV cf tte crigira-l deqntdl clearly *sls that t}t3 hJ(
refen€d to is rrt-53da Erarm nrt maX H<, vhidt is L.3 rantical nil-es hsn
tte Jcttr cnstlire, ard wiUlin Jctsrs wrtats. ftis is sridfft
nlcrn the fd. tiat tfe fqUicn d Rak Fod( is rsrticred in relalicn to tfte
r.nitior of lbd:a B:arpa in tle de+atctr fis[ ttp GcrErEr of Sirpprc to tie
cor,errm4senl in ergal. lHt€, tte hc* carrElt b kd:a harra.

Letter and attachments from A.G.B. Colton, for the Colonial

Secretary, Singapore, to the Deputy Commissioner General for
Colonial Affairs, Singapore, July1953


Tbe Dop,rty Coulstl-mer Cr-ncral
. for -colo-t^r AfiaIrS,
hoenl-r hrk,

Terrl-t ori,o-]. $laters

I aa dtreetecl to refer to the Secrotaqy of Statets savirgraru llo.946

to the crfflcer Addalsterfng tho C'overament of Sllgapore ard to previous
correspondeDc€on tbe effoetr of ths ADg1o-[b*eg1an-Fishcrles
JuCguent of 1952.
2- In gpnelal tho ncr rqethods oi defl-nlDg th€ ]-lmlts of terrltorlal uaters
can have lit+"Le efiect ou the Colonv whose coasts a;e na!:Ly uithin sl:r rn{I es
of the coast! of rnt€tboqlry Statss. In thc flrat place tle exteut of the
soverclguty of Slagsprero over Dearb5r lelets if, set out fn Artlclc Ip of
TT9"ty of Hol1oldr.1824; ar'.r ln Joh51Gbarf.rifll trcaty of lBZ{ 'lth Johoro
(Attacluents A & B). fbs groatcr part of tbr-tcntlscr-dt bourd,aqf t[.-Co]oqyrs
tertltorla-l- raatcrr l-c therefore ',.lrc uLcl-cba::oel ltne betveen tbl nost
"f southerly
of tbec. talets and. the uost northerlly frf:lmesl,rn L61etc. A rld-chonne1 LLxe -
ha5 8{rllarIy to be drara betrneu thr rost uorther\r coarta of tbe Colony nnd
the costt of tbc State of Johccc, This lattrr ruld-cbanml ll-De rras procirly
dofJ-ne$ bf a! Agrgeaent of ]-:927 (Attacbnent C). Tbere :-sraLn only shcu:t
stretehes of the bormrlarT of the Goloryta 1sr:'tf,s3{r] rraters rrhicl can erteud.
to tbree nlles frqa the coast" The posltim 1g l-Llustratod l-u the chart
attaebed rDr.

3. _ - appltcation of the Judgnent i.u the Anglo-N6nregian Flsherl-es caeo

vould nl'lss tLtife or no charge flsn tbs forraef reUroas of drasit'g ll-ues
at thoso parts vhere the bouncerr can strstch to tbe full three nl1"s vhon
Shgaporc alorre is consLderod. ff S{ngaFors and Js,ho- vere conslderod. togqthor Ii-mc corrld. be clrarm across the Douthsof the Stralts of Johore and. a joht
boun:!.-rr5rcoulcl be prahecl fiurther out to gea tha:e is now dons" Jolnt ccnsiierattor
Ln thls vay ls hc*rever pmbab\r lnacceptable in vles flrst].y of the eristehce of
qt tealf of 1824 ard the Agreenent:.of I92? vttb Jehcrre an,l secordly of the
fact thet the bourdarl€s ln thes€ localttl6s"lave t-n the past been tl-ken as
clrarrn fYm the ccasts of S{ ngappre ard Johore conslderod separate\r. In a-qr case
the te-itoi:l-al advanta€e of Jol-ut consideration sould be verT small.

4. The conc'rr'<ion is tberefore that ttre appUcaticrn of t'ne nes prlnclples

corrlC resuit !n r,o ertensive or lmporta-nEealteratiou of tbe terriio:-ia1 vaters
of the Co!-ony. For thls r€ason lil*-te ad.vaatagei.u respect to such ila',,ter€ as
fl-sberies, policing and. ccntrol sorrld be galoec1.

5. h the otlrer hand an applicatlcn of tbe new princlples by nei6hbouring

corntrl,es Dight rerllt in their clainilg Jrrladlction over iarge areas Dol{
regardeC as ths higb seas. Thl-e cor:-ld orly resu]-t in an ra:aeslrable restrl-ctlon
to the flshlng grorqa norually uted by Slngapore flstrer.nsn. For general
reasoDa also arry enclo$rg of, the high soas by forelgD States lt c6ntrarSr to tha
lJeterect of tb.ll densely popnJ.ated narlttno Coloqy dependert on iea-brui trade.
Ia thla conneotion an unrlerutaacll:rg on the fo:uor ugtlods of doftn{ng territorlel
vatore val reached vlth lrdonesl.e ia aa orchargE endlng iln July, I9Si, r.{th
Forelgn Offlce cleopetcb I'lo.I59 f,e D.lar"qr-ta. lbs totorabte rebilonship vhlch
uorr sxlsts botrrcen thls Colony ani T*lonesia rostc to smo extent on this
unders+.ardlngvhich could not bo arlvarrtageous$ distrrbod.

f an, Slr,
Iour obsdteut aen-a-ut,
sgd.(a.c.B. cor,?ol{)
for Co]-cnia-l- Se crc'ua-rf .
Attachsot rl ?

Extra.ct fros EAIDBOOKff COA.gRCrrr. TREAIIES l95t



SlgDod at london, ldcch, 17, L@1.

x x x r x x x x x I I x x x xr

9. The faetorT of Fort Maflbor@ghr FEd &11 the hg]-kh possesslone

on tbe IslnnC of Sr:natra, ar. herotgp cedod to E[s Uether]€Dd l€.Jeaty: ancl
Els Htaule HaJesty ltrtber eDgages t}at no H.tlft aettlonsnt lhall- b€
fcmcd on that {ararrrl, nor aqJr troaty by Britfrh authoi:J-Qr, rrlth
a-DyDatlTB prlnce, cbief or State therrch,

10" lbe tora nnr'! f61a of HaLacca at"r lts depedencles are hereby
cecltC to E1r Brltam1i HaJorty; and Elt &thcrlard HaJerty engaget, for
hhrc]J nnd hls abJoctrr ttgror to forr. ry ertab].l*"Fert on arrJrpart of
tha Penlnsul-a, of lhlacoa, or to conc}rdc ary traaty vith ary natlve Frfuice,
chlef or Statr tbsrl&

11. Hlr Mta:nf.e lb.Jisty ylthilrarr ths obJeotlong rrhteh bave besn
nede to the occupation of the Islaod of 811111on nnd lta depedercles, tgr
tba ag€r*c of th. !{cbhcl-ald Gorermout.

W. H1a l{et&erlla'lil ald. lbJorty vltbdrmt the objcotions vhJch harre

becn nade to the occnpatlon of thE-Iclad of Strcgapors bf ths eubJeeta of
Btr Dr{taur1c l{aferb5r.
Afu Erltannle l{aJesty, hovcver, cr,gages tbat no Erltlsb es-uab1ldh-
neDt shall be uacte on the Carlaou Isles, or on the Is] 'rvla of Battan,
Bht;ing, T.{ng{n, or oD a4r of the other lslsnds south of the Stralts cf
Singaporc, nor any troaty coDahdcd by Dritfuh authorlty rrlth the ctbfs of
thoce lsl^ands,

Attachrnent rB t

Jofl(RE, lIPl

lleaty of H-erdehip a"a lrrLrto" betneon the EOTIOURABLE
TnE EltrLtrSE

EASf IIDIA CC{PANI on the one si.der ad thelr RfGEIESSEStEE SUTTANAIID

T[mnnoNs or Jctflom on tb.e oth.c, conernded. on tbc second day of augurt,

fue Thousead Elght nundrecl lbenty-four (tgZC).


rxclcr,E n
Thet: tlgh::esses tbo S\Lltau Eu,ssain l&hmed. Shah a:rd. Datu

Traungong .tb&fl P€bnar srt Dbbara{a-lr bereby cadr rn full sonreretgnty

a-nd pnopor-ty to the Honorreble thc E-ngU-sh East lDilk Goupocy, tbelr

helra ald sucb.s'to=s f.c orers the lrLerrd of Sfu€aporo, Ellilratod lE tlc
straLtr of Halscca, togctheqr rrlth thr adJaeent &aB2 atraltr, a.nd lrlete,
to thc ctcnt of tqa geopgraphlat ;{1c6, f}oil tbc coact of the sald.
Ea{rr Ialald of Slagatrpra"
fio.1580 -THE S t r a i t s Settlemente and Johore ( ~ e r r i t o r i a ~
l atezn)
Agreement dated t h e 19th OctoSer, 1927, is p b l i s h e d aor general f.dormation.

he Agremnt B m P a v i n g passed b t h Xonses of ParPiantent-received R o y a l

Assent on the 3rd of kagust, 1928).
BY c,-
U t , M.C.S.
Acting Colonial Secret-,
S t r d t e Set+,lemeata,


Knight Crand Cross of the M o s t Distingnished Order of Saint Michael and Saint
Georgs, Knight G r a d Cross of the Iz@t Excellent M e r of t h e British Empire,
Governor and Caznmander-Whief of the Colony of tine S t r a i t s Settlaments, on
behalf of H i s Britannic Majesty and His Eighnsss ERA;-IPZ Kdght C r a Cross
of t h e %st Distlxgulshed Order of Ssirt Michaelgnd Saint George, Knight
Cmmrmder of the Most E-llent Order of t h e British Empire, bfn A b a r h o m
Sultan ABU B . U , =tan of the S t a t e and T e h - i t a i g of Johore :

WIZREAS by A r t i c l e If of the Treat of the 2nd day of Aagast, 1824, made

between the Honourable the English East ndia Company on t h e one side and The*
EIighesses the Sultan and Ttmmgong o i Johcrr on the other, Their said rUghnesses
did cede in full. swereignty and property t o the a d d C c ~ p a q y , t h e i r h e i r s and
sucoeasdrs for ever, t h e &laad of Singapore t o g e t h a with c e r t a i n adjacent
seas, straits and i s l e t s :

AND WlREAS iiis Britannic Majesty In tokon of the M e o d s h i p uhieh he beam

t m a r d s H i s Highness = . Ibfn Aharbom Sultan @O BAKAR, S d t a n of the State
and Territory of Johme, is desirous t h a t certain bf tba sald seas, a t d t s and
i s l a t s ahall be retn>-ceded a x 3 s k Z 3. agaiu fow part of t h e %a-te ard T e r r i t o r y
of Johore:

NW, TRER?SOz, it is agieed and declared ,s fo1lars:-

he bom4ary :-stween the t e r r i t o r i a l waters of the Settlement of SLngapore

aral those of the State and Territory of Jobre s h d l , excapt as hereafter
specifid i n t h i s Brf;icle, be an imaginary l i n e f o l l o w the centre of t h e d e e p
water c b m l in Johole S t r a i t , between t h e naibbnd of the ~ t a t d and Territory
of Jchore on the one side a d the 3ort,hern Shores of the Islands of Singapore,
Pulau Ubin, Pulau Fekow &chi1 and F'cila~ Telcong B e s a r on the other slde. \&re,
lf at dl, t5e ch-1 Slv3des i n t o kro portions o r e q ~ a depth
l raming sida by
side, t h e bom3ary shaYl nm m l h y betreen these t u o portions, A t the Usstern
entrance of Johore S t r a i t , the boun3ary, a f t e r passing t h m i h t h e centre of t h e
deep-water channel Eaatvard of Puiau Yarad~ong, s h a l l proceed sesvard, in t h e
g e l l e d directinn of the axi.8 of t h i s channel produced, u n t i l it intersects the
m e 1M-tdrawn from the l a v water mark of the South Cosst of M a n Merambong,
A t t h e Eastern entrance of Johors, Strait, the bo- shall be held t o p a 8
through t h e centre of the deep-vater channel betvsen the mainlard of Johont,
w e d m of Johore XU.,and R h u Tekong Bessr, next though the centre of the
doop-vater channel h t u e e n Johore Shoal andthe mainlaad of Johon, SoutfibFord of
Johore and f l n a l l ~turning Soathttard, t o intersect the 3-ndle l i m i t d m
fhm the l w water mark of the of Johore in a position bearing 192
degrees from Tanjong S l t a p .

tho boundaqp aB 60 defir,ed ls approdnatel.y dellreatecl ln red ou tha m.p

a.En€FCt herermto ar'l font:B pa=t of thls lgreenest. S'hotld, however, tb Bpr -
cndng to a-l"erattons Ln tbg eharrvrels,'etc., app€ar at ary tr'e to con-filict u!-th
the tert of thls Agrecnt, th text shs.ll il a'Ir cases preuall.

amicr,E fr
'SubJect to the provltlans of Art'lole I heleof, all those naters cedcd by
Thelr Elgturesses the Srrltan snd Tr:uuagong of Johore rul:ler Treaty of the 2ul of
August, L924, vhich are vlthl.a tbroo nautical nlJ-og of the l'"{nLsrd of the
Statc "wl TerritorT of Jcbore Ecssur.Gd f}.ou los uater park shnll be deeted. to
b€ vlthln the ?errltorlsl gaters of the State a"t Tcrrltory of Johors.


AaL islrts 1y'L!g slthln tbs Terrltorlal rrater! of the State andl Terrltorlr
of Johore, a.a cleflred ta Artlcl"og I end II hereof, wblch l-ncd.Ls,te3-y prlor to
thts fg€eEsnt for.ued part of Hl.c Brltannl.e l{aJcrtytg don{n{onEr arre horeby
cadleil ln fuLL soverelgrty aad poperf.y to Ela Hfuhrers th€ Su.lten of the State
ard Tcrrltqy of J6[rolc, hl-g helrt and cucoa66srE for evar.


TtrLe Agre@ent shnll lsrnq{n rlthout foroe or effeet untll i,t has recolved
the ap,porral of the Brltlsb Far}laaerrt.

IU HIIXESS sbereof HLs Ereelleucy Slr HUGRGflARI,ESCLIEFffiD, l{.C.S.r Knfght,

GraDd Gross of the tbst DFtlngulahecl Hcr of Sa!-rrt l{lchael- "rvl Sai-ut George,
Knfght Grard Cross of thc Moct ExcelJ.ent Oeder of the Brlttlh Eapire, nYvl Eis
Hl,ehness IB|RAIIIM, Kntght Goncl Cross of the Most DtatfDgulshed Her of Safutt
l{lchoel and. Salnt George, Knlght Couander of the Msst eeal.lent Order of the
Britlsh, bln llqorhor Srrltan f'BU BIKAR, haw get +&clr rcspectivc Eeala
ard. elgnatEc€tr

Datecl $lngapore, t&lr Ifth day of October, L927.


J.D. Ea1]. (S&ned) ABDTIT,AH blII JAAFAR,
Datot lbntri Besarl Joboro

J, mcsils SAID bir, HAJI gIILEE4All,

(stgnea) HAiI i{oHAl.tED
hi'rate Sgcf,etaq,'to II.H thc Sultan.

Letter from the Acting State Secretary, Johor to the Colonial

Secretary, Singapore, 21 September 1953
BAHRU. ..218t
... 19 53


I heve t h e h o n m r t~ r e f e r t.3 y o u r l e t t e r
~ o . c ~ 0 . 1 1 6 9 2 / 5 2 d a t e d 1 2 t h June 1953, addreeeed
t o t h e B r i t i s h Adviaer, Johore, on t h e q u e s t i o n
of t h e e t a t u a o f Pedra Brance Rock eome 40 m i l e e
f r m Singapore end t3 inform you tb t t h e J o h ~ r e
Government doe6 n o t c l a i m ownerehip o f Pedra

I heve t h e honour t o be,


( U. S F T ? I % SMID )
TO :
The Hon'ble
The C o l o n i a l S e c r e t a r y ,

S-ar putea să vă placă și