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'************************************** ' Name: APIECE OF CODE FOR READING WAVE FILES ' Description:(Updates is on <a href=" xtCodeId.26377/lngWId.1/qx/vb/scripts/ShowCode.htm">http://www.planet-source-cod

htm</a>) Fellow programmers. Ever wonder how one company's software reads a wave file and show it as a wave sample?<br><br> This code demonstrated how you can read a wave file and DISPLAY it as a wave sam ple without using a single API! It opens a wave file (FOR RANDOM) to reads the s o-call BINARY (ASCII) and draws the lines in a picture box according to the data in the file.<br> Please note that the wave samples produces by this code are not as detail as tho se you found in some WAVE EDITOR.<br><br> I'm still figuring out the wave format and try to play the sound. If you know a function that can play sections of a wave file, generate sounds at different vol ume and frequency or directly make the speakers (connected to the sound card) vi brate at different frequency and volume, please send me an E-mail...Thanks. ' By: Altis ' ' Returns:WAVE SAMPLES ' ' Assumes:Insert a command button, picture box and a common dialog box before ru nning this code. ' 'This code is copyrighted and has' limited warranties.Please see http://www.Plan'for details.' ************************************** Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim FileNumber As Integer Dim I As Single Dim Min As Single Dim Max As Single Dim Temp As Integer Dim XZoomrate As Single Dim YZoomrate As Single Dim LastX As Single Dim LastY As Single On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' Enable Cancel error With Picture1 CommonDialog1.CancelError = True CommonDialog1.Filter = "Wave files (*.wav)|*.wav" CommonDialog1.ShowOpen ' Change the caption of the form Me.Caption = CommonDialog1.filename I = 44 ' Set I To 44, since the wave sample is begin at Byte 44. ' Open file to get the length of the wav ' e file. FileNumber = FreeFile Open CommonDialog1.filename For Random As #FileNumber Do Get #FileNumber, I, Temp I = I + 1 ' Get the smallest and largest number. T ' hey will be use for the adjustment ' of the vertical size.

If Temp < Min Then Min = Temp If Temp > Max Then Max = Temp Loop Until EOF(FileNumber) Close #FileNumber ' Adjust values and reset values XZoomrate = (.Width / I) YZoomrate = (Max - Min) / (.Height / 2) .CurrentX = 100 .CurrentY = .Height / 2 LastX = 100 LastY = .Height / 2 .AutoRedraw = True I = 44 ' Reopen file using a different FileNumb ' er FileNumber = FileNumber + 1 .Cls Open CommonDialog1.filename For Random As #FileNumber Do Get #FileNumber, I, Temp ' Set CurrentX and CurrentY .CurrentX = .CurrentX + XZoomrate .CurrentY = (Temp / YZoomrate) + .Height / 2 ' Plot graph Picture1.Line (LastX, LastY)-(.CurrentX, .CurrentY), vbBlack ' Reset values LastX = .CurrentX LastY = .CurrentY I = I + 1 If .CurrentX > .Width Then Exit Do Loop Until EOF(FileNumber) Close #FileNumber End With ErrorHandler: ' Do nothing End Sub Private Sub Form_Resize() On Error Resume Next ' Resize control With Picture1 .BackColor = vbWhite .ForeColor = vbBlack .Move 50, 500, Width - 200, Height - 800 End With End Sub

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