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From my Reddit account

Hello Redditors, I have long read the tales that have been submitted here and wondered when...or even IF, I should share mine. I've decided that there should be nothing to lose by doing so, the circumstances are odd enough that I feel it may be to my best interest to share what I have found with you and see if you can help me make any sense of this. I have long been obsessed with the paranormal, scary stories, internet searches, anything that can allow me to expand my knowledge of and possibly allow me to make my own theories about what could be waiting for us on the other side has captured my fascination and interest. Not too long ago, me and my wife moved into a condo, our freedom from apartment life. A lot of hard work was put into restoring it and making it ours. But as I was clearing out the Master Bedroom, I noticed a crack in the corner of the closet wall. Looking at it, I found that it was a good attempt to cover up a concealed hole. Opening it revealed a dustcovered diary. For the most part, upon reading the diary, the entries gave no real detail about the owner's identity, but on closer inspection, some of the entries seem....well.....odd. I want to include some of the entries that have struck me as more fascinating than others. June 1, 2012 Such a wonderful day, sun shining, blue skies. Feels like a great day to be alive. Spent the day just strolling through town and getting used to life AWAY from the dorms. I did wind up loosing track of time and had to hurry back to feed Whiskers before dark. There was one odd thing today but it was probably nothing. My path back took me through the park but my route was blocked by a strange man with long, unkempt shaggy hair and what looked like a battered World War II jacket. He was just standing there staring up at the sun. Not sure what to make of this, I moved around him and looked to see if he was ok. The hair was of such a length that his face was completely covered. I asked him if he was ok, with no response. Choosing to believe that he was just someone lost on their way, I turned and went the rest of the way back to the condo to call the police to come take care of him and feed my cat. I dont know why but just before I closed the door, something made me turn around. He was still standing in the path, across the street. Somehow....even past all his hair...I got the feeling that he was now looking straight at me. Probably just my imagination. Well, off to bed. June 6th 2012 Been a while, started to get settled in at my new job, oh and get this, I'm already going out on a double date with my co-worker Jeff. Just have enough time to write this down so it can be kept as a momento. Went walking a little after work and though I was the only person in the park, I got the distinct

feeling that someone was walking right behind me. When I looked, no one in sight. Then again, I'm sure everyone gets that feeling at one point or another. Anyway, I'll be back to say how the date went. (Note: I only include this entry because what comes next is....well, where it seems to start getting weird) June 7th 1:30 AM, 2012 Ok, got to calm down or this will never be readable. Date went well. My date was beautiful, sweet, and we actually had stuff in common. Was driving her home since Jeff had to decide he was going to take his date out for more fun. We were driving, just talking about anything and everything we could think off, when all of the sudden, my headlight lit up someone just standing in the middle of the road. I applied my brakes and somehow I was able to miss the person AND keep us from driving into a tree. Looking one was there. But we saw SOMEONE, they couldn't have just vanished like that. After calming her down I got her home but I started shaking the moment I let my guard down when she got inside. I'm not a betting man but....I'd SWEAR that the guy in the road was the same man from the park. Same jacket, same unkempt hair, even the slump of his shoulders was the same. Where did he come from? The road was clear just a second earlier....I know it was. Why was he standing there like that? So to sleep. June 12th 2012 Ok this is getting disturbing now. My date asked me to come by and just say hi to everyone at her niece's birthday party. They really seemed nice and were interested in getting to know me. Lots of cake, lots of sugary soda and LOTS of little kids running around. We started worrying when her niece went into the family's small lot of forest ground to get a ball that was kicked over, but had taken a while to get back. Me and the dad went looking for her. I found her talking to herself, ball in hand. Thinking that this was part of a game, I asked who she was talking to. She smiled as she turned and said, "I was talking to the Shaggy Man." Something about that name instantly made me think of the man from the park and the road. Thinking there could be some kind of predator scoping the home out, I led her back and told her parents. My date asked her what he looks like and.....her description is....exact to the man I've seen. She told us that HE gave her the ball back and started asking about her, her parents and family. Something in hearing this made the hair at the base of my neck stand up. Then she said that when she asked why she could see his face through all the hair, he told her that it wasn't "her time yet." I do know one thing. IF this IS the same man I've seen twice already, then for some reason we keep being in the same general area. I don't know why, or even if he's actively following me, but I'm starting to feel unsafe. Got to ask the landlord what kind of security measures we can have set up. If he comes back around...I want to see him before he sees me.

June 14th, 2012 Spoke with landlord but cant work security cameras in without having to overhaul the whole building. Got me a webcam and set it up so that it can record out through my patio door with no one else being able to see it. Plan is to turn it on when I'm not home, that way if anything happens, I can see who it was or what happened. June 17th 2012 So far so good, webcam is working, new work week, got to make my own bread as the saying goes. 6:50 PM. I CAUGHT HIM!!! Came home from work and saw my laptop was frozen in the webcam feed so I sat down to go over the footage. The feed snowed out for a second, not good with that kind of tech stuff, maybe the connection cut out for a second but when it came back he was standing there. Not IN the park now, but on the sidewalk between the road and the park. He stood there stone still for 30 mins, for one second I thought I saw something as a short breeze ruffled the hair but from the tilt of his head....he was staring right into my condo. ((That's the last entry I'm posting right now. Not sure if I should continue, it does get a bit more out there but....well I guess I just want to see what you guys think. It...puzzles me, and its been on my mind alot recently.))

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