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The Bridge to Freedom


The Bridge to Freedom Foundation

Master El Morya: "In The Aetheric Realm over the beautiful Island of Crete, which lies on the bosom the blue Mediterranean Sea, pulsates The Temple of Truth, Focus of The Chohan of The 5th Ray and The Brotherhood of Truth Who serve with Him in this particular Branch of The Spiritual Hierarchy." "Hilarion is Chohan of scientific developement and Guardian of the many lifestreams, belonging to the earth's evolution, who have styled themselves as materialists, agnostics, and skeptics with relation to the belief and faith in spiritual survival, divine intercession, and God-assistance upon the journey through the world of form." "In previous lives, Hilarion was known as Iamblichus, the neoplatonic writer, and Saint Paul, The Christian Apostle and follower of The Master Jesus. This Brotherhood is also the self-appointed Guardian Presence of those of Earth who have devoted their lives to furthering the cause of scientific treatment and healing of disease: the doctors, nurses, and missionaries, and those interested in research to determine the physical causes of the afflictions to which Mankind is heir, as well as the vast army of those unknown who work in the research laboratories and privately within their own homes to develope and perfect inventions, formulas, and the many improvements which, added to the present developed comforts and conveniences of Mankind, will hasten the freedom of The Race from limitations and privations of every kind." "Many an earnest lifestream, who has endeavored in vain to draw forth the secrets of Nature, has been the beneficiary of the concentrated Rays of Energy from a Member of This Brotherhood Who chose to endow such an embodied lifestream with the privilege of presenting that blessing to his fellow men." "In design, This Temple is like the early Grecian Temple, many-columned, gracefully carved, and of extremely large proportions. It looks like the beautiful Parthenon, erected so long ago to The Beloved Pallas Athena, The Goddess of Truth, Who is The Cosmic Patroness of This Brotherhood and whose devotees are desirous of finding and externalizing Truth for the blessing and illumination of all Mankind." "This mighty Focus of Truth (The Parthenon), which had been designed and perfected at Inner Levels, forms, even today, a meeting place for Great Intelligences Who desire to magnetize and draw forth more of The Truth of Life from The Heart of God. The ruins of this Grecian masterpiece still remain today as a silent reminder of its glory. Phidias (embodiment of Serapis Bey) rendered a great service to Mankind in bringing forth the almost exact replica (The Parthenon) of This Temple of Truth so that the outer consciousness might contemplate its perfection and tune into its service to Life." "The robes of The Brothers are pure white, and embroidered over the heart is a lighted lamp, similar to the old fashioned oil cruet, which symbol was incorporated into the activities of The Brotherhood by Diogenes, 412 B.C., at which time he was among the active Members of

This Order. This symbol signifies the relentless search for Truth which is the vow and pledge taken by all Members of This Brotherhood." "Within This Retreat is one of the most ancient schoolrooms, dedicated to the training of chelas in the magnetizing of The Universal Life and the creating of consciously directed Rays by which form may either be created or dissolved, according to the requirement of The God Intelligences so invoking and directing Them. Here is taught the mathematical precision by which Suns, planets, and individual atoms are created and sustained. Here also the lifestreams are shown how, by controlled thought and feeling, the speed of atoms, the motion of the electrons, and the duration of form itself may be governed. Here precipitation and aetherialization become the developed faculty of The Brother or Sister desiring such a gift for the use of the forwarding of the progress of The Race." "In This Retreat is a great audience chamber where The Master Jesus and representatives of the religions that have blessed The Race are given the opportunity of addressing those many lifestreams who either do not believe in God, as such, or who, through disillusionment and bitter experiences with teachers of religion in whom they trusted, not wisely but too well, have lost their faith and conviction of the individual unit and the important part that each such self-conscious intelligence is to play in the great eternal scheme of things." "Archangel Raphael has The Focus of His Flame of Consecration in This Temple. Individuals who dedicate their lives to a specific beneficial service to Mankind are blessed by This Beloved Archangel and The Chohan Hilarion before taking embodiment. The primal life, which is magnetized by the soul into the heartbeat, is consecrated to service by Archangel Raphael. He pours The Green Flame of Consecration around the electrons that flow from The Electronic Body as the silver cord into the physical heart." "All through the course of embodiment, lifestreams who are so foresworn to vocations of service in fields of governmental affairs, education, artistic endeavors, ministry, medicine, missionary endeavors, et cetera, are guided, guarded, and protected by either a Member of The Angelic Kingdom of Lord Raphael's Legions or by a Member of The Brotherhood of Truth under the direction of Beloved Hilarion. The promptings and pressures, which require of such men and women that they fulfill their professions, are often directed from These Legions of Angels and Brothers of Truth Who stand behind the selfless men and women upon whom The Race relies for assistance in all constructive channels of endeavor." "Beloved Hilarion (as Saul of Tarsus), having experienced in his personal energies the self-righteous indignation that rises within a consciousness persuaded in itself that persecution is in order to right a wrong, upon His Ascension (as Saint Hilarion) vowed to help all individuals with like erroneous complexes. He has asked that you recommend to his protection all those who have no faith in spiritual survival, in order that He may assist them to a correct understanding of Truth, also that you recommend to The Temple of Truth, in your calls and contemplations, all the individuals serving in the many professions that they may be blessed, encouraged, illumined, and prospered in their endeavors to help Mankind. For this, He says, is his reason for being." Master Kuthumi:

"The beautiful Temple of Truth stands on a high eminence reached by a magnificent marble stairway of 400 or more steps up to the wide-columned entrance. The Great Altar rises well over 100 feet in height, at either side of Which stands a great carved pillar upon which rests a golden brazier from whence flows The Green Flame of Truth. Before each of these pillars is placed a massive Throne Chair of early century design, the raised arms of Which are upholstered in what looks like white velvet. These Chairs have been provided for Beloved Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth, and Lord Mahachohan." "Were it not for Beings Who chose to embody The Nature of Divinity, there would be no pattern toward which the outer consciousness of Man could look. It is to be regretted that the love and honor and respect, which were accorded The Gods and Goddesses in the early days, has been stamped as paganism in the endeavor that has been made to wipe out their memory from the consciousness of The Race. There were ages when Beloved Pallas Athena was visible to unascended Mankind. Her Presence was sought, and She held connection with the seekers after Truth through The Delphic Oracles in Greece." "The Brothers belonging to This Focus wear white robes with the emblem of the lighted lamp over the breast. The Flame of Truth offers to The Brotherhood a tremendous opportunity to direct, into the consciousness of their chelas everywhere, more of the understanding that lies within the tenets of the particular religions and outer world activities which This Brotherhood fosters." Lord Mahachohan: "The Great Focus of Truth has been sustained through the ages in order that those who sought, refusing acceptance of partial Truth and refusing acceptance of error, might stand in The Presence of Truth unveiled and partake of Her Gift and Realization. There is a tremendous impetus, alive within the souls of Men, to know Truth individually, not only the embodied spirits but the billions awaiting summons before The Lords of Karma for opportunity to work out their Life Plan on this small Star." "The desire to know Truth is a prerequisite to illumination, and even though the dispensation was not granted to The Christ Selves of the entire evolution for reasons that are obvious, the pressure of The Flame of Truth playing upon the feelings and entering into the activity of the soul has been universal, and every lifestream has begun to call from deep within the recesses of its being for Truth to be revealed." "Each time The Flame from The Retreat is released, It flows forth universally through the 3 Kingdoms and impersonally bathes the consciousness of all life in the same manner that The Sun and air bless the just and the unjust alike." "Each one is eager to have more light upon his own concepts, even if he feels that that light will but emphasize the truth of his particular belief. He does not know that sometimes, in asking for Truth, his concepts may be shattered, although in his spiritual pride he expected confirmation. Yet, when he asks for Truth, he shall receive It. Thus, The Celestial Hierarchy sometimes uses the weaknesses of a man in order to forward the evolution of a

system. The orthodox people, the metaphysicians, and the atheists are all seeking for a confirmation of their concepts through the revelation of Truth." Master El Morya: "Truth is one of The Virtues of The Godhead, for which The Being known as Pallas Athena, The Goddess of Truth, became a magnetizing Focus, and The Essence of Truth established through her contemplation of Cosmic Truth forms the core and center of The Flame of Truth. Around This Flame has been built The Temple of Truth in The Aetheric Realm. This is The Temple wherein the full-gathered momentum of Truth from The Heart of The Central Intelligence is focused for distribution through any and every channel opened to Its Rays." "Every intelligence, who has endeavored to conceive the truth about any subject which would bring illumination to Mankind, has been the beneficiary of this gathered momentum of Truth. Whatever branch of life's expression, governmental, educational, humanitarian, artistic, scientific, religious, or ceremonial, it has had devotees in the world of form who are consecrated to developing the highest type of service through these channels. These devotees, who earnestly desire to know Truth, become the specific students of The Brotherhood at Crete. God-free Beings direct The Rays and Flame of inspiration. Ideas and expressions of Truth flow over These Rays into the receptive consciousness of the pioneers in the world of form who are endeavoring to assist in the progress of The Race, working along The 7 Channels of life's expression (The 7 Rays)." "Even as The Sun is equally available to all men, but its potent life-giving vitality is absorbed in varying amounts according to the capacity of the individual to receive, so does The Gift of Truth flow forth impersonally from This Temple. Man may have access to It, draw its illumination through the outer consciousness, or remain complacent in the erroneous concepts of previous generations." "There are always the few who refuse to accept, as ultimate Truth, the theories, dogmas, and prescribed courses of procedure, especially when these concepts limit The Race. These few are usually persecuted by the mass mind, which violently opposes all change, even for the better. Through these few, the ignorance, bias, limitations, and shadows of The Race are being gradually eliminated. To all those so interested, The Flame of Truth is available. Each one is recommended to raise his individual consciousness, which is his grail, to The Cosmic Flame of Truth and wait for the illuminating currents of That Flame to return and disperse the shadows in his own consciousness. That Flame will respond." "It is scientific law that Man magnetizes exactly what He wills through contemplation in thought and feeling. So, use your faculty of concentrated attention and invoke Truth. As the shadows of human concepts are dissolved from your own consciousness, the problems which appear in your world as limitation, disease, inharmony, and even death itself will disappear from your screen of life." Master El Morya: "From This Temple, Brothers and Sisters of Truth direct their concentrated Green Rays into

the receptive consciousness of all those upon The Earth who are attempting either to teach, realize, or manifest Truth. Beloved Pallas Athena is The Patroness of This Temple and Guardian Spirit of The Virtue of Absolute Truth. In ages past, Pallas Athena supervised the disciplines and preparations necessary for the developement of the receptive consciousness of those lifestreams who were to be the 'mouth pieces' of The Gods as The Virgins of The Oracles at Delphi and elsewhere. The Beloved God-Mother of This Solar System, Blessed Vesta (The Feminine Aspect of The Solar Logos), conferred upon Pallas Athena this honor and service." "Hilarion is the present Hierarch of The Temple of Truth. His service is to direct The Ray of Truth to, through, and around all sincere individuals who are consecrated and dedicated to spreading the message of The Spiritual Law as they presently see It." "As searchlights comb the heavens above an airfield, so do The Green Rays of Truth comb the earth's atmosphere from This Focus and find anchorage, through the power of magnetic attraction, in the consciousness of those who sincerely desire more light upon a subject, religious or secular. These Rays of Truth pour out as impersonally as The Rays of The Sun and bless all evolutions belonging to The Earth. However, there are directed Rays from The Brothers and Sisters at Crete which specifically envelope, with more than ordinary power, the earnest exponent or seeker of Truth on Earth." "Every great Avatar, Messiah, and Teacher of every religion on Earth belongs to This Temple and gives to It some of his or her time and radiation, just as doctors give of their time, skill, and energy to a free clinic in their vicinity. Thus the power of The Temple of Truth embodies the combined Radiation of all God-free Beings Who have brought The Law to the people through the ages." "While the physical bodies of Mankind sleep, many visit This Temple in their finer bodies and literally sit at the feet of The Masters. The Brotherhood wear garments of white, banded at the hem of their robes and on the sleeves with varying hues of green, depending upon their spiritual status and particular service." Master El Morya: "Before the last remnant of Atlantis sank, the group of consecrated lifestreams who were designated to carry The Flame of Truth sailed eastward to what is now The Grecian Peninsula and its adjacent islands. There, in a ceremony of reverence and devotion, they anchored The Flame of Truth on what is presently The Island of Crete. At that time, this island was a part of the mainland of The Grecian Peninsula, but subsequent Earth Changes have disconnected it by water from the mainland. Through ages of time, The Virtue of Truth, Which is anchored with a Flame, has radiated That Quality into the emotional, mental, aetheric, and physical planes of Earth in which Mankind presently dwells." "All leaders of activities of constructive nature have tuned into This Virtue of Truth, and whatever Light of Truth has broken through the misconceptions of the mass mind all through the ages is due to the actual presence of The Flame of Truth in the atmosphere of Earth."

"As was the case with many other Temples dedicated to The Virtues of God, the devotees of Truth built, on their new location at Crete, a glorious Temple similar in design to The Temple of Truth in which they had served on The Atlantean Continent. It looked very similar to The Parthenon which had been designed by Phidias (incarnation of Serapis Bey). Wise men and women from all over the landed surface of The Earth made pilgrimages to This Temple to secure added Light upon their individual and collective endeavors to serve God and Man. Proximity to The Flame of Truth expanded their consciousness, especially concerning That Virtue, enabling them to know Truth and carry its wisdom back into their homelands." "Later, this physical Temple was destroyed by those who rebelled against Truth and against the disciplines of purity and harmony, and today only the beautiful aetheric Temple of Truth remains. Here Hilarion and The Brotherhood of Truth continue to receive the wise pilgrims, teach Truth, and expand Its Virtue through the consciousness of the pilgrims who visit This Temple in the finer bodies." Pallas Athena: "In the early ages, before the mist arose and the shadows were created, I abode within The Temple of Truth where anyone could consult Me. Although I wore no garment of flesh, My Presence could easily be discerned, as there were no shadows between Our Realm and the sense consciousness of those evolving on Earth. Because each lifestream was held within The Presence of Truth and guided by his own Divine Self, education, religion, science, art, and the governments flourished. Thus the evolution moved forward in harmony and happiness." "On Atlantis, some guardian spirits were sufficiently true to the principles of Life and maintained Temples to The Goddess of Truth. There I was able to appear to a prepared and dedicated group who carried the word of Truth to others whose own creations shut off such contact." "When the priests were warned that Atlantis was about to sink beneath the waves, those who had guarded The Temple of Truth began to make preparations to carry The Flame from That Altar and sacred documents, containing the results of many of our conferences which had been carefully transcribed, to a place of safety. When some years had passed and nothing happened in the outer, the people began to say that they were deceived by the priests telling them falsehoods, so they slipped back into their old ways." "Then one night the priests were notified to proceed to the boats and endeavor to arrive at a place of safety before the ocean would be churned into a boiling sea by cataclysmic action in which no boat could survive. Hilarion, with his group, took The Flame of Truth across the ocean, through The Mediterranean into Greece. They were among the few who arrived in time. At the same time that Serapis (Chohan of The 4th Ray) and his group knelt in Egypt around The Ascension Flame, they knelt around The Flame of Truth and bowed in gratitude to life for survival and the honor of preserving This Flame. I stood in the atmosphere as The Flame of Truth burned in the brazier. The secret documents still remain in the secret archives in which they had been placed. When Man is sufficiently poised in his own God Presence, they will be brought forth for the illumination of The Race. Some of these records

were burned at Alexandria, but many were taken to Tibet, China, and The Far East where they still remain." "A faithful few, who embodied again and again, guarded The Flame of Truth. At Delphi, while the priestesses were able to contact The Spirit of Truth, the early Greeks were enabled, through some of That Flame, to proceed on The Path. But the veil of human creation kept growing, and the more it enfolded the lifestream, the less the individual cared to know Truth." "Every individual himself created a concept which became his God, one that was comfortable to live with, one that carried vicarious atonements, and one upon whom he could place the results of sins of omission and commission. Thus The Race continued to move about in a state of self-hypnosis. But I, The Spirit of Truth, was compelled to withdraw." Pallas Athena: "Other Great Beings are more welcome on Earth than I. People want mercy, peace, love. A few may timidly call for justice, and a limited few for purity, but they do not want Truth when it is uncomfortable to the pressure of their own opinions, feelings, and concepts. Yet Truth, complemented by the comforting Presence of Divine Love, is The Power by Which Mankind shall become free." Master Kuthumi: "Raphael's Legions (The Archangel of The 5th Ray) are connected primarily with the elixirs of healing. They generally carry beautiful grails containing the essence taken from The Temples of Healing around The Sun and the various Foci of Light where healing concentrates are gathered." "The Temple (of Truth) has a magnificent frieze all around the outside of It. The tall columns are wound round with the various colored Flame-flowers representing The 7 Rays. They start on the outside with a deep violet, and they work in toward the center. The center pillars that stand closest to the door are in green. At the front of The Altar is the blazing Pillar of White Fire, Crystal Fire, enfolded in Green, which is The Concentrate of Cosmic Truth. The Altar seems to be made of just one large emerald. The Crystal Flame blazes in the center." Master Kuthumi: "This is a magnificent Temple drawn forth from The 4th Realm by Beloved Serapis. He drew It into The 5th Realm where Beloved Hilarion, by focusing the power of Truth, gave It his blessing. Then Serapis passed into The 6th Realm and The 7th, and in each one created a similar Temple of Cosmic Truth, condensing It into the electronic substance that makes up the atmosphere of That Realm. Then He asked for permission to take embodiment (as Phidias) and in Greece, through a physical body, created that magnificent outer manifestation (The Parthenon), the ruins of which may still be seen today. In The Higher Aethers the perfection of that beautiful Temple of Truth stands. Serapis was honored for his tenacity for

having drawn this magnificent Temple out of The Universal and to have made It into a form which can be used by The Brotherhood of Truth." Lord Mahachohan: "The original founder of every great world religion brings Truth and with It a certain aspect of religious worship. Then, when the original founder is called Home, the earnest and sincere followers weave into That Divine Concept all of their own ideas, plans, and aetheric memories. Thus The Truth is distorted, and the followers of that religion pursue, sometimes with atrocious acts, the anchoring of these concepts into the consciousness of the rest of The Race. Saint Paul (as Saul of Tarsus) followed this course as a zealot, abiding by the letter of the law. He was blessed by the true conversion (on the road to Damascus), learning that love is the basis of all true religion. Through the balance of his earthly life, he endeavored to impress upon all who would listen to him that Divine Love is the essence of Truth." Master Hilarion: "For the most part, Mankind is not concerned with Truth. People are eager to have a confirmation of those concepts which they have evolved and which are comfortable and seemingly pleasant with which to live. For the most part they prefer vicarious atonement. The Presence of Truth is not always welcome when It shakes the concepts of the ages and causes a certain discomfort which always comes about with change. Brave is the man and strong, sincere in heart, and earnest in purpose who desires to know Truth and will have no traffic with confirmation of the very errors which are externalized in the individual and collective worlds as manifest distress. It is only when an individual comes to a point where he does not desire confirmation of preconceived opinions, but desires The Pure White Light of Truth, that Our Brotherhood (of Truth), Beloved Pallas Athena, and Those Whom We represent, can give the cosmic assistance to set such a one free." "Even in the world of unascended beings, when an individual asks another for the truth, that truth is very seldom welcome. The Goddess of Truth, The Goddess of Justice, and The Goddess of Purity, 3 of the most magnificent Beings in 'Heaven', get very little magnetization from The Earth Plane, because people are afraid of Justice, Truth, and Purity. The Goddess of Mercy, The Goddess of Love, The Goddess of Beauty, These are welcome and sought after. But those other activities which are essential to progress, and The Beings Who represent them, would long since have retired from the atmosphere of Earth were it not sometimes for a single lifestream who, during an entire embodiment, kept an anchorage on Earth of Their Presence through contemplation and application. Thus was maintained a thin line of force between this dark Star and That Realm of Light Eternal." Master Hilarion: "The Brotherhood (of Truth) is dedicated and consecrated wholly to bringing Truth to Mankind of Earth through the lifestreams acting under The 7 Rays who earnestly and sincerely desire not confirmation of their own concepts but Truth Itself." "To the great men and women working in the political field, in governmental agencies, the

educators, priests, ministers, rabbis, and the spiritual teachers; to those engaged in promulgating and forwarding the cause of world brotherhood, the removal of racial prejudice; to those designing and endeavoring to bring forth architecture, methods of art, and music that are in accord with The Divine Plan; to the few in the realms of research, science, and medicine; to those who are carrying The Light according to their capacities, the missionaries in the field; and to the members of The 7th Ray endeavoring to establish a foundation of Truth, built upon St. Germain's desire and design for the ceremonial activities for the next 2,000 years, The Brotherhood of Crete come. To those who wish to know, without a question of a doubt, that which is, We come." "I come a Representative of The Flame, that beautiful Presence of Truth. If you are willing and can, like a child, put aside the concepts, opinions, and bigotry of the centuries and accept That Flame of Truth, endeavoring to apply It through the energies of your own world, you will see the confirmation of the statement of Jesus: 'You shall know The Truth, and The Truth shall make you free'. For, any lifestream who is yet beset by limitation or shadow does not know Truth. Because the very instant that the fullness of Truth, The Principle behind It and the application of That Truth, through the energies of your world, is set into motion, you will need no words. You will need no other confirmation. You will be that God-free Being." "Since that veil of human maya closed away The Ascended Master Presence, The Angelic Host, The Cosmic Beings, and The Great God-free Teachers of The Race, Mankind has had to depend, for the knowledge of Truth, upon the order of beings who volunteered to retain the connection between The Ascended Masters' Realm and the human. Thus, the first vestal virgins, the first priests and priestesses of The Sacred Fire were dedicated and consecrated to holding a purity of consciousness, an impersonal nature, a selflessness of person, an extreme honor in regard to the reception and dispensing of Truth. These became the intermediaries (the channels) between The Realms of Light and Mankind who walked in the shadows seeking surcease primarily from the pressure of those shadows created by the misuse of life and energy." "Through the ages, there have been prophets, seers, vestal virgins, and many lifestreams so dedicated to serving the cause of Truth and who, forming the lifeline between That Realm of Perfection and The Realm of Earth, have functioned and served The Masters. Where the lifestream was enabled to sustain consciousness in The Higher Realms, receive Truth, and translate It without the coloration of personality, those ages achieved great heights of perfection, and the individual lifestreams who were able to accept The Truth, so conveyed, formed the heart center and spiritual strength of those eras." "Around those dedicated lifestreams, around those consecrated egos, were gathered The Guardian Spirits Who formed the wall of Living Light made up of their own living, breathing, energized consciousness. This not only assisted the individual drawing The Truth to magnetize the currents from above but also deflected, from the world without and from the mass consciousness of the evolution presently embodied, those thought and feeling forms that would weaken the connection or in any way delay the release of Cosmic Truth that was allowed to come forth in that era." "The lifestream, whose mental, emotional, aetheric, and physical bodies were consecrated to

forming the intermediary between The Ascended Masters' Realm and the human, was enabled to draw forth from The Ascended Masters' Realm as much Truth as The World Teacher of that era felt would be beneficial to the souls embodied. The clothing for the message was designed by The World Teacher and the presiding Chohan of The 2nd Ray, in cooperation with whatever Chohan was blessed by having His Radiation outpouring for that 2,000-year period." "Therefore, Truth has come forth in many ages. The words in which It is expressed are representative particularly of the era and of the need of the people in that hour. But the wise and discerning, removing the clothing from the message, will find, at the core of every activity which has recorded Truth for The Earth, the same exact principle." "The number of lifestreams embodied who voluntarily could and would join the contact and form the magnetic pull upon The God-free Realm by drawing, through their own energies, more of Truth Earthward by paying the balance for The Cosmic Law in radiating, through their own living, breathing bodies, qualities of healing, illumination, purity, and supply, determined the amount of Truth that was released. In some eras, but one lifestream stood alone and held that thin beam of connection between The Realm of The God-free and the masses. That lifestream, standing alone, was not enabled to draw forth as great a pressure, as great an accumulation of Truth, as when more lifestreams, with the same purpose and design though not the same power of contact, were willing to blend themselves, losing name and place, in becoming a concentrated magnet, invoking from The Cosmic Law Truth which had never been known before." "Those ages, where these individuals so dedicated and consecrated themselves, have left a mighty heritage of Cosmic Truth which is guarded and protected yet in The Retreats. This will come forth in the near future when the viciousness, bigotry, and intolerance of the orthodox mind has been dissolved to a point where there will not be a repetition of the fire of Alexandria. Bigotry, human concepts, and the viciousness that clothes itself in self-righteousness, have caused The Masters to withhold and protect, in the hidden recesses of The Retreats, in Tibet, here in America, in South America and elsewhere, magnficent gifts, art work, and knowledge. Because, were it given into the hands of Mankind, it would be destroyed." "In The Temples on Atlantis, great Truth came forth. Before the sinking of Atlantis, we carried The Flame of Cosmic Truth across the sea into Greece establishing The Focus there, which was utilized in the establishment and maintenance of The Oracles at Delphi. For many hundreds of years That Flame of Truth directed the activities of Light of The Initiate. All was exceedingly well. But then there came, as so often is the case, lifestreams into the temple worship, serving as the virgins in Those Temples, who had yet much of self in the aura. These were bought off by those desiring to forward causes of their own in The Near East, to further political causes, to make great fortunes, and to raise unqualified lifestreams to positions of leaders. The masses, who had built their faith at Delphi for hundreds of years, became the prey to this degenerate priesthood. Thus Delphi, as a Cosmic Fount of Wisdom, no longer functioned as such." "This experience was but one of many in which Mankind of Earth, so desirous of knowing

Truth, was fooled and disillusioned. So, into the aetheric bodies was built skepticism and unbelief. These are the men and women who make up the evolution of Earth today, and those among you wear those scars as well. Some followed personalities with great Light age after age only to find their lives in ashes when the personalities are removed from their altars. These have become what are called agnostics, people with no belief in God or good or hereafter. I have offered, at Inner Levels, to become The Sponsor for all such people. That is among my services and that of The Brotherhood Itself in The Great Temple of Truth over The Island of Crete." Master Hilarion: "The Temple of Truth, in design, is similar to The Parthenon, except that It is made of self-luminous and translucent material. The frieze, all around the front, sides, and back of the building, is of pure gold, in design something like wedgewood. It follows a consecutive, chronological pattern: the history of the visitation of the first Beloved Virgin of Truth, Vesta (Feminine Aspect of The Solar Logos); the conferring of the authority of This Office to Beloved Pallas Athena; the establishment of The Oracle at Delphi; the reception by Phidias of the idea of The Parthenon; the building of The Parthenon; The Golden Age of Greece; and many other portions of the developement of Truth at inner levels and in the outer world are depicted in the panels of the frieze. The floor of The Temple has geometrical designs in mosaic work, set into the marble floor, each with its own outlined periphery, indicating the position where each Brother will stand, and arranged so that each One's Aura is completely and distinctly separated from The Other." Master Hilarion: "Lifestreams, particularly those who have chosen to further The Divine Plan of spiritual illumination and who have chosen to become the missionaries of Christ to carry The Word of God and Life, are consecrated in The Temple of Truth. Their energies are blessed. They are ordained to spiritual service, and all through the course of that embodiment a Brother or Sister from The Temple of Truth watches over such a one, aiding and assisting in the fulfillment of the particular service and vocation to which the soul is dedicated. Wherever possible, They increase the conscious understanding of the individual self to make of that one a greater intelligence in the effecting of his part in The Divine Plan." "It is suggested by The Goddess of Truth (Pallas Athena) and The Karmic Board that We endeavor to secure the entrance of the illumined consciousnesses first. If individuals, who embody but to use and control energy for personal reasons, can be held back and ones with vocations, those highly evolved on The 7 Rays, are given first opportunity, they can set up a pattern of intelligent progression in each of The Rays. Then the lesser developed, upon embodying, will fall into that pattern and more aptly make progress." "In each of The 7 Spheres (The 7 Astral Planes of Earth), I am called upon to examine the lifestreams whose energies have been magnetized and channeled through the ages. Many of these people are dwelling within The Temples there and are working and perfecting activities of life, forms of government, religious worship and ceremonies, beautiful paintings, sculpture, architecture, scientific inventions, etc. Some of them are in need of persuasion to

leave the freedom of Those Inner Spheres where it is so easy to draw these perfected ideas into a concrete and workable form." "It is my obligation to call Councils in each Sphere and show them, no matter how perfectly they make their plans in The Inner Spheres, they must have an embodied consciousness of equal developement with their own who will take embodiment to catch the other end of their beam of energy, magnetize the perfection, and draw it forth. We are trying to secure individuals with an affinity of consciousness, one to stay in The Higher Realms and one to reembody. These, working out the plan between them, will eventually be ready to go into The Halls of Karma and stand before The Judges, showing how they can lower The Divine Design by one remaining in The Inner Sphere projecting the design into the receptive consciousness of the other one who is taking embodiment with a vocation." "We teach the missionaries and the messengers that are to come forth and who have come forth. Within This Retreat of Truth, one is taught that every qualification of his teaching that deals with reference to the lower self (personality), or is an exploitation of it, must be gradually discarded. Impersonal law must be drawn forth until it shines like White Light and there is no more self manifest than there is in a beam of electronic light projected from above. As one stops all reference to self in instruction, he becomes then the embodiment of That Flame, and It expands and expands in a pressure and rhythm through his lifestream to give assistance to the masses." "It is a magnificent activity, when It is used in one's daily application, to draw forth That Flame of Truth. Magnetize It and watch yourself in your teaching and in your personal service. Check the energy that flows to self and through self in service. Thus you grow and develope in your chosen vocations." "Beloved Vesta Herself was the first Goddess of Truth for this evolution. Beloved Pallas Athena assumed That Office and has embodied That Virtue in The Temple of Truth. She was one of the first Cosmic Vestal Virgins representing The Virtue of Truth in The Electronic Belt around The Sun (The Solar Logos). The drawing forth of Truth in every age has been under the direction of Beloved Vesta and Pallas Athena, as well as The Chohan holding The Office of The 5th Ray." "In early Greece, during the time when The Oracles of Delphi were so active, the first Vestal Virgins were completely dedicated to magnetizing pure Truth. They did draw forth, repeat, and record The Truth from Beloved Vesta and Pallas Athena. The records still remain within the keeping of The Brotherhood of Truth. The Oracles endured for almost 700 years. Then one Vestal Virgin, who did not live up to the vow of purity, was taken into the group. So, the contagion spread through the entire endeavor, which brought The Delphic Oracles to ruin. This destroyed the connection and contact between Beloved Vesta, Pallas Athena, and the people of Earth." "The recordings of The Oracles of Delphi, which are presently in the hands of the people, are of this degenerate and dishonest organization which, like The Order of Fu Manchu, was an Order of great Light in the beginning. It is to be regretted that, so often that which has begun in great Light, which has been sustained by spiritual individuals with tremendous integrity of

consciousness, is later seized upon by forces of evil (The Dark Brotherhood) and becomes a pawn of deception to the masses. The result has been superstitious dread and an aetheric record of agnosticism in the consciousness of many innocent men and women who have pinned their faith and their Soul Light upon the authority and authenticity of such representation. For many ages I have witnessed the distortion of Truth through selfishness, usually through a desire for personal power and almost always through intellectual arrogance." "I have witnessed the spiritual wounds upon the consciousness of The Race. That is why I vowed to stand with what they call the agnostics, because these men and women, in the ages past, have put faith and trust in lifestreams feeling that they were following God, only to be bitterly disillusioned. They were left, at the close of their embodiments, with their faith in ashes, their emotional bodies filled with fear and unhappiness, their aetheric bodies deeply scarred, and their souls so embittered that, even in the time between embodiments (on The Astral Planes), it was impossible to restore to them a desire to make further spiritual efforts." "This is one of my vocations, to make things right for lifestreams who have been victims of this perpetrated evil. These laggards from other Systems and those individuals who became the black magicians, those individuals who prey upon the credulity of the soul are the greatest sinners. There are few among The Ascended Host Who have taken particular interest in this, and there are very few among unascended beings who have any interest in it. There are many who speak bitterly of the dogmas of The Church, and there are many who sneer at the credulous who follow hopefully under a leader, but no remedy is ever offered. We must have those who are determined to have Truth for truth's sake and who will protect the spiritual selves of the credulous. Where they are blindly following the magnetic pull of the personality, We must have someone to make those strong spiritual calls that they be awakened and illumined by The Flame of Truth and their blessed feet be placed upon The Path toward Eternal Freedom." "In This Inner Realm, and particularly at The Temple of Truth, We are host to the teachers and leaders who have come forth in every era and who have brought Truth, unsullied, from The Heart of God. When they leave the body, their well-meaning followers immediately weave That Truth into the pattern and plan of their own concepts. Usually within 100 years they have completely distorted it, so that it is nowhere near the original Truth which the individual founder left as the heritage for Mankind. We invite, at Inner Levels, such leaders and teachers until they embody (incarnate) or, if They are Ascended, We invite Them rhythmically to enter This Temple and speak to the souls who have been the followers of their followers." "Some of those who were Mohammedans, Buddhists, or Christians, who had followed the doctrines and creeds set up in the name of the original leader, have been disillusioned and have gone out with orthodox opinions which are not Truth. These all enter into The Temple of Truth, and the original teacher again gives them the law on the principles behind the religion to which they tied their energies. The original teachers verify Those Truths and give the illumination on the various points of the particular gospel. That is our service to Life."

"Where We can, We procure the voluntary interest of those who have followers of these religions. Many who have been bitterly disappointed will not come. Free will is the order of the day at Inner Levels as well as on Earth. When they come into The Halls of Karma (after a lifetime), finding their souls disillusioned and their harvest naught; when they find the promises of their leaders not always verified; when they have been told that they should have eternal life, beautiful seamless robes, etc. and instead they stand there in great limitation, those promises are like straw. You have no idea of the disappointment, the heartache, or the heartbreak. If it were not for The Angels of Deliverance and for those particular Beings Who receive them into their arms after they pass through The Judgement Hall, what would they do? The confusion, chaos, the tears, and the heartaches of those who have passed on to disillusionment has wrung My Heart through the ages. I am eager to free people from misconcepts. To Me, an agnostic is a being whom I love very much, for he is one who has been hurt deeply and bitterly. Those men and women We shall set free. It is my desire to do so, and it is my reason for being." Master Hilarion: "The seekers after Truth have always been in the minority. The great majority of the people have always preferred to conform to some existing religion and have not been desirous of passing into the more rigorous self-disciplines, self-denials, and the various and sundry drills required to find actual truths. For the most part, individuals are born into some particular religious activity, which their parents before them had confirmed, and it is seldom that they take more than one step upward in an embodiment from that religion. But there are always the few brave enough to spear through hypocrisy, half-truths, dogmatism, and rituals of human concepts, seeking to find The True Way." "When you invoke The Flame of Truth sincerely, It will begin to act in your emotional, mental, aetheric, and physical bodies, dissolving human concepts. As the crumbling of many of your concepts takes place, there is a temporary sensation of confusion and chaos which will be replaced by a firmer conviction of Truth." "On Atlantis, Beloved Pallas Athena was The High Priestess, and Her Great Light was known to every person representing The White Order on the landed surface of The Earth. Her power of magnetization of The Green Flame of Truth covered not only The Continent of Atlantis but permeated the atmosphere of Earth." "During Atlantean and Lemurian Civilizations, as well as those of earlier ages, from time to time there came from other temples on other continents various individuals making a visitation to The Temple of Truth. Then, in proximity to Pallas Athena's Great Light, they would be illumined upon The 7 Channels (The 7 Rays) of constructive expression and carry that illumination back to their people." "It is currently the endeavor of The Lord Mahachohan, through the establishment of the specialized force-fields, to re-establish the same entire activity which will be the expression of The Golden Age (The Aquarian Age) of The Ascended Master St. Germain." "When We worked on Atlantis and on Lemuria, there was no war between Faith, Love, and

Healing. Each individual was consecrated to the magnetizing, radiating, and sustaining of his own Virtue, and the entire atmosphere of Earth, as well as the inner bodies of the people, were benefited by each such Temple. The students must come to the place of sublimation where The Ray and Virtue are the important gift, rather than the personality drawing That Ray or the group performing that service." "A conductor is important, and each musician in an orchestra stops when he signals to do so and does not go on blaring above the rest. Such unity of service and activity has been the desire and design of The Mahachohan for many ages and which He is endeavoring now to at least present to the mental consciousness of the embodied. So We, Who carry The Flame of Truth and watch the human ego, find that there is so much desire to show off the power of radiation drawn that some of The Virtue is lost. You will have to be like the selfless ones in certain monasteries, in the seamless garments with the hood drawn over the face. That is an Initiation of The Egyptian and early Grecian Mysteries, when one had no identity and no name. One was completely hooded from head to foot, and his service was given in silence. He never spoke, and the radiation which passed from the body was a confirmation of what was generated, magnetized, and sustained." "When The Temple of Truth was established originally in Greece, it took many centuries of embodiment and re-embodiment, upon behalf of the priests and priestesses devoted to its teaching, before the actual, magnificent Temple Itself was physically manifest. That was also done at Luxor, in Shamballa, and various other places where These Temples were established. The patterns were brought in the minds and consciousness of those who had been present in the heighth of the great glory of Those Temples (on Atlantis). Those individuals were under The Law of The Bands of Forgetfulness which allowed the possibility of their losing their memory of those patterns. They were born again in baby bodies and had to come to their majority retaining the idea through an earth life, a period of disembodiment, a period of birth, and adjustment to a family and race. Then they endeavored to re-create that perfect pattern again." "Those beings who created This Grecian Temple of Truth were under The Radiation of Pallas Athena, and they received the tremendous protection of Her Love and Light. Centuries came and went and finally, like the great palaces at Luxor, the magnificence of The Temple of Truth began to fall into decay through the decline of The Grecian Civilization." "After that time, there arose The Order known as The Delphic Oracles. Most of these beings had belonged to Pallas Athena's Court (on Atlantis). Any Divine Being could use the body of such an Oracle upon occasion in order to give instruction to a group who would gather together to receive that assistance." "The original Delphic Oracles were carefully trained from early childhood. They were protected from all pressure of personality of their own or others. They were a clear pipeline through which The Divine Beings could reach the few who were seeking Truth upon This Planet Earth. Then The Oracles no longer remained completely pure. Several of these, who had performed services of black magic on Atlantis (the sons and daughters of Belial), sold themselves for profit to various governments, and the messages which they gave to the credulous people were previously written out for them by some unscrupulous individual who

had bought the services of That Oracle in order to further his cause." "So The Light of The Delphic Oracles went out, and a great many of the people, completely disillusioned at that time, have not recovered from this disappointment, even to this day. They are those who are so very suspicious of anything in the way of a mystic phenomenon or extra-sensory perception of any kind, because they had once come in hope and faith and had been deceived. It is to those people I have personally dedicated a great portion of My Life, hoping to bring them to a point where they do desire to know The Truth Which will set them free." Pallas Athena: "I have honored The Presence of Truth ever since I stood in The Aura of Beloved Vesta and was vested with the obligation and responsibility of sustaining Truth for the people of Earth, whenever and wherever they should ask for and require It. I am grateful that cries for Truth are arising from the hearts of the people. They are no longer content to be deceived, and this desire for Truth from within their hearts is the open door which We use to pour That Truth back to them and give every assistance possible." "I give to you The Flame of Truth Which is The Flame of My Heart. Test every experience against That Flame of Truth Which is within My Heart and yours! But speak my name; call My Presence; and you shall have That Flame and all the assistance which I can give."
Fuente Original: The Bridge to Freedom Compilacin: Fundacin Lady Nada Email: The Bridge to Freedom Foundation

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