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1 Index

1. Stomach fat reduction Yoga: 2. Asana and Exercise to reduce stomach fat: ..... 3. Yoga for Acidity: 4. Yoga for Constipation: .. 5. Yoga to improve digestion: 6. Baba Ramdev Breathing Exercises to Lose Weight: .. 7. Yoga for Sinus: ..

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1. Tummy fat reduction Yoga:

You can increase your metabolic rate with the help of yoga exercise which will in turn help you to decrease your body fat and tone up your muscles. Focus to decrease your overall body weight, when you lose the overall fat you will notice that the fat around your tummy will also decrease. Besides the following yoga asana will also specifically help to lose your tummy fat and make it look slim

Bhujangasan or cobra pose lie on the floor or on yoga mat on your stomach with forehead touching the ground. Slide your hands under the shoulder. Raise your body from the shoulders with the help of your back muscles. Also raise your head as high as you can and you feel comfortable. You hands can remain on your back of your hips or on the ground. Pawanmuktasan this asana can particularly help you to reduce your tummy fat. To perform this asana lie on your back on the floor or on a yoga mat. Fold your left leg at the knee and with the help of your left hand bring the leg neat the abdomen. Raise your body and bend your neck to touch your nose to the left knee. Hold in this position breathing normally for 20 seconds. Exhale and place the left leg back to its normal position. Now fold the right leg at the knee and with the help of right hand place it on the abdomen. Raise body from shoulders and try to touch your nose to the knees. Again hold for 20 seconds breathing normally. Exhale and relax to normal position. Perform this pose using both the legs at a time 5 times each. Then fold both the legs together in the similar way and perform this pose. This pose when done regularly with cobra pose, bow pose and Paadpashchimottanasan will help you to reduce your tummy fat considerably.

2. Asana and Exercise to reduce stomach fat:

Obesity is the greatest of the health hazards nowadays that results in the increasing risk of cardiovascular as well as the respiratory system. Obese individuals are very much susceptible to arteriosclerosis, diabetes, increased blood pressure, and various breathing problems. So in order to reduce down the fats accumulated in the body various dietary modifications are very necessary. Apart from diet exercise also plays a vital role in reducing down the weight. This may include brisk walking, cycling or swimming etc. Also if various yoga asanas are performed it results in the gradual reduction in the weight of an individual. Yoga postures and positions reduce down the fat of areas that need to be most worked upon. These yoga asanas may include forward bends, backward bends, and twisting of hips. Therefore following yogic asanas are when regularly performed they bring about the reduction in stomach size as well as fat:

Sun Salutation or Surya Namskara this is the most basic technique for obesity management. This comprises of a series of 12 different postures practiced in a sequence. This improves the oxygen supply to the body. Thus helping in the strengthening the internal muscles and the toning of muscles. Pranayama measure to enhance the vital energy or the life force in your body. Kapalbhatiin the toning up of the tummy muscles since it increase the respiration rate thus causing the burning of fats and toxins that have accumulated into the body to be dissolved. Apply pressures on stomach inwards to breathe out all the air inside your stomach. Now relax and bring back the muscles to the normal position. Then again apply pressure on the stomach to clear out the air. Anulom Vilomis also a breathing exercise for whole of the body, along with the stomach. Sukhasana or the Butterfly is useful to provide strengthening to the spine lengthening of leg muscles making them strong as well as providing them with the strength to bear on the weight of the whole body. Also there are various asanas which when performed they bring about the reduction of accumulated fat while enacting on the specific areas that are very prone to accumulation of fat. As Mandukasana, Marktasana, pawan mukutasana, makrasana, Bhujangasana etc.

hus all the yogic asanas benefit and bring about the reduction in the fat via means of increasing the respiratory rate that in turn increase the burning down of accumulated fats in the body. Since these asanas are performed within a definite sitting or standing posture so it not only helps to reduce down the fat in the body but it even helps in the strengthen of these regions since to perform a definite pose or posture the individual has to keep sitting or standing in a definite position. Therefore this brings about the working of the muscles, tissues or various structures present at these sites to perform activities therefore the blood circulation is increased to these areas bring about the reduction in the accumulated fat by means of burning that is supported by increased respiration rate.

3. Yoga for Acidity:

Yoga is a very vast and expanded field that encompasses both the body and mind. Although the asanas are physical postures but they must be approached with concentration and awareness. They are not just the means of physical fitness; but they also lead to well balanced, flexible body and a clear mind. Breath control is very important in yoga. In all harnessing of body leads to harnessing of mind letting the individual to pursue the spiritual side of yoga. In todays fast everyday life we mainly encounter disorders that are resulted because of our own negligence towards what we eat, how we eat, when we eat, & in what amount we eat. One of these common ailment resulted from are activities is Acidity. As we know it is resulted due to our own stressful life where we are earning a lot at the cost of our own health. The process of digestion in our body is mainly governed by the digestive juices in our body along with the prana or breaths that we inhale and exhale everyday. So for the fire or jath-ragni that helps us to digest the food and break it down into useful substances that further can be assimilated into the body the prana or breaths play a leading role. An individual when suffers from acidity he is stuck in a situation that hinders his everyday activities. He is not able to enjoy life to the fullest and is always in a stressed state both physically as well as mentally. In yoga there are a number of asanas that have been meant to help and even cure acidity. The asanas mentioned in yoga for acidity in brief are:

After having meals a person if sits comfortably in Vajrasana for about 10 to 15 mins this gives strength to his digestive power reducing the occurrence of flatulence and constipation. Thus immediately removing the main causes of acidity. Pranayam along with yoga nidra is very beneficial. Pranayam helps in relaxation of organs within abdomen assisting in adequate supply of blood to the organs then the controlling of the breath increase the working efficiency internal secreting glands. Shitali pranayam & Shitkari pranayam help in reduction of the burning sensation caused in the stomach by acids. Further strong acids in the stomach get washed away by Kunjal Kriya. Virasana (or Heros pose) helps in the reduction of the fat around the thighs & calves and also increases digestion. Pachimottanasana (or Back spine stretching pose) as it helps to tone up the spine it even helps in improvement of digestion. Makrasana massages the abdominal organs. Yoga Mudra Surya Namaskara Jalludhar Bandha Shaya asana Kunjal Kriya

5 long with these asanas an individual must follow the certain dietary principles set in ayurveda & yoga that can provide him relief from acidity and even prevent its recurrence. So it is not only just asanas that bring relief from acidity but also it is dietary control.

4. Yoga for Constipation:

Gas, acidity or constipation these are the most common discomforts that are produced due to our own negligence and dietary discomforts. Constipation is a very common disorder but it is caused to a number of individual any is the main cause of disruption of various daily activities. There are various causes of constipation as; hardening of the faeces due to the wrong type of diet, dehydration, hypothyroidism, injured anal sphincter, certain types of crude drugs as opium and iron etc, tumors, sedentary habits etc. There are even common causes as a low fiber diet, lack of the physical activity, not drinking of enough water, delay in passing out the stool, stress or excessive traveling, etc. The yoga poses that must be performed for constipation are;

The Bow pose or the Dhanurasana The shoulder stand The Peacock pose or the Mayurasana The abdominal lifts And various breathing exercises that help us to regulate the digestive system. The seated poses. The cobra pose or Bhujangasana Pawan Muktasana is also extremely beneficial for various gas related problems. This helps to reduce down the gastric acid reflux and heart burns. Dhanurasana increases blood flow in the pancreas and the intestinal area. Nadi Shodhana Pranayam is also very beneficial. Surya Namaskara Trikonasana Tadasana Halasana Mulabandha Ardha Matsyendrasana Bhastrika with Kumbhaka Kapalbhati Pranayam

These are the poses that specifically target the digestives system and bring relief from constipation; acidity or even gas. In addition to this the diet that must be followed in individuals suffering from any of these; one must take up light meals including fresh foods, vegetables, and salads, avoid consumption of starch, spices, fats and excessive salts, also drink plenty of water.

5. Yoga to improve digestion:

Practicing yoga means practicing both your mind and your body. Yoga asanas when are performed they increase your resistance to disease, improve health and develop mental awareness. Yoga has proven itself in providing a wide variety of health benefits both physical as well as mental, including alleviation and even prevention of digestive distress. Therefore the goal of yoga is joining together body and mind into a state of balance and harmony. Yoga even benefits in various digestive disorders as bloating, cramping, gas after meals, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel diseases as Chrons and ulcerative colitis and relieving symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pains, acidity, and nausea. Yoga poses increase the blood flow to the digestive tract stimulating the intestinal action peristalsis making digestion more efficient. Yoga even calms and relaxes digestive system leading to effective elimination of toxins. Various forward bends increase the spaces in the abdomen facilitating the release of entrapped gases. Following asanas can be performed for improvement of digestion.

Bhujangasana (or Cobra): Lie down in prone position or the front of your body on the floor, in straight line. Rest one side of head on the floor. Bring your legs and feet together; relax arms by sides with the palms facing the ceiling. Now place your forehead on the floor and palms of hands directly below the shoulders; fingers spread wide and pointing forwards. Bring both arms close to the sides of the body arms bent with elbows pointing towards the feet. Breathe in raise your head, shoulders and front of the body up off the floor (keeping the pubic bone in contact with the floor). Now breathe out push palms down into the floor and raise up body as high as possible (keeping the pubic bone on the floor). Open and expand the front of the body, face looking straight ahead. Take the shoulders back slowly drop head back and look up towards the ceiling. Now relax your buttocks and leg muscles (felling the spine extending and relaxing back). Hold the posture and breathe normally. Push palms into the floor and breathe out lower the front of the body down onto the floor. Rest one side of head on the floor; relax the arms by the sides, palms facing the ceiling. Relax the body now onto the floor. Turn the head to one side and rest quietly releasing out the tension. Also Nauli Kriya can be performed to improve the digestive system. Since nauli kriya brings about the movement of the rectus muscles of the abdomen so it must be performed under guidance. Adho mukha svanasana (or downwards facing dog) excellent for digestion and calming down. Dhanurasana (or bow pose) helps to warm and increase digestion.

Parsvakoasana (extended side angle pose) good for apana. Along with these asanas dietary habits should also be healthy. These asanas stimulate the third Chakra or the Manipura Chakra (Coelic or solar plexus) where the inner fire of our body resides.

Precaution: One must avoid these poses if one is having hiatus hernia, abdominal surgery, abdominal inflammation, sciatica, or back problems, pregnant or menstruating.

6. Baba Ramdev Breathing Exercises to Lose Weight:

Baba Ramdev has revolutionized yoga and has presented people with the boost for the healthy living. Until now we did not took yoga as a main stream but just thought it to be a way of living by yogis. It was Baba Ramdev who introduced yoga into the mainstream making us realize that it became a part and parcel of our life and has ever since helped us to get rid of various chronic as well as acute diseases. As such there are various yogic postures or asanas that are recommended by Baba Ramdev for various diseases and even for various lifestyle discomforts that include obesity and diabetes etc. In this way Baba Ramdevs breathing exercise for weight lose can be performed as follows:

Lie down in supine position on the floor. Pick your legs up and move them as if you are cycling slowly and steadily. Do this for about 50 times taking break for about a minute or so after 20 cycling movements. Then go onto repeat this with the other leg. Same way taking breaks and for the same duration. Then in the same lying position move your feet up at least two feet up and down. Do so with one leg at a time. Do so with the other leg repeating as such. Then remain in the same position and after resting for a moment now go on to pick and move both your feet up and down to the same level. And both legs together. During all this time one has to take care that the breathing must be as normal as possible. In addition to this breathing exercise or the pranayams are also beneficial in order to lose weight. As Kapalbhati helps to lose weight. Bhastrika pranayam Anulom Vilom pranayam Baharya pranayam Udgeeth Pranayam Bharamari Pranayam So these pranayams not just go on to control weight but even keeps the hormonal levels in an appropriate level.

These not just help out to lose weight but have in additional features as;

People who are having weak legs as they are obese and have constant leg pains due to their weight they can gain strength in legs by doing so. Helps in decreasing down the size of the stomach. Extra fat deposited on and around the thighs is reduced down. Buttocks come in the shape. Helps in burning down more calories.


A very beneficial exercise if one cannot go for running.


7. Yoga for Sinus:

What is the sinus? The word sinus means cavity. When most people talk of sinuses, they are referring to the paranasal sinuses, which are paired cavities that exist all under the skull along the front of the face and the head. Para nasal sinuses are connected to the nasal passage. What do sinuses do? While the exact function of sinuses is unclear, it has been surmised that these air filled cavities help to decrease the weight of the skull and provide some cushioning to this region. What is sinusitis? Sinusitis is a condition that occurs when these sinuses become infected and inflamed. It affects approximately 39 million American every year. Occurrences of sinusitis are becoming increasingly common and it is believed that rising air pollution levels play a major role in this. What are the symptoms of sinusitis? Sinusitis is accompanied by a number of symptoms including headaches, nasal discharge, and toothaches. In fact a majority of people who complain about migraines are actually suffering from sinusitis headaches. Yoga for sinusitis The practice of yoga can provide long and lasting relief from sinusitis and its associated ailments. It is such an excellent sinusitis cure because as opposed to treating the symptoms of the disease (which is what most conventional over the counter medications do) yoga goes right down to the root cause of sinusitis to nip the problem in the bud. How does yoga achieve this? Well, to answer this question you need to take a look at the basic principles of yoga. As we all know, yoga is an ancient form of therapy and exercise that was developed in India millennia ago. Once considered an almost lost healing art, the last couple of decades have evidenced a renewed interest in the practice of yoga. Why yoga manages to cure sinusitis where many other forms of treatment fail is because it helps to balance the body and remove any conditions that cause an imbalance. The vigorous breathing exercises (Pranayama) that are practiced as a part of yoga help to remove any blockages in the nasal cavities and sinus. This allows any accumulated mucus and infection to be drained out, thereby providing relief from the symptoms of

12 sinusitis. In addition to Pranayama there are also many yoga Asanas (postures) that work wonders as a sinusitis cure. These include the Bhujanga Asana (Cobra Pose), Matsya Asana (Crocodile Pose), Sinha Asana (Lion pose), Shava Asana (Corpse pose), and Surya Namaskar (Sun salutation).

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