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You are hereby invited to the first ever World Intuition Summit a free teleseminar featuring over 24 of the

e world's most knowledgeable sages taking place on October 23rd, 2013.

You are here because you sense the consciousness shift in the world, and you want to be a part of it. Through this free seminar, you will learn how to achieve the 7th sense the culmination of all senses and unparalleled access to other realms accessible only through the gateway of your own intuition.
Dear Truth Seeker, There is no such thing as coincidence. Everything in your life is either a conscious or subconscious manifestation from the kind stranger who gave you directions to the rude driver that cut you off on the way to work, our reality is defined by us and, ultimately, where we end up is purely due to how we handle all of the manifestations that are introduced into our lives on a daily basis. That can be uncomfortable for a lot of people. We don't like to think that the things in our lives are REALLY up to us. Sure, we love to take the credit for good things such as success, money, and accomplishments, but we love to blame other people, fate, the devil, and the universe for things that we don't like. The fact that you are here, right now, means that you're looking for something higher than your current self perhaps a state of being and level of understanding you know you are supposed to reach. And, whether you like it or not, your search either consciously or subconsciously brought you here (of course, I hope you LIKE it). Let me tell you something right now, I know how terribly painful and annoying it can be when seeking knowledge real, tangible knowledge that gets you somewhere better. So often it seems like all you come across are wanna-be sages peddling snake oil and exploiting people's fears and insecurities. Maybe you've even fallen for some of these programs and speakers before your intuition knocked on the door to your higher self and said, This is a bad idea this person is full of crap, look somewhere else. I know that happened to me plenty of times. In fact, I searched for 30 years for my higher self and battled extreme depression all along the way. Where did I eventually find the answers? Well within myself. But, it was through amazing teachers and guides that I was able to find my inner enlightenment and uncover all of the deep down muck that was holding me back. Things like.... Fear People often don't realize how afraid they are to really turn inward and discover their potential. This isn't entirely your fault it's due to our society. A society that, over time, has beaten and battered us into submission. Even when we think we're free from it, more shackles appear. Ego The ego is what makes us think we have to act a certain way, dress a certain way, believe

a certain way. The ego is one of the hardest things to first recognize and then get rid of. The ego is what keeps us from dressing up in a chicken suit and walking around in the middle of Times Square flapping our imaginary wings. You might laugh and say, why would I do such a thing? But your ego says, People will look at you, people will judge you, people will think you're crazy, people will laugh at you, you will feel bad, you will feel embarrassed. It's the same voice that stopped you from taking any type of risks, of doing things that others might think was weird even when you intuitively knew it might be the best thing for you. One can learn from the ego. However, the only way this can happen is if you are not BOUND by the ego. Pride Pride, like the ego, is that voice in our head that tells us we don't need anyone's help, that we can do it on our own, and so on. It shuts out other people's views, and makes us think that our thoughts are the only right ones. Taking Control of The Subconscious Do you have a pet peeve, but you don't know why? Perhaps a certain color makes you angry, a certain sound makes you sad, a certain smell makes you anxious, the way someone says something irks you, but you're not exactly sure why. These are all subconscious cues things that have happened in your life that are seemingly small and insignificant, that actually affect the way you see the world and react to it. For example, if you grow up receiving a hug only when you're crying and sad (from friends, parents, or siblings) then when someone later on in life hugs you over a joyous occasion, you are more likely to feel sad or melancholy during the hug. Taking control of your subconscious, is basically taking control of your mind and your reality. Rather than simply reacting to things without knowing why, you will have a firm grasp, which will elevate you over 99 percent of the rest of the population who go through life not knowing why they do the things they do.

The only way I was able to realize these things and address them was by finding teachers who could guide me with a steady hand. Of course, I could have tried to do it on my own, but that didn't work for 30 years. Of course, the real problem for people seeking knowledge is this: Where the heck do I find really good teachers who can help me achieve my higher self and participate in this global shift in consciousness? That's the thing, isn't it? With so many so-called gurus and sages and life coaches out there vying for your attention (and money) how do you know who is really going to help you and who isn't? It's enough to just make you give up. This is the reason I believe you're here this is where you're finally going to find the real guides you've been looking for, the people who are qualified to teach you about your higher self and your abilities. Abilities like... Living an extraordinary life Experiencing a constant, unshakable state of pure bliss Transcendence of fear to where it completely leaves your consciousness Freedom from your ego

Greater, naturally-sustained energy Seeing beyond the physical into the ethereal See, feel, and know the truth of all things Create and manifest large visions Strip away limitations, complications experience simple, direct understanding Anchor your dreams into reality Understand the truth of any situation at a glance Enlist help from higher beings and ascended masters with thought Easily move beyond the subconscious into the super conscious Become a guiding light for yourself and the world

Introducing The World Intuition Summit More than a Seminar Your New Family
The World Intuition Summit is the first teleseminar of its kind. I have amassed over 24 of the best, world-renowned, most trust-worthy teachers, gurus, sages, and life coaches this planet has to offer us. I trust all of these people, because in my over 30 years of searching, and my years of practice, I've learned how to stay away from those phonies and only let people into my life that add value. The great thing about this is that we're not trying to milk you for money so that you can learn our secrets. I'm sure that's what you were expecting, right? For a one-time fee of $___ you can attend this amazing seminar. Well, how's this for a one-time fee ZERO, NADA, ZILTCH. You're here for a reason, you're here because you're searching. The last thing I want to do is exclude anyone from this amazing opportunity to get to know these top-level teachers over such a material thing as money. This is your invitation this is your opportunity. This summit is what you've been looking for, and by attending, you will be taking the first step to a higher consciousness. But, here's the thing I know that you have probably downloaded so much information into your brain during your search that, by now, you've heard the same information being recycled over and over and over again. The World Intuition Summit is different, because it's not only about learning from great teachers and leaders by gaining information, it's also about getting involved in a global community of like-minded people all of them truth seekers and individuals working to attain the 7 th sense just like you are. This teleseminar is just the start of being involved in a life-long family. You will be introduced to... A global support group made up of like-minded people just like you people that you can talk to about your progress, friends that you can confide in, and a community that helps each other be better every day. Consistent connections A sense of belonging Your own natural wholeness

Sometimes living a life geared toward a higher spiritual state can become lonely. There is a reason so many sages withdrew from society completely to seek enlightenment in solitude within the mountains. After a while, it seems like no one around you understands what you're doing. Not only that, it becomes more and more difficult to relate to people their problems are no longer your problems, their issues are no longer your issues. Of course, there is nothing wrong with these people, it's just that you have ceased feeling connected with them anymore. This is a symptom of shifting consciousness. Here's the good news, though more people than ever are transcending to, shifting with, and seeking higher states consciousness and spiritual awakening. The goal of the World Intuition Summit is to bring ALL of these people together (including yourself) and create a community-driven support group. You don't have to feel like you're alone, and you don't have to feel like you can't connect with anybody. No matter where you are in the world, you can come together with people who are achieving the 7th sense both teachers, and students like yourself. You and other students will hear from teachers like... Debra Halperin Poneman A pioneer in the self-help movement since the 1980's, Debra has shown thousands of people around the world how to create lives of success and abundance. Some of today's most renowned transformational leaders were once Debra's students people who have gone on to become NY Times best-sellers and mega-successful speakers using the principles they learned at Debra's Yes to Success seminars. After a 20 year hiatus Debra took in order to raise her children, she has emerged once again to start teaching these timeless principles of wealth creation and success. After living by her own principles and manifesting tremendous success and abundance, Debra realized that many of her students were still unfulfilled and still seeking. This led her on a new quest where she experienced a profound awakening that helped her formulate The New Success: The Secrets to True and Lasting Abundance. Today, she shares with people how to live their life guided by God/Source/Self to live in a state of grace that will bring not only abundance, but what lies beyond abundance fulfillment. Christopher Tims A true master teacher and guide, Christopher seeks to remind us of our own Divine nature and the abundance of the Universe that we are by helping us redefine our worldview. The answer to all of our questions, and the solution to all our problems is always Oneness, God, Sacred Unity, our own Divine Nature whaever you choose to call it. Christopher himself is an embodiment of this universal truth. As a high-level clairvoyant and clairaudient since childhood, Christopher feels that these and other abilities, while blessed gifts, are merely byproducts of the union with the one Source that we are all a part of an inseperable from. He teaches that it is natural for all of us to directly experience Sacred unity, as he guides us to the Oneness that rests within each of us. Christopher has been teaching since 1988 and posses a deep, profound knowledge of ancient civilizations and world religions. He has traveled with the Dalai Lama in his early tours in North America, and has spent time at the Sivananda Yoga Center in the Bahamas with Swami Vishnudevananda. He is a certified teacher by renowned Sumerian Language and Culture authority Zecharia Sitchin, which was only offered once in Sitchin's 40-year career. Christopher

has also traveled to Egypt with author and renegade archaeologist John Anthony West. He is a dear friend of Anna Mitchell Hedges, and has multiple one-on-one direct experience with the Crystal Skull. As a pioneer of alternative healing, Christopher has developed his own signature system of sound energy work called 'Sound Energy Dynamics', which uses tuning forks over and around the body to release dissonant energy forms such as emotions, memories, concepts, and structures, without the need for diagnoses, processing, or analysis. GP Walsh Known as the Irreverent Sage, if there is one person who can offend your ego (which is a good thing) it's this guy. Speaker, author, spiritual teacher, energy healer, workshop leader, master coach, master meditation teacher, and recognized EFT expert, GP Wals has been teaching and healing for over 30 years, touching thousands of people's lives with his irreverent humor, bold assertions, and contradictions of conventional wisdom along with his unyielding compassion. GP Walsh posses a rare honesty and biting wit. He has the timing of a comedian with the insight of a sage. He has the unique ability to take the most arcane, ambiguous, and impenetrable life teachings and bring them into a language that anyone can understand. There is an innate, infinite value to all of us. There is, at our very core, an original innocence that has never been corrupted, conditioned, or lost. GP [NOTE I definitely want some more people here with some hefty biographies. The more the better, because that's going to continuously add value to this page and really prime people for upsells.]

Reaching The 7th Sense

You've no doubt heard of the 6th sense, but with the HUGE consciousness shift occurring in the world and throughout the universe, it's important to understand the 7th sense. This new consciousness movement, brings you into a state of Transcendent Mind Luminosity (TML). You are developing from a Homosapien to a Homoluminous. The first step the gateway so to speak is to refine your intuition. How do I increase my intuition? Intuition is tricky. Some people are more intuitive than others, but the fact of the matter is that we all have intuition. The only thing that separates those intuitive people from the less intuitive people is the ability to know when we are right and wrong. Basically we have to be able to discern between when we're just guessing to when we're actually using our natural intuition. Getting to this level requires training intuition can be compared to a muscle, you can't let it lie dormant and expect it to work at maximum level. You have to use it and experiment with it and feed it in order to make it more powerful. Most people don't trust their intuition. But here's the thing every time someone doesn't listen to their intuition they always end up regretting it. The reason why is because we ALWAYS know the right answers our intuition tells us what the right decisions to make are. Every single time we ignore that,

or think that it's just our mind playing tricks with us, we end up making bad decisions. We always regret it. Strengthening your intuition and understanding how to differentiate between it and your fears, doubts, and other thought pollution is a survival mechanism it ensures that you'll always make the right decisions. Think of how much time you waste going down the wrong paths in life, and all of the time it takes to recover from those bad decisions. It's like being faced with a million pathways and everytime you go down one, you hit a brick wall, and you have to double back and start again. You have a map it's called your intuition, but most of us can't read it. Throughout the world intuition summit you will learn the initial steps you need to take to start reading your intuition better, and what you need to do in the future to continue improving.

It's Time to Cultivate Your 7th Sense. It's time to Learn from REAL sages and seers. It's time to finally find that global community of truth seekers just like you.
What is your intuition telling you right now? Right this second? Here you not only have the opportunity to learn and grow, you also have the opportunity to find new friends and new connections and really be a part of something special. You have the opportunity to feel a sense of belonging with others throughout the world who are seeking the 7th sense, working on improving their intuition, and learning how to awaken their divine nature by communicating with their spiritual guides. You will also learn how you can receive future training from the teachers involved in the summit. You can even participate with other community members and new friends from the World Intuition Summit, which is great because you can talk about what you're learning along the way, and help each other reach higher levels of understanding. Additional opportunities you will learn about... Live bi-weekly training 7th sense boot camp Weekend replays Facebook discussions & private group discussions Monthly Q&A calls Written course work classes Mentoring and consultations Resource Guidance Access to 7th sense hotline Video and audio Transcripts Free newsletters Practical tips Intuition workshops ...much more I sure hope you're ready to get involved in this new movement and community, learn from awesome

teachers and guides, and make new friends. Sign up below for 100% free access to the first ever World Intuition Summit. [SIGN UP BUTTON WITH THE FOLLOWING CHECK LIST] YES! I want to learn from over 24 of the world's best teachers, spiritual guides, sages, and life coaches YES! I want to meet new friends YES! I want to be part of a new global consciousness shift and support group YES! I want to learn how to reach greater realms of spiritual enlightenment YES! I realize that this is the only community summit of its kind and that it's a one-time opportunity You know people often think they need to OBTAIN extrasensory powers. The thing is that every human being already naturally has these abilities within them they just have to find the David in the hunk of marble by stripping away the layers to reveal the magnificence within. That's exactly what you're going to learn how to do on a daily bases.

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