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RC-SLAB1 Software


This program performs analysis and design of RC one way slabs according to Saudi SBC and
American ACI codes. Both one-way solid slabs and joist slabs are considered. The slab or the
joist as well as the supporting beams can be analyzed and designed with automatic load transfer
from the slab to beams.

Developed by Professor Abdelhamid Charif
King Saud University, Civil Engineering Department.
Last edited in November 2009.

Both ACI / SBC coefficient method and elastic finite element method can be used for the
analysis. The code method can only be used if all its conditions are satisfied. But even if these
conditions are satisfied, the user can still choose either method for comparison purposes.
The user must first choose the type of slab and then enter all the data relevant to the slab and
beam. When entering many values in a single cell, spaces or commas should be left between
them. Material data (concrete and steel) can be entered any time. Concrete coefficient beta1 and
steel yield strain are updated and shown automatically. Ultimate steel strain is assumed unlimited
by default (ACI/SBC) but the user can change this and enter any positive value greater than or
equal to 0.010. Concrete displaced by bars in compression zone is considered.
The code condition imposing a lower limit (0.005 for SBC or 0.004 for ACI) on steel tensile
strain may be considered with either of ACI and SBC limits.
Load transfer from the solid slab or joist slab to the beams is performed by the software,
according to the beam tributary width. Beam loading may include wall line load. In a joist slab,
the inter-rib spaces may be void or contain hourdis blocks.
The beams may be designed with the original rectangular section or with the effective T-section
or L-section. The T-section (for internal beams) and L-section (for edge beams) results from the
interaction between the slab and the beam. The T-section or L-section flange width is
automatically determined by the software, according to SBC / ACI provisions.
Checking, analysis and design steps can be performed separately or in one single operation. The
output includes results of the various checks (minimum thickness, shear, flange, ...). Values of
the clear lengths, shear and moment coefficients as well as the minimum thickness are displayed
for each span. Shear force and bending moment diagrams are also displayed. When using the
code coefficient method, envelope curves of the diagrams are generated.
Design results include required steel areas as well as the number of bars and bar spacing. Code
values for minimum steel and maximum spacing are enforced. The software delivers an optimum
reinforcement pattern along the model by performing appropriate bar cutoff. Both demand and
capacity moment diagrams are produced.
Shear design is performed for beams or ribs requiring it. Single stirrup spacing is produced for
the critical section. For span design, variation of stirrup spacing is delivered.
In case of a solid one-way slab, the slab results are sent to the file "Slab-Strip.out", whereas the
beam results are in "Slab-Beam.out". For a joist slab, the rib and beam results are in files "Joist-
Rib.out" and "Joist-Beam.out".'

Theoretical background

Steps for the analysis and design of one-way solid slab (1-m slab strip):
(1) Thickness: Determine minimum thickness and:
If the thickness is unknown choose a value greater or equal to the minimum value
If the thickness is given, check that it is greater or equal to the minimum value
(2) Loading: Determine the dead and live uniform loading on the slab-strip (kN/m) using the
given area loads (kN/m
) for live load (LL) and super imposed dead load (SDL) as well as the
slab self weight: m x h SDL w
s c D
1 ) ( + = m x LL w
1 =
The ultimate factored load on the slab strip is:
L D u
w w w 7 . 1 4 . 1 + =
(3) Flexural analysis: Determine the values of ultimate moments at major locations (exterior
negative moment, interior negative moment and positive span moment) using the appropriate
clear lengths and moment coefficients or elastic analysis.
(4) Flexural RC design: Perform RC design using standard methods starting with the maximum
moment value. Determine the required steel area and compare with code minimum steel area.
Determine the bar spacing and compare with code maximum spacing
(5) Shrinkage reinforcement:
Determine shrinkage (temperature) reinforcement and the corresponding spacing
(6) Shear check: Perform shear check that is, check that:
u c
V V > |
If it is not checked, the thickness must be increased and repeat steps from (2)
(7) Detailing: Draw execution plans

ACI / SBC coefficient method of analysis
The ACI / SBC method (also called coefficient method) allows for various load patterns where
live load is applied on selected spans and maximum shear force and bending moment values are
obtained by the envelope curves. This simplified and approximate method allows also for the
real rotation restraint at external supports, where the real moment is not equal to zero. Elastic
analysis gives systematic zero moment values at all external pin supports. The coefficient
method is thus more realistic but is only valid for standard cases. It is advised to use this method
whenever its conditions of application are satisfied. Elastic analysis should be used only if the
conditions of the code method are not satisfied.

Conditions of application of ACI / SBC coefficient method:
1. Two spans or more
2. Spans not too different. Ratio of any two adjacent spans less or equal to 1.2. For two
successive spans (i) and (i+1), we must have : 2 . 1
) , (
) , (
i i
i i
L L Min
L L Max

3. Uniform loading
4. Unfactored live load less or equal to three times unfactored dead load: DL LL 3 s
5. Beams with prismatic sections
Ultimate moment and shear force are given by:
) (
n u m u
l W C M = |

u v u

For shear force, span positive moment and external negative moment, l
is the clear length of the
span. For internal negative moment, l
is the average of clear lengths of the adjacent spans.
and C
are the moment and shear coefficients given by SBC / ACI Tables

End (exterior)
Interior face
of end support
Exterior face of first
interior support
Other faces of
Interior supports
-1/10 -1/11 -1/11 -1/11 -1/11 -1/11
+1/11 +1/16 +1/16







a/ ACI terminology
b/ Unrestrained end More than 2 spans
-1/10 -1/11 -1/11 -1/11 -1/11 -1/11
+1/14 +1/16 +1/16







c/ Integral end More than 2 spans
-1/24 (-1/16)*
-1/9 -1/9 -1/24 (1/16)
+1/14 +1/14




d / Integral end with 2 spans
) (
1 n



) (
2 1 n n
) (
1 n
) (
2 n



) (
2 1 n n

) (
1 n
) (
2 n
) (
1 n

* : The exterior negative moment depends on the type of support
If the support is a beam or a girder, the coefficient is: -1/24
If the support is a column, the coefficient is: -1/16

Minimum thickness for beams and one way slabs
Minimum thickness is given by SBC / ACI codes as shown in this Table.

Minimum thickness for beams (ribs) and one-way slabs
unless deflections are computed and checked

One end
Both ends

Solid one-
way slab
L / 20 L / 24 L / 28 L / 10
or ribs
L / 16 L / 18.5 L / 21 L / 8

In a continuous beam or slab strip, the minimum thickness must be determined for each span and
the final value is the greatest of them: ) ,..., , , (
min, 3 min 2 min 1 min min n
h h h h Max h =
A thickness less than the minimum value may be used but the deflections must then be computed
and checked.

Load transfer from one way solid slab to beams
Load is transferred to the beam according to its tributary width l
. The tributary width is
computed using mid-lines between beams, except for edge beams where it must include all the
beam width (to account for all area) and any slab offset.
The beam dead load must include the beam web weight and any possible wall load.
wall bw bw c t s c bD
w h b l x h SDL w + + + = ) ( Live
t bL
l x LL w =

Effective beam section
Because of the interaction between the slab and beam, the effective beam section is:
T-section for internal beams
L-section for edge beams
The flange width is determined according to SBC /ACI provisions.

Beam analysis and design is performed following similar steps except that shear step is a design
step where stirrups are designed.
Bar spacing and bar layer number, are updated and many re-design cycles are performed as

Steps for the analysis and design of one-way joist slab
(1) Thickness: Determine minimum thickness and:
If the thickness is unknown choose a value greater or equal to the minimum value
If the thickness is given, check that it is greater or equal to the minimum value
(2) Geometry and loading: Check the joist dimension conditions and determine the dead and
live uniform loading on the joist (kN/m) using the given area loads (kN/m
) for live load (LL)
and super imposed dead load (SDL) as well as the joist self weight.
The joist tributary width is the flange width. The dead load must include the possible hourdis
block weight.
jw b jw jw c jf jf c jD
Sh h b b x h SDL w + + + = ) ( Live
jf sL
b x LL w =
The ultimate factored load on the joist is:
L D u
w w w 7 . 1 4 . 1 + =
(3) Flexural analysis: Determine the values of ultimate moments at major locations (exterior
negative moment, interior negative moment and positive span moment) using the appropriate
clear lengths and moment coefficients or elastic analysis.
(4) Flexural RC design: Perform RC design using standard methods starting with the maximum
moment value. Determine the required steel area and compare with code minimum steel area.
Determine the bar number and check layer number.
(5) Shrinkage reinforcement:
Determine shrinkage (temperature) reinforcement and the corresponding spacing
(6) Shear check: Perform shear check that is, check that:
u c
V V > |
SBC and ACI allow 10 % increase for concrete shear strength in joists.
If it is not checked, stirrups must be provided.
(7) Flange check: The flange with little or no reinforcement must be checked as a plain
concrete member, taking into account concrete tensile strength.
(8) Detailing: Draw execution plans

Load transfer from joist slab to beams
Load is transferred by joists to the beam according to its tributary width l
. Area load is equal to
the joist load divided by the flange width.
In order to avoid duplication of the joist-beam joint, we must use the clear tributary width l
. It is
obtained by subtracting the beam width:
b t tn
b l l =
The dead load includes possible wall loading
wall b b b c tn
w b x SDL h b l
w + + + = Live
t bL
l x LL w =
For a flange thickness less than 100 mm, the software rejects the effective T-section or L-section
for internal or edge beams. The flange must be thick enough to incorporate top steel bars with
appropriate covers. Rectangular section design is then recommended.

All the steps for one way solid slab or joist slab as well as the supporting beams are integrated in
RC-SLAB1 software.

Users manual

Figure 1 shows RC-SLAB1 main screen. A solid one way slab is analyzed in this case.

Figure 1: Main screen of RC-SLAB1 software

The following partial listing is produced by the software. It gives all checking results, analysis
results as well as RC design results for a 1 m slab strip. Shrinkage reinforcement is also delivered

Analysis and design of a 1-m wide slab strip with 4 spans

Performing various checks:
The actual thickness (mm) is: 170.00
The code minimum thickness (mm) is: 166.67
The minimum thickness is checked
The unfactored dead load (kN/m) is : 9.580
The unfactored live load (kN/m) is : 5.000
The factored ultimate uniform load (kN/m) is : 21.912
All conditions of coefficient method satisfied

Analysis using SBC/ACI coefficient method
Rectangular section dimensions (mm): Width = 1000 Thickness = 170

Moment Coefficients for first span: -1/24 1/14 -1/10
Exterior shear force: 1.0 Interior shear force: 1.15

Moments (kN.m) and shear forces (kN) for span 1:
Left -ve moment: -12.499 Right -ve moment: -29.998
Positive moment: 21.427
Left shear force: 40.537 Right shear force: 46.618

Moment Coefficients for internal span: -1/11 1/16 -1/11
Interior -ve moment: -1/11 Interior shear force: 1.0

Moments (kN.m) and shear forces (kN) for span 2:
Left -ve moment: -27.270 Right -ve moment: -27.270
Positive moment: 18.748
Left shear force: 40.537 Right shear force: 40.537

Concrete strength f'c (MPa) = 25.00
Nominal concrete shear strength Vc = sqrt(fc') x bw x d/6
Effective steel depth d (mm) = 144.00
Nominal concrete shear strength Vc (kN) = 120.000
Phi x Vc (kN) = 90.000
Maximum ultimate shear force Vu (kN) = 46.618
Shear strength is OK. No stirrups required 1

Flexural RC design of all spans using 12-mm bars
Steel grade fy (MPa) = 420.00
Code minimum steel reinforcement (mm 2) = 306.00
Corresponding maximum spacing (mm) = 369.60
Code maximum bar spacing (mm) Smax = Min(2h,300) = 300.00
Maximum bar spacing limit adopted (mm) = 300

RC design for ultimate moment (kN.m) = 21.4268
Steel area (mm 2) = 404.8943 Depth (mm) = 144.00
Bar spacing (mm) = 279.33 Adopted spacing (mm) = 250

RC design for ultimate moment (kN.m) = -29.9975
Steel area (mm 2) = 573.6875 Depth (mm) = 26.00
Bar spacing (mm) = 197.14 Adopted spacing (mm) = 175

Shrinkage steel (mm 2) = 306.00 Use of 10-mm bars
Spacing (mm) = 256.67 Maximum spacing = Min(4h,300) = 300.00
Adopted bar spacing (mm) = 250

Figure 2 shows analysis results for the slab-strip.

Figure 2: Analysis results for slab strip using ACI/SBC coefficient method

Figures 2 and 3 shows the analysis results for the slab strip, using ACI/SBC method and the
elastic method.

Figure 3: Analysis results for slab strip using elastic method

Figure 4 shows RC design results highlighting demand and capacity moment diagrams. Variable
bar spacing along the model is shown. Maximum spacing and minimum steel conditions are

Figure 4: RC design results for slab strip showing bar spacing

Figure 5 shows the analysis results for an internal beam modeled as a T-section.
The detailed listing produced by the software is also shown.

Figure 4: Analysis results of an internal beam


Figure 5 shows design results for the beam modeled as a T-section. Optimum bar cutoff is
delivered with demand and capacity moment diagrams. It can be noted that design for
maximum\negative moment requires compression steel bars.

Figure 5: Design results for the beam

The output shows stirrup design results as well:

Shear design of the beam
Shear design using 10-mm stirrups with 3 legs
Maximum shear force at support (kN) = 407.252
Shear force at mid-span from envelope curve (kN) = 53.120
Shear force at a distance d from support (kN) = 357.398
Stirrup spacing (mm) is = 157.28 Max spacing (mm) is = 135.50
Adopted spacing (mm) = 130
Constant spacing along the span


Figure 6 shows the data dialog box in case of joist slabs.

Figure 6: Data dialog box for joist slabs


The partial listing below shows checking results and particularly detailed results of flange check
as a plain concrete member.

Analysis and design of a joist (rib) with 4 spans

Performing various checks:
The actual thickness (mm) is: 300.00
The code minimum thickness (mm) is: 216.22
The minimum thickness is checked
All conditions on joist dimensions are satisfied
Flange check as plain concrete member doubly fixed
Flange ultimate uniform load on 1-m strip (kN/m): 10.28000
Ultimate moment Mu (kN.m): 0.21417
Concrete tensile strength (MPa) : 3.50000
Nominal moment Mn (kN.m): 1.45833
Phi * Mn (kN.m): 0.94792
Flange check is OK

The unfactored dead load (kN/m) is : 4.514
The unfactored live load (kN/m) is : 1.860
The factored ultimate uniform load (kN/m) is : 9.482
All conditions of coefficient method satisfied

Concrete strength f'c (MPa) = 25.00
Nominal concrete shear strength Vc = 1.1 x sqrt(fc') x bw x d/6
Effective steel depth d (mm) = 266.00
Nominal concrete shear strength Vc (kN) = 29.260
Phi x Vc (kN) = 21.945
Maximum ultimate shear force Vu (kN) = 20.172
Shear strength is OK. No stirrups required


Figure 7 shows RC design results highlighting demand and capacity moment diagrams.
Shrinkage steel spacing is also delivered.

Figure 7: RC design results highlighting demand and capacity moment diagrams for the joist

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