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September 2013

June 2013

What does is mean to be a gospel community? Just three years

ago this new body came together, we called it True North Church, and the journey began of growing together in Christ and reaching our city for Christ. For the next 40 days our body will be focusing on what it means to thrive as a believer of Christ in the body of Christ as we move toward church membership. This is a milestone. It marks this church plant moving from being a wonderful new beginning to being a continuous community of believers understanding their Biblical role in the church and committing to carry that out as a body where they live, work and play. The body of Christ in True North will learn that the gospel provides the community that every heart longs for and the gospel provides the purpose every life seeks. The next 40 days will change lives and change Anchorage forever. The 7 Marks of A Gospel Community is the study we will be doing as a church during this time. It has been written by the staff of True North and features seven key areas of prayer.

September 8th: That God would be the foundation of our life describing and fueling everything about us and that we would be blown away by God. Colossians 1:15-21 September 15th: That we would find our joy and life in Christ - that Christ is sufficient for all things. John 10:10 September 22nd: That the greatest problems in this universe are not moral behaviors, but a failure to honor God. Romans 1:21 September 29th: That we would see and savor the glory of Christ in salvation - not under wrath but mercy. Ephesians 2:1-10 October 6th: That we would be totally content with the world, but discontent with where we are spiritually. Philippians 3:12-16 October 13th: That we would be people who are filled with the Holy Spirit enabling us to work in the grace that has saved us. Galatians 5:16-26 October 20th: That we would join God as a missional community in his global purpose of spreading his glory to the ends of the earth. Matthew 28:19-10

We can call Justin an original True North-ite. Justin began attending when True North was

Meet Justin...

meeting in Brents home. He fell in love with the vision, scriptural based teaching and leadership of True North and desired greatly to serve and be involved in a new work in Anchorage. I love that True North is all about Jesus. From the beginning it has always been about Jesus Justin shared recently. Justin has been serving ever since running the sound board each Sunday. Justin also is on the launch team for the Downtown Church plant and runs the sound board there as well along with training up a new team of sound techs. His faithful service has led him to not miss a service in True North history. When asked what his favorite part of True North is he respondedthat we exist not to be just another church in Anchorage, but we want to reach Anchorage for Christ! We want to connect people to Christ.

The heartbeat of True North is our missional

communities spread out all over Anchorage and Eagle River. This is the way that we as a body begin to grow, belong and serve together in the body of Christ. True North currently has 7 Life Groups meeting on different nights, in different homes and with different visions on how to reach our city. So how do we show the people of Anchorage that we love them? Our Life Groups take meals to local strip clubs, they play basketball with kids in the neighborhood recreational centers, they pick up trash along the Glenn Highway, they love on military families who have parents and spouses deployed, they serve as the set -up and tear down teams at the Midtown church and the Downtown church plant, they serve at the local teenage homeless shelter and they provide marriage enrichment workshops. Our prayer is that over the next 40 days these Life Groups will continue to be the hands and feet of Christ in Anchorage and Eagle River with a new fresh excitement for how they can live missionally and that folks who are not plugged into a Life Group would begin to find a group in which to belong.

Would join us and commit to pray for True North over the next 40 days as we embark on this journey? You can download a copy of the book at:


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True Norths 40 day journey through the 7

Marks of a Gospel Community

2. How to continue to reach downtown

Anchorage and for the core launch group to be encouraged

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3. Folks will get connected quickly to True North

Life Groups where we grow, belong and serve together

@tnchurch and @tndowntown

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