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Growth and Development / NCM 101 CMO 14

PORS GnD Quizzes Arellano University LEGARDA Review of attempt 1

Arellano University LEGARDA Review of attempt 1

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Mark s: 1

The parent of a child infested with scabies asks the nurse how he got this skin disease. Based on the nurses knowledge of scabies, the most likely method of contracting scabies is: Choose one answer. a. Airborne b. Being in close contact with an infested individual c. Swimming in a pool d. Having contact with an infected pet Scabies is an infestation of the scabies mite with Sarcoptes Scabiei and is dependent on a human host for survival. It is transmitted by skin-to-skin contact with an infested individual. It is less likely to contract through fomites. Animals do not carry scabies. The mite can survive for 24 to 36 hours away from the host. Reference: Hockenberry/Wilson. Nursing Care of Infants and ChiLdren. 8th Edition. Wongs. Page 771. Correct

Marks for this submission: 1/1.

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Aida, Lorna, and Fe sees each other every weekends to play. They became friends because of their common passion in playing Snakes and Ladders. Three children playing a board game would be an example of: Choose one answer. a. Associative play b. Parallel play c. Cooperative play d. Solitary play

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Which parameter would not be an appropriate indicator of pain relief in an adolescent? Choose one answer. a. Change in behavior b. Change in vital signs c. Statement of decreased pain d. Intermittent sleeping

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You evaluate which of the following infants to have an abnormal language development? Choose one answer. a. A 2-month-old who differentiates her/his cry b. An 11-month-old who uses intentional gestures c. A 7-month-old who is beginning to vocalize during play and pleasure d. A 9-month-old who uses two-syllable sounds such as dada Language development of an infant is as follows: A child begins to make small, cooing (dovelike) sounds by the end of the first month. At 2-months the child can differentiates his/her cry. For example, caregivers can distinguish a cry that means hungry from one that means



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wet of from one that means lonely. At 9 months of age an infant usually speaks a first word: da-da or ba-ba. At 11 months of age the infant uses intentional gestures, such as waving goodbye. It is abnormal for a 7-month-old to start vocalizing during play and pleasure. This is a language skill that normally develops between 3 to 6 months. Reference: A. Pillitteri. Maternal and Child Nursing. 5th Edition Page 833-834. Correct

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Accidents are the leading cause of death in children from 1 month to 2 years of age. The two most frequent types of accidents in infants are: Choose one answer. a. Burns and poisoning b. Drowning and aspiration c. Aspiration and falls d. Falls and suffocation

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A 13-year-old child may have appendicitis. Which symptoms would help determine the child's condition? Choose one answer. a. A history of irritability and lethargy b. A history of vomiting and diarrhea, if present c. The severity, location, and movement of pain d. The degree of fever The pattern of pain is a reliable indicator of acute appendicitis. It begins with a severe colicky abdominal pain that gets progressively worse. The pain starts in the midabdominal (periumbilical) region and moves to the right lower quadrant after 6 to 12 hours. The degree of fever, a history of vomiting and diarrhea, and a history of irritability and lethargy are all clinical manifestations of acute appendicitis; however, these conditions can also be present in a number of other childhood illnesses. Reference: A. Pillitteri. Maternal and Child Nursing. 5 th Edition PageS 1435-1438. Correct

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A mother approaches you expressing her concern that her 5-year-old son is occasionally urinating on his underwear instead of going to the bathroom. Which of the following questions is the priority for the nurse to ask to determine if this is a normal occurrence? Choose one answer. a. Is this your firstborn child? b. Has your child started school already? c. Do you remind your child to go to the bathroom every two hours? d. Does the behavior occur when your child is engaged in some activity? It is not uncommon for preschoolers to become so engaged in their play or other interesting activities that they do not realize they need to go to the bathroom. At this age, the child is expected to have a full-time bladder control and enuresis (whether nocturnal or diurnal) is abnormal and needs further evaluation to determine if it has an organic cause. Therefore, reminding the child to go to the bathroom is not necessary. (Is this your firstborn child? and Has your child started school already?) are not related factors to the childs voiding pattern. Reference: A. Pillitteri. Maternal and Child Nursing. 5th Edition. Page 888-889 Correct

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The mother of a toddler with cerebral palsy comes to the clinic for developmental screening. Nurse Villa explains that the major reason that these tests are done is to recognize primary delays early so as to accomplish which of the following? Choose one answer. a. Encourage health maintenance b. Facilitate communication c. Maintain current development d. Prevent secondary developmental delays The major goal of early recognition of primary developmental delays in children with cerebral palsy is to prevent secondary and tertiary delays. For example, a young infant who is unable to reach or focus on objects would be unable to attain various levels of sensoryperceptual development described by Piaget. While the nurse can also encourage health maintenance, the focus of this clinic visit is developmental screening. There is no evidence that there is a communication problem. The goal of health promotion is for the child to seek optimal development, not just to maintain current development. Reference: A. Pillitteri. Maternal and Child Nursing. 5th Edition Page 1556.



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A nurse is performing an assessment on a post-term infant. Which of the following physical characteristics would the nurse expect to observe? Choose one answer. a. Smooth soles without creases b. Vernix that covers the body in a thick layer c. Peeling of the skin d. Lanugo covering the entire body

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SITUATION: A nurse is developing a plan of care with the parents of a 3-year-old girl diagnosed with a seizure disorder. The plan focuses on promoting growth and development. The child is now getting ready to be discharged. What should be included in the nurses teaching plan for a child with epilepsy being discharged on a regimen of diphenylhydantoin (Dilantin)? Choose one answer. a. Reporting sign of infection. b. Brushing teeth after each meal. c. Drinking plenty of fluids. d. Having someone is with the child during waking hours.

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The parents of a 13-year-old boy are concerned because he is exhibiting rebellious behavior. The nurse understands that typical adolescent rebellion occurs at which of the following? Choose one answer. a. Final phase of relationships b. Final separation-individuation phase c. Start of peer relationships d. Start of aggressive behavior

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Baby James is 2 months old. At what age would the nurse expect the infant to sit independently without support? Choose one answer. a. 8 months b. 2 months c. 12 months d. 6 months Although many infants can sit steadily by 6 months most of them need to be supported still. The milestone for sitting is 8 months wherein the infants can sit securely without additional support. At 12 months the child can stand alone at least momentarily. Reference: A. Pillitteri. Maternal and Child Nursing. 5th Edition Page 830. Correct

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The nurse is assessing Anna, a 4-year old child for her monthly assessment. The nurse knows that at this age, a normal child has a vocabulary of how many words? Choose one answer. a. 500 b. 1000 c. 2000 d. 1500

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Which of the following actions by Nurse Arthur is important in the prevention of rheumatic fever? Choose one answer. a. Encourage routine cholesterol screenings. b. Refer children with sore throats for throat cultures. c. Conduct routine blood pressure screenings. d. Recommend salicylates instead of acetaminophen for minor discomforts. Nurses have a role in prevention; primarily in screening school-age children for sore throats caused by group A streptococci. This can be by actively participating in throat culture screening or by referring children with possible streptococcal sore throats for testing. Encourage routine cholesterol screenings and Conduct routine blood pressure screenings - These do not facilitate the recognition and treatment of group A hemolytic streptococci. Recommend salicylates instead of acetaminophen for minor discomforts - Salicylates should be avoided routinely because of the risk of Reye syndrome after viral illnesses. Reference: Hockenberry/Wilson, Wongs Nursing Care of Infants and Children, Page 1481. Correct

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You are teaching a group of pregnant clients on the characteristics of the feces of newborn for the first 24 hours. Which of the following is true? Choose one answer. a. For the first 24 hours, the feces passed by the newborn are black, tarry and sticky b. During the first week of life, the feces passed by the newborn are brown, formed and firm c. Infants who are breastfed have dark yellow or tan formed feces d. Infants who are formula fed have bright yellow or golden colored feces The first stool of a newborn is usually passed within 24 hours after birth. It consists of meconium a sticky, tar like, blackish-green, odourless material formed from mucus, vernix, lanugo, hormones and carbohydrates. Infants who are breastfed have a bright yellow or golden colored feces, while formula fed infants have dark yellow or tan formed feces. Reference: A. Pillitteri. Maternal and Child Nursing. 5th Edition Page 729. Correct

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In Erik Eriksons theory of psychosocial development, the child takes pride in his accomplishments and wants to do everything himself. The child is in what developmental task? Choose one answer. a. Initiative b. Trust c. Autonomy d. Sensorimotor period The developmental task of a toddler is Autonomy vs shame and doubt. Autonomy builds on the childrens new motor and mental abilities. They take pride in new accomplishments and want to do everything independently. Reference: Pillitteri, A. (2003) Maternal and Child Health Nursing. 4th ed. Lippincott. 784 Correct

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To establish a good interview relationship with an adolescent, which strategy is most appropriate? Choose one answer. a. Asking personal questions unrelated to the situation b. Discussing the nurse's own thoughts and feelings about the situation c. Asking open-ended questions d. Writing down everything the teen says Open-ended questions allow the teen to share information and feelings. Asking personal questions not related to the situation jeopardizes the trust that must be established because the adolescent may feel as though he's being probed with unnecessary questions. Writing everything down during the interview can be a distraction and won't allow the nurse to observe how the adolescent behaves. Discussing the nurse's thoughts and feelings may bias the assessment and is inappropriate when interviewing any client. Reference: A. Pillitteri. Maternal and Child Nursing. 5 th Edition Page 942. Correct

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SITUATION: A nurse is developing a plan of care with the parents of a 3-year-old girl diagnosed with a seizure disorder. The plan focuses on promoting growth and development. After teaching a group of school teachers about seizures, they role-play a scenario involving a child experiencing a generalized tonicclonic seizure. Which of the following actions, when performed first, indicates that the nurses teaching has been successful? Choose one answer. a. Asking the other children what happened before seizure. b. Removing any nearby objects that could harm the child. c. Moving the child to the nurses office for privacy. d. Placing a padded tongue blade between the childs teeth. During a generalized tonic-clonic seizure, the first priority is to keep the child safe and protect the child be removing any nearby objects that could cause injury. Although obtaining information about events surrounding the seizure is important, this information can be obtained later, once the childs safety is ensured. During a seizure, the child should not be moved. Although providing privacy is important, the childs safety is the priority. During a seizure, nothing should be forced into the clients mouth because this can cause severe damage to the teeth and mouth. Reference: A. Pillitteri. Maternal and Child Nursing. 5 th Edition Page 1567. Correct

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The best advice the nurse can give to parents when handling temper tantrums is: Choose one answer. a. Allow the toddler to make own choices b. Give in to the toddlers demands to nurture autonomy c. Change the setting in which they occur d. Ignore this behavior The general recommendation to make to parents on how to handle a temper tantrum is to ignore this behavior. If a parent allows the child to make a choice, and then does not follow through with this choice either because of personal preference or the choice is unsafe, tantrums will increase. Changing the setting is often a catalyst for a tantrum as the child is moved from one area to another. Giving in to a toddlers demands is unrealistic. Parents should only offer allowable choices to their toddler and then allow their child to follow through with these choices. Reference: Pillitteri, A. (2003) Maternal and Child Health Nursing. 4th ed. Lippincott. 845 Correct

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Which of the following skills is the most significant one learned during the school-age period? Choose one answer. a. Reading b. Arranging c. Sorting d. Collecting The most significant skill learned during the school-age period is reading. During this time, the child develops formal adult articulation patterns and learns that words can be arranged in structure. Collecting, arranging, and sorting, although important, are not the most significant skills learned. Reference: Pillitteri, A. (2007) Maternal and Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing and Childbearing Family. 5th Edition. Vol. 2. Page 916 Correct

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A child, age 14, is hospitalized for nutritional management and drug therapy after experiencing an acute episode of ulcerative colitis. Which nursing intervention would be appropriate? Choose one answer. a. Administering digestive enzymes before meals as prescribed b. Providing high-fiber snacks c. Providing small, frequent meals d. Administering antibiotics with meals as prescribed Clients with ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disorder (IBD), tolerate small, frequent meals better than a few large meals daily. Eating large amounts of food may exacerbate the abdominal distention, cramps, and nausea typically caused by IBD. Frequent meals also provide the additional calories needed to restore nutritional balance. This client doesn't lack digestive enzymes and therefore doesn't need enzyme supplementation. Antibiotics are contraindicated because they may interfere with the actions of other prescribed drugs and because ulcerative colitis isn't caused by bacteria. High-fiber foods may irritate the bowel further. Reference: A. Pillitteri. Maternal and Child Nursing. 5 th Edition Pages 1443-1445. Correct

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A teenager refuses to wear the clothes his mother bought for him. He wants to look like the other kids in school and wears clothes like they wear. The nurse explains this behaviour as an example of teenage rebellion related to internal conflicts of: Choose one answer. a. Intimacy vs. isolation b. Identity vs. confusion c. Autonomy vs. shame d. Trust vs. mistrust According to Erikson psychosocial theory, the developmental tasks for infants is learning trust versus mistrust (other terms learning confidence or learning to love). Conflict arises when the care to the infant is inconsistent, inadequate or rejecting, it fosters a basic mistrust: infants become suspicious and fearful of the world and of the people. Autonomy versus shame and doubt is the developmental task of toddlers. When the caregivers are impatient and do everything for them, this enforces the sense of shame and doubt. The developmental crisis for Young adulthood is achieving a sense of intimacy versus isolation. Because there is always the risk of being rejected or hurt when offering love and friendship, the individual may prefer to be isolated as he fears rejection. The interpersonal dimension that emerges during adolescence is a sense of identity versus role confusion. To achieve this, adolescents must bring together everything they have learned about themselves as a son or daughter, an athlete, a friend and so on and integrate these different images into a whole that makes sense. If adolescents cannot do so, they will be left unsure of what kind of person they are uncertain what they can do or what kind of person they can become. Reference: A. Pillitteri. Maternal and Child Nursing. 5th Edition Page 815-817. Correct

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Which of the following characteristics would the nurse expect to see in an adolescent who has developed the capacity for formal thought? Choose one answer. a. Ability to say that something is wrong but not why b. Focusing on immediate physical reality of here and now c. Ability to analyze relationships for their effects d. Use of random cognitive behavior to approach them With formal thought, the adolescent thinks beyond the present and forms theories about everything. Relationships are hypothesized as causal and are analyzed for effects that they bring. Random cognitive behavior of earlier stages is replaced by a systematic approach to problems. The ability to say that something is wrong but not the reason why it is wrong is characteristic of the intuitive phase of preoperational thought for the toddler. Focusing on the immediate physical reality of the here and now is characteristic of the concrete operations stage for the school-age child. Reference: Pillitteri, A. (2007) Maternal and Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing and Childbearing Family. 5th Edition. Vol. 2. Page 950 Correct

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Two year old MJ joins other children in the playroom. The nurse would expect him to engage in: Choose one answer. a. Competitive play b. Solitary play c. Parallel play d. Associative play During the toddler period, children play beside the children next to them not with them. This side by side play is not unfriendly but is a normal developmental sequence that occurs during this period. Reference: Pillitteri, A. (2003) Maternal and Child Health Nursing. 4th ed. Lippincott. 834 Correct

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Nurse Jen knows that she will find which of the following problems to be more common at this age? Choose one answer. a. Poisoning with lead, plants, household chemicals and other sources b. Accidents, cuts, bruises and major traumas requiring emergency room care c. Minor illnesses such as colds, otitis media, and GI disturbances d. Appendicitis and tonsillitis requiring day surgeries or one-day hospitalization

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SITUATION: Richie, A 10-year-old boy who is newly diagnosed with diabetes, is in the hospital for the regulation of his diet and medications. You are the nurse assigned to render care for him and his parents. You are teaching Richie and her parents about managing diabetes during illness. You determine that the parents understand the instruction when they provide which of the following when their child is acutely ill? Choose one answer. a. More insulin b. Less insulin c. Less protein and fat d. More calories The child needs more insulin during an illness, because the cells become more insulin resistant during illness and need more insulin to achieve a normal blood glucose level. During an acute illness, simple carbohydrates and fluids are usually tolerated best. Reference: A. Pillitteri. Maternal and Child Nursing. 5 th Edition Page 1530. Hockenberry/Wilson. Nursing Care of Infants and Chidren. 8 th Edition. Wongs. Page 1715. Correct

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Which of the following fears would the nurse typically associate with toddlerhood? Choose one answer. a. Strangers b. Ghosts c. Mutilation d. The dark

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Santino, a 4-year-old boy, is hospitalized in Bagong Pag-asa Hospital with a serious bacterial infection. He tells Nurse Hilda that he is sick because he was bad. Which of the following would be the nurses best interpretation of this comment? Choose one answer. a. Suggestive of excessive discipline at home b. Sign of stress c. Common at this age d. Suggestive of maladaptation Preschoolers cannot understand the cause and effect of illness making it especially difficult for them to understand such events. Preschoolers believe in the power of words and accept their meaning literally. A significant example of this type is calling children bad because they did something wrong. In their minds telling children that they are bad means that they are bad. Sign of stress - Children of this age show stress by regressing developmentally or acting out. Suggestive of maladaptation - Maladaptation is unlikely. Suggestive of excessive discipline at home - This comment does not imply excessive discipline at home. Reference: Hockenberry/Wilson, Wongs Nursing Care of Infants and Children, Page 646. Correct

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SITUATION: Richie, A 10-year-old boy who is newly diagnosed with diabetes, is in the hospital for the regulation of his diet and medications. You are the nurse assigned to render care for him and his parents. Richie has the following blood glucose readings during a 24-hour period. Which reading requires the most immediate intervention? Choose one answer. a. 200 mg/dl b. 100 mg/dl c. 50 mg/dl d. 150 mg/dl

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Hydrocephalus if left untreated can cause mental retardation because: Choose one answer. a. Increasing head size necessitates more oxygen and nutrients than normal blood flow can supply b. Hypertonic cerebrospinal fluid disturbs normal plasma concentration, depriving nerve cells of vital nutrients c. Gradually increasing size of the ventricles presses the brain against the bony cranium; anoxia and



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decrease blood supply results d. Cerebrospinal fluid dilutes blood supply causing cells to atrophy If the condition of hydrocephalus is left untreated it will lead to mental retardation as it presses the brain tissue against the close vault of the skull that causes mental and motor deterioration. Damage to the brain cells are permanent thus mental retardation may also be a permanent complication of the disease. Increasing head size will put pressure to the brainstem causing the respiratory depression to the infant and anoxia in the brain causing brain cells death. CSF does not alter the blood component, because it can only be found in the Central nervous system and noy part of the serum. Reference: A. Pillitteri. Maternal and Child Nursing. 5th Edition Page 1199. Correct

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When caring for an infant with a myelomeningocoele, the primary goal of the nurse before surgical correction would be to: Choose one answer. a. Prevent infection b. Observe for increasing paralysis c. Prevent trauma to the sac d. Observe for bowel and bladder control The sac should remain intact before surgery to prevent entrance of microorganisms causing infection which is secondary complication. Before surgery the nurse should use sterile gloves and sterile linens when caring for the infant. The nurse should also position infants carefully to prevent pressure on the exposed meninges, either in prone position or supported on their side. When they are on their side, use a rolled blanket or diaper place behind their upper back (above the disorder) and a separate one behind their lower back (below the disorder). This way, no pressure will be exerted on the lesion, and the infant will be protected from rolling backward onto it. Placing a piece of plastic or sturdy plastic wrap below the meningocele on the childs back like an apron and taping it in place is another method of preventing feces from touching the open lesion. A sterile wet compress of saline, antiseptic, or antibiotic gauze over the lesion may be used to keep the sac moist. Rather than remove this to wet it again and risk rupturing the sac, merely add additional fluid. Reference: A. Pillitteri. Maternal and Child Nursing. 5th Edition Page 1208. Correct

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A mother comes to the clinic complaining about her 7-month-old son having colic. After providing teaching to the mother, which of the following clients statements indicates that the mother needs reorientation? Choose one answer. a. I should try to place hot water bottle on my infants abdomen for comfort. b. I should avoid over feeding my child. c. "This discomfort is more common in infants who are formula fed. d. I should let my infant burp after every feeding. A basic rule for any abdominal discomfort is to avoid heat in case appendicitis is developing. Although it is highly unlikely to young infant, doing this often may give the wrong notion that it always help to relieve discomforts in the abdomen and used it again when the child is older. In addition, hot water bottles and heating pads also might burn the delicate skin of the infants. The cause of colic is unclear. It may occur in susceptible infants from overfeeding or from swallowing too much air while feeding. Formula-fed babies are more likely to have colic than breast-fed babies, possibly because they swallow more air while drinking or because formula is harder to digest. Having the baby burp every after feeding may expel the air ingested. Reference: A. Pillitteri. Maternal and Child Nursing. 5th Edition Page 852. Correct

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SITUATION: A nurse is developing a plan of care with the parents of a 3-year-old girl diagnosed with a seizure disorder. The plan focuses on promoting growth and development. As the nurse caring for the child, which instruction should you expect to include in your teaching? Choose one answer. a. There will be problems associated with social stigma and parents should consider home schooling. b. There is potential for a learning disability and the child may need tutoring to reach her grade level. c. The child will need activity limitation and will be unable to perform as well as her peers. d. The child will likely have normal intelligence and be able to attend regular school. Most children who develop seizures after infancy are intellectually normal. A child with a seizure disorder needs the same experiences and opportunities to develop intellectual, emotional, and social abilities as any other child. Activity limitation is not needed. Learning disabilities are not associated with seizures. The child is able to attend public school, and social stigma is a rarity. Reference: A. Pillitteri. Maternal and Child Nursing. 5 th Edition Page 1563. Correct

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A mother calls the pediatric office and states that her 8-year-old child is complaining of intense itching around the nape of her neck. Which of the following is the priority intervention?


Choose one answer.

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a. Administer a topical steroid ointment. b. Cut the childs nails shorter c. Wash the hair with a mild shampoo d. Inspect the child for lice or nits Itching, caused by the crawling insect and insect saliva on the skin, is usually the only symptom. Common sites of involvement are the occipital area, behind the ears, and at the nape of the neck. Diagnosis is made by observation of the white eggs (nits) firmly attached to the hair shafts. Reference: Hockenberry/Wilson. Nursing Care of Infants and Children. 8 th Edition. Wongs. Page 772. Correct

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A four-year-old boy has been hospitalized. The nurse knows that the pre-schoolers response to hospitalization is best influenced by which of the following? Choose one answer. a. Fear of bodily harm b. Belief of deaths finality c. Belief of the supernatural d. Fear of separation

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SITUATION: Richie, A 10-year-old boy who is newly diagnosed with diabetes, is in the hospital for the regulation of his diet and medications. You are the nurse assigned to render care for him and his parents. Richie is placed on neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH) and regular insulin before breakfast and before dinner. He will receive a snack of milk and cereal at bedtime. The snack will: Choose one answer. a. Provide carbohydrate for immediate use b. Help her stay on her diet c. Help him regain lost weight d. Prevent late night hypoglycemia

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Nurse Jen is assessing the play of a 4-year-old child. Which of the following best describes what nurse Jen would observe in the play of this preschooler? Choose one answer. a. Interactive play, obeying limits, creating an imaginary friend, and engaging in fantasy play b. Playing alone in the corner, engaged in putting a puzzle together c. Engaging in group sports and games and playing with puppets d. Plays alongside but not with playmates, taking toys away from others, using a pounding bench, and playing with musical toys Preschoolers are children between 3 and 6 years of age. Preschoolers enjoy group play and engage in imitative, dramatic and imaginative play. They are becoming more tolerant of playmates, may have an imaginary friend, enjoy activities that include memory games, construction toys, puzzles, books, art and fantasy play. Playing alone in the corner, engaged in putting a puzzle together playing alone in the corner describes the play of an infant (solitary play) primarily for physical development, engaging to solve big puzzles are seen in toddlers. Engaging in group sports and games and playing with puppets are seen in school-age child known as competitive play, as they learn to explore their ability and develop their skills Plays alongside but not with playmates, taking toys away from others, using a pounding bench, and playing with musical toys are the play of the a typical toddler (parallel play) Reference: A. Pillitteri. Maternal and Child Nursing. 5th Edition. Page 888. Correct

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When preparing the delivery room to care for a newborn, which of the following should the nurse obtain to prevent the newborn from too much heat loss or cold stress? Choose one answer. a. Cool washcloths b. Clothing and blankets


c. Radiant warmer d. Formula

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The young mother tells the nurse that she is concerned about the safety of her 15-month-old son who seems to be getting into everything and needs to be watched constantly. The most important consideration in accident prevention with a toddler is: Choose one answer. a. Not allowing them to play with dangerous item b. Buying only age-appropriate toys c. Ensuring a safe environment by childproofing d. Teaching them the meaning of no Accidents are the major cause of death in children of all ages. Most common accidents with toddlers are falls because they are constantly on the go. Poisoning often occurs from ingestion of cleaning products. Childproofing the house can decrease the risk of accidents to toddlers. The toddlers are expected to always say no as they seek for independence. Reference: A. Pillitteri. Maternal and Child Nursing. 5th Edition Page 868. Correct

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A 30-month-old girl always puts her teddy bear on the left side of her bed immediately after her mother reads bedtime stories. Which of the following describes the purpose of this repeated behavior? Choose one answer. a. Provision of a sense of security b. Establishment of a sense of identity c. Establishment of learning behaviors d. Manipulation of the adults in the childs environments The child is demonstrating ritualistic behavior. For toddlers, rituals provide a sense of security so that they may achieve autonomy. A toddlers cognitive development is not at a level that would allow her to manipulate the environment. No evidence exists that rituals support learning. Independence, not identity is the issue for toddlers. Reference: Pillitteri, A. (2007) Maternal and Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing and Childbearing Family. 5th Edition. Vol. 2. Page 875 Correct

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Which of the following suggestions should the nurse offer the parents of a 4-year-old boy who resists going to bed at night? Choose one answer. a. Encourage active play at bedtime to tire him out so he will fall asleep faster. b. Tell him that you will lock him in his room if he gets out of bed one more time. c. Allow him to fall asleep in your room, then move him to his own bed. d. Read him a story and allow him to play quietly in his bed until he falls asleep. Preschoolers commonly have fears of the dark, being left alone especially at bedtime, and ghost which may affect the childs going to bed at night. Quiet play and time with parents is a positive bedtime routine that provides security and also readies the child for sleep. The child should sleep in his own bed. Telling the child about locking him in his room will be viewed by the child as a threat. Additionally, a locked door is frightening and potentially hazardous. Vigorous activity at bedtime stirs up the child and makes it more difficult to fall sleep. Reference: Pillitteri, A. (2007) Maternal and Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing and Childbearing Family. 5th Edition. Vol. 2. Page 895-897 Correct

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When providing health teaching for a 4-year-old, the nurse knows that the child is capable of which of the following? Choose one answer. a. Understanding anothers point of view b. Aware of reversibility c. Making simple classifications d. Solve hypothetical problems The preoperational child, age 2 to 7 years is capable of making simple classifications. Seeing anothers point of view and aware of reversibility occur during concrete operations, typically between the ages of 7 to 12 years. Solving hypothetical problems occurs in formal operations, ages 12 and above years. Reference: Pillitteri, A. (2007) Maternal and Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing and Childbearing Family. 5th Edition. Vol. 2. Page


833-834 Correct

GnD: Arellano University LEGARDA

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SITUATION: Richie, A 10-year-old boy who is newly diagnosed with diabetes, is in the hospital for the regulation of his diet and medications. You are the nurse assigned to render care for him and his parents. Richie, a school-age child with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, attends a nutritional teaching class, you determine that the teaching has been effective when the child states: Choose one answer. a. If I dont eat all my meal, I can make up the carbohydrates at the next meal. b. When I dont finish a meal, I must make up the carbohydrates right then. c. When I dont finish a meal, I just need to take more insulin. d. If Im not hungry for a meal, I can eat the carbohydrates for a snack later.

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Which of the following activities, when voiced by parents following a teaching session about the characteristics of school-age cognitive development, would indicate the need for additional teaching? Choose one answer. a. Arranging dolls according to size b. Collecting baseball cards and marbles c. Developing plans for the future d. Considering simple problem-solving options The school-aged child is in the stage of concrete operations, marked by inductive reasoning, logical operations, and reversible concrete thought. The ability to consider the future requires formal thought operations which are not developed until adolescence. Collecting baseball cards and marbles, arranging dolls by size and simple problem solving options are example of the concrete operational thinking of the school-aged child. Reference: Pillitteri, A. (2007) Maternal and Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing and Childbearing Family. 5th Edition. Vol. 2. Page 919-920 Correct

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Nurse Trina is a volunteer in Madapdap Day Care Center where she attends to individuals in the preschool years. During her interaction with these children, which of the following would she expect in a healthy 3-year-old child? Choose one answer. a. Ride a two-wheel bicycle b. Balance on one foot for a few seconds c. Skip on alternate feet d. Jump rope Walking, running, climbing, and jumping are well established by 36 months. At age 3, the preschooler rides a tricycle, walks on tiptoe, balances on one foot for a few seconds, and broad jumps. By age 4, the child skips and hops proficiently on one foot and catches a ball reliably. By age 5, the child skips on alternate feet, jumps rope, and begins to skate and swim. Other options - jumping on a rope, riding a two-wheel bicycle, and skipping on alternate feet are gross motor skills of 5-year-old children. Reference: Hockenberry/Wilson, Wongs Nursing Care of Infants and Children, Page 644. Correct

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Bonito, a 10-year old unico hijo of the Rodrigo couple, presents in Dos Palmas Pediatric Clinic together with his grandmother. They would like to know the physical development occurring during the school-age years. The nurse present at the clinic is aware that: Choose one answer. a. Fat gradually increases, which contributes to childs heavier appearance. b. Child grows at a slower pace. c. Few physical differences are apparent among children at the end of middle childhood. d. Childs weight almost triples. In middle childhood, growth in height and weight occurs at a slower pace. Between the ages of 6 to 12 years, children grow 2 inches per year. Childs weight almost triples - In middle childhood, childrens weight will almost double; they gain 3 kg/year. Few physical differences are apparent among children at the end of middle childhood - At the end of middle childhood, girls grow taller and gain more weight than boys.



GnD: Arellano University LEGARDA

Fat gradually increases, which contributes to childs heavier appearance - Children take on a slimmer look with longer legs in middle childhood. Reference: Hockenberry/Wilson, Wongs Nursing Care of Infants and Children 8 th edition, Page 713. Correct

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Which of the following is an appropriate play activity for a 7-month-old infant to encourage visual stimulation? Choose one answer. a. Playing a peek-a-boo b. Imitating animal sounds c. Showing how to clap hands d. Playing pat a cake Playing peek-a-boo will be able to establish eye contact with the child and mother which is a form of bonding. This can be a pillar for the beginning of object permanence by 10 months. Playing pat a cake and Showing how to clap hands encourage motor development, Imitating animal sounds tends to develop the sense of hearing, as well as to assess language development. Reference: A. Pillitteri. Maternal and Child Nursing. 5th Edition Page 835. Correct

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Nurse Desiree is caring for a hospitalized 4-year-old boy, Vhong. His parents tell the nurse that they will be back at 6 p.m. because they have to go to Megamall for the Mid-year sale first. When Vhong asks the nurse when his parents are coming, the nurses best response is which of the following? Choose one answer. a. They will be here soon. b. Let me show you on the clock when 6 p.m. is. c. They will come after dinner. d. I will tell you every time I see you how much longer it will be.

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A 15-year-old girl with a urinary tract infection is admitted to the facility. She tells the nurse she hopes that she's pregnant. Which of the following would be the best response by the nurse? Choose one answer. a. "Congratulations. Does the baby's father know?" b. "Does your mother know about this?" c. "I hope you aren't pregnant; you're too young." d. "Tell me what pregnancy would mean to you." When talking with adolescents, it's best to get their viewpoints and thoughts first. Doing so promotes therapeutic communication. Asking whether the mother knows or about the baby's father focuses the attention away from the adolescent. Making a statement about her being too young to be pregnant is a value judgment and inappropriate. Reference: A. Pillitteri. Maternal and Child Nursing. 5 th Edition Page 463-472. Correct

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Rochelle, a 14-year-old 3 rd year high school student, was scheduled to be screened for scoliosis. Which of the following statements about routine scoliosis screening is true? Choose one answer. a. The girl assessed standing and bending forward b. A shirt and shorts are worn for screening c. Teenagers ages 14 to 16 should be screened yearly d. The girl should refrain from eating 8 hours before the examination Screening is done with the child wearing minimal clothing, standing and bending forward. The examination should be done on girls ages 10 to 12 years old so a diagnosis can be made early and the scoliosis can be treated with exercises or bracing. Only underwear should be worn for the examination so that symmetry of the shoulders and hips can be observed. If the deviation on the scoliometer is less than 20 degrees, no treatment is indicated. The child does not need to refrain from eating prior to this test. Reference: A. Pillitteri. Maternal and Child Nursing. 5 th Edition Page 1627. Correct

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