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Prepared by: Dan Dutton

Phone: 999-999-9999 Date: 2009-05-26 Page: 1
Physiotec 1996-2008. All right reserved.

Client: Bob Ward (User: dufrucra Pswd: se9wGypr) GEN12580 Stabilization Flex/Abd


Use a 5 pound weight for the first one and a red elastic for the others.Don't forget to activate your abdominals during all the exercises and keep a good lower back posture.Ice your shoulder for 15 minutes after the exercises.

Stand with weight in both hands. Lift your arms forward to 90 degrees thumbs facing up. Open arms to side and slowly lower to initial position.

Repetition: 10

Sets: 2

GEN12454 Strengthening Ext/retraction

Tie elastic in front of you at waist level. Hold tightly both ends of elastic in both hands. Your elbows are slightly flexed. Keeping the elbows locked, shoulders down and torso stable, pull elastic backwards as far as possible by joining shoulder blades together and arms back Slowly return to initial position and repeat.

Repetition: 10

Sets: 2


Prepared by: Dan Dutton

Phone: 999-999-9999 Date: 2009-05-26 Page: 2
Physiotec 1996-2008. All right reserved.

Client: Bob Ward

Notes: (User: dufrucra Pswd: se9wGypr) GEN12460 Strengthening Horiz ABD/ER

Use a 5 pound weight for the first one and a red elastic for the others.Don't forget to activate your abdominals during all the exercises and keep a good lower back posture.Ice your shoulder for 15 minutes after the exercises.

Tie elastic in front of you at waist level. Hold tightly both ends of elastic in both hands. Your elbows are slightly flexed. Pull elastic backwards as far as possible by joining shoulder blades together, bending elbows 90 degrees and keeping arms horizontal. Keep shoulders back and torso stable during the exercise. Slowly return to initial position and repeat.

Repetition: 10

Sets: 2

GEN13066 Strengthening PNF

Tie elastic down on one side to a door. Kneel down on the knee closest to door, having the other leg up at a 90 degree angle. Hold tightly elastic with both hands wide apart with shoulders back. Tighten up the gluts and abdominals and pull elastic up with a quick rotation movement while keeping your body upright. Come back slowly to initial position and repeat.

Repetition: 10

Sets: 2


Prepared by: Dan Dutton

Phone: 999-999-9999 Date: 2009-05-26 Page: 3
Physiotec 1996-2008. All right reserved.

Client: Bob Ward

Notes: (User: dufrucra Pswd: se9wGypr) GEN12578 Stretching Prayer (Lat. Dorsi)

Use a 5 pound weight for the first one and a red elastic for the others.Don't forget to activate your abdominals during all the exercises and keep a good lower back posture.Ice your shoulder for 15 minutes after the exercises.

Lay on back, knees bent, hands together on stomach. Move slowly your arms up towards the head and bring the forearms together. Keeping the forearms and hands together, reach over the head until your fingers touch the floor. You than open up the forearms and slide down your arms on each side keeping them along the floor and return to initial position.

Repetition: 10

Sets: 2

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