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Contemporary Issues on Social Sciences and Culture Trunojoyo University of International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanties Bangkalan-Madura

20-21 November 2013

Theme: Religion and New Spirituality Spiritual Healing Ads, Paranormal, and the Sharia Ary Budiyanto1

Center for Culture and Frontier Studies (CCFS) - FIB Anthropology Brawijaya University, Abstract

The mushrooming of sharia healing centers as ad on magazines and newspapers, even online, is such a new phenomenon in the last one decade. The jargon of sharia(-tization)- i.e. back to the literal interpretation of Quran and al-Hadist in term of the Salafy-wahabbi- has been occupied almost all of the public discourse including this spiritual healing practices that popularly ads on their services on media. This preliminary research paper want to answer on how and when the sharia has challenged the traditional spiritual healing as seen on the ads of spiritual healing services in Liberty magazine a popular media that exist since late 1920s and to what extent the representation of their ads changed. Using semiotics approach in looking at the evolution of the ads this paper will explore the dynamic respond of the ads presentation. The research found that even though shariatization has challenged the look of traditional spiritual healing ads, it seems the advertiser is rather used it as an advantage rather than an awkward respond as accused as heretics practices. Keywords: Spiritual Healing Advertisement, Liberty Magazine, Shariatization Discourse, Semiotics

Contemporary Issues on Social Sciences and Culture Trunojoyo University of International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanties Bangkalan-Madura 20-21 November 2013

Theme: Media and Society

Mediating/Meditating Dharma: Surfing on the Indonesian Buddhist Cyber Life

I.G. Komang Laksamadi1, Latifah2, dan Yulianti3
1 2 3 SMP Negeri 1 Banjar, Jalan Desa Goblek Kec. Banjar Buleleng, STAB Kertarajasa, Jl. Mojorejo 44 Kotak Pos 39, Batu Jawa Timur 65301, STAB Kertarajasa, Jl. Mojorejo 44 Kotak Pos 39, Batu Jawa Timur 65301,

Abstract The sporadic presence of Indonesia Buddhists somehow became one of the barrier of the interaction and communication amongst them. Just like the other religious groups, Indonesian Buddhist also used Internet to establish their identity and communications with other fellow Buddhists as well as the other. This phenomenon, has resulted in the formation of solid community consisting of Buddhists from various regions and walk of lives. This paper will explore how Indonesian Buddhist use internet as medium of spreading dharma, interactive discussion, communication, and in shaping their identity toward Buddhist and non-buddhist in Indonesia. Using documentary and interviews data this paper will analyzes its webs content discourse, comparativeness and correlativeness. The final finding and conclusion of this research is that the communications which is established among Buddhist on the Internet has grown becoming a new public space that increases the unity among Buddhists despite the minor frictions toward others. Keywords: Content-web analyses, Online Public space, Identity of Indonesian Buddhist

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