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A. Please choose the right answer (silahkan pilih jawaban yang benar) 1. Family means a. Guna b. Keluarag c. Ayah 3. Budis mother means a. Ibu dan budi b. Ibunya Budi c. Ibu 5. My grand father means a. Kakeknya b. Kakek saya c. Nenek 7. A = who is he? B = He is .. a. Iwan b. Ani c. Wati 9. Kt : Who is Mrs Wati? Kd : She is my a. Father b. Grandfather c. Mother 11. My cousin means .. a. Saudara b. Sepupu saya c. Teman saya 13. A = who is naigbour? B = he is my . a. Grandfather b. Mother c. Sister 15. Nyoman : is nonik your sister? Kt : yes .. 2. Who, means . a. Apa b. Siapa c. Dimana 4. Nyomans father means a. Ayahnya nyoman b. Ayah c. Kakaknya 6. Your grandinatwer means . a. Ibu b. Nenek c. Nenekmu 8. Kade : Who is she? Nyoman : She is a. John b. Rudy c. Irma 10. Wati : Who is Mr Bagus? Kt : He is my a. Father b. Mother c. Crandmother 12. Your uncle means .. a. Pamanmu b. Ibumu c. Kakekmu 14. Iwan : who is Mrs Wiwin? Ketut : she is my a. Uncle b. Grandmother c. Father 16. Wina : is Budi your brother ? Dede : no

a. I do b. Yes c. She is 17. Cousin, means .. a. Teman b. Ibu c. Sepupu 19. A : who is she? B : she is a. Mira b. Anton c. Boby 21. Mira is my sister Mira adalah saudara a. Sepupu b. Laki-laki c. Perempuan 23. A : who is Anton? B : he is my a. b. Son Mother

a. He is not b. Not c. Yes 18. Uncle, means .. a. Ibu b. Nenek c. Paman 20. Widi : who is Budi? Mira a. It b. We c. He 22. Ayu is my cousin Ayu adalah . a. Teman saya b. Sepupu saya c. Ayahmu 24. Kadek : who is Ani? Ketut : she is my .. a. Grandfather b. Sister c. Father 26. Grandmother means . a. Ibu b. Ayah c. Nenek 28. A : is Mr Budi your uncle? B : . He is not a. b. No Yes : .. my friend

c. Grandmother 25. Grandfather means . a. Kakek b. Nenek c. Ibu 27. X : is Mrs Wati your mother? Y : she is a. b. No Not yet

c. Yes 29. L u n c e, disusun a. Luncle b. Lunch c. Uncle

c. Yes it 30. T u a n, disusun a. Ant b. Tuan c. Aunt

31. T s r s e, disusun a. Saster b. Taster c. Sister 33. I go to school with my sister Saya pergi ke sekolah dengan a. Kakak saya b. Saudara perempuan saya c. Ibu saya 35. Your cousin is sick Sepupumu sedang .. a. Tidur b. Belajar c. Sakit

32. T b r 0 h e r, disusun a. Bar b. Brother c. Barber 34. My mother goes to market ....... pergi ke pasar a. Kakeksaya b. Nenek saya c. Ibu saya 36. My uncle is reading .. sedang membaca a. Ayah saya b. Nenek c. Paman saya

B. Mateh with the right answe! (jodohkan dengan jawaban yang benar) 1. Grand mother 2. Grand father 3. Mother 4. Father 5. Uncle 6. Aunt 7. Sister 8. Brother 9. Cousin 10. Uncle 11. Your aunt 12. Son 13. daugther 14. Family 15. My mother a. Ibu saya b. Keluarga c. Nenek d. Kakek e. Anak perempuan f. Anak laki-laki g. Ibu h. Ayah i. Paman j. Bibi k. Saudara perempuan l. Saudara laki-laki m. Sepupu n. Bibimu o.

C. Arrange these words to be good sentences (susunlah kata-kata tersebut menjadi kalimat yang benar) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Mother diligent a : .. Are they cousin my : .. A family hapy : .. My this is family Mother she my is Uncle he your is Sick father is : Grandmother sleep is : Parents are working : My mother cooking is : Son he your is : : : : .. .. Parents they your are : Sypa aunt is my : .. .. Family big a : ..


Kitchen maria cooks in the :


D. Please complete the missing letters (lengkapi huruf-huruf yang kosong) 1. 11. N t r G r d a t u 2. a 3. 4.s 5. B s 6. S c S 7. F S 8. f S 9. D a 10. m t t t n s h r y e h c t e G 12. G 13. h 14. p 15. r r r p d m d y t s f h h l

h r

E. Choose the right answer (pilihlah jawaban yang benar) 1. Ibu ( mother / made ) 2. Ayah ( fade / father ) 3. Kakek ( grandfather / grenrfade ) 4. Nenek ( grendmade / grandmother ) 5. Paman ( uncle / ancle ) 6. Bibi ( aunt / ant ) 7. Orang tua ( parents / perens ) 8. Anak ( child / caild ) 9. Anak laki-laki ( sun / son ) 10. Anak perempuan ( daugther / doctor ) 11. Sepupu ( cousin / kausin) 12. Suami ( hasben / husband)


13. Istri ( wife / wive ) 14. Anak-anak ( caidren / children ) 15. Keponakan laki-laki ( nephew / neice ) 16. Keluarga ( family / pamili ) 17. Wanita ( woman / wumun ) 18. Laki-laki ( man / monten ) 19. Bahagia ( hepi / happy ) 20. Keluarga sehat ( health family / hospotal family) F. Translate to be Indonesia (terjemahkan kedalam bahasa Indonesia) 1. My family 2. Your family 3. My mother 4. Your mother 5. This is my cousin 6. This is your brother 7. That is your sister 8. That is my uncle 9. Is this your aunt? 10. Is that your parent? 11. Is this her mother? 12. Is this his father? 13. Is that your son? 14. Is that her daugther? 15. A happy family = = .. = .. = .. = .. = .. = .. = .. = .. = .. = .. = .. = .. = .. = ..






A. Please choose the right answer (pilihan jawaban yang benar) 1. My home means a. Istana saya b. Rumah saya c. Hotel saya 3. A = what is this? B = this is a .. a. Rack b. Book c. Home 5. John : whar is that? Budi : tuat is a a. Table b. Pen c. Erpboad 7. Living room, means .. a. Ruang tamu b. Ruang keluarga c. Ruang makan 9. A : is this a kitchen? B : it is a. b. c. 11. Ketut a. b. c. Yes No Wot yet Kadek : what is this? : this is a. Cabinet Yes Door 12. that? Ketut a. TV b. Radio c. Iron 13. I go to bed 14. I live at home : that is a .. 2. Your bedroom means .. a. Kamar tidur b. Kamarmu c. Rumahmu 4. Ketut a. Table b. Pen c. Sofa 6. Gusti a. Broom b. Bucket c. Book 8. Bedroom, means . a. Ruang tidur b. Ruang belajar c. Gudang 10. X : is that a dining room? Y a. b. c. : . It is not Yes No Not yet Nyoman : what is : what is this? : what is that?

Nyoman : that is a ..

Ketut : that is a

Saya pergi ke .

Saya tinggal di .


a. Toilet b. Rumah c. Tempat tidur 15. Mother cooks in the kitchen Ibu memasak di .. a. Rumah b. Lanta c. Dapur 17. Father has a . In the garage a. Car b. Pen c. Motor 19. Anis house menas Rumah Ani a. Rumahnya Ani b. Rumah makan c. Kamarnya Ani 21. Three are chairs a. Three b. One c. a 23. I have two beds Saya mempunyai dua .. a. Kamar b. Tempat tidur c. Tolitet 25. A : is this your room? B : . It is a. Yes b. No c. Not yet 27. E g a r a g, disusun a. Goal

a. Hotel b. Restaurant c. Rumah 16. Father put the car in the a. Garage b. Office c. Room 18. Mother has vase a. Two b. Three c. One 20. We have .. bath rooms a. One b. a c. Three 22. There is a .. on the wall a. Pen b. Book c. Oclock 24. You have a cupboard Kamu mempunyai sebuah .. a. Almari b. Buku c. Pulpen 26. X : is that my bed? Y : . It is not a. Yes b. No c. Not yet 28. B c u p a r d, disusun a. Boardap b. Cupboard


b. Garage c. Garagara 29. There are .. flowers a. One b. Three c. Two 31. I have one in my house a. Pen b. Ware house c. Toilet 33. There is a in the toilet a. Bathtub b. Pen c. Book 35. I am sleepy, I must go to a. Bathroom b. Bedroom c. Kitchen

c. Bookcup 30. There is a .. in my house a. Roof b. Flowers c. Floor 32. There are forks in the kitchen a. One b. Two c. Three 34. There is a .. in the toilet a. Water b. Watertap c. Bucket


B. Match with the right answer (jodohlan dengan jawaban yang benar) 1. House 2. Room 3. Bathroom 4. Kitchen 5. Living room 6. Bedroom 7. Garage 8. Flower 9. Bath tub 10. Water tap 11. Knife 12. Bucket 13. Floor 14. Rack 15. Window 16. Door 17. Plate 18. Stove 19. Cooking utensil 20. Chair a. Kursi b. Peralatan dapur c. Rumah d. Kamar mandi e. Ruangan f. Kompor g. Piring h. Pintu i. Jendela j. Rak k. Lantai l. Ember m. Pisau n. Keran o. Bak mandi p. Bunga q. Garase r. Kamar tidur s. Ruang keluarga t. Dapur

C. Translate to be Indonesian (terjemahkan kedalam bahasa Indonesia) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Two beds Eleven houses Ten plates A bathroom : .. : .. : . : : A plate :

Thirteen dours : Twelve cupboards


8. 9. 10. . 11. . 12. . 13. 14. 15.

A kitchen Forteen stoves A garage

: : : : : : :

This is a living room That is a bath tube

Mother cooks in the kitchen Father sleeps on the bed

The children watch TV : ..

D. Complete the missing letters and give the meaning (lengkapi huruf yang kosong dan artikan) 1. h 11. p . t s 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. k f c s s c S So c S f Sl f f k r c w r r e k n .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. 12. 13. 14. k g d t r r d d c g . ..

15. w

10. r



E. Match with the right pictures (jodohkan dengan gambar-gambar disebelah kanan) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Atree = .. A small house = .. A vase = .. Four glasses = .. Three spoons = .. A plate = .. Brush teeth = .. An umbrella = .. Three books = .. A kitclen = ..

F. Arrange these words to be good sentence (aturlah kata ini sehingga menjadi kalimat yang benar) 1. Is this a house = . 2. A that is kitchen = . 3. A this garden is = . 4. Is livingroom a this = . 5. A bedroom that is = . 6. This is a this = . 7. Is that a wall = . 8. My clean house is = . 9. Pond this a is = . 10. Picture a that is = . 11. Table is a this? = . 12. Cupboard is a that? = . 13. This is a bathroom? = . 14. Have how many toilets you do? = . 15. Have - how many bedroom Wati does? = . 16. My home is this = . 17. That your room is = . 18. House I stone a = . 19. You a have kitchen = . 20. Beautiful garden the is = .



Task 1




A. Please choose the right answer (pilihan jawaban yang benar) 1. Clothes means a. Rumah b. Pakaian c. Celana 3. Adi : what is this ? Nym : this is a . a. Belt b. Tie c. Suirt 5. Budi : what are this ? Nym : this are . a. Short b. Shoes c. Shells 7. Cloth means 2. Wearing means a. Menutup b. Membuka c. Memakai 4. Willy a. Cap b. Hat c. Tie 6. Ketut a. Boots b. Pack c. Ties 8. A pair of, means .. : what are those? : what is that?

John : that is a .

John : those are

a. Baju b. Celana c. Baju wanita 9. A : is this a shirt? B : .. it is a. Yes b. No c. Not yet 11. I have an . a. Under shirt b. Pans c. Shorts

a. Seikat b. Sepotong c. Sepasang 10. X : is that a jacket? Y : it is not a. Yes b. No c. Not yet 12. You have an .. a. Under short b. Underdog c. Undercat

13. Budi is wearing a . a. Rain


Nars Sulastri is wearing .

a. Skirt


b. Rainsoat c. Blouse 15. Sweater, means . a. Tidur b. Renang c. Hangat 17. I am wearing a pairf of .. a. Shirt b. Blouse c. Sandals 19. E t I, disusun .. a. Tie b. Tei c. Thick 21. The following is not clothes . a. Fruit b. Shorts c. Shoes 23. I am pajamas on the bed a. We b. Wearing c. Cut 25. She is wearing white socks Dia sedangan memakai .. putih a. Sepatu b. Sandal c. Kaos kaki 27. k i r s t, disusun ..

b. Boot c. Shoe 16. Pakaian renang, in english .

a. Raincoat b. Blouse c. Swimsuit 18. I am wearing at school a. Shorts b. Shoes c. School uniform 20. T e l b, disusun .

a. Bell b. Belt c. Ball 22. The following is belong cloth a. Tie b. Book c. Pen 24. cold a. Under shorts b. Under shirt c. Jacket 26. Budi merah Budi is wearing red . a. Tie b. Book c. Trousers 28. i w e r a g n, disusun sedang memakai dasi You are wearing ... when it is


a. Short b. Shirt c. Shoe 29. X : are these shoes? Y : yes they .. a. Is b. Are c. No

. a. What b. Where c. Wearing 30. A : are those boots? B : .. they are not a. Am b. Yes c. No

B. Match with the right answer (jodohkan dengan jawaban yang benar) 1. Hat 2. Tie 3. Blouse 4. Shirt 5. T-shirt 6. Jacket 7. Raincoat 8. Trousers 9. Sweater 10. Belt 11. Short 12. Under shirt 13. Shoes 14. Socks 15. Apair of 16. Wear a. Memakai b. Sepasang c. Topi d. Dasi e. Kaos kaki f. Sepatu g. Kaos dalam h. Celana pendek i. Ikat pinggang j. Baju hangat k. Celana panjang l. Jas hujan m. Jaket n. Kaos oblong o. Baju wanita p. Baju


C. Translate to be Indonesia (terjemahkan kedalam bahasa Indonesia) 1. A tie : 2. A pair of socks : .. 3. A shirt : 4. A pair of shoes : . 5. A belt : . 6. A pairt of sandals : .. 7. A shirt : 8. A school uniform : .. 9. Cloth : .. 10. Wear : 11. This is a belt : . 12. That is a hat : .. 13. I am wearing a blouse : 14. You are wearing a blouse : .. 15. Nairna is wearing a raincoat : D. Complete the missing letters then please give meaning in Indonesia (lengkapi huruf yang kosong kemudian artikan dalam bahasa Indonesia) 1. w 11. s 0 r s 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. c s b b sl s S t 7.r t 8. h S j a t 30 e s l i t e t h 12. s s s t a h w s t t r t s s . .. r ...

. 13. . 14. . 15. . r s S .


10. E. Match with the right pictures (jodohkan dengan gambar-gambar dikanan) 1. A t-shirt 2. A that 3. A shirt 4. A tie 5. A cap 6. A jacket 7. A short 8. Aduster 9. An umbrella 10. Five dolls F. Arrange these words to be good sentences (susunlah kata-kata ini menjadi kalimat yang benar) 1. Is this hat a = .. 2. That a cap is = .. 3. This a tie is = .. 4. Is that a shirt = .. 5. My this blouse is = .. 6. Your this dress is = .. 7. This is a belt? = .. 8. That is a jacket? = .. 9. Is a that sweater? = .. 10. This a duster is? = .. 11. Sandals pair of a = .. 12. Shoes pair of a = .. 13. Pair of socks a = .. 14. Belt I a am wearing = .. 15. You trousers are wearing = .. 16. Wati wearing blouse is = .. 17. Three hats have I = ..


18. Has Budi two caps = .. 19. Tie the red is = .. 20. Shirt the white is = ..




Task 1



A. Please choose the right answer (pilihan jawaban yang benar) 1. Nyoman do? Ketut b. Dog c. Monkey 3. I am a teacher Saya adalah seorang . a. Murid b. Guru c. Dokter 5. John : what is your job? Wati : I am a . a. Student b. Pupil c. Teacher 7. Komang : what is Mrs Wati? Ketut : she is a .. a. Nurse b. Doctor c. Famer 9. Rina : what is Budi? Kadek : she is a a. He b. Yes c. It 11. Hallo, I am Mirna I am a .. a. Dancer b. Doctor c. Teacher : I am . a. Student : what do you 2. Kedek : . do you do ? Ketut a. What b. Yes c. Not yet 4. You are librarian Kam adalah seorang penjaga .. a. Rumah b. Sekolah c. Perpustakaan 6. Juvi : what do you do? Ketut : I am a a. Driver b. Pupil c. Student 8. Gusti : what is Rina? Ketut : . Is a student a. Student b. Police c. Soldier : I am a farmer

10. Iwan : what is Mr. Rudy? Wati : is a student a. It b. Yes c. She 12. Good morning, I am Mr Wira I am a a. Teacher b. Police c. Postman


13. I am Budi, I am a .. a. Doctor b. Nurse c. Teacher 15. Pan lempung is a .. a. Doctor b. Nurse c. Formur 17. I am a student Everyday I go to a. Office b. Toilet c. School 19. Wati is a nurse She goes to . a. Toilet b. Bank c. Hospital 21. Postman, means .. a. b. Tukang Tukang kayu

14. I am Iwan, I am a .. a. Mecanic b. Student c. Teacher 16. Miss Luna Maya is a . a. Dancer b. Singer c. Teacher 18. You are a doctor Everyday you go to . a. Office b. Hospital c. Grave 20. Mr. Badu is a mechanic He goes to .. a. Bar b. Restaurant c. Workeshop 22. Mechanic means .. a. Guru b. Dokter c. Bengkel 24. A : is Wati a Nurse? B : she is not a. It b. Yes c. No

c. Tukang roti 23. X : is Budi a student? Y : yes is a. He b. Yes c. It

25. Wawan students?



26. Iwan Rudi

: are you a teacher? : yes ..


Gede a. No b. Yes

: . They are

a. No b. I am c. Wow 28. E m f a r r, disusun .. a. Water b. Marmer c. Farmer 30. X : what is Mr Joko? Y : he is a a. Soldier b. Police c. Pilot 32. They are driving a .. a. Horse b. Car c. Cart 34. Librarian works in the a. Home b. Office c. Library

c. It 27. A m n p s o t, disusun a. Post office b. Post man c. Postal 29. A : what is Rini? B : She is a a. Seller b. Farmer c. Teacher 31. The pilot works in the . a. Office b. Plane c. Car 33. The teacher is teaching in the a. Pond b. Garden c. Classroom 35. Kadek Nym : where does

36. work?


: where does Iwan

your father the work? : he works at . a. Home b. Police office c. School

Iwan : he works in the a. Home b. Office c. Licefield


A. Match with the right answer (jodohkan dengan jawaban yang benar) 1. Farmer 2. Nurse 3. Pilot 4. Doctor 5. Police 6. Mechanic 7. Dancer 8. Singer 9. Soldier 10. Teacher 11. Student 12. Headmaster 13. Librarian 14. Gardener 15. Driver 16. Work 17. Hospital 18. School 19. Library 20. Rice field a. Tentara b. Petani c. Penyanyi d. Perawat e. Pilot f. Dokter g. Polisi h. Bengkel/montir i. Penari j. Sawah k. Perpustakaan l. Guru m. Murid n. Kepala sekolah o. Penjaga perpustakaan p. Tukang kebun q. Sopir r. Bekerja s. Rumah sakit t. Sekolah

B. Translate to be Indonesia (terjemahkan kedalam bahasa Indonesia) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. A teacher : . Ten headmaster A mechanic Eleven norses Nine libraries A librarian Two drivers A gardener : . : : .. : : . : : .


9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

A student : .. Three singers I am a doctor She is a nurse : : .. : : .. : What do you do : You are my teacher

The farmers go to rice field

C. Complete the missing words (lengkapi kata yang kosong) 1. The farmers to rice field (go/goes) 2. I .. a student (am/is) 3. You a doctor (am/are) 4. Nurse . In the hospital (works/sleep) 5. Mr. Nyoman . A pilot (is/am) 6. The gardener works in the .. (school) 7. She .. a singer (is/am) 8. He .. a driver (is/am) 9. The driver drives a (dog/car) 10. The postman works in the (home/post office) 11. The singer is . (sleeping/singing) 12. The dance are .. (dancing/cutting) 13. Budi is a (student/cat) 14. Rairna is a .. (nurse/dog) 15. John is a .. (driver/mouse)


D. Match with the right answer (jodohkan dengan jawaban yang benar) 1. A policeman = . 2. A clerk = . 3. A teacher = . 4. A school guard = . 5. A student = . 6. A headmaster = . 7. A librarian = . 8. A singer = . 9. A driver = . 10. A seller = . E. Choose the right answer (pilihlah jawaban yang benar) 1. Guru (teacher / tice) 2. Tukang pos (postman / posmen) 3. Penari (dancer / dance) 4. Penyanyi (singing / singer) 5. Sopir (driving / dirver) 6. Pedagang (selle / seller) 7. Murid (student / garden) 8. Tukang kebun (gardener / gardening) 9. Kepala sekolah (teacher / headmaster) 10. Penjaga sekolah (school man / school guard) 11. Mengajar (teacher / teach) 12. Menyopir (driver / driver) 13. Petani (farmer / farm) 14. Menyanyi (sing / singer) 15. Menyapu (sweep / broom) 16. Menari (dancer / dance) 17. Pemadam kebakaran (fireman / fair) 18. Berkebun (garden / gardening) 19. Pelaut (sailor / seller) 20. Dokter gigi (buncist / denstist)


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