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02. Quantitative Aptitude - Bank PO Sample Tests

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Test Paper 1 01. Reaso ning Apt it ude 02. Quant it at ive Apt it ude 03. English 04. General Awareness Test Paper 2 01. Reaso ning Apt it ude 02. Quant it at ive Apt it ude 03. English 04. General Awareness

Test Paper 1 >

02. Quantitative Aptitude

Directions (Q. 51-55): What approximate value should come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions? (You are not expected to calculate the exact value.) 51. (755 % of 523) / 777 = ? 1) 5 2) 12 3) 19 4) 26 5) 29 1) Rs 30,013.95 3) Rs 32,013.95 5) Rs 34,013.95 1) 4740 2) 5570 3) 6600 4) 7960 5) 8880 81. A committee of 3 members is to be selected out of 3 men and 2 women. What is the probability that the committee has at least one woman? 1) 1/10 4) 1/20 1) 22300 2) 23400 3) 24500 4) 25600 5) 26700 82. One-fifth of a number is 81. What will 68% of that number be? 1) 195.2 4) 165.8 2) 275.4 5) None of these 3) 225.6 2) 9/20 5) None of these 3) 9/10 2) Rs 31,013.95 4) Rs 33,013.95 80. The simple interest accrued on an amount of Rs 84,000 at the end of three years is Rs 30,240. What would be the compound interest accrued on the same amount at the same rate in the same period?

52. (56)2 x 2.5385 = ?

53. (4438 2874 559) / (269 106 83) = ? 1) 55 2) 13 3) 47 4) 29 5) 31

54. (12.51)4 = ?

55. 783.559 + 49.0937 x 31.679 58.591=? 1) 26600 4) 2550 2) 5000 5) 2280 3) 12800

Directions (Q. 56-60): What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series? 56. 522 1) 15495 4) 16921 57. 51975 1) 80 58. 2187 1) 36 59. 6 26 9450 2) 120 729 2) 3 134 666 243 1235 2661 4800 7652 11217 ?

83. If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 200% and the denominator is increased by 300%, the resultant fraction is 15/26. What was the original fraction? 1) 8/11 4) 10/13 2) 10/11 5) None of these 3) 9/13

2) 16208 5) 14069 2100 600 3) 320 81 27 3) 18 3334 9 ? 240

3) 14782

160 4) 240

? 5) 300

84. The profit earned after selling an article for Rs 996 is the same as the loss incurred after selling the article for Rs 894. What is the cost price of the article? 1) Rs 935 2) Rs 905 5) None of these 3) Rs 945

4) 6 16666 ? 4) 83334 ? 4) 384

5) 12

4) Rs 975

1) 84344 60. 4 1) 416 18

2) 83443 48 100

3) 84434 180 294

5) 83344

85. The ages of Nishi and Vinnee are in the ratio of 6 : 5. After 9 years the ratio of their ages will be 9 : 8. What is the difference in their ages? 1) 9 years 2) 7 years 5) None of these 3) 5 years

2) 480

3) 512

5) 448

4) 3 years

Directions (Q. 61-70): What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions? 61. [(144)2 / 48 x 18] / 36 = ? 1) 23328 4) 46656 2) 36 5) None of these 3) 216

86. The total of the ages of a class of 75 girls is 1050 years, the average age of 25 of them is 12 years and that of another 25 is 16 years. Find the average age of the remaining girls. 1) 12 years 4) 15 years 2) 13 years 5) None of these 3) 14 years

62. (27)1 8 / (27)3 = ? 1) (27)5 4 4) (27)6 2) (27)2 1 5) None of these 3) (27)1 5

87. Ms Deepti Jain invests 11% of her monthly salary, ie Rs 5,236 in Fixed Deposits. Later she invests 19% of her monthly salary on Life Insurance Policies; also she invests another 7% of her monthly salary on Mutual Funds. What is the total annual amount invested by Ms Deepti Jain? 1) Rs 2,11,344 2) Rs 17,612 3) Rs 1,05,672

63. 5-1/4 + 6-2/3 + 7-1/6 = ?


1) 19.5 4) 19

02. Quantitative Aptitude - Bank PO Sample Tests

63. 5-1/4 + 6-2/3 + 7-1/6 = ? 2) 19-11/12 5) None of these 3) 19-1/12 4) Rs 35,224 5) None of these

64. 4895 + 364 x 0.75 49 = ? 1) 5119 4) 5210 65. 1) 6 4) 17 66. 2) 3895 5) None of these 3) 3907

88. In a class of 40 students and 8 teachers, each student got sweets that are 20% of the total number of students and each teacher got sweets that are 25% of the total number of students. How many sweets were there? 1) 420 4) 360 2) 400 5) None of these 3) 320

24336 / ? = 78 x 24 2) 13 5) None of these 156 + 16 x 1.5 21 = ? 2) 258 5) None of these 3) 237 3) 11

89. Which number should replace both the question marks in the following equation? ?/432 = 243/? 1) 308 4) 316 2) 312 5) None of these 3) 324

1) 126 4) 159 67. 1) 98 4) (98)1 0 68.

90. By how much is 5/12 of 516 lesser than 4/9 of 495? 1) 22 4) 27 2) 15 5) None of these 3) 12

(98)4 5 x (98) 3 5 = ? 2) (98)2 5) None of these 3) (98)- 5

91. What is 35% of 45% of 7/9 of 3600? 1) 441 4) 411 2) 414 5) None of these 3) 444

434.43 + 43.34 + 3.44 + 4 + 0.33 = ? 2) 455.54 5) None of these 3) 485.54 92. If the fractions 2/5, 3/8, 4/9, 5/13 and 6/11 are arranged in ascending order of their values, which one will be the fourth? 1) 4/9 4) 2/5 2) 5/13 5) None of these 3) 3/8

1) 421.45 4) 447.45

69. (23.6% of 1254) (16.6% of 834) = ? 1) 159.5 4) 153.5 2) 157.5 5) None of these 3) 155.5

93. Swapana spent Rs 44,620 on Deepawali shopping, Rs 32,764 on buying a laptop and the remaining 32% of the total amount she had as cash with her. What was the total amount? 1) Rs 36,416 2)Rs 1,13,800 3) Rs 77,384 5) None of these

70. (78.95)2 (43.35)2 = ? 1) 4353.88 4) 4148 2) 4305 5) None of these 3) 4235.78

4) C annot be determined

Directions (Q. 71-75): In each of these questions, two equations I & II with variables a & b are given. You have to solve both the equations to find the values of a & b. Mark answer 1) 2) 3) if a<b a<b relationship between a & b cannot be

94. A sum of money is divided among A, B, C and D in the ratio of 2:3 :7:11. If the share of C is Rs 2,755 more than the share of A, then what is the total amount of money of B and D together? 1) Rs 4,408 4) Rs 7,714 2) Rs 5,510 5) None of these 3)Rs 6,612

95. Manas decided to donate 12% of his salary. On the day of donation he changed his mind and donated Rs 2,240, which was two-third of what he had decided earlier. How much is Manas's salary? 1) Rs 25,000 4) Rs 34,000 2) Rs 28,000 5) None of these 3) Rs 31,000

established 4) 5) 71. I. a>b a>b 2a 2 + a 1 = 0

II. 12b2 17b + 6 = 0 72. I. a 2 5a + 6 = 0

Directions (Q. 96-100): Each question below is followed by two statements A and B. You are to determine whether the data given in the statement is sufficient for answering the question. You sh6uld use the data and your knowledge of Mathematics to choose between the possible answers. Give answer 1) if the statement A alone is sufficient to answer the question, but the statement B alone is not sufficient. Give answer 2) if the statement B alone is sufficient to answer the question, but the statement A alone is not sufficient. Give answer 3) if both statements A and B together are needed to answer the question. Give answer 4) if either the statement A alone or statement B alone is sufficient to answer the question. Give answer 5) if you cannot get the answer from the statements A and B together, but need even more data.

II. 2b2 13b + 21= 0 73. I. a 2 + 5a + 6 = 0

II. b2 + 7b + 12 = 0 74. I. 16a 2 =1

II. 3b2 + 7b + 2 = 0 75. I. a 2 + 2a + 1 =0


II. b2 = 4

02. Quantitative Aptitude - Bank PO Sample Tests

the statements A and B together, but need even more data. 96. What is the profit earned by selling a watch for Rs 15,675?

76. The number obtained by interchanging the digits of a twoA. The cost price of 5 such watches is equal to the selling price digit number is less than the original number by 63. If the of 4 such watches. sum of the digits of the number is 11, what is the original number? B. 25% profit is earned by selling each watch. 1) 29 2) 92 3) 74 5) None of these 97. The ages of Anand and Sujeet are in the ratio of 6 : 5. What is the age of Anand? A. The ages of Anand and Sandeep are in the ratio of 10:7. B. After 5 years the ratio of Anand's and Sujeet's ages will be 7:6. 98. What is the salary of A, in a group of A, B, C , D and E, whose average salary is Rs 65,780? A. Total of the salaries of B and C is Rs 88,545. B. Total of the salaries of D and E is Rs 59,020. 99. In how many days can 14 men complete a piece of work? A. 18 women can complete the same piece of work in 24 days. B. 28 children can complete the same piece of work in 56 days. 100. What is a three-digit number? A. Three-fifths of that number is less by 90 of that number. B. One-fourth of that number is 25% of that number.

4) C annot be determined

77. In how many different ways can the letters of the word DAILY be arranged? 1) 60 2) 48 3) 160 4) 120 5) None of these

78. A 200-metre-long train crosses a platform double its length in 36 seconds. What is the speed of the train in kmph? 1) 60 2) 48 3) 64 4) 66 5) None of these

79. Work done by A in one day is half of the work done by B in one day. Work done by B is half of the work done by C in one day. If C alone can complete the work in 7 days, in how many days can A, B and C together complete the work? 1) 28 2) 14 3) 4 4) 21 5) None of these

SPOT01.xls (40k), May 31, 2010, 9:36 v.3 PM

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