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Location :
Estul Africii , la vest de Somalia. Eastern Africa, west of Somalia . (CIA-The
World Factbook )

Population : aproape 75 de milioane . (July 2006 est.) (CIA-The World

Factbook )

Religion:Muslim 45%-50%, Ethiopian Orthodox 35%-40%,

animist 12%, other 3%-8%
(CIA-The World Factbook )

Ethnic groups:Oromo 40%, Amhara and Tigre 32%, Sidamo 9%,

Shankella 6%, Somali 6%, Afar 4%, Gurage 2%, other 1% .
- Una dintre cele mai vechi natiuni din lume. "one of the
world’s oldest nations" . ( Operation World)
- 10% din populatia adulta din Etiopia are Sida. "10% of Ethiopia’s
adult population has AIDS". ( Operation World)
- Etiopienii sunt mandri sa pretinda ca ei au descoperit cafeaua.
“Ethiopians are proud to claim that they discovered coffee.” ( Operation
- In aceasta tara exista Biserica Crestina inca din secolul 4. "there
has been a Christian Church in Ethiopia since the 4th century"
( Operation World)

Pictures from Joshua Project web-site

Provocari pentru rugaciune:

1) Cresterea Bisericii Protestante a fost uimitoare. Sa ne rugam ca

acesti crestini sa continuie sa aibe o pasiune reala pentru
evanghelizare. Sa ne rugam de asemenea pentru o crestere
spirituala reala si pentru continuarea procesului de ucenicizare in
Biserica.” The growth of the Protestant Church has been
amazing. Pray that these Christians would continue to have a
real passion for evangelism. Pray also for real spiritual growth
and discipleship in the Church. “ ( Operation World)

2) Biserica Crestina Etiopiana a supravietuit peste secole desi a

fost aproape complet izolata de ceilalti crestini de pe glob si a
fost inconjurata de natiuni islamice. Multi etiopieni apartin unei
biserici fara sa aiba o relatie personala cu Isus si o viata de
credinta – si multi apeleaza la occultism. Sa ne rugam ca Duhul
Sfant sa aduca viata noua in aceste Biserici. “The Ethiopian
Orthodox Church has survived for centuries almost cut off
from Christians around the world and surrounded by Islamic
nations. Many Ethiopians belong to the church without having
a personal relationship with Jesus and a living faith – and
many are also caught up in the occult. Pray that Holy Spirit
can bring new life to this Church.” ( Operation World)

3) Cu peste 80 de limbi vorbite in aceasta tara exista o mare nevoie

de Biblii traduse. Biblia intreaga sau Noul Testament este
disponibila in doar 18 limbi si in viitorul apropiat pentru inca 12
limbi. De asemenea se ofera cursuri de instruire care sa-i invete
pe etiopieni sa traduca Biblia si in celelalte limbi. Sa ne rugam ca
multi sa isi foloseasca talentul lor in aceasta directie. With over
80 languages spoken across Ethiopia there is an ongoing
need for Bible translation. The Bible or the New Testament is
available in 18 languages – and a further 12 languages are in
development. Training courses are given regularly to train
Ethiopians in translation – pray that many would be able to
use their skills in this way.

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