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* Ranis version Subject Class Date Time : English Language : Year 3 : : 0820 - 0920 (2 X 30 mins)

No. of pupils : 40 pupils (13 Above average / 17 Intermediate / 10 Below average )

* Focus Theme Topic

: Listening and Speaking : World of Knowledge : Fruits : : 1.2.1 2.1.2 3.4.1 4.1.1 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of two-syllable words. Pronounce two-syllable words correctly. Read aloud words and phrases. Write words, phrases and sentences in clear legible print.

Learning Outcomes Skills specification

Learning objectives Suggestion .

: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: (to many) **(Stick to achievable learning objectivesthe rest are integrated) 1) pronounce at least 8 out of 10 two-syllable words correctly. 2) below average pupils rearrange 3/5 sentences correctly intermediate pupils construct 3/5 sentences correctly with word and picture cues above average construct 3/5 sentences correctly with only picture cues

CCTS Moral value (s) AVA Vocabulary

: Generating ideas, identifying. : Teamwork. : Realia (fruits), picture cards, word cards. : 1. apple (ap ple, \a-pl\ ) 3. starfruit (star fruit, /st-frut/) 5. cherry (cher ry, /t-ri/ ) 7. guava (gua va, /gwv/ ) 9. mango (man go, /ma-g/ ) 2. orange (or ange, \r-inj ) 4. lemon (lem on, /le-mn/ ) 6. jackfruit (jack fruit, /dak-frut/ ) 8. lychee (ly chee, /l-ch/ ) 10. soursop (sour sop, /sa-sp/ )

Teaching-learning steps Set induction (5 minutes) 1. Teacher shows an interactive PowerPoint presentation to pupils.


Methods / Theories


[Refer to Appendix 1] Syllable-matching game Behaviourism Theory.

2. Explain the first activity to the pupils.

3. 10 volunteers are to take turn to match each syllable in column A to the syllables in column B to make correct names of 10 fruits of two syllables.

4. Pupils click the syllable in column A first and follow by the second syllable in column B.

5. Pupils will continue the matching activity until all 10 fruits are revealed.

3. Teacher uses pupils answers to introduce the lesson of the day.

Activity 1 (10 mins) 1. Explain Activity 1 to the pupils.


Continue with the PowerPoint presentation (slide number 211).


Show ten individual slides of the fruits and their syllables partition one by one ( 1 fruit per slide)


Model the correct pronunciation and stress of each word.


Pupils repeat after the teacher.


Observe the correct stress and



Pupils say aloud the twosyllable words as a whole class, groups and individuals.

Magic Box:

(The size of the A4 paper box available in school). Content: 1. Realia (fake or real fruits) apple orange starfruit mango lemon

2. Picture cards cherry jackfruit

kiwi guava lychee

Slices of fruit: apple orange starfruit mango

Example of praises: Well done! Clever boy/girl! Very good!

Behaviourism Theory. Step 2 (15 minutes) 1. Return to the slide of fruit number one (slide 2) . Word cards: ap Audio-lingual Method. (Phonetic transcriptions)



Explain Activity 2 to the pupils. or

ange fruit on

/a- p()l/ /r-n(d)/ /st-frut/ /le-mn/


Teacher says aloud the name of the fruit and at the same time claps her hands twice according to the number of syllable in the word.

star lem

cher ry jack


Pupils say aloud the name of the fruits and clap their hands according to the number of syllable in fruit number 2 until 10.


/t-ri/ /dak-frut/

gua va ly

/gwv/ /l-ch/

chee go
/ma-g/ /sa-sp/

man 5. Pupils are drilled into clapping hands two times as they say the two-syllable words as a whole class, groups and individuals. Example: ap

sour sop


(Tap! Tap!)

Step 3 (20 minutes) 1. Pupils sit in their own groups of 4 to 5 pupils (8 - 9 groups) 2. Each group gets Writing Chart A (Refer to Apendix )

Humanism Theory.

3. Explain Activity 3 to the pupils.


4. Show slide number 2 again(apple). 1. This is an apple. 2. The apple is red. 5. Encourage the pupils to talk about the pictures. 3. It is sweet and juicy. 4. I like to eat apples. 5. We can buy apples at 6. Teacher do shared writing with pupils. the market.

7. Guide pupils to construct sentences by posing some questions to the pupils e.g. a) What fruit is this?

This is an apple. Example: b) What is the colour its skin? It is red.

c) How does it taste? It is sweet and juicy Instructions: 8. Procedures are repeated (step 6 7) for another fruit. Answer the questions in full sentence.

9. Each group is to construct their own sentences guided by the 5 questions. (They may use the sentence patterns provided (in step 7) as guidelines.) 10. Facilitates pupils discussion

Each group is given 7 minutes to construct the sentences.

11. Each group presents their work to the class. Any mistake should be corrected after the presentation.

12. Each group edit its own work based on the discussion with its teacher.

13. Praise every group for their effort.

Step 3 (15 minutes) 1. Pupils return to their own seat.

2. Teacher distributes the worksheet to the pupils according to their proficiency level.

Worksheets: (refer to Appendix 3) 1. Low proficiency level pupils rearrange jumbled

3. Explain activity 3 to the pupils starting with the low , intermediate and high proficiency level pupils (Provide examples if necessary). 4. Facilitate pupils work.

words to form correct sentences. 2. Intermediate level pupils make sentences based on the pictures and word cues (guided writing). 3. High proficiency level pupils make sentences based on the pictures (independent writing).

Closure (5 minutes)

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