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Divisibility by Total Gadha - Saturday, 10 Fe bruary 2007, 02:22 AM 1.6 A Divisibility by 2, 4, 8, 16, 32.. A num be r is divisible by 2, 4, 8, 16, 32,.. 2 32,..2 n re spe ctive ly.

whe n the num be r form e d by the last one , two, thre e , four, five ...n digits is divisible by 2, 4, 8, 16,

Ex am ple : 1246384 is divisible by 8 be cause the num be r form e d by the last thre e digits i.e . 384 is divisible by 8. The num be r 89764 is divisible by 4 be cause the num be r form e d by the last two digits, 64 is divisible by 4. 1.6 B Divisibility by 3 and 9 A num be r is divisible by 3 or 9 whe n the sum of the digits of the num be r is divisible by 3 or 9 re spe ctive ly. Ex am ple : 313644 is divisible by 3 be cause the sum of the digits- 3 + 1 + 3 + 6 + 4 + 4 = 21 is divisible by 3. The num be r 212364 is divisible by 9 be cause the sum of the digit- 2 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 6 + 4 = 18 is divisible by 9. 1.6 c Divisibily by 6, 12, 14, 15, 18.. W he ne ve r we have to che ck the divisibility of a num be r N by a com posite num be r C , the num be r N should be divisible by all the prim e factors (the highe st powe r of e ve ry prim e factor) pre se nt in C . divisibility by 6: the num be r should be divisible by both 2 and 3. divisibility by 12: the num be r should be divisible by both 3 and 4. divisibility by 14: the num be r should be divisible by both 2 and 7. divisibility by 15: the num be r should be divisible by both 3 and 5. divisibility by 18: the num be r should be divisible by both 2 and 9. EXA MPLES 35. The six -digit num be r 73A998 is divisible by 6. How m any value s of A are possible ? Answe r: Since the num be r is e nding in an e ve n digit, the num be r is divisible by 2. To find divisibility by 3, we ne e d to conside r sum of the digits of the num be r. The sum of the digits = 7 + 3 + A + 9 + 9 + 8 = 36 + A. For the num be r to be divisible by 3, the sum of the digits should be divisible by 3. He nce A can tak e value s e qual to 0, 3, 6, and 9. Answe r = 4 1.6 d Divisibility by 7, 11, and 13 Le t a num be r be ....k jlhgfe dcba whe re a, b, c, d, are re spe ctive ly units digits, te ns digits, hundre ds digits, thousands digits and so on. Starting from right to le ft, we m ak e groups of thre e digit num be rs succe ssive ly and continue till the e nd. It is not ne ce ssary that the le ftm ost group has thre e digits. Grouping of the above num be r in groups of thre e , from right to le ft, is done in the following m anne r k j,ihg,fe d,cba W e add the alte rnate groups (1 In the above e x am ple , N
1 st

, 3


, 5


e tc.. and 2


, 4


, 6


, e tc..) to obtain two se ts of num be rs, N

and N

= cba + ihg and N


= fe d + k j i.e . D = N

Le t D be diffe re nce of two num be rs, N

and N

If D is divisible by 7, the n the original num be r is divisible by 7. If D is divisible by 11, the n the original num be r is divisible by 11 If D is divisible by 13 the n the original num be r is divisible by 13. Corollary: Any six -digit, or twe lve -digit, or e ighte e n-digit, or any such num be r with num be r of digits e qual to m ultiple of 6, is divisible by EACH of 7, 11 and 13 if all of its digits are same . For e x am ple 666666, 888888888888 e tc. are all divisible by 7, 11, and 13. Example 36. Find if the num be r 29088276 is divisible by 7. Answe r: W e m ak e the groups of thre e as said above - 29,088,276 N

= 29 + 276 = 305 and N

= 88


D =N
1 N

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2 = 305 88 = 217. W e can se e that D is divisible by 7. He nce , the original num be r is divisible by 7.

37. Find the digit A if the num be r 888888A999999 is divisible by 7, whe re both the digits 8 and 9 are 50 in num be r. Answe r: W e k now that 888888 and 999999 will be divisible by 7. He nce 8 writte n 48 tim e s in a row and 9 writte n 48 tim e s in a row will be divisible by 7. He nce we ne e d to find the value of A for which the num be r 88A99 is divisible by 7. By trial we can find A is = 5. Answe r = 5.


Re: Divisibility by bim al m ohan - Friday, 1 June 2007, 05:45 AM De ar TG sir, re ally He re i a fine article ry sm ooth and wud lik e to quote a proble m to the point...thnx site : for that.....

from your

* [ 43 pow444 + 34 pow333] is he re

divisible by:

5 / 2 /9 /11 ??

43 pow 444 ==> last digit =1 pow 333==> last digit =4 divisible by 5 . is divisible by 9 /11 or not .....

and 34

so ove rall, last digit =5 ==> but i

could not confirm whe the r it wud be the m e thod ??


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Re: Divisibility by rishi sawla - Saturday, 7 July 2007, 06:08 PM use this the ore m An + Bn is divisible by A+B whe n n is odd u can e asily conve rt above powe rs 444 and 333 to 111 which is odd. the n u can ge t A+B, now if A+B is divisible by 9/11 the n the whole num be r will also be divisible . howe ve r this is not the be st m e thod ,but this is what i trie d.
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Re: Divisibility by rm m ozhi prathiba - Monday, 16 July 2007, 05:10 PM Hi TG how to solve this proble m ?? 10000! = (100!) K P, whe re P and K are inte ge rs. W hat can be the m ax im um value of K?
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Re: Divisibility by DEEPAK KANSAL - Tue sday, 24 July 2007, 05:11 PM 43 ^ 444 = (45-2)^444 all te rm s will be divisible by 9 e x ce pt 2^444. 2^444 = (9-1)^148 re m ainde r is 1 sim ilarly for 34^333 = (36-2)^333



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all the te rm s will be divisible by 9 e x ce pt 2^333 2^333 = (9-1)^111 re m ainde r is -1 or 8 if we add both the re m ainde rs thus 8+1 = 9 he nce divisible by 9
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Re: Divisibility by DEEPAK KANSAL - Tue sday, 24 July 2007, 05:11 PM 43 ^ 444 = (45-2)^444 all te rm s will be divisible by 9 e x ce pt 2^444. 2^444 = (9-1)^148 re m ainde r is 1 sim ilarly for 34^333 = (36-2)^333 all the te rm s will be divisible by 9 e x ce pt 2^333 2^333 = (9-1)^111 re m ainde r is -1 or 8 if we add both the re m ainde rs thus 8+1 = 9 he nce divisible by 9
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Re: Divisibility by Mayur Mantri - Friday, 27 July 2007, 04:11 PM Hi Pratibha In the above proble m first che ck the num be r of ze roe s in 1000! which is 2499.The n find num be r of ze roe s in 100! which is 24.(To calculate this,che ck the note in bold at the e nd). Now, to ge t as m any ze roe s as possible close st to and le ss than e qual to 2499 we can m ultiply 24 with 104.(As any num be r followe d by x ze roe s raise d to powe r n give x *n ze roe s in the final product). He nce m ax im um value of k should be 104 as 104*24 = 2496. NjoYY Highest power of x which divides n! = [n/x] +[n/x 2 ] +[n/x 3] + on. Where [ ] is the greatest integer function.
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Re: Divisibility by Total Gadha - Saturday, 28 July 2007, 04:06 AM Hi Mayur, The value of k can be found by se e ing the highe st powe r of 97 (highe st prim e num be r in 100!) and the highe st powe r of 2 97 (the highe st powe r of 2 in 100!) in 10000!. W hiche ve r is the lowe st give s us the answe r. Total Gadha
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Re: Divisibility by tripti pathak - Monday, 30 July 2007, 09:26 AM hI TG, In case of 17017 we n we apply the rule to che ck for divisibility by 7 ,11 i ge t two se t 170 ,17 170 -17=153 which is not divisible by 7



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but the num be r 17017 is divisible of 7 2431*7 =17017
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Re: Divisibility by C atapult!!! O n the way - Monday, 30 July 2007, 09:33 AM hi Tripti.. 17 017 U have to m ak e groups frm right 017 and 17 diff is 0 and he nce divisible by 7...
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Re: Divisibility by DEEPAK KANSAL - Monday, 30 July 2007, 04:41 PM hi TG ple ase e x plain the logic
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Re: Divisibility by anil k alwak untla - Tue sday, 31 July 2007, 02:17 AM hi m ayur can u pls e lobrate ur ans
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Re: Divisibility by Total Gadha - Tue sday, 31 July 2007, 03:39 AM Hi Tripti, You m ak e groups of thre e from right to left . In case of 17017, you ge t groups 17 and 017. The diffe re nce = 17 - 17 = 0, he nce the num be r is divisible by 7 (and also by 11 and 13) Total Gadha
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Re: Divisibility by tripti pathak - Tue sday, 31 July 2007, 01:03 PM Thank s TG
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Re: Divisibility by harshhal bande k ar - Tue sday, 14 August 2007, 11:57 PM TG,Plz help me out with these problem on number system Let N=123456789123456789..up to 180 digits. Find the remainder when N is divided by11. 1. 2 2. 3 3. 4 4. 0 Which of the following is the least possible natural no. n such that n! is divisible by 1089 1. 11 2. 44 3. 33 4. 22

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Re: Divisibility by arse nal . - Saturday, 25 August 2007, 09:01 PM Ni sm a d eo f1 0r e p e a t i n gs e t sw h e r ee a c hs e ti s 123456789123456789 -

B yr u l eo fd i v i s b i l i t yf o r1 1 ,a d dn o sw h i c ha r eu n d e r l i n e di n t oo n ea n dt h er e m a i n i n gi nt oa n o t h e r B o t ht h et o t a l sa r e4 5 .D i f f e r e n c eb / nt w o=0 M u l t i p l yt h i sf o r1 0s e t s .N e td i f f=0 H e n c et h en oi sd i v i s i b l eb y1 1 .

T Gs i r ,c a nuc o n f i r mt h ea p p r o a c h .

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Re: Divisibility by arse nal . - Saturday, 25 August 2007, 09:08 PM 1089 = 3^2 * 11^2 Tak e the highe st prim e factor. The powe r of 11 is 2. So by using the highe st powe r in a factorial conce pt the answe r should be 22.

C ould you ple ase confirm if the ans is corre ct

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Re: Divisibility by Saik at C hak raborty - Sunday, 26 August 2007, 10:07 AM thank s TG for that he lpful article . to che ck the divisibility by the prim e nos 7, 11, 13 was re ally he lpful. in the sam e way can we ge t som e m ore ge ne ralize d one that can be applie d to all the prim e s ?
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Re: Divisibility by Priyank a Ghosh - Monday, 27 August 2007, 12:04 PM

Hi Vam si, I think your approch is right.Eve n I thought of te h sam e approach to solve it...

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Re: Divisibility by writtik a m aitra - Thursday, 13 March 2008, 11:25 AM



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i didn't unde rstand the soln to d prob 10000!=(100!)^k *p can anyone e x plain it to m e .
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Re: Divisibility by Sum it Gite - Sunday, 16 March 2008, 02:26 AM Hi Bim al, This is not divisible by 9. I have got the m e thod....and I have ve rifie d it with scie ntific C alc(PC ) . Just che ck the re is a re m ainde r of 2. Be fore I te ll the m e thod I want to ve rify it with u pe ople if I m corre ct.
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ques !!!! by C hitrang Dalal - Monday, 23 June 2008, 03:46 PM @TG He lp m e wid this plzz!! Find the re m ainde r whe n N =1 2 + 2 3 + 3 4 + ... + 98 99 + 99 100 is divide d by 101. ................ wat i did is N =1 2 + 2 3 .........+ -2-3 + -2 -1 (use d the conce pt of -ve re m ainde r) = 2 (1 2 + 2 3 + 3 4 +...... + 49 50) now this is not divisible by 101 if i do dire ct sum m ation of N.....the n the num be r is divisible by 101 wats the proble m with the first approach anx iously x pe cting an x planation....thank s in advnace
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Re: Divisibility by Biswajit Se n - Monday, 23 June 2008, 08:06 PM the answe r is 33.... 1089=33*33 33! = 33*32*31*.......11*10*....3.... = 33*11*3* som e value = 33*33*som e value the re fore 33! / 33*33 = som e value the re fore the le ast value of n is 33. ple ase corre ct m e if i am wrong.
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Re: Divisibility by shiva bodde palli - Thursday, 26 June 2008, 05:01 PM hi sir,i have a be tte r m e thod of finding the divisibility of a num be r by 7,13,17,19.the m e thod is k nown as osculator m e thod.first we have to k now the conce pt of osculator.the osculator of 7 is 2 ( 7* 3 = 21 = 20+1 he re we are adding 1 so we ne e d to conside r the osculator as ne gative osculator ) sim ilarly for 13 ,13 * 3 = 39 = 40-1 so the osculator is 40 and is one m ore osculator and the value is 4 and for 17 ,17 * 3 = 51 = 50+1 so again the osculator is ne gative and it is 5 and for 19 it is one m ore osculator 19 = 20-1 ,so the osculator is 2 . if you didn't unde rstand the conce pt of osculator just re m e m be r the se



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for 7 osculator = 2 , sign = ' - ' for 13 osculator = 4 , sign = ' + ' for 17 osculator = 5 , sign = ' - ' for 19 osculator = 2 , sign = ' + ' le ts proce e d with an e x am ple 55277838 is conside re d and to che ck it's divisibility by 7. 5527783 8 : 5527783 - 8 *2 =5527767 ( he re we have tak e n the units digit and m ultiplie d it by osculator 2 and subtracte d it from the re m aining part as the sign is ne gative as sugge ste d above we have subtracte d ) the ne x t ste p is the following is re pe ate d for the re sulting value in the above ste p 552776 7 : 552776 - 7 *2 = 552762

55276 2 : 55276 - 2 * 2 = 55272 5527 2 : 5527 - 2 *2 = 5523 552 3 : 552 - 3 *2 = 546 54 6 : 54 - 6*2 = 42 as 42 is divisible by 7 so the num be r is divisible by 7.
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Re: Divisibility by Total Gadha - Thursday, 26 June 2008, 10:44 PM Hi Shiva, Have alre ady discusse d this be fore : /m od/forum /discuss.php?d=84

Total Gadha
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Re: Divisibility Rule for 7, 11, and 13 by Dhiraj Kain - Tue sday, 1 July 2008, 12:15 AM Hi TG I think that the divisibility rule for divisibility 7, 11, and 13 is wrong. If we conside r a num be r 1414, which is divisible by 7. The rule fails he re . As pe r rule , (1)(414) - grouping of 3 e le m e nts from the right. 1 - 9 8 - sum m ation of alte rnate groups - num be r not divisble by 7

So, rule fails he re . Sam e is the case for num be r 1313, which is divisible by 13. Ple ase he lp m e , if m y unde rstanding to the rule is wrong...

C he e rs
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Re: Divisibility Rule for 7, 11, and 13 by Total Gadha - Tue sday, 1 July 2008, 02:30 AM 1, 414 ---> 414 - 1 = 413 (divisible by 7) 1, 313 ---> 313 - 1 = 312 (divisible by 13)
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Re: Divisibility by Satyam Gadha - Tue sday, 1 July 2008, 07:54 PM C he TG, C an you ple ase e laborate m ore on this approach. I k now this m e thod but I am not able to grasp it in one go. A fe w m ore se nte nce s he re and the re will be a gre at he lp. Thank s Satyam gadha
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Re: Divisibility by shubham singh - Tue sday, 1 July 2008, 08:30 PM

hi biswajit.we have to find out the least value of n and the least value will be 22. as 1089=(3^2)*(11^2).so n in n! should be 22
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Re: ques !!!! by Satyam Gadha - W e dne sday, 2 July 2008, 01:05 PM C he Dalal, Your first approach is wrong. I will e x plain it with a sim ple e x am ple . W he n you divide 1 x 2 by 101, you ge t a re m ainde r = 2 But whe n you divide 99 x 100 by 101, you can not ge t re m ainde r as = -2 x -1 Be cause , you can divide only one num be r in this m ultiplication, i.e e ithe r 99 or 100 and not both. If it had be e n addition (+), your approach would have be e n corre ct. Hope this cle ars the cloud. Thank s Satyam Gadha
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Re: Divisibility by Satyam Gadha - W e dne sday, 2 July 2008, 03:06 PM C he TG, The value of k can be found by seeing the highest power of 97 (highest prime number in 100!) and the highest power of 297 (the highest power of 2 in 100!) in 10000!. Whichever is the lowest gives us the answer. The first part of the above basic was k nown to m e but I ne ve r we nt that de e p to conce ptualize the se cond one . Howe ve r, I would try to e x plain it to m y buddie s he re . C onside r this form ula Highest power of x in n! = [n/x] + [n/x 2 ] +[n/x 3 ]+.... where [] is the greatest integer function. For e .g Find the num be r of ze roe s in 127! Sol: 10 = 2 1 x 5 1 So num be r of ze roe s will be calculate d using the lowe st of following: Highe st powe r of 5 1 in 127! = [127/5] + [127/5 2] + [127/5 3] = 25 + 5 + 1 = 31 Highe st powe r of 2 1 in 127! = [127/2] + [127/2 2] + [127/2 3] + ....+ [127/2 6] = 63 + 31 + 15 + 7 + 3 + 1 = 120 So the num be r of ze roe s are 31. Since 100!= 100x 99x 98x 97x 96x ......x 3x 2x 1 Sim ilarly, he re in this proble m we have 97 1 (the highe st prim e num be r in 100!) inste ad of 5 1. Highe st powe r of 97 in 10000! = [10000/97 1] + [10000/97 2] = 103 + 1 = 104 Now, le ts se e why TG has m e ntione d the the highest power of 297 (the highest power of 2 in 100!) in 10000!. since the highe st powe r of 2 in 100! = [100/2] + [100/2 2] + [100/2 3] + [100/2 4] = 50 + 25 + 12 + 6 + 3 + 1 = 97 Now we will find Highe st powe r of 2 in 10000! = [10000/2 1] + [ 10000/2 2] + [10000/2 3] + [10000/2 4] + [10000/2 5] + ..... + [10000/2 13] = 5000+2500+1250+625+312+156+78+39+19+9+4+2+! = 9995 97 He nce Highe st powe r of 2 in 10000! = [9995/97] = 103 Hence the maximum value of k would be 103 and not 104. I hope this post will he lp som e . Thank s


Satyam Gadha

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Re: Divisibility Deepak Kansal by prave e n k um ar - W e dne sday, 2 July 2008, 04:29 PM A slight m istak e in your argue m e nt . sim ilarly for 34^333 = (36-2)^333 all the te rm s will be divisible by 9 e x ce pt Ne t re m ainde r will be 2. The num be r is divisible by 11.
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(-2)^333 = -(2)^333, since 333 is odd.


Re: Divisibility by sanje e v gane sh - W e dne sday, 13 August 2008, 04:47 AM

Thanks Satyam, I am not clear with below step of urs: Now we will find Highest power of 2 in 10000! = [10000/21] + [ 10000/22] + [10000/23] + [10000/24] + [10000/25] + ..... + [10000/213] = 5000+2500+1250+625+312+156+78+39+19+9+4+2+! = 9995 Hence Highest power of 297in 10000! = [9995/97] = 103 Can you please explain me, why have you performed this step. Is it possible to apply for (100!)=(10!)^k+p ? ~Sanjeev

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Re: ques !!!! by Sibsank ar Dasm ahapatra - Friday, 12 Se pte m be r 2008, 04:37 PM Hi Dalal / TG I think this proble m u can do by the following proce ss...... N= 1*2+2*3+.....+99*100 ; So N= n*(n+1)=n^2+n.. So sum of N = Sum of (n^2) + Sum of (n) = n*(n+1)*(2n+1)/6 + n*(n+1)/2 he re sum of N =(100*101*201)/6 + (100*101)/2...that is divisible by 101... i think i am corre ct.. Thank s Sibu
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Re: Divisibility by Sibsank ar Dasm ahapatra - Friday, 12 Se pte m be r 2008, 06:16 PM


Hi Sanje e v

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97 Le t m e e x plain your first query Highest power of 2 in 10000!.....i will give u a simple example...suppose u have to find out highest power of 2 in 4!..4! means = 24 = 3.8 = 3.2^ highest power of 2 is 3 ; now apply the theory to find out the highest power of 2 in 4!...4/2+4/2^2 = 3 ...this the shortcut process to find the max power .....

now if u want to find out the max power of 4 in 4! then ; 4 means 2^2 u have to find out the max power of 2 , then you divide the the max power of 2 by 2 (as 4=2^2)...if u have to find the max power of 8 in 4! ; then 8 means 2^ find the max power of 2 then divide by 3 the same thing in above question... .. Now your second query Is it possible to apply for (100!)=(10!)^k+p ?...yes it is this case find the max power of 7 (as it is max prime number in 10 !) in 100! and max power of 2^8 (as it is the max power in 10! ) in 100!

Thanks Sibu
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Re: Divisibility by abdul rashe e d - Tue sday, 3 Fe bruary 2009, 04:22 PM 43 ^ 444 = (45-2)^444 all te rm s will be divisible by 9 e x ce pt 2^444. 2^444 = (9-1)^148 re m ainde r is 1 sim ilarly for 34^333 = (36-2)^333 all the te rm s will be divisible by 9 e x ce pt 2^333 A BDUR: It should be "all the terms will be divisible by 9 except (- 2^333 )" 2^333 = (9-1)^111 A BDUR: It should be " -2^333 = - (9-1)^111 re m ainde r is -1 or 8 A BDUR: It should be "Remainder 1 ". if we add both the re m ainde rs thus 8+1 = 9 he nce divisible by 9
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Re: Divisibility by shivam m e hra - Monday, 9 Fe bruary 2009, 12:38 AM to cut long story short divisibility te st N=abcde 7 13 17 19 abcd-2e abcd+4e abcd-5e abcd+2e and k e e p on solving till ge a 2/1 digit num be r and k e e p on solving till ge a 2/1 digit num be r and k e e p on solving till ge a 2/1 digit num be r and k e e p on solving till ge a 2/1 digit num be r

e g 2401 240-2(1)=238 23-2(8)=7 2197 219+4(7)=219+28=247 24+4(7)=52 5+4(2)=13 4913 491-5(3)=476 47-5(6)=17 6859 685+2(9)=703


70+2(3)=76 7+2(6)=19 shivam

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Re: Divisibility by De e pik a Khande lwal - Tue sday, 17 Fe bruary 2009, 03:28 PM hi de e pak can you e x plain how 8 re m inde r is com ing for 34^333 in que stion 43^444+34^333 Thank s
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Re: Divisibility by vik as sharm a - W e dne sday, 25 Fe bruary 2009, 04:56 PM Hi harshal as i think lik e tak e n= 123456789 as one digit so nnnn-----20 tim e s any sam e digit no is divisible by 7/11/13 if no of digits m ultiple of 6 he re last 2 digits are spare (nn) so che ck only divisiblity of 123456789123456789 and its divisible by 11 so re m ainde r 0 m i right TG sir
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Re: Divisibility by vik as sharm a - W e dne sday, 25 Fe bruary 2009, 05:20 PM hi Satyam can u e loborate it m ore , i didnt ge t it i k now this conce pt -the powe r m in n! is calculate d by [n/a]+[n/a 2] and so on whe re a is highe sst prim e of m .

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Re: Divisibility by bhavik a bali - Tue sday, 10 March 2009, 01:35 PM doubt!!can u plzzz he lp m e .. q)a num be r whe n divide d by 5 give s a num be r which is 8 m ore than re m ainde r obtaine d on dividing the sam e num be r by 34 .such le ast possible num be r is?? a)175 b)75 c)680 d)doe s not e x ist

q)whe n a num be r "N" is divide d by a prope r divisor "d" the n it le ave s a re m ainde r of 14 and if thrice of that num be r ie "3N",is divide d by sam e divisor d,the re am inde r com e s out to be 8.again if 4 tim e s of the sam e num be r ie "4N", is divide d by d re m ainde r will be ?? A)35 B)22 C )5 D)cant be de te rm ine d
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Re: Divisibility by dim pu n - W e dne sday, 11 March 2009, 12:25 PM whe n a num be r "N" is divide d by a prope r divisor "d" the n it le ave s a re m ainde r of 14 and if thrice of that num be r ie "3N",is divide d by sam e divisor d,the re am inde r com e s out to be 8.again if 4 tim e s of the sam e num be r ie "4N", is divide d by d re m ainde r will be ??


A)35 B)22

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C )5 D)cant be de te rm ine d N divide d by d re m ainde r is 14 N = dx +14 3N=3dx +42 3N divide d by d re m ainde r is 8 which m e ans 42 divide d by d give s are m ainde r of 8 ie d should be a factor of 34 & d >8 &d >14 d can be 17 or 34 d is 17 re m ainde r whe n N is divide d by d is 5 and 22 if d is 34 so the answe r is cannot be de te rm ine d Ple ase corre ct m e if i am wrong
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Re: Divisibility by Varun Agrawal - Thursday, 21 May 2009, 05:35 PM Q ue s 1. 75 is the answe r. put n se e approach
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Re: Divisibility by De e pik a Khande lwal - Thursday, 28 May 2009, 10:54 AM He llo TG/colle ague s, could you ple ase e x plain how to find out that this no. is pe rfe ct sq. e x . AB36 is pe rfe ct sq. or not How to solve thsi type of que stions. Thank s
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Re: Divisibility by dibya ranjan pal - W e dne sday, 3 June 2009, 06:39 PM I think he re the principle of digit sum is re quire d.... according to it a square 's digit sum has to be 1,4,7 or 9....

A num be r will NOT be a pe rfe ct square if its digit-sum is NOT 1, 4, 7, or 9, but it may or may not be a pe rfe ct square if its digit-sum is 1, 4, 7, or 9.
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Re: Divisibility by Ank it Me gotia - Monday, 20 July 2009, 11:15 AM hi de e pik a, for a num be r to be a pe rfe ct square the last digits should be one of 1,4,5,6 and 9. also, a pe rfe ct square has its te n's digit e ve n e x ce pt whe n the unit digit is 6. the re fore AB36 can or cannot be a pe rfe ct square .
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Re: Divisibility by saum ya agarwal - W e dne sday, 22 July 2009, 12:19 AM 10000!=(100!)^k A-P?? im not able to ge t the solution give n by tg ...the one which says dat we ne e d to com pare the powe rs.....can anyone e x plain m e this m e thod once again...with anothe r e x am ple ..
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Re: Divisibility by shaile sh jain - Thursday, 23 July 2009, 02:29 PM Hi, IF x lie s be twe e n 1 and 1000 both inclusive , the n how m any value s are the re be twe e n the m so that the e quation 4x ^6 + x ^3 + 5 is divisible by 7. Ple ase le t m e k now if any one has solve d the proble m . Thank s
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Re: Divisibility by Ne tra Me hta - Friday, 4 Se pte m be r 2009, 01:40 PM Hi Bhavik a! The ans 4 que s 1 is 75..che ck it thru the options n u ll ge t.. n for que stion 2...I hv done lk dat Le t N=d*q1 +14 -- (1) 3N=d*q2 +8 -- (2) 4N=d*q3 + r -- (3) whr q1,q2,q3 are all inte ge rs By (3) - (2) v ge t N=d(q3-q2)+(r-8) -- (4) now by e quating (4) & (1) v can write .. r-8 = 14 & the re fore r= 22 This is how I got the answe r... Te ll m e if m wrong...
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Re: Divisibility by rupasre e raj - Saturday, 5 Se pte m be r 2009, 08:58 AM q)a num be r whe n divide d by 5 give s a num be r which is 8 m ore than re m ainde r obtaine d on dividing the sam e num be r by 34 .such le ast possible num be r is?? a)175 b)75 c)680 d)doe s not e x ist

i don't k now if its corre ct, but i got de ans as 75 by dis approach. ans: le t 'n' be the no: dats be ing divide d by 5. le t de quotie nt be 'x ' and de re m ainde r be 'y'. now its said dat 'n' is again divide d by 34. le t de quotie nt be 'q' and re m ainde r be 'r'. also, x =r+8 5x +y=n..............(1)



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and 34q+r=n.............(2) e quate both de e qns. ie ; 5x +y=34q+r.....................(3) to ge t de le ast value of 'n' , 'y' shud b ze ro. also 'q' shud ge t de le ast value . le ts put q=1. we 'll ge t e qn(3) as: 5x =34+r now we k now x =r+8 5r+40 = 34+r we n v solve dis v'll ge t a ne gative ans for 'r'. so v can now change de value of 'q' as 2(de ne x t le ast no). nw e qn(3) be com e s: 5(r+8)=34*2+r 5r+40=68+r on solvin v ge t: r=7. so: x =15 n=15*5=75 pls corre ct if its wrong... thank u.....
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Re: Divisibility by ne ha sax e na - Saturday, 5 Se pte m be r 2009, 09:53 AM hi Biswajit The que stion he re is to find the sm alle st natural num be r...33 is a probable answe r in case the que st says that find a natural num be r such that its factorial is divisible by 1089, your solution will also satisfy. But focus on the word the conce pt i use d is 1089 = 3 ^2 * 11 ^2 thus if we conside r 22! we can have 11 and 22 two num be rs divisible by 11^2. thus the answe r should be 22. I hope you wud have got it corre ct
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Re: Divisibility by prajay de sai - Saturday, 5 Se pte m be r 2009, 11:38 AM hi TG SIR ...... PLZ C AN U TEL ME D METHO D?????? 12341234..........upto 400 digits.......find the re m aindr whe n it is divide d by 101... i cant undrstand the chine e se m e thod so plz can u e x plain it in a e asy way?????
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Re: Divisibility by Sugato R ay - Saturday, 5 Se pte m be r 2009, 08:00 PM Hi Prajay, 12341234....upto 400 tim e s (i.e 1234 ... 100 tim e s) => 1234x 100 198+1234x 100 196+1234x 100 194+....+1234x 100 4+1234x 100 2+1234x 100 0 = N (say) Now R e m ainde r(1234/101) => 22. => R e m ainde r(N/101) = R e m ainde r[(22x 100 198+22x 100 196+22x 100 194+....+22x 100 4+22x 100 2+22x 100 0)/101] = Sum ove r x on {R e m [22x 100 2x+/(100+1)]}..... x =198/2,196/2,...,0 (100 te rm s) R e m [22x 100 2x+/(100+1)] = R e m [22*y2x+/(y-(-1))] ... y = 100 = { 22*(-1) 2x} ... using re m ainde r the ore m The re fore , R e m ainde r(N/101) = R e m [(Sum ove r x on { 22*1})/101] ... for 100 te rm s of x = R e m (22x 100/101) = 22*(-1) = -22 = 101-22 = 79 Ple ase corre ct if I am wrong!...
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Re: Divisibility by m anoj k um ar - Saturday, 5 Se pte m be r 2009, 09:21 PM He llo TG sir/ guys.. one e asie r m e thod for divisibility te st of 7 or 11 For 7:



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say the num be r is 343..(we k now it is divisible by 7.just an e x am ple ) Split the num be r into two parts one 34!3 i.e one part is 3 nd othe r part is re m aining num be r. tak e the last digit(3 in this case ) .m ultiply it with 2 (3 *2 = 6) subtract 6 from the re m aining num be r i.e from 34 i.e 34 - 6 = 28..28 is divisible ,so is 343. one bigge r num be r 117649..divide num be r into two parts.11764!9 tak e the last digit , m ultiply by 2 nd subtract from re m pe at this until u r satisfie d that the re sultant is divisible by 7.. 11764 - (9*2) = 11746 (duno if this is divisible or not) so re pe at.. now num be r be com e s 11746..split 1174!6 ..1174-(6*2) = pe at 1162..split 116!2.. 116-(2*2) = 112 ..this i k nw is divisible by 7..he nce the original num be r 117649 is also divisible by 7... the re r sim ilar m e thods for all prim e num be rs ...nd that too wid a ge ne ral form ula..will post the m soon...
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Re: Divisibility by shobhit agarwal - Sunday, 11 April 2010, 09:40 AM He llo TG sir/guys could anyone ple ase e x plain how to find out whe the r a num be r is pe rfe ct sq. or not?
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Re: Divisibility by vive k bhatt - Saturday, 7 January 2012, 09:52 PM

i didnt ge t this can u ple ase e x plain the sum in m ch sim ple r way ple ase
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Re: Divisibility by gaurav prak ash - Tue sday, 24 January 2012, 11:15 PM in the above solution 43 ^ 444 whe n divide d by 9 give s re m ainde r 1 BUT i think 34^333 = (36-2)^333 will give re m ainde r 1 inste ad of 8 all the te rm s will be divisible by 9 e x ce pt (-2)^333 = (-8)^111 whe n -8 is divide d by 9 it give s re m ainde r 1 total re m ainde r will be 1+1=2 he nce not divisible by 9 ple ase m ark m e if i m wrong :-)
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Re: Divisibility by Ani R ai - W e dne sday, 25 January 2012, 02:22 PM find the num be r of inte ge r solution to the e quation 1/x + 1/y = 1/48
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Re: Divisibility by TG Te am - Friday, 27 January 2012, 12:15 PM

Hi Ani Let x = 48 + a 15/17


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and y = 48 + b so 1/x + 1/y = 1/48 => 1/(48 + a) + 1/(48 + b) = 1/48 => 48(48 + a) + 48(48 + b) = (48 + a)(48 + b) = 48 + 48a + 48b + ab => ab = 48 = 283 Now we just need to find the number of ways in which RHS can be written as product of two integers. See, number of (positive) factors of RHS = (8 + 1)(2 + 1) = number of (ordered) pairs of positive factors possible = 27. And including the negative values for a, b we get total 2 27 = 54 pairs. Kamal Lohia
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Re: Divisibility by Abhishe k Sharm a - W e dne sday, 15 Fe bruary 2012, 08:35 PM Hi Ank it, As u told the rule for che ck ing the no is a pe rfe ct sqaure or not The n what should be sol for following que stion: A 10-digit num be r N has am ong its digits one 1, two 2s, thre e 3s, and four 4s. Is N be a pe rfe ct square ?Plz e x plain
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Re: Divisibility by Abhishe k Sharm a - W e dne sday, 15 Fe bruary 2012, 08:41 PM Hi All, Plz e x plain how to solve this que stion(From your quiz) All possible pairs are form e d from the divisors of 21600. How m any such pairs have HC F of 45?
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Re: Divisibility by TG Te am - Thursday, 16 Fe bruary 2012, 04:16 PM

Hi Abhishek Refer to digit-sum property of perfect squares. For article - click here. Kamal Lohia
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Re: Divisibility by tushar varshne y - Friday, 2 Nove m be r 2012, 12:21 PM hi Biswajit se n ye s u r wrong be cause in this te x t we have ask e d for the le ast value the factors of 1089 is 3^2*11^2 so 3^2 can be com e in e ve ry factorial gre ate r than or e qual to 6 now we have to conce ntrate on 11 we have ne e d 11 at m ost 2 tim e s which will com e in 22 which is le ast value
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Re: Divisibility by Am it Lawange - Tue sday, 20 Nove m be r 2012, 09:29 PM Hi I didnt unde rstand how 2^444 be cam e (9-1)^148 nd sim ilarly (9-1) ^111 could you ple ase e laborate it for m e ....Thnx in advance
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Re: Divisibility by tgde l640 tg - W e dne sday, 21 Nove m be r 2012, 04:32 PM 2^444 = (2^3)^148 = 8^148 = (9-1)^148 Hope this he lpe d. R e gards Ank it Gaur (TathaGat)
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