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Forwarding Secretary:

Caixa Postal 1088

Belem, Para, Brazil

Walshville, 111. 62091

January-February 1969 Dear Rope-holders:

the peace that passeth all understanding be yours during this


Rejoice with us for the victories won in His name! The church at Marambaia preinaugurated their unfinished building on New Years with a special service in it. The

walls are up, and the roof is on , and the lights hooked up.

It's not finished by

any standards, but we are in the building and can use it for the glory of God. One sister church brought their choir, and an elder from another church brought the mes sage, as well as Norman Maddux, who spoke through an interpreter. Everyone felt that God has really blessed us. It's been two and one-half years since we began construc tion. Many groups and individuals have helped in this project, and we thank you sincerely. The church itself worked hard, and especially the deacon there, Francisco,
Pray for him and the elder ismaellnho.

I promised the church that if they put up the walls, I'd try and arrange the
money for the roof. Time has come for payment on the materials and we sti1 I lack

enough to pay all of them. Please designate a special gift for the "Roof" and help defray the expenses. The total cost is $1,300. Any special help you can give will
be appreciated very much.

Marambaia has two preaching points in different parts of the community.

were four responses and one rededication to the Lord.


The men of the church are in

charge of these places and have taken care of them for over one year In one place,

and 10 months in another one. Neither place has a building, but both have purchased small lots upon which they hope to put up small chapels in the near future.

God has really blessed us in getting the things out of customs for the printing
work that Norman Maddux wlI I be setting up. Cost was o minimum for the fees when it

could have been real expensive.

ginning of March.

Norman hopes to have everything working by the be An eight-day meeting was

I returned from a trip up the Amazon River to Urucara.

held there which resulted in five baptisms, and a strengthened church. This is the only church or work that the churches of Christ have going in this vast state. There

are many places and small towns that need a witness for Christ. The capitol city of Manaus needs at least one family. There are twenty-three baptized believers who have moved away from Urucara and are living In Manaus. Who will go? The Outeiro Road Church of Christ hod an inaugural service for their new choir, and the building was bulging - with many people standing. Over 450 people heard choirs sing from four different churches, with a band from the Baptist church playing
also. The service lasted two and one-half hours. Congratulations to Outeiro.

Recent visitors included the Charles Kent family returning to Goi-inla, Goias to
reassume his work with the APLIC shop. We proy God's blessing upon thum.
Sarah Mary Lou, David, and Ann hsve returned to school for the second semester.

is teaching English in the high school, helping out again this semester as she did In the last one. This keeps her going at full steam. We are grateful that theso
schools are avai Iab ie.

Next time will carry a detailed report on our furlough pl^ns which we plan to
begin in June this year. Keep us in your prayers.
In Him,






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RICHARD D. ROBISON Caixa Postal 1088

Forwarding Secretary:

Belem, Para, Brazil

Walshville, III. 62091

March - ApriI 1969

Greetings in the name of Jesus:

Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude for your response to our last REPORT!
Enough has come in to pay for the roof and we thank you. Anything that comes in over and above the amount requested we will put on passage home. Our fare will cost $1,100 to Miami. We do appreciate your special help.

One of the preaching points at the Marambaia church is now erecting a small building for their use. It will have mud walls and a thatch roof. There have been four additions there and several more at other points since the last REPORT, This
congregation has three services a week.

The main building at Marambaia has had the front plastered and should be painted real soon. Our hope is to have it ready for a one-week meeting soon. There has been
one confession there.

The- other preaching point as yet has no building, but the land has been cleared and they are hoping to put up a mud house with a thatch roof also. There has bee one
confession and one restoration there.

At the Central Church several changes have been made since the last REPORT, The church as such doesn't exist. Two groups have been formed, one meeting in Ananindeua and the other at Jurunas in one of the suburbs. The group meeting in Ananindeua will have Dale Mason helping out Jose, a BraziI Ian Christian, untiI June. I wi I I work with
the work at Jurunas with Evilasio until June,

The radio program has been on the air for three years, and Just recently the men from the churches have been doing the program completely. Several results can be seen from the program. We have received letters from people from five states, two territories and one foreign country. Two possible contacts just made recently could lead to some permanent kind of work if we had the personnel to follow up. The local churches feel a sense of unity in having the program. The local leaders want to con tinue with the program after my absence. The Lord will lead in this matter. Pray
for them.

I mentioned in the last REPORT that I would try and give you a complete plan for


My earnest desire would be to do that; however, as yet, our plans aren't

definite. We can tell you about some things. We should leave here in or around June 15. We will stay in Georgia for a month or more until we hear definitely about further schooling. Thereare three possibilities as to schools: University of Texas, University of Wisconsin or University of Tennessee. I plan to work and finish a MA in Portuguese which may take as long as three years.

Sarah plans to work towards-a MA perhaps in English.

We probably will have to

try just one studying for awhl le.and th^^

If both can.

We plan to make our report

to the churches as soon as we can' and fo be available for Mission Emphasis during the
time there. My goal is to come back to the north of Brazil and set up a Portuguese and Orientation school for our missionaries and any other who want to study.
Pray for us and the other workers here and the new missionaries that are coming down for the first time. Pray for the veteran missionaries who will be returning here. Pray that we may have the health sufficient for the tasks.

May the peace of God reign in your hearts, and may we all be found faithful and
fruitful in His vineyard.
In Him,



JOUIET, ILLll^blS 60434



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Milledgeville, Go. 31061

May - June ig6g

Dear Co-laborers in Christ:

Accept our heartfelt thanks for your Prayers and assistance in these past threeand-one-half years as we complete our third term of service and leave for our third


How hard and difficult if is to realize that it is 25 years since we first left the United States for Brazil, God has been so good to us and has taken care of us and blessed our efforts together for Him. e can say with conviction that "Underneath are the everlasting arms!"
Since our last Report there has been a good response to the preaching of the tf^ord. mine people were baptized into Christ, and several have been restored to the

Bro, Manoel Gomes has taken charge of the weekly radio program and has been able to interest other men in the project, which I couldn't do, and there is a good accep tance among the area. Pray for him as he keeps the Word going out. Brother Ishmaelino and Brother Francisco are directing the work at the church in Marambaia-Belem. The first one is an elder and the other is a deacon. They do need your prayers in this effort.
Pray for Evilasio and family as they labor for Christ in the new work in Jurunas-

Belem, Brother Paul Lanham will be giving that new work some special assistance for the next few months. This area has shown good promise and there are several new Christians
who need special prayers.

Remember. Brother Dale Mason, who is relieving Clint Thomas for furlough, and ask God's blessing upon him and his family, \le enjoyed our visit to Urucara, Amazonas,
Brazil and the chance to see firsthand the work of the church there.

It seems like there isn't any way to find out about our further schooling. \le
have written and are waiting for the answer from the schools. Join with us in this prayer, We are anxious to enter into this phase of the work.

Our immediate plans call for a visit to Pennsylvania to see parents and report to the church there. Then we will attend a week of camp in Illinois with Keith McCaslin
and come back to Georgia, l^e hope that by the time we send the next Report, we will have definite information for you as to school, etc.

Please note the change of address for Brother Keith. Please send all corres
pondence to him at the new address. Keep us before the throne of grace in prayer.

It's good to he home.In Himt





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Forwarding Secretory:



St. Louis Christian College

1360 Grandview Dr.

Johnson Bible College Kimberlin Heights, Tenn. 37920

Florissant, Mo. 63033

July - August ig6g


How good it is to be back in the United States! May we thank all of you who made special offerings to us for the return trip. Thank you very much.
Our hearts were thrilled to visit the Thomas family in the state of Amazonas on our way here* All of the family made the trip along with Dale Mason and Ruth Lewis from Platte Valley Bible College, In spite of the difficulties of the trip there we
did have a few days of fellowship with Clint and family and the brethren there.

As we begin this furlough our minds go back to the work there and we pray daily for. the missionaries and the Brazilian nationals. Since we will be gone at least two years this furlough^ the parting from the work was a little more difficult. Pray with us as we make further preparation here for the harvest there.
Please note the different addresses on this Report, Keith has moved, and so have


\Ie will give you our phone number in the next report,

A refreshing time was spent in Pennsylvania visiting my family and also giving a short report to the home church and visiting the church at Monroeville, From there we went to a week of camp with Keith and enjoyed the camp and also the other people who
worked in the camp,

We are happy to announce some definite plans as to furlough, 1/le will be living on campus at J,B,C, and doing a years make-^up work at the University of Tennessee, There is a Possibility of helping out at the college also, I will be writing to Vanderbilt University checking into their Masters and Doctors program in Portuguese, If all goes well the first year, I possibly will study at Vanderbilt the second year. Address all correspondence to me at J,BC, Don't forget to register for the Uational Missionary Convention which is to be held in Knoxville, Tennessee on September 24-2J, This is the 22nd annual convention. Plan to be there and register early,
speaking dates for the future will be worked out as the schedule for. study at the University of Tennessee is known. For further information write to me at J,B.C,

I am looking forward to these coming months with much anticipation and do ask your prayers on my behalf, l^e are in the process of moving from Georgia to Tennessee and covet your intercession as we set up housekeeping again in the U,SA,
Our children will be enrolled at the various places around Johnson, David and Mary Lou at Gap Creek, and Ann at Doyle High School,
In Him,





Address Correction Requested

Forwarding Secretary:

, ^^WCHARD^. ro bison
Johnson Bible College l(imberlin Heights, Tenn. 37920


St. Louis Christian College

1360 Grandview Dr.

Florissant, Mo. 63033

^arali an


November December 1969

Dear Friends,

The Christmas Season is the time that we should pause and share the story of Hope with someone and tell them what He means to us. Just as surely as we remember His birth

we should remember His death and resurrection and how these events changed the course of human history. Because God loved us and gave, we are prompted to give to those we love. We thank you for your cards, letters, and gifts at this season and for your gifts each month in the year. The first semester at JBC ended before Christmas this year, and exams are over. My
tests in the four classes I teach have been given, and the grades are in and recorded. The experience of teaching at JBC has been a challenging one and an enjoyable one.

I have finished the first quarter at the University of Tennessee, and had a "B" average.

It's kind of hard to get back into the groove again, but the classes generally speaking,
were worthwhile.

We have had many letters from Miriam, a girl we "adopted" in Brazil. She has completed her second year in Nursing School with good grades. Her letters are newsy and keep us informed of the "goings-on" down there. Her last one said she would be going to Urucara during the holidays, with Dale Mason and his daughter Joyce. She should be a big help at the medical post there, having had her training and experience.
Several other letters have been received from Brazil. One from Manuel Gomes, an elder

there, tells us that the radio program is still going on the air every week. He said the churches were going to start paying one-half of the cost. That would be a big step.
We are praying for Dale McAfee and family also. Recent news from there indicates that

they lost everything in a fire and are living in temporary quarters until furlough time in
about six months.

David Bayless informs us that the print shop is in operation now. Norman Maddux, who

has had experience in printing, arrived there last December, but it took quite awhile to get the press and other equipment out of customs. He worked hard to get the facilities ready and we're happy to hear this news and thank all who have had a part in any way with this endeavor. Since APLIC, our Christian print shop in Central Brazil is so far away, we are sure that the print shop in Belem will be an important part of the work in the Amazon
Valley. Each year we have tried to print a calendar with the names and addresses of the

churches in our area to advertise the church. People really appreciated them.

There are several Faith-Promise rallies scheduled for this year, and we are asking your prayers on their behalf. Please keep us in your prayers during this year that God will continue to use us. Our first Report of the new year will give you some more plans for this furlough, and future plans for the Robison family.
May God use us in this new year of 1970.
In Christ,


NOH< mof IT


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