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Christina Kondrat English1- 4th Block Mrs. Knowles 13, September 2013 Atheism: Exploring the mind of an Atheist Atheism is a belief in which you dont believe in Gods, or God. I was drawn to this topic because everyone has different beliefs whether you believe in no God, many Gods, or one God. I want to show the reader both points of views on atheism, and to explain how atheism affects our society. In addition, to explain how people differ in religion and beliefs. Also, to show how atheist people think when it comes down to religion. Lastly, so my readers can see my point of view, opinion, and experience with atheism. My friend Rachel and I had a conversation about religion she shared her opinions as did I. She said there is no point in God or Gods because no one can prove that God or Gods are real. This so called God hasnt done anything to make me believe that he is real. Science is more accurate because it can back up its theories. But if I asked you to give me reasons on why you think God is real you wouldnt know how to tell me, you would simply state that you dont know you just grew up believing it. We as humans have nothing to back up the statement that God is real. For example, if I were to argue in a court room that God is real and someone else were to say that he isnt how would I back up my reasoning to the fact that God is real? I couldnt because I would have to say because of things that cant be explained by human activity. How can we say Jesus died on the cross? Honestly we cant because we werent there to see it happen; there wasnt any cameras to video how it happened. How do we know someone didnt just create the bible to give people hope? We dont know anything about this God, and how can we prove


that Gods are real. We honestly cant prove that either. In the history books about the different kinds of Gods it says that there were different Gods for the water, sun, moon, and so on, but how do we know the king or whoever was in power when the Gods were created didnt just make them up to get gold and have people make sacrifices? We dont. All I am saying is we cant prove he is real. To me God is as real as the Easter bunny. My opinion to what she stated was God is real though; my neighbor said that God was testing them one day: a little boy came up and asked them for two dollars to get a nice and creamy milk chocolate bar with a fizzy coke, so they gave the boy the money the boy said thank you then got the creamy chocolate bar with the fizzy coke. They said that they searched everywhere in Wal-mart for the little boy, but they said he didnt go out the doors. If you believe there is evil in the world shouldnt there be good? Well God is the good. Science may have theories to back its ideas up, but the bible is our theory. I honestly dont think that one person could come up with everything in the bible. God has showed me several times that he is real and here for all of us. Everyone has their own beliefs, mine is that God is real and lives in me. Yours is that there is no God or Gods. In my research I found the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy that contains information on atheism. According to the IEP atheism is the view that there is no God. In history, there have been many who turned to science instead of God for explaining things. For example, Epicurus (a Greek philosopher) was the first to question the compatibility of God. To be an atheist is to affirm the non-existence of God Anthony Flew called this positive atheism. The lack a belief that God or gods exist would be a negative atheist. Someone who is a negative atheist would be someone who has never reflected the question of whether God exists or not. Atheism can be


narrow or wide outlook. The narrow atheist does not believe in the existence of God, whereas a wide atheist does not believe that any gods exist. Separating the different senses of the term allows us to understand the different sorts of justification with atheism. I would like to take a deeper look into the different types of atheism. I would like to further research atheism because I want to fully understand the different varieties of atheism and how different people feel on the subject. From what I know about atheism and how people feel about it and what I just learned about the different types of atheism I know that everyone is different in their beliefs. For instance, someone may be a full believer in God whereas another person could be a negative atheist. I would like to discover more about all the different types of atheism and how it helps us to understand the different sorts of justification for atheism.

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