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Access Control in Ubiquitous Computing Environments : An analysis of the

Trust-Based approach

Roushdat Elaheebocus
School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton

Abstract technical report has constrained us to pick only one of

them and TBAC has been chosen due to its popularity.
In this report, we have identified the major
2. Analysis
challenges that systems dealing in ubiquitous access
control have to tackle. An in-depth analysis of six
A complete analysis of all the approaches with
trust-based access control models has then been
respect to how they tackle the different challenges
performed to find out the extent at which they
would have yielded a table as shown in Table 1.
overcome these challenges. Finally some of their
security vulnerabilities have been briefly described.
Usability Privacy Mobility Scalability Resource
1. Introduction Trust-
Ubiquitous Computing described by Mark Weisel Context-
[1] as the embedding of computing capabilities into our Based
everyday environment to users from the 'how' of doing Role-
things, allowing them to focus on the 'what' tasks to Based
perform thus creating a pervasive environment [2] Policy-
which can also be described as a smart or active Based
Space.“Access control policies and mechanisms are Table 1. access control approaches Vs challenges
necessary to ensure that users only use the resources
(both hardware and software) in an Active Space in
The full analysis for each approach would have
authorised ways, and to allow shared use of the space”
produced some results that could have been quantified
and compared. As mentioned earlier, in this report, we
In our literature search [4] we have found that there will analyse only for the Trust-Based approach (The
are at least five major challenges to overcome when highlighted row in Table 1.).
dealing with access control in ubiquitous computing Based on the literature search [4], six recent papers
environments. The researches done so far have adopted proposing solutions of Trust-Based nature for access
one or a combination of strategies out of four common control have been selected for the in-depth critical
ones which are : analysis. We will refer to them as:
i. Trust-Based Access Control (TBAC) • paper A [7]
ii. Context-Based Access Control (CBAC) • paper B [8]
iii. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) • paper C [9]
iv. Policy-Based Access Control (PBAC) • paper D [10]
The most popular one among researchers, based on • paper E [11]
the number of papers published, seems to be Trust- • paper F [12]
Based. While it would have been very interesting to dig
deeper into all the approaches, space limitation in this
3.Trust-Based approach: In-Depth analysis then categorise him into either the trusted, public or
distrusted group. Depending on the group and privacy
3.1. Usability policies in place, the amount of data to be disclosed is
decided. Furthermore the system goes to an extra step
Assuming users will be accessing hundreds of by proposing to shield all data from requesters by
services from different devices simultaneously, access default and disclosing only chosen parts. Unfortunately
control mechanisms should be appropriate for such this idea simply transfers one more burden to users
situations with the users' ease of use in mind [5]. whose devices should be capable of such a task.
While most of the trust models have avoided human- Paper C adopts a different strategy compared to
involvement during the identification and conventional routing algorithms; choosing the most
authentication phases through automated trust- trustworthy nodes to route messages instead of the
negotiation using trust evidence consisting of shortest and quickest route. While this will increase
credentials, context data and past interactions [7], communication latency, privacy-protection is greatly
paper B has suggested asking for users' intervention in enhanced. But the way trust is evaluated put into
cases where policies concerning the amount of private question private-data protection: past-activity records
data to be released have not been specified a-priori. of nodes are stored, which in case the node storing the
This avoids the system from taking an arbitrary action data becomes compromised, all their records get
in ambiguous situations which is good. But on the other compromised as well. Perhaps encrypting the records
hand, this human-part can weaken the system in two for storage can be a way out.
ways: from the usability point of view, users will have Paper D , E and F do not tackle the issue of privacy
to tackle policy-related problems which can be quite directly although inevitably during trust establishment,
technical and on the security side, humans will be the private data is at stake.
system's weak point since they can be deceived.
Paper F proposes two possible ways of admitting a 3.3. Mobility
new node; human-authentication of ID or trial-
admission to the network. While the first option is Securing access to the services in pervasive
feasible and simple to implement in a small sized environments, the volatile nature of pervasive
network, it is impracticable for larger ones, specially in environments where devices joining and parting the
ubiquitous environments. networks is normal has to be considered.
For paper A, the context is set such that a service
3.2.Privacy provider is static and only the client nodes are mobile.
As a result, all new nodes have to go through the same
There is always a compromise to be performed access control mechanisms when they join the network
between privacy and service personalisation but the resulting in additional processing. This drawback is
extent of this compromise varies depending on the solved by paper B that uses peer recommendation for
access control approach in use [6]. new nodes but then the assumption is that there should
Paper A argues that in dealing with a node that is be enough trusted peers which are within range and
neither known by the service provider nor by peers, the know about the new node. Similarly, paper D mentions
trust negotiation will have to be performed from among several characteristics of trust: a transitivity
scratch and can cause some privacy issues for the client assumption, that is, if X trusts Y and Y trusts Z, X can
since the latter may not know whether it is safe to trust Z. While this can be a fairly simple assumption
disclose its credential for example. A solution for this allowing for an increased range between cooperating
has been proposed as the disclosure of credentials nodes, it is risky in cases that Y may have been
between the provider and the requester piece by piece compromised or if the trust evaluation for Y was
and in-turn. While it also mentions about protecting wrongly performed, there will be a cascading effect. A
privacy of information and securing data flow, no solution for this will be to rely on more than one
suggestion is made about how to perform this. Probably intermediary in parallel at a given time.
some kind of encryption was thought about but this will As for papers C and F, the adoption of smaller sub-
add extra-computation load on the nodes. networks referred to as 'communities' consisting of a
Paper B exclusively investigates and proposes a way small group of nodes (neighbours) having a 1-hop
of protecting privacy by varying the amount of data distance between them makes the model highly mobile.
depending on the requesters' identities. Having One or more nodes in one community can be part of
evaluated the trust value of a requester, a device can another one as well, thus effectively interlinking the
sub-networks into a large mobile and ubiquitous corruption. All these have to be taken care of while
network. It is to be noted that it was found by F's designing an access control mechanism.
system, increasing the ability for a node to migrate Paper A to some extent sacrifices computing power
from one location to another also heightens the risk of for the sake of having a more generalised and dynamic
attacks by malicious nodes that can keep moving to model. This is due to the fact that by combining several
avoid detection. trust strategies for trust evaluation, the processing load
Although paper E deals with a small organisation for will increase considerably given the fact that a large
its ubiquitous scenario, it suggests a way of dealing number of clients are expected to go through the access
with node migration: That of having a shared control mechanism. While the paper aims at achieving
delegation policy among the various sub-groups in the concurrency during the trust evaluation phase, the
networks. While this is practical in an organisation claim is doubtful since there will be so many nodes to
where a central authority governs, it will be challenging control at a given time. However some parallelism may
to implement in other cases. be achieved through distributed computing.
Paper B assumes that each ubiquitous client node is
3.4. Scalability able to evaluate and categorise neighbours on its own.
This will require more processing power, bandwidth
In pervasive environments, it is expected that one and also consume more of the limited battery life.
user may be in control of hundreds of computing While this may be possible for some devices, not all of
devices [6]. Scale this to a small group of people and them will match these capabilities.
we very quickly reach a peak exceeding thousands of Similarly paper C makes a rather similar assumption
devices accessing the network. As a result, for an by requiring each node to host a TOMS (Trust
access control mechanism to perform appropriately, it cOmputation and Management System) system locally
should scale well. and paper F requires each node to monitor their
Paper A used a modular approach for implementing neighbours' activities to detect misbehaving nodes.
the model's components consisting mainly of different However by doing so, nodes will use less bandwidth
trust-evaluation strategy modules. This paved the way since they will be able to interact directly with peers 1-
for allowing the system to be of a distributed nature hop away from them.
which we believe will enhance its scalability capability. Concerning the system proposed by paper E, the best
Consisting of small sub-networks cooperating to guess is that it will need a lot of computing resources
form the larger ubiquitous network, paper C's and F's based on the fact that tests were run using Pentium IV
models allow themselves to scale very well since there processors.
is no central control and each sub-network can operate One way of preserving resources according to paper
independently. D is through the use of resource-constrained trust
Paper E uses delegation to 'lease' trust to a new node negotiation (RCTN) that can alleviate the consumption
by a group of other nodes already trusted in the of resources such as processing and bandwidth during
network. As it is, this approach will be appropriate in the trust negotiation phase by altering credentials.
small private networks where even 'new' nodes can be
known by some older ones but not in large public 4. Possible Vulnerabilities uncovered
networks. Along with paper E, B and D do not take
into consideration the scalability issues for their model During the analysis of the different trust models
of trust-based access control. proposed, we have found several vulnerabilities mostly
related to denial of service in them.
3.5. Resource constraints In paper A, if a client node willing to gain access to
the network provides more than one type of trust
In addition to the four main constraints identified in evidence, the system may choose to evaluate them
the literature search [4], we have found that resource concurrently. Considering the situation when a group of
availability is also very important to consider for access malicious nodes feeds the system with a high number
control. Devices being mobile have a tendency to be of trust evidence, this can degrade performance.
very small in size physically with lower processing Paper B's system relies on peers to obtain the trust
power. As a result, they have constraints such as a value of a new node. No mention is made about how
shorter power-life and smaller screen compared to non- new peers are added to the peer list and also if the
mobile devices. Wireless networking also means network is not dense enough, situations may arise
reduced bandwidth and frequent data packet loss or where there is no peer within range at a given time.
Another important point is that in order to inquire [2] M. Satyanarayanan, “Pervasive computing: vision and
about the new node's trust, a broadcast message is sent challenges,” Personal Communications, IEEE [see also IEEE
over the network. If a group of malicious nodes try to Wireless Communications], vol. 8, 2001, pp. 10-17.
gain access from different locations, this may trigger [3] G. Sampemane, P. Naldurg, and R. Campbell, “Access
broadcasts from all peers and risk flooding the control for active spaces.”, Department of Computer Science,
network. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Sept., 2002
Paper C mentions the fact that neighbouring nodes [4] R.Elaheebocus, “Acess Control in Ubiquitous
having the same trust value will share the same key. Environments: A Literature Search,” School of Electronics
However it also says that trust value of a node may and Computer Science, University of Southampton, Nov.,
change and that node's key can be revoked. But since 2008.
there is the possibility that it was initially sharing that [5] J. Bardram, “The trouble with login: on usability and
same key with other nodes, their keys will be revoked computer security in ubiquitous computing,” Personal and
too and will have to be re-issued new keys. If this Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 9, Nov. 2005, pp. 357-367.
situation occurs frequently, system performance will
[6] R. Thomas and R. Sandhu, “Models, protocols, and
degrade considerably.
architectures for secure pervasive computing: challenges and
Most of the models, except that of paper F do not research directions,” Pervasive Computing and
give enough importance about dealing with attacks Communications Workshops, 2004. Proceedings of the
from trusted nodes that can be compromised at a given Second IEEE Annual Conference on, 2004, pp. 164-168.
time while already being inside the system.
[7] Daoxi Xiu and Z. Liu, “A Dynamic Trust Model for
Ubiquitous botnets [13], whereby trusted devices are
Pervasive Computing Environments,”. Fourth annual
remotely manipulated and coordinated to perform security conference, Las Vegas , NV: 2005.
attacks over ubiquitous networks can be a major threat
to such system in the near future. While most access [8] P.D. Giang, L.X. Hung, R.A. Shaikh, Y. Zhung, S. Lee,
control systems are able to detect single malicious Y. Lee, and H. Lee, “A Trust-Based Approach to Control
Privacy Exposure in Ubiquitous Computing Environment,”.
nodes, a coalition of cooperating malicious nodes will IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services,
be more challenging to detect and isolate. We also Istanbul, Turkey: 2007.
think about the possibility of sleeper-malicious-nodes
that gather record information silently and act [9] A. Boukerche and Y. Ren, “A trust-based security system
for ubiquitous and pervasive computing environments,”
maliciously for short periods, shot enough to avoid
Computer Communications, vol. In Press, Corrected Proof.
[10] Guo Ya-Jun, Hong Fan, Zhang Qing-Guo, and Li Rong,
“An Access Control Model for Ubiquitous Computing
5. Conclusion
Application,” Mobile Technology, Applications and
Having analysed some trust-based access control Systems, 2005 2nd International Conference on, 2005, pp. 1-
models with respect to how they tackle the major 6.
challenges, we have found that most of these models
take into consideration very few of the challenges. [11] J. Yang and K.H. Rhee, “Securing Admission Control in
Ubiquitous Computing Environment,” Networking - ICN
They focus mainly on how to evaluate trust value and
2005, 2005, pp. 972-979.
experimented either through simulations, proofs or in
closed environments. While trust-evaluation is an [12] Haiyun Luo, Jiejun Kong, P. Zerfos, Songwu Lu, and
important aspect of trust-based access control, the Lixia Zhang, “URSA: ubiquitous and robust access control
models will not perform appropriately in real-life for mobile ad hoc networks,” Networking, IEEE/ACM
Transactions on, vol. 12, 2004, pp. 1049-1063.
situations since the major challenges have not been
properly addressed. Finally, the trust-based access [13] Kwang-Hyun Baek, Sergey Bratus, Sara Sinclair, Sean
control models have been found to be vulnerable to a W. Smith, “Dumbots: Unexpected Botnets through
variety of denial of service attacks possibly becoming Networked Embedded Devices”, Dartmouth College
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