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Each question in this paper is followed by four possible answers. Choose the best answer from the answers marked A, B, C and D. SECTION A Question 1-4 Read the text and choose the best word based on the pictures given.

Yesterday, Husna woke up late. She missed the __________ (1)

so she

had to walk to school. When she reached the __________ (2)

the prefects

stopped her. They wrote her name on a piece of __________ (3)

. Then she

had to see the __________ (4) 1 A B C D bus car taxi plane

. 3 A B C D book paper file screen

2 A B C D class fence door gate

4 A B C D headmaster teacher gardener clerk


[Lihat Sebelah]

SULIT Questions 5-7 Choose the best phrase to complete the sentence below. 5. The mechanic brought with him a ______________. A. tray of tools C. shelf of tools B. set of tools D. sack of tools 6. The doctor told me to keep my wound ___________. A. short and sweet C. clean and dry B. black and white D. wet and slimy 7. At the singing contest, he_____________ suddenly. A. lost his voice C. had no sound B. lost his sound D. made no sound Question 8-10 Choose the best sentence that describes each picture. 8. A. The woman is planting some vegetables. B. The old woman is frying some food in the wok. C. The old man is getting hungry. D. The woman is cooking some rice.



A. The floor is clean. B. Mei Chen has a broom. C. Mei Chen mops the floor every Sunday. D. She is washing the floor.


A. The birds are flying. B. The birds are chirping. C. The hens are cackling. D. The birds are nesting.


[Lihat Sebelah]

SULIT SECTION B Question 11-15 Choose the best answer to fit the situation shown in the picture. 11. A. Thank you. B. Yes, I think so. C. Excuse me, may I speak to Ramu? D. Dont forget to pick me up at 4 p.m, mum.


12. A. Yes, he's in his room. B. No. He can't go with you. C. Do you want to see Fikrie? D. My number is 04-7143114.

13. A. I'm sure you do. B. I'm sorry, I'm busy. C. There is a sale at KB Mall. D. Yes, I want to come.

14. A. That's okay. B. Can you help me, please? C. Let me send you home. D. Where is my mother?


[Lihat Sebelah]

SULIT 15. A. I'm a doctor. B. Goodbye, doctor. C. I want to be an engineer. D. I hope to do well in my exam.


SECTION C Question 16-20 Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. 16. They ________ early that night. A. slept C. sleeps B. sleep D. sleeping 17. The postman ________ the registered letter yesterday. A. deliver C. delivered B. delivers D. delivering 18. __________ apple a day keeps __________ doctor away. A. An, the C. An, an B. The, a D. The, the 19. Most children do not like medicine because it is usually ______. A. sour C. sweet B. salty D. bitter 20. Who is the __________ boy in the class? A. tall C. tallest B. taller D. more tall


[Lihat Sebelah]

SULIT Question 21 Choose the word that has the same meaning to the underlined word. 21. I cannot finish my homework because it is difficult. A. long C. easy B. hard D. short Questions 22-23 Choose the answer with the correct spelling. 22.


A. famous B. famuos

C. famus D. famos

23. Aiman sent a __________ to his grandmother. A. latter C. letter B. lettre D. Latrre Questions 24-25 Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation. 24. A.Can I speak to Aina please. B. Can i speak to aina, please? C. Can i speak to Aina please? D. Can I speak to Aina, please? 25. A. whose Purse is this? B. Whose Purse is this? C. Whose purse is this. D. Whose purse is this?


[Lihat Sebelah]



Question 26-30 Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.

Puan Maria bought a water filter. The man kitchen. Puan Maria 28 29 27


the filter in the

RM1500 for the water filter. She bought at a sale and got 20% discount. The man said it was a

brand. You will always get


water if

you change the filter every month, he said.

26. A



fixed gave these good clean


tied wasted that best sweet


put changed it fair white

27. A paid 28. A those 29. A better 30. A fresh


[Lihat Sebelah]

SULIT SECTION E Question 31-35 Read the notice below and answer the questions that follow.


31. Jenny takes order from the customer. What is her occupation? A. chef C. cashier B. waitress D. customer 32. What is the menu about? A. The costs of the food. B. The food and drinks sold in a stall. C. The food sold at the fast food restaurant. D. The price list of food and drinks in the restaurant. 33. If you want to eat Thais dishes on what day must you go to the restaurant? A. Friday C. Tuesday B. Sunday D. Saturday 34. What is the motto of this restaurant? A. Open daily. C. Served with smile. B. We care for your health. D. You order we served with smile. 35. Encik Rustam goes to the restaurant with his two sons and his in laws. His bill is RM 80.00. How much he must pay for the food? A. RM 20.00 C. RM 40.00 B. RM 120.00 D. RM 52.00


[Lihat Sebelah]

SULIT Question 36-40 Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.


This is a story about the Abu Mountains of the Sahara desert in Africa. There were two friends called Mbeki and Mpi. One day, they fought over a camel. They hit and punched each other. Then Mbeki gave Mpi a hard punch. Mpi fell and hit his head on a rock and died. Mbeki was frightened. He quickly ran back to his house and hid there. He did not say anything. That night, Mbeki and his family left the village and made their way up the Abu Mountains. It was a dangerous journey but they made it to the top. The next morning, t he villagers discovered Mpis body and looked for Mbeki. They could not find him or his family. The dead mans family was so angry that they asked the gods to punish Mbeki and his family. The goods punished Mbeki and his family. They turned them into very ugly human beings. Mbeki and his family became big monkeys. Till today, these monkeys live only in the Abu Mountains. They do not come down to the valley. 36. This story is A. a folk tale B. a fairy tale 37. Why was Mbeki frightened? A. His friend was dead. B. His friend hurt himself. . C. a ghost story D. Science fiction

C. He punched his friend. D. He fought with his friend.

38. Why was the journey dangerous? A. It was late evening. B. There were many snakes in the desert. C. They were climbing the mountain in the dark. D. They were being chased by the dead mans people. 39. Which is the correct sequence of events in the story? I Two men fought each other. II The dead mans family cursed them. III The other man ran away with his family. IV One man died in the fight. A. I, II, III and IV C. I, III, II and IV B. I, IV, III and II D. I, IV, II and III 40. What is the moral of this story? A. Always run away. B. Always help people.

C. Always face a problem and do not run away. D. Always be good to your friends and enemies.




[Lihat Sebelah]

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