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Tanggal Peristiwa 15 Nov 94 13 April 97 Sambaran Petir SUTET Gresik-Krian Malfungsi Rele SUTET Gandul-Suralaya Beban Waktu Padam Pemulihan 1577 MW 52 menit 4500 MW 12 jam 2300 MW 993 MW 1003 MW 5000 MW 4800 MW 2 jam 16 menit 41 menit 7 jam 9 jam

02 Agt 01 Sinyal palsu Rele SUTET Cawang-Bekasi-Cibinong 19 Feb 02 26 Feb 02 12 Sep 02 13 Sep 02
Yogyakarta, 11.08.05

Wiring Proteksi GITET Paiton Trafo Generetor PLTA Saguling PMT tidak bekerja dengan baik PMT tidak bekerja dengan baik
Seminar SUTET



Fundamental principles
The essential and discriminative removal of an abnormality from a power s ystem, thereby minimising loss of supply a nd damage, i nvolves two basic requirements: the s ys tem must be provided with a sufficient number of ci rcuit-breakers or other correctl y-located disconnecting devices adequate for the duty which may be i mposed upon them; ea ch of these devi ces must have controlling means which, being a ble to recognise abnormal conditions, will cause the a ppropriate, a nd only the a ppropriate, disconnecting devices to function, a nd thereby remove the a bnormal condi tions.


Methods of discrimination a. Discrimination by time: In thi s the basic i dea is to add ti me lag features to the controlling relays of a number of ci rcuit-breakers i n the power system so that the breaker or brea kers nearest to a fault on the system always trips fi rst.

(b) Discrimination by current magnitude: Di s crimination can be obtained by recognising the fact that faults i n different pa rts of a power system will ca use fault currents of different magnitude on a ccount of the differing i mpedances between the source and the points of fault.


3x 2A

k e CHWP -1 : 7 5 k W k e CHWP -2 : 7 5 k W k e CWP -1 : 7 5 k W k e CWP -2 : 7 5 k W k e CT-1 : 1 5 k W k e CT-2 : 1 5 k W

175 A 175 A 175 A 50 A 50 A

800 A A

3x 2A

175 A 175 A

k e CHWP -3 : 7 5 k W k e CWP -3 : 7 5 k W k e CT-3 : 1 5 k W

400 A A

50 A


Capacitor Bank
Pa n e l 2 0 k V 2 0 k V/4 00 V 4 M VA
el ect r i cal y l i t er l n ocki ng

3x 2A

1 3 0 0 k VAR 1 2 s te p A

1000 A PP-E WCCH

k e WCCH-1 : 4 6 4 ,1 k W

1250 A 1000 A

3x 2A

1000 A A

k e WCCH-2 : 4 6 4 ,1 k W

630 A 160 A 250 A SDP-AHU 90 A 250 A

3x 2A


d a ri m e te r PL N N2XSY


6300 A

k e P P -AHU 1 .1 : 3 0 k W k e P P -AHU 1 .3 : 1 8 ,5 k W k e P P -AHU 2 .1 : 3 0 k W k e P P -AHU 2 .3 : 3 0 k W k e P P -AHU 3 .1 : 3 0 k W k e P P -AHU 3 .3 : 3 0 k W

90 A 90 A 90 A 90 A 90 A

Pa n e l Ge n se t

A V kW F k Wh

ATS 4000 A

800 A A

1 2 5 0 k VA AM F



1 2 5 0 k VA

1250 A 500 A 630 A 630 A 800 A

3x 2A

2000 A V A

SDP-E AHU 90 A 63 A 90 A 63 A k e P P -AHU 2 .4 : 1 8 ,5 k W 90 A 90 A A 75 A k e P P -AHU 3 .2 : 3 0 k W k e P P -AHU 3 .4 : 3 0 k W k e P P -AHU 3 .5 : 2 2 k W k e P P -AHU 1 .2 : 3 0 k W k e P P -AHU 1 .4 : 1 8 ,5 k W k e P P -AHU 2 .2 : 3 0 k W


4000 A



2000 A 800 A kW V A F k Wh V A 80 A

400 A

3x 2A

3x 2A

3x 2A

3x 2A

160 A A SDP-E1
3x 2A

160 A A SDP-E2
3x 2A

160 A A SDP-E3
3x 2A

160 A A

700 A A A

700 A A

700 A

(c) Discrimination by time and direction: If the current coil of a wattmeter is ca rryi ng the current in a ci rcuit a nd i ts vol tage coil is a cross the voltage of tha t ci rcuit, the instrument will deflect i n one or other direction according to the di rection of power fl ow i n the ci rcuit. This will provi de a discriminative fea ture i f contacts a re added to the wattmeter, thereby making i t a directional rel ay; the contacts being used to permit or to i nhibit the operation of a nother relay, which i s not inherently directional. This second relay usually operates after a ti me l ag, so that the combination of the directional element a nd this second relay offers discrimination by ti me a nd direction.


Fi g. 2.1.1B Non-directional time-graded protection applied to a ring main system

Fi g. 2.1.1C Combined directional and non-directional time-graded protection applied to a ring main system

d. Discrimination by distance measurement: In the ca se of ti me discrimination i t is seen that faults near to the s ource, which a re the more severe, a re held on the s ystem for relatively l ong periods. The required measurement of distance is achieved i n practice in various wa ys , which will be dealt with i n detail i n later chapters, but all these rely on the fa ct that the l ength of a ci rcuit for a given conductor diameter a nd spacing determines its impedance. Therefore the relays measure an i mpedance directly rel ated to that between the ci rcuit-breaker location and the fault

e. Time as an addition to current magnitude or distance discrimination


f. Current balance methods:

(g) Opposed voltage protection (h) Phase-comparison method (i) Distance protection with signalling channel

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