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SKEMA JAWAPAN KERTAS 3 PARWAH SPM KIMIA Nombor Rubrik Jawapan Soalan Eksperimen/ Pemerhatian/Observation 1(a)

Experiments I Iron wool burns brightly and vigorously. Brown solid are formed Wul Besi terbakar dengan terang dan cergas. Pepejal perang terhasil Iron wool glows brightly and less vigorously Brown solid formed Wul besi membara dengan terang dan kurang cergas Pepejal perang terhasil Iron wool glows dimly.Brown solid formed. Wul besi membara dengan perlahan-lahan. Pepejal perang terhasil

Skor maksima 3




[able to state all the three variables correctly ] Eg. (i) Manipulated variable: Types of halogens (ii) Responding variable : Reactivity of the reaction/Glow of iron wool (iii) Controlled variable : Quantity of iron wool [able to state any two of the variables correctly] [able to state any one of the variables correctly] [no response or wrong response]

2 1 0

(b) [able to state the relationship between the manipulated variable and the responding variable accurately] Eg. The reactivity of the halogens in Group 17 decreases down the group.// The higher the position of halogens in Group 17, the higher is the reactivity // The lower the position of halogens in Group 17, the lower is the reactivity [able to state the relationship between the manipulated variable and the responding variable inaccurately] Eg. The higher the reactivity of the halogens, the higher the position of halogens in Group 17. [able to express idea about hypothesis] Eg. The reactivity of the halogens in Group 17 changes down the group.// The position of halogens in Group 17 affects its reactivity [no response or wrong response] (c) [able to arrange the three elements in ascending order of reactivity towards iron] 3 Eg. Iodine, bromine , chlorine [able to arrange two elements correctly] 1 0 2 3



2 [able to arrange the 3 elements but in ascending order] 1 Chlorine, bromine, iodine [no response or wrong response] (d) [able to predict the reactivity of S accurately] Eg. Least reactive and it will only glow faintly with hot iron wool. A brown solid is formed. [Incomplete predicted observation] Eg. Least reactive. It will only glow faintly with hot iron wool. / A brown solid is formed. [able to give idea about reaction of S with hot iron] Eg. Any one of the above observation in score 3. [no response or wrong response] 2 (a) Able to record the initial and final burette readings correctly and accurately ( with 2 decimal points ), with correct unit and the correct volume of acid used 3 Answers : Initial burette reading = 7.70 cm3 Final burette reading = 32.40 cm3 Volume of acid used = 32.40 -7.70 = 24.70 cm3 Able to record the initial and final burette readings correctly with correct unit but with 1 decimal point and correct volume of acid used with correct unit. Or Able to record the initial and final burette readings correctly and accurately ( with 2 decimal points ) and correct volume of acid used but with no unit. Answers : Initial burette reading = 7.7 cm3 Final burette reading = 32.4 cm3 Volume of acid used = 32.4 -7.7 = 24.7 cm3 Or Initial burette reading = 7.70 Final burette reading = 32.40 Volume of acid used = 32.40 -7.70 = 24.70 Able to record any one of the initial or final burette readings with 2 decimal points and correct unit. Or Correct volume of acid used Initial burette reading = 7.70 cm3 or Final burette reading = 32.40 cm3 or Volume of acid used = 32.40 -7.70 = 24.70 cm3

2 1 0




No response // wrong response 2(b) Able to construct a table which contain 4 of the following : 1. Titration No. / Experiment No. 2. Initial Burette readings (with unit) 3. Final Burette readings (with unit) 4. Volume of acid required (with unit) *data ecf from 2(a) Titration Final burette reading (cm3) Initial burette reading (cm3) Volume of acid used (cm3) Average volume of acid used (cm3) 1 2 3

Same as score 3 except without units or item 1 Able to have the idea of constructing a table with 2 columns and two rows // wrong units for volume

2 1

No response // wrong response 2(c) Steps and answer correct with appropriate unit Suggested Answer : H2SO4 + Ba(OH)2 BaSO4 + 2H2O MA MB = 1.0 VA = 24.60 VB = 25.0 (average) MA V A = 1 MA = 1.02 mol dm-3 MB V B 1 Steps and answer correct but with no or wrong unit Correct answer with appropriate unit No response // wrong response 2 (d) Able to state the volume of hydrochloric acid used correctly and with correct unit. Answer : 49.20 cm3 // twice the volume of sulphuric acid used// 24.60 x 2 cm 3

0 3

2 1 0

3 Able to state the volume of hydrochloric acid used correctly but with no unit Answers : 49.20 // 24.60 x 2 2
4541/3 SULIT



Able to state that the volume of hydrochloric acid used is more than 24.60 cm 3 or more than the volume of sulphuric acid used No response // wrong response 2(e) Able to classify the acids given into strong acids and weak acids correctly in table form : 1. showing the 2 category of acids 2. classifying the acids correctly Strong acid Weak acid Sulphuric acid Ethanoic acid Nitric acid Phosphoric acid Able to classify the acids given into strong acids and weak acids correctly for any 3 of the acids given correctly Or Able to classify without giving the title of the classification Or Classifying without using table Able to classify the acids given into strong acids and weak acids correctly for any 2 of the acids given correctly Or Able to show the title of classification No response // wrong response 2(f) Able to explain accurately the purpose of using phenolphthalein in this experiment 3 Answer : To determine the end point / neutral point of the titration and to determine the volume of acid required Able to explain less accurately the purpose of using phenolphthalein in this experiment Answer : To determine the volume of acid required 3 1 0





Able to explain vaguely the purpose of using phenolphthalein in this experiment 1 Answer : As an acid-base indicator Or To see the colour change No response // wrong response 0

NO. 2(a)




MARK SCHEME Able to state the problem statement of the experiment correctly How to differentiate the chemical properties between hexane and hexane Able to state observation less correctly How to differentiate hexane and hexane Able to give an idea of the problem statement of the experiment To differentiate chemical properties of hexane and hexane Able to state the relationship between the manipulated variable and the responding variable and state the direction Hexene will change brown bromine water /purple acidified potassium manganate(VII) to colourless but hexane will not /Alkene will change brown bromine water/ purple acidified potassium manganate(VII) to colourless but not alkane Able to state the relationship between the manipulated variable and the responding variable less correctly Hexene will change brown bromine water/purple acidified potassium manganate(VII) Alkene wll change brown bromine water //purple acidified potassium manganate(VII) Able to state the idea of hypothesis Hexane and Hexene will show different chemical properties Able to state the 3 variables correctly Manipulated variable Hexane and Hexene/ Alkane and Alkene Responding variable Changes in colour of bromine water/acidified potassium manganate(VII) Constant variable Bromine water/ acidified potassium manganate(VII) Able to state any 2 variables Able to state any 1 variable or idea of 1 variable Able to give list of complete substances (3) and apparatus (2) Substances Hexane, Hexene,Bromine Water/Acidified potassium manganate(VII) Apparatus Test tubes, Droppers,//Measuring cylinders R: test tube holder * from procedure (diagram), accept 1 substance and 2 apparatus Able to give at least 3 substances and 1 compulsory apparatus Substances Hexane, Hexene, Bromine water/acidified potassium manganate(VII)

3 2 1 3

1 3

2 1 3





Apparatus Test tubes, droppers * from procedure, accept 2 substance and 1 apparatus (diagram) Able to give at least 2 substances and 1 compulsory apparatus Hexene/Hexane, Bromine water, Test tubes 2(e) If do not separate substances and apparatus , automatic give 2 marks Able to list all the steps correctly (1)Fill a test tube, labeled A with 2 cm3 of hexane using measuring cylinder (2)Fill a test tube, labeled B with 2 cm3 of hexane using measuring cylinder (3)Drop a few drops of bromine water into each test tube (4)Shake and observe the colour change if any Able to list down steps 1, 2 and 3 less correctly Able to give an idea 2(f) Type of hydrocarbon Hexane Hexene Hexane Hexene Observation/ Changes in colour of bromine water 1

2 1 2

No response or wrong response or empty table ( no title at all)

(d) Able to list all the materials and apparatus correctly Materials:


0.1 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid / any acid, large marble chips, small marble chips. Apparatus: Apparatus: 100 cm3 measuring cylinder, 150 cm3 conical flask, stopper with delivery tube, basin, burette/gas tube, electronic balance, stopwatch, retort stand. Able to list minimum materials and apparatus to do the experiment. Materials: hydrochloric acid, large marble chips, small marble chips. Apparatus: Apparatus: measuring cylinder, conical flask, stopper with delivery tube, basin, burette, electronic balance. Able to list any main materials and apparatus. Materials: hydrochloric acid/ marble chips Apparatus: Apparatus: conical flask/ stopper with delivery tube/ burette/ electronic balance. (e)

No or wrong response Able to state experiment procedures completely.

0 3



Suggested answer 1. A burette is filled with water until it is full. It is then inverted over water in a basin and clamped vertically using a retort stand. 2. The water level in the burette is adjusted and the initial burette reading is recorded. 3. 40 cm3 0.1 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid is measured using a measuring cylinder and poured into a conical flask. 4. 2 g of large marble chips is weighed using an electronic balance and added to the acid in the conical flask. The conical flask is closed immediately with a stopper fitted with a delivery tube. At the same time, a stop-watch is started. 5. The carbon dioxide gas released is collected in the burette by downward displacement of water. 6. The conical flask is shaken slowly throughout the whole experiment. 7. The volume of gas collected in the burette is recorded at regular intervals of 30 seconds until no more gas is liberated. 8. Steps 1 to 7 are repeated using 2 g of small marble chips to replace 2 g of large marble chips. All the other conditions remain unchanged. Able to list minimum functional procedure of the experiment Suggested answer Procedure 1,2,3,4 and 7 Able to give some ideas or the procedure of the experiment Suggested answer Procedure 2,3 and 4 No or wrong response (f) Able to construct a table with suitable title and with correct unit. Suggested answer Using large marble chips: Time / min 0 Burette reading / cm3 Volume of carbon dioxide liberated / cm3 (second can be accepted) Using small marble chips: Time / min Burette reading / cm3 Volume of carbon dioxide liberated / cm3 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 2

0 3








Able to a construct table with title but without unit. Able to have idea of constructing a table with 2 columns and 2 rows. No or wrong response (possible marks 18, max marks 17)

2 1 0


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