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FASHION HISTORY Quiz II Review Chapter 5-6 Middle Ages 300-1500 Byzantine Empire/ Eastern Roman Empire developed

on base of Greek culture and Roman law. 1. What elements of dress were combined in Byzantine styles? 2. How did The Byzantine Empire influence European styles? 3. What characteristics of dress would define class distinctions in the 10th and 11th century? *New religion Christianity 4. How did the Crusades influence Medieval Europe? (Hint 3Fs) 5. What are the 4 conditions essential for the development of fashion? *How were these exhibited in the Middle Ages? 6. What type of dress was an influence of the Barbarians? *What themes does this influence show? 7. What was the traditional dress of queens in the 14th century? 8. What are the defining looks of the garments from the Early to Later Middle Ages? Recognize the styles and chronology. (Use your visual summaries to study) You will be asked to place them in order. Be familiar with the following vocabulary words ~ define and recognize them: Early Middle Ages Barbette Bliaut How was this fit to the body? Braies Chemise Clavi Coif Cote Cornette /Liripipe Fillet Fitchets Garnache Hauberk/Byrnie Herigaut / Gardcors / Gardecorps Hose Leg wrapping Paludamentum Surcote (What is it and what is the relationship to the cote?)

Tablion Wimple Late Middle Ages Chaperon (Cornette/liripipe are related words) Codpiece Corset Cote Cote-hardie Crakows/Poulaine Dagging Gown Hennin Houppelande Jacket Mi-parti/parti-colored What does this look like and who might wear it? Pattens Placard/Plastron Points what were they and what was their function Pourpoint/Doublet/Gipon (know the characteristics of this item also) Roc Shift/Smock (undergarment) Sugarloaf Sometimes 2 different words refer to the same fashion item.

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