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On bracket slot height: A methodologic study

Torstein R. Meling, M D , a Jan ~degaard, BDS, MS, Dr odont, b and Dietmar Seqner, DMD, PhD c

Oslo and Stavanger, Norway, and Hamburg, Germany

Effective bracket slot height is estimated by using a formula that describes the relationship between bracket slot height, wire dimensions, wire edge bevel, and torsional play (third-order clearance). With a torque measuring instrument, the torsional play was estimated for 10 different brackets (0.018-inch stated slot) of the same manufacturer and type. One arch wire with known dimensions and edge bevel was used for all the measurements. With known torsional play, wire dimensions and edge bevel, the bracket slot height could be calculated. This was performed five times for each bracket and the method error for estimation of torsional play for a single measurement was 0.04 ~ corresponding to 0.36 mm in slot height. The brackets tested had a mean slot height of 0.476 _+ 0.003 mm, with a range of 0.470 to 0.481 mm (0.0187 -+ 0.0001 inches, range 0.0185 to 0.0189). The variation in bracket slot height was much greater than the method error. The method used to measure bracket slot height seems to have a high degree of accuracy and is easier to implement than conventional methods. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1998;113:387-93.)

Manufacturers do not declare what method they use when measuring bracket slot height (vertical dimension), or do they state the tolerances of bracket slot dimensions in their product catalogues or on product labels. The exact bracket slot height is difficult to measure. Optical comparators are used to control the tolerances when producing ceramic brackets, and a similar method can be used for metal brackets? Another measurement method is the use of gauge blocks to examine the degree of fit between the bracket slot and the block. These can be delivered in increments of 0.01 mm (Mitutoyo Corp., series 516). The problem with measuring bracket slot height is that its size may vary from the entrance to the middle of the slot in a horizontal direction? It is of interest to orthodontists to have the knowledge about the accuracy of bracket slots, allowing delivery of more correct moments of torque. It is also of interest to get an idea of the accuracy of the various methods used in the production of orthodontic brackets. The purpose of this study is to develop a method whereby effective bracket slot height can be measured more accurately.
This study was supported by Research Forum, Ullevaal Hospital, FUS. aDepartment of Maxillofacial Surgery, Ullevaal Hospital, Oslo, Norway. bVisiting Professor, Department of Orthodontics, University of Hamburg, Germany and in private practice, Stavanger, Norway. CProfessor, Department of Orthodontics, University of Hamburg. Reprint requests to: Dr. Torstein R. Meting, Madlaveien 9B, 4008 Stavanger, Norway. Copyright 9 1998 by the American Association of Orthodontists. 0889-5406/98/$5.00 + 0 8/1/77490


Accurate measurements of bracket slot height have not received much attention, even though close slot tolerances is essential for accurate torsional control. Creekmore 3 quoted bracket tolerances, based on data from Unitek Corporation, for a nominal 0.018-inch bracket being within 0.0182 and 0.0187 inches. In a later article, based on data from 3M/Unitek, Creekmore and Kunik 4 gave a range from 0.0182 to 0.0192 inches, with a midrange value of 0.0187 inches. However, no information was given as to the method used to obtain these data. Meling et al. 2 used a metallurgic method for measuring bracket slot height in stainless steel brackets, preparing cross-sectional cuts through the bracket slot. The slot height could be measured to the nearest 0.01 mm with a Zeiss Axioscope (Care Zeiss) with a traveling stage. It was virtually impossible to achieve any greater accuracy, because placing the internal positioning cross accurately on the slot edge was difficult. Furthermore, the method was very timeconsuming. As the bracket slot tapered slightly from entrance toward the slot base, the effective height will be slightly different for a 0.016 0.016-inch wire than for a 0.018 x 0.025-inch wire. Thus a method to measure the slot height at the actual point of contact between the wire and bracket would be preferable. Odegaard et al. 5 described an instrument to measure the torsional twist with a high degree of exactness. The rotational deflection could be recorded with to the nearest 1/50 ~ Meling et al. 6 presented a new formula that describes the relation387


Meling, r

and Segner

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics April 1998


(h + cos -

2r ]

T 1
Fig. 1. Rectangular arch wire with rounded corners (beveled edges) has been twisted with bracket slot. Angle of twist or play is % and is difference between angles ~ and 13. H = bracket slot height, h = wire height, w = wire width, d = distance between centers of rounding and r = radius of wire rounding. ship b e t w e e n b r a c k e t slot height, wire d i a m e t e r , a n d w i r e e d g e bevel, with r e s p e c t to t o r s i o n a l p l a y (third-order clearance). They demonstrated how d e v i a t i o n s f r o m s t a t e d wire d i m e n s i o n s , e d g e bevel, a n d b r a c k e t slot h e i g h t can s t r o n g l y influence torsional play. 6,7 L a t e r M e l i n g et al. 8 s h o w e d t h a t t h e n e w f o r m u l a , i n c l u d i n g t h e effect o f an e d g e b e v e l o n t h e t o r s i o n a l play, gave a far m o r e a c c u r a t e e s t i m a t e o f t h e t o r s i o n a l play t h a n t h e f o r m u l a p r e v i o u s l y u s e d by o t h e r investigators. MATERIALS AND METHODS Theoretical Considerations In Fig. 1, a rectangular arch wire with rounded corners (beveled edge) has been twisted within a bracket slot. The angle of twist or play is y and is the difference between the angles ~xand 13. The diagonal d is the distance between the centers of rounding, and is given by formula (1). In the two triangles used for calculating a and 13, d is the hypotenuse. We then have the following: d = ~ 2r) 2 + (h 2r) 2 (1)

+ 2r Brackets

Ten brackets of the same lot were obtained through normal supply channels (Ormco, medium twin, standard edgewise 0.018 inch, 0~torque and angulation). Test Wire A rectangular Dentaurum 0.018 x 0.025-inch Spring Hard stainless steel wire commonly used in the 0.018-inch edgewise technique was used as test wire. This wire was chosen on the basis of previous findings regarding its crosssectional accuracy and stability.7,s Major emphasis was put on the amount of an edge bevel and its standard deviation. Initially, one wire length was randomly chosen from the tube and its dimensions measured on 10 different segments. The dimensions were measured to the nearest 0.0001 mm with a digital micrometer (model 293-521) accurate to -+llxm (Mitutoyo Corp., Tokyo, Japan). Subsequently, two pieces, 5 cm in length, were cut from this wire length as test pieces. For measurement of an edge bevel, 10 pieces, 1 cm in length, cut from various places on the initial wire length were placed on a wax plate in a vertical position and were embedded in cold cure acrylic. The specimens were prepared by using standard metallurgical methods to obtain a cross-sectional cut perpendicular to their long axis and magnified x720 under a metallurgical microscope. The radius of corner rounding was measured for all four corners, and the arithmetic mean used in the subsequent calculations. The method for measuring an edge bevel seems both valid and has a low intraindividual and interindividual error. The intraindividual method error, based on 120 double measurements, was 2.9 Ixm, an average of 4% of the mean result. The interindividual method error, based on 80 double measurements, was 2.0 Ixm, an average of 3% of the mean result. 7 Test Method The brackets were tested in a previously described torque measuring instrument with an interbracket distance of 4 ram. 5 The principle of the instrument design (Fig. 2,A) is that the test piece is held in position by three brackets. The center bracket (A) is stationary, mounted on a pedestal. Two supporting brackets (B) aligned with the center bracket, are fixed to a crossbar (C) that can rotate around its long axis. When mounted, the bracket slots are oriented such that an orthodontic wire passing through the brackets will have its central axis coinciding with the central axis of the crossbar. Torque is applied to the crossbar by adding weights to a basket attached to a pulley (E) fixed to the crossbar. Weights are added to increments corresponding to in-

where w is wire width and h is wire height, while r is the radius of rounding. The angle y can then be found by the following formula: H y = arcsin ~ 2r h arcsin ~ 2r (2)

When the angle of play, wire height, width, and edge bevel are known, the bracket slot height H can be calculated. Solving the equation for H, we then have the following:

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Volume 113, No. 4

Meling, Odegaard, and Segner 389






Laser dot ~ \\
\ \

6 mm.


Fig. 2. A, Schematic diagram of test apparatus. B, Position of testing apparatus inside measuring scale. Distance from axis-center to millimeter grid paper on inside of arc is 716 mm.

creases in applied torque of 5.0 Nmm, up to a maximum of 30 Nmm. Onto the ends of the crossbar are mounted two mirrors (F) that rotate with the crossbar. The degree of torsional twist can be measured with laser lamps (G) projecting thin beams of light through the mirrors onto a measuring scale (Fig. 2, B). The scale is a full half arc of a circle, and its inside is covered with millimeter paper, constituting the scale. The long axis of the crossbar coincides with the center of the measuring scale. The scale can be read accurately to 1/50~. The instrument has been tested for method error in a very comprehensive manner. The overall method error for the torsional measurements, based on 400 double measurements at 10 Nmm, was 0.106~ 5 The method error for Dentaurum Hard 0.018 0.025-inch wires was 0.054~ A t test for systematic error between the first and the second measurements indicated that no permanent deformation of the wires or brackets occurred during the experiment (t = 0.02). Torsional play can be estimated in two different ways.

We can fit a linear regression line to the linear portion of the torque-twist curves. The interception of this line with the abscissa represents the amount of torsional play between wire and bracket going from a central position to one extreme. If the bracket slot height, wire dimensions, and wire edge bevel are known, we can also calculate the torsional play by using the formula. We have previously demonstrated that there is no statistically significant difference between the estimate of torsional play using the linear regression method when compared with the method using the formula if the bracket slot height is known, s'9 A regression analysis has revealed a correlation factor of r = 0.99 between the two estimates. Thus the formula is apparently both valid and reasonably accurate. The two supporting brackets (Ormco standard edgewise, different from a test lot) were not changed during the entire testing. To estimate the contribution of the side brackets to the total torsional play, one of the test pieces was used. Its height and width were measured 10 times at two different places, corresponding to the areas where side bracket-wire interaction take place. The difference


Meling, r

a n d Segner

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics April 1998

Table I. M e a s u r e m e n t s o f b r a c k e t slot h e i g h t s . T e n O r m c o 0 . 0 1 8 - i n c h b r a c k e t s w e r e t e s t e d five times. T h e t o r s i o n a l p l a y w a s

c a l c u l a t e d b y fitting a r e g r e s s i o n line to t h e l i n e a r p o r t i o n o f t h e t o r q u e - t w i s t d i a g r a m a n d f i n d i n g its i n t e r c e p t w i t h t h e twist-axis. T h e slot h e i g h t w a s e s t i m a t e d u s i n g t h e f o r m u l a p r e s e n t e d

Torsional play in degrees Bracket

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Calculated slot height in mm Mean SD

0.4704 0.4775 0.4749 0.4778 0.4768 0.4810 0.4798 0.4724 0.4747 0.4753 0.0005 0.0003 0.0003 0.0004 0.0008 0.0004 0.0003 0.0002 0.0003 0.0005

Calculated slot height in inches Mean SD

0.01852 0.01880 0.01870 0.01881 0.01877 0.01894 0.01889 0.01860 0.01869 0.01871 0.00002 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00003 0.00002 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Mean SD
1.09 2.68 2.40 2.71 2.60 3.06 2.93 2.13 2.38 2.44 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.09 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.05

between the two segments was later subjected to a statistical analysis. The mean dimensions were used in the subsequent analysis. The test piece was then ligated in the center bracket and embedded with light-cure composite to firmly secure its position in the bracket slot. Torque was applied and the torsional play calculated with the linear regression method, based on torque-twist diagrams. To negate the effect of slight incorrectness in side bracket orientation, the center bracket with the wire was rotated 180~ and the wire loaded again. The mean of these two estimates was used in the subsequent analysis. Testing in this manner was carried out 10 separate times and the mean torsional play present in the two side brackets calculated. The brackets to be tested were attached to the central pedestal. Cold cure acrylic was used to bond the brackets. The interbracket distance was checked for each bracket with a fixed gauge and kept at 4 mm. The second test wire was used for measurement of slot height. Its dimensions were measured 10 times at three different places, namely, where bracket-wire interactions take place. The difference among the three segments was later subjected to a statistical analysis. The arithmetic mean was subsequently used in all the calculations. Torque was then applied and the torsional play estimated. Again, to negate the effect of slight incorrectness in bracket orientation, each bracket was tested in one position, rotated 180 ~, and loaded again. To estimate the accuracy, this procedure was carried out five times for each bracket. The mean torsional play for each bracket was used in the subsequent calculation. To estimate the torsional play present solely in the center bracket, the mean estimated play in the side brackets was subtracted from the total play. In this context, play is defined as the angular rotation of the wire from its passive position (wire cross-section parallel to slot wails) to the position where two diagonal corners make contact to the opposing slot walls.

Statistical Analysis
The method error was estimated from double measurements of 10 brackets with the Dahlberg formula. 1~ The total torsional play for each bracket was estimated five times, and the results submitted to analysis of variance for repeated measurements.

T h e original wire length used had a height o f 0.453 +_ 0.0004 mm, a width of 0.638 ___ 0.0007 mm, and an edge bevel radius of 0.046 ___ 0.0027 mm. T h e test piece used for estimating torsional play in the side brackets was not significantly different from the test piece used for measuring the total torsional play. The latter had dimensions H = 0.452 _+ 0.0005 and W -0.638 ___0.0004 for center bracket contact. To calculate the slot height, the following values were therefore used: height 0.452 mm, width 0.638 mm, and edge bevel 0.046 mm. T h e estimated torsional play in the side brackets was 4.55 ~ ___ 0.05 ~ This corresponds to a slot height of 0.495 m m in the side brackets, with the formula described in e q u a t i o n (3). T h e estimated bracket slot heights are given in Table I and presented graphically in Fig. 3. T h e m e t h o d error for estimating the torsional play with the D a h l b e r g f o r m u l a was 0.04 ~ Because the m e a n of five different m e a s u r e m e n t s were used in the subsequent analysis, the m e a n ' s actual m e t h o d error will be the calculated m e t h o d error divided by ~/5.11 Fig. 4 d e m o n s t r a t e s the relationship between angle o f torsional play and bracket slot height, based o n the cross-sectional dimensions o f the wire used in this experiment. T h e relationships based on the worst possible combinations in b o t h direction ( M e a n + 2 SD for height and width and - 2 SD for

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Meting. ~)degaard, and Segner 391

Volume 113, No. 4

0.482 E E 0.48O 0.478 "~ 0.476


0.01898 0.01890 0.01882 0.01874 0.01866 0.01858 0.01850 0.01842

o ~~ o ~-

0.472 o 0.470 0.468

3" 5"





Fig. 3. Bracket slot measurements. Mean width __+1 SD.

B r a c k e t Slot Height
0.500 E E 1"t-

0.0197 0.0195 0.0193 0.0191 6O 0.0189 0.0187 0.0185 0.0183 0.0181 0.0179 0,0177 r

0.495 0.490 0.485 0.480 0.475 0.470 0.465 0.460




0.458 0.450












Angle of Torsional Play in degrees Fig. 4. Relationship between angle of torsional play and bracket slot height, based on mean cross-sectional dimensions of wire used in this experiment. This relationship based on worst possible combinations in both direction (Mean +2 SD for height and width and -2 SD for edge bevel, or Mean -2 SD for height and width and +2 SD for edge bevel) have also been plotted.

edge bevel, or Mean -2 SD for height and width and +2 SD for edge bevel) have also been plotted. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) demonstrated a significant difference between the brackets (F = 312 for D F 9,40). T h e A N O V A for repeated measurements revealed no differences among the five test series.

Modern orthodontic technique often uses pretorqued brackets. Debates have arisen on the correct torque angle, and orthodontists may discuss variation in torqued slots of a few degrees. This can

be correct from a theoretical point of view, but if such fine differences are to make sense, it is important that manufacturers give additional information about their products to allow the orthodontist to make correction for deviation from nominal values. This raises the important question of quality control. Brackets are denoted in 1/1000 inch, but deviations from stated values are not given. Manufacturers do not state their tolerances for brackets with respect to slot height in their product catalogues or on the product labels, the word being that they usually are within + 0.0007 inches of the nominal value. This is in agreement with the values given


Meling, Odegaard, and Segner

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

April 1998
Difference between rounded and flat corners

Wire dimensions = 0.452 x 0 . 6 3 8 ram, radius = 0 . 0 4 6 ram.

"~Rounded corners 1




. . . . . Flat corners - - -Sharp corners

/ J



E E 0.50 .E E: o} 0.49 u~ 0.48 m 0.47

/ .............0 . 6 / /
5" F; 3


/ / / /-

........... t 0.4



.............0 . 2
..... Difference between rounded and flat edge bevel
- 0.0

0.46 I 0,45 0 1 2 I

Torsional play in degrees

Fig. 5. Figure shows difference between circular and octagonal cross-section for given radius, r. At 7 ~ of torsional play, corresponding to bracket slot height of 0.516 mm, difference between two estimates is 0.7 txm.

by Creekmore, 3 whereas the values given in a later article by the same author 4 indicate larger tolerances. Orthodontic wires show deviations from the stated values. 7 This investigation reveals that variation also exists in bracket slot dimensions. 1 We have previously demonstrated the effect of deviations in bracket slot height on the torsional play. 6 As an example, consider a 0.016 x 0.022-inch wire with dimensions as stated and perfectly sharp corners. The torsional play that has to be negated will be the play from a central position to one extreme in two brackets when applying torque to a tooth. The torsional play will increase from 10.8 ~ to 16.6 ~, or almost 54%, if the bracket slot height is 0.019 inches and not the stated 0.018 inches. If the wire has the mean height, width, and edge bevel dimensions formerly reported, 7 the increase in play will be from 13.6 ~ to 20.8 ~. In a previous investigation, Meling et al. 2 noted

that the brackets used had bracket slots that were too high. They showed that Ormco medium standard edgewise 0.018-inch brackets had a bracket slot height of 0.475 mm (0.0187 inches) at a distance of 0.03 mm from the slot base. Furthermore, a slight taper of 1.85 ~ was observed. The estimated bracket slot in this investigation was 0.476 _+ 0.0032 mm (0.0187 _+ 0.00013 inches). There is some intrasample variation in bracket slot height, the range being 0.470 to 0.481 mm (0.0185 to 0.0189 inches). This corresponds to a variation in the torsional play of 1 ~ for a 0.018 0.025-inch wire and would be even higher for a 0.016 0.022-inch wire. This investigation does not give any indication about the variation that may exist among manufacturers or among production lots. It might be assumed that this variation in bracket slot height is higher, especially between different manufacturers and product lines. The method error was 0.36 Ixm. The coefficient

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Volume 113, No. 4

Meling, Odegaard, and Segner


of reliability 12 was 0.974, indicating that the method error in relation to the variability is small. Fig. 4 shows that 0.1 ~ of change in torsional play corresponds to 0.9 Ixm change in slot height. As the method error was less than 0.1 ~ it follows that the bracket slot height can be calculated with a high degree of accuracy. If we combine the worst possible combinations (2 SD of wire height, width, and edge bevel), the expected deviation around the m e a n calculated slot height would be only ___0.002 m m at 2.5 ~ of torsional play, which is similar to the results achievable with electronic micrometers for measurements of wire diameters. The formula assumes the edge bevel to be a perfectly circular section (90 ~ of an arch). We have previously shown that this is not always the case. 5 The other extreme would be an octagonal crosssection, or "fiat bevel." The actual edge bevel is probably somewhere in between these two extremes, but slight deviation from a perfectly circular section will not substantially alter the calculations (Fig. 5). The method does not directly address the effect of a slot taper. The calculated slot height obtained by this method is an estimate of the effective slot height. As the latter are a combination of bracket slot height and slot taper, it is indirectly taken into account. This article establishes a method for estimating bracket slot heights, and the measurements can be repeated without any significant difference between series of measurements. Lastly, the method seems valid. Subsequent investigations will evaluate differences between production batches, production methods, and manufacturers.

slot height can be estimated to a high degree of accuracy, if the other factors are known. 2. Because bracket slots have a slight tapering toward the base, 2 the effective slot height will be slightly different for a 0.016 0.016-inch wire than for a 0.018 0.025-inch wire. The method measures the slot height at the point where the wire actually makes contact with the bracket, which seems preferable. 3. The measured brackets had a slot height of 0.476 mm (range of 0.470 to 0.481) or 0.0187 inches (range 0.0185 to 0.0189). This range is outside the one most commonly quoted for this type of bracket. 4. Better information from the manufacturers concerning deviations from stated values is a prerequisite for correct force applications. The assistance of Mr. Alf Skartveit of the Stavanger Tekn. Fagskole, Norway, in preparing the wire and bracket specimens for cross-sectional photography is greatly appreciated.

1. We have established a novel method to estimate bracket slot height. With a formula describing the relationship between bracket slot height, wire height and width, wire edge bevel, and torsional play (third-order clearance), the effective bracket

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