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Mysterious AustrAliA

Vol. 3, Issue No 7

JULY, 2013


Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.


By Rex Gilroy. Copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

xtending from Australia to the Americas, are to be found remains of a lost civilisation whose remains are often located beneath those of later peoples from the Americas. This mystery civilisation and the race responsible for it has, however, left behind it a trail of evidence that leads to Australia as its epicentre. As previous newsletter articles of mine have shown the earliest remains of the megalithic culture, the first known to mankind, are to be found here in Australia, pre-dating anything similar in the Old World by over 80,000 and more years, the builders were descendants of the first anatomically modern humans, themselves descended from Australian Homo erectus by at least 300-350,000 years ago. Fossil evidence, in the form of skulls and other remains demonstrate this pre-African modern human evolution, just as the earliest, crudest megalithic structures in Australia, far pre-date those later Stonehenge structures found from Asia to Europe. Aboriginal traditions speak of this megalithic people as being white, or pale-skinned culture-heroes whom the tribespeople encountered upon their arrivals from South-east Asia around 65,000 years ago. The builders of the first civilisation came to call themselves the Uru. They were not to only develop the earliest written script which survives upon rock today, but also an advanced Stone-Age astronomy associated with an agricultural science. They would eventually develop a hang-glider but also crude hot air balloon technology, and also the construction of ocean-going sailed watercraft. Before the rising of the oceans towards the close of the last Ice-Age, Australia-New Guinea were joined by a continuous land shelf to mainland Asia [now island South-east Asia] and an extension of this mighty bridge of land extended from New Guinea through the Solomons and other island lands hereabouts to New Zealand, itself then a single landmass long before the flooding of what is today Cook Strait. The Uru settled this land shelf and adjoining New Zealand, building an extension of their megalithic civilisation which would in time extend further westward across the Pacific. Early migrations of Homo sapiens had, in Pleistocene times, walked over this land shelf to establish themselves as far southward as what is now New Zealand, and it would be through them that later racememories of the submergence of this great land shelf would be passed down to later, Melanesian and Polynesian occupants of the surviving island chains. Through the fieldwork of the Gilroys, it is now a certainty that bands of Homo erectus migrated over the former New Guinea-New Zealand land shelf to establish themselves in New Zealand. We have, over repeated searches there since 1980, uncovered not only crude Homo erectus stone tools dating back at least 500,000 years BP [Before Present] but also fossil feet impressions and skull-types clearly showing a Homo erectus into Homo sapiens evolution occurred there. The Uru of Australia would be witness to the rising of the ocean, which saw the gradual sinking of the land shelf and traditions of this great event would be passed down to the later arrivals who colonised the surviving islands by ocean voyages. These tales spoke of the Lost Land of Wainga-roa, the name by which the Polynesian Maori knew it after they occupied New Zealand, slaughtering the previous inhabitants! These traditions speak of a land occupied by pyramids, massive megalithic stone circles, great open-air temples and astronomically aligned stone alignments and other structures, all associated with Sun and Moon worship. All this, say the legends, was the work of a great white race of stone builders called the Uru. In Australia the Uru had developed a complex religious pantheon. Their supreme being was called Ay-I, who with the Earth-Mother Goddess, Nif, fathered two children, Nim, the Sun-God and Ara, the Moon-Goddess. These deities followed the trails of megaliths into the Old World under a variety of other evolving names, just as was the case in the Urus crossing of the Pacific, eventually to the Americas, where they would introduce their culture to the as yet primitive, pre-cultured Amerindian peoples. Old Moriori and Maori legends of the Wainga-roans [ie Uruan] tell of great megalithic cities and settlements established amid a land of mountains and forestlands, also inhabited by giant animals [ie megafauna]. All this was lost as Wainga-roa began to sink beneath the ocean, forcing the inhabitants to higher [New Zealand] ground or to take to the ocean in search of other lands, even to return to Australia. In the course of our repeated field trips to New Zealand, Heather and I have uncovered ancient Uruan megalithic sites containing their unmistakable rock script, which also make reference to their deities, Ay-I, Nif, Nim and Ara, names which would change with the developing dialects found today across the Pacific Islands to the Americas. This, in a nutshell is the basic account of the rise of the Uru and the Lost Land of Wainga-roa, which is the subject of a recently-completed book of the Gilroys now awaiting publication. 2

Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.

Let us now turn to the influence of old Uru upon the peoples of the Pacific Islands and ancient Amerindian cultures ***** Megalithic remains of the Uru occur upon widely-scattered islands of the Pacific, and many of these sites have been literally built over by later Amerindian peoples sailing form Middle and South America in migratory movements that would carry them to New Zealand, Australia and even as far as island South-east Asia! Mystery surrounds the culture of Easer Island, which is rich in Uru sounding names. It is very likely that Uruan migrants spent time here en-route to the Americas, where they introduced their stone building techniques, which in a more refined state developed by the South American cultures they gave rise to, would eventually be introduced by Uru-inspired Amerindians to Easter Island. Much has been written by researchers concerning the Indus Valleys script similarities of the Easter Island writing. There are undoubted similarities, and these are even found in South American sites. However, the script has turned up in New Zealand and parallels far older examples of the Uruan mother script found across Australia, far pre-dating the Indus Valley culture of a few thousand years ago! Similar comparisons can be made between the ear-lengthening practices of the priestly castes of the ancient Indus and Indo-Aryan priesthoods going back 5,000 years, with those of Easter Island and Peru, for in Australia this practice has been identified with the Uru solar-worship priestly castes and rulers via rock script translations and also stone images far pre-dating this practice in either the Old or New World civilisations. Ancient myths and legends from Easter Island and elsewhere among the Pacific Islanders to the former civilisations of Mexico and Peru, speak of the First Race that came among their ancestors long ago, introducing culture and civilisation to their primitive forefathers. An old Easter Island legends says that this First Race were survivors of the first race on our planet [ie the first culture]. They were described as fair skinned Gods. These Gods [as described elsewhere throughout the Pacific Islanders traditions] came from the centre of the world, a great land of the sun situated in the west. Obviously A ustralia is meant here, for it surplanted lost Wainga-roa after the great post-Glaciation submergence of 12,000-15,000 years ago. The Easter Islanders called their home the Navel of the World which is similar to Centre of the World. The inhabitants of Lake Titicaca on the Andean plateau called an island in that lake the Island of the Sun, which the Inca said, played a crucial role in the legends concerning the origin of their civilisation. A great White God, Viracocha [being symbolic of an entire people] once came among the precultured natives and gave them their culture. These white gods came from the Great Land to the West, the Lost Paradise, a great island of the sun where a great red rock marked the centre of the world! The Swastika, ancient symbol of the white race and a Sun-worship symbol of immense antiquity, is found in its earliest representations with Uruan monuments in Australia dating back to the birth of picturewriting. It followed the migrations of the Uruan megalithic culture to Asia and the Old World, just as it did to the Americas. It exists in Uruan New Zealand rock inscriptions and would surely have existed in Wainga-roa. In Uruan mythology the four points of the Swastika symbolise the yearly four seasons ruled by the Sun-God, Nim. One very early myth of the Incas concerning their origin was that their ancestors were born on a great island in the west, where the Sun emerged from out of the The Sacred Rock, or Sacred Red Rock that marked the centre of their paradise land. How could they have known of Ayres Rocks [called Uluru ie People of Uru by the Australian Aborigines] unless they had once sailed to and spent time exploring the Australian continent? The Uru were crude monument builders in Australia, but in the course of time and their oceanic migrations, during which they settled island South-east Asia and the Pacific islands, they improved their artworks to a high degree and mastered the dressing of stones, leaving behind them many megalithic wonders upon lonely islands. By the time they had colonised Peru they were able to teach advanced megalithic construction techniques to the primitive Amerindians, and not only in Peru! As the late Thor Heyerdahl points out in his monumental book American Indians in the Pacific traditions say that the leader of the Viracocha people, Con ticci Viracocha, organised a great fleet of giant-size sailed balsa wood rafts for his people and abandoned Peru, and also Ecuador which they had also colonised, to sail off into the Pacific Ocean westward, to return to the paradise land from whence they had come, never to return. The great paradise land to the west was known as Culhuacan, or Land of the Serpent, meaning its inhabitants were Snake [ie Sun] worshippers. Eventually the maritime peoples of Middle and South America 3

Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.

would put to sea, in search of their ancestors land of origin, but just how long ago did these Amerindian voyages to Australia take place? The datings for the various cultures gives us some idea when these voyages took place. Beginning with the Olmecs of Middle America, this civilisation flourished on the coastal plain along the Gulf of Mexico from about 1200 BCE to 400 BCE. Next we come to the Mayas, who flourished from around 2000 BCE until 900 AD. From out of northern Mexico there arrived the Aztecs around 1200 AD, conquering central Mexico, only to be conquered by the Spanish under Hernan Cortes in 1519-1521. In South America there was the Tiahuanaco culture which was founded about 800 BCE near Lake Titicaca, only to disappear around 1200 AD. The Chimu arose in Perus north-west coast around 1000 AD. They were conquered by the Incas about 1470 AD. The Incas themselves created a great Andean empire between 1438 and 1532. They in turn would be destroyed by the conquistadores of Franciso Pizarro in the 1530s. These are merely the main maritime cultures of our story for there were others which do not concern us here. At various times the aforementioned cultures put to sea in search of the Lost Paradise of the West. For example, Olmec stone heads have been found in the Marshall Islands and other such heads, carvings and stoneworks have been found in Sumatra. An Olmec-style head was found on the Georges River south of Sydney in 1977 [and re-buried by orders of a local city council acting under directions from a Sydney University official]. Mayan colonising voyages reached Australia via the Peruvian-North American ocean current, which in a wide arc would have carried them, and others across the North Pacific, thence southwards past Papua New Guinea, and Australias east coast as far as Ballina [NSW north coast] from where the current turns to reach the tip of New Zealands North Island, before going on to Easter Island to re-join the Peruvian Current on the South American coast. By this means a Mayan colony, possibly dating to around 250 AD was established at Cooktown which spread to the Atherton Tableland and Cairns district, as Heather and I have found, since discovering this great colony beginning at Cooktown in 2000. Among many important finds made by us in Queenslands far north, is a jungle-covered temple-platform containing overturned deity heads, and a crumbling stepped pyramid; and more recently another similar pyramid has been discovered at another colony site in the vast Wollemi wilderness. Our readers will be familiar with the finds of Chimu and Inca colonisation discovered over the years through our researches. These include examples of Peruvian statuary found at sites on the Queensland mid north coast. The arrivals of ancient seafaring peoples from both the Old and New World civilisations has left many influences upon our Aborigines, and in regard to Amerindian contacts it can be seen that Amerindian explorer-colonists spent considerable time in Australia, time in which many of their beliefs and customs were borrowed by the tribespeople, which although changes would be made over the centuries, the Amerindian influence can still be seen ***** Both the Mayan and Aztec peoples believed that the Gods came from the land of Tula, home of their divine ancestors, otherwise known by the name Uru. Uru is Kura in Easter Island, Ula in Hawaii, Ura in Tahiti and Kura in New Zealand. Everywhere like Uru its variations meant red, golden, light or light-beam. In the Marquesas the fair branch of the local ancestors were specially referred to as Kura referring to sun-burnt white people. In Inca times as in todays Peru, the populace celebrate the Inti-raymi fiesta or Fiesta of the Sun. In Central Australia the Aborigines celebrate a yearly corroboree called the Inti-chima or Corroboree of the Sun. Ancient Peruvian links are obvious Inti was the name of the Sun-God of old Peru. The Uru of Lake Titicaca, a now extinct people who claimed descent from the original Uru, used to say that We are not men, we are Older than men! They once celebrated the Inti-raymi fiesta [or festival] just as the Uru of ancient Australia once celebrated the same festival as the Festival of Nim. It is said to have been celebrated on the land of Wainga-roa before rising seas submerged this Pacific Atlantis. Long before and after the sinking of Wainga-roa, the Uru worshipped the kangaroo as Ga-na, the Protector of the Gods, protection being symbolised by the females pouch in which she keeps her young. It is an incredible fact that the kangaroo was known to the Mayans of far-away Mexico! To the Mayans the kangaroo was Tenamm-ahau or God of the Mountainous Land in the W est. Depicted in a temple wall painting together with a koala-like creature in Chichen Itza, this God is certain evidence of crossPacific contact with Australia dating back to at least 250 AD and perhaps earlier than that. 4

Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.

That Tenamm-ahau was associated with mountains in his homeland suggests Mayans had penetrated inland from coastal bases once these were established, to seek out good farming land for the seeds they had brought with them. As to the koala image just mentioned, the Mayans regarded the monkey as a being of great knowledge and wisdom, naming him Chuen, the God of Scribes and Artists. Indeed the striking parallels with Egypts Thoth are obvious. In Australia the earliest manifestation of Thoth or Cheun was Nos, the Koala God of Knowledge of the Uruan megalithic civilisation. I maintain that the God of knowledge concept originated in Australia and through Uruan migrations to both the Old and New Worlds he took on the ape image in both Egypt and Mexico. The Mayans would eventually see koalas during their Australian contacts, and in due course discarded the monkey for the koala here, subsequently introducing the new concept back into Mexico. Thus the kangaroo was God of the West Land [Australia] and the koala the God of Knowledge and Wisdom to the Mayan colonists of Australia. There are so many other aspects that could be covered of Amerindian voyages to Australia and its island neighbours in the dim past but they would fill a book so to speak, and the limitations of space in this article precludes this. The fact is that the evidence is overwhelming that the Pacific region was once ruled by a great white race of culture-bringers, who spread their megalithic culture to the pre-cultured primitive peoples of Central and South America. This great white race was the Uru, and evidence of their influence upon the Amerindians is even found in the North American Indians although they never rose to the heights of their megalithic neighbours further south; yet even they possess ancient traditions of the great paradise land that lay across the great waters to the west. For reasons already set out in great detail in our books and newsletter articles, Heather and I have long declared that Australia and the mother civilisation of Uru was the origin of what would eventually become the Atlantis of Platon, who used traditions of the Land of the Gods [as the ancient Egyptians called Australia] as the basis for his fictional political allegorical tale of a corrupted people which he misplaced in the Atlantic, thus unknowingly creating confusion which continues today. The fact is that Australia was the undoubted true origin of the Atlantis legend! -0-

Rex Gilroy mapping one of two stone alignments. The Bathurst Stonehenge, an Uruan astronomical culture centre, which covers an area of over 10 square kilometres. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

View looking north of the second stone alignment, which was erected 4km east of the first, and which extends for 2km on the same north-south axis. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.

In 1974 near the southern end of the first stone alignment Rex and Heather Gilroy discovered two large carved granite heads. What deities they represented remained a mystery for some years until the translation of the Uru script identified them. This one depicts Nim, God of the Sun. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Rex Gilroy stands beside the second granite head, situated 15m from the Nim head. This image is that of Nif, the Uruan EarthMother Goddess. Both heads display great age. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

A Serpent Altar upon the summit of a sandstone mound. It depicts Nim in Serpent form. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

An Eagle Altar was discovered by Rex Gilroy in 1973. It depicts I-na, Eagle of the Sun. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.

This large reclining image of the Uruan Earth-Mother Goddess, Nif, depicts her right arm enfolding her Son, the SunGod, Nim and below [ie to the left of picture] the smaller circular image of his sister, the Moon-Goddess, Ara. This weathering image was discovered by Rex Gilroy in November 2001, amid the remains of a ruined city complex of the Uru, deep within the Kanangra Boyd wilderness. The image measures 3.5m in long by 1.6m wide and 1.2m deep. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Rex Gilroy stands beside a massive granite head of the Uruan Sun-God, Nim. Measuring 2.44m tall by 2.75m wide and 14.2m in diameter, it stands amid other cultural ruins of the Uruan civilisation, at a location deep within the Kanangra Boyd wilderness south of Oberon, New South Wales. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The Haamonga [Arch of Maui]. An early photograph of this famous trilithon located on Tonga Tapu. Mystery surrounds this massive structure, one of a number of other megalithic stoneworks found in the Tonga Island group. Are they, as some researchers suggest, the work of a Mediterranean or Middle-East people; or as the Gilroys suggest, an Uruan culture that survived the submergence of the Lost Land of Wainga-roa of ancient Moriori [New Zealand] tradition? Photo courtesy Bernice Bishop Museum, Honolulu.

From Tombs of the Tuitonga kings as drawn in The Missionary Voyage of the Duff published in London in 1799. Another example of stepped pyramid construction with the use of large stone blocks. Again we ask are these structures the work of ancient Middle-East or Mediterranean colonists in Bronze-Age times, or the work of an earlier, Uruan culture and remnant of the survivors of the mighty Wainga-roa [Uru] civilisation drowned by rising seas 12,000 years ago? From Riddle of the Pacific by John McMillan Brown [1925].

Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.

A langi, or tomb of the Tuitongas near Mua, the ancient capital of Tongatapu. Was it the tomb of one of the kings of the former great Pacific empire of the Uru, largely destroyed when the ocean rose to cover the land shelf of Wainga-roa, which once linked a united New Zealand to New Guinea/Australia at the close of the last Ice-Age, around 12,000 years ago? From Riddle of the Pacific by John Macmillan Brown [1925].

A marae, or pyramid of Tahiti, drawn in the book The Voyage of McDuff [1799]. What are the origins of this, and other, often massive stone stepped pyramids found over a wide area of the Central Pacific region. Were they the work of an advanced Uruan culture that arose on the Lost Land of Wainga-roa of West Pacific/Moriori tradition? From Riddle of the Pacific by John Macmillan Brown [1925].

A row of once fallen Easter Island statues restored to their original position on a stone platform. Illustration courtesy The Worlds Last Mysteries, Readers Digest 1972.

Easter Island statues with their fallen head dresses restored. Photo copyright Luis Postruzin, Australia 2009.

Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.

Numerous Moai, or stone heads, overlook the grassy slopes of Rano Raraku volcanic crater. 300 statues have been found in various stages of completion around the island. Similar heads are known from South America and Australia. Photo courtesy The Worlds Last Mysteries, Readers Digest, 1978.

The image of Ga, Uruan God of Festivities, found at a clifftop location outside Wentworth Falls on Friday 3rd February, 2012. The image measures 16cm tall by 8.5cm wide and 8cm deep and has an uncanny resemblance to Easter Island and some ancient larger Peruvian heads. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Top. The Ga image, right profile. Right. The Ga image left profile. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The Ga image, rear surface bearing the inscription. Ga the God of Festivities, decease the playing of sacred music at night. Drink the water of love. Praise the Phallus. All people dance the Moon Dance. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.

The image of the Goddess Aria [aka Ariana], found at a Leura area bushland locality on Monday 6th February, 2012. In her hands she holds the Uruan glyph for Land of Ara. The image is 15cm tall by 8.5cm wide and 7cm deep. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The back of the image bears an inscription. Aria, Goddess servant of the Sun, Nim who shines on the land of the Arians. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

A reed boat on Lake Titicaca, Bolivia. These South American craft have their parallels in the former reed boats of Easter Island, New Zealand, Tasmania [and possibly elsewhere on the Australian mainland?], and Mesopotamia/Indus Valley. Photo Camera Press, London.

The Central Pacific Island of Rapaiti contains evidence of occupation by a past culture in the form of ancient Mesopotamian terraced ziggurat type pyramids. These structures form part of a ghostly chain extending from ancient Mesopotamia down through Australia and beyond to Easter Island. Photo Aku-Aku, by Thor Heyerdahl, Penguin Books, London.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.

A Rongo-Rongo board from Easter island. From The Worlds Last Mysteries, Readers Digest 1978.

An Easter Island wooden tablet, or Rongo-rongo talking board, containing the mysterious script of that islands former culture, which shows remarkable comparisons with the Indus script. Illustration courtesy Epigraphic Society paper, San Diego, CA. USA.

An Indus stone sculpture. The head features parallel examples of stone heads carved by Uruan artists in Australia long before the rise of the Indus civilisation. Illustration from Government of India collection.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.

Friend of the Gilroys, Mr Peter Rajic, holds a long ear human head found on his Coonabarabran property. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The Coonabarabran head. Note the face with eye and mouth [nose worn away] and long ear. The practice of ear-lengthening appears to be older in Australia, originating with the Uru untold thousands of years in the past, long before it spread to the Americas. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

On Thursday 15th March, 2012 Rex Gilroy discovered an ancient Uru culture site at Mt Victoria, NSW at which he came across a large weathered stone bearing this weathered [chalked in for clarity] image of an Uruan longeared priest [note ear plug]. The stone was 88cm tall by 48cm wide and was 48cm deep. The inscription reads: Priest of the Sun, Gi the long ears [declares] all gather here to reach enlightenment. Play sacred music with singing and chanting. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The Mt Victoria culture site revealed this head measuring 70cm tall by 70cm wide and 15cm deep bore glyphs which read: The priest Yala the earlengthener, in charge of all festivities honouring the Eye of the Sun our God. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.

Another head image of a long-eared Sun-priest, Moko identified by the head script. Measuring 43cm tall by 25cm wide and 9cm deep, the relic was found at a clifftop temple site overlooking a Mt Victoria valley on Thursday 15th March, 2012. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013. Front view of the head of King Cos, found on Sunday 8th April, 2012 at a Kanangra wilderness Sun-Temple. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The image bears lengthened ears, with a round ear plug towards the bottom. It measures 1.1m long by 40cm wide. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

A close view of the head inscription, which states: King Cos of the Sun. Here is the image of an Uruan priest-king, who like all Uruan monarchs was believed to have descended from the Sun. This was a feature of Egyptian Pharaohs as well as the Inca of Peru and like ear-lengthening appears to be a far older belief of the Uru. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.

Views of a 23.3cm tall by 17.5cm long and 8.3cm deep sandstone head found by Rex Gilroy in bushland outside Katoomba, on Wednesday 22nd February 2012. The image of another Uruan long-eared priest, the engraved inscription reads: Gamo, priest of Nim the Sun, the long-ear. He gives praise to he who stands above all in the light. The reborn God who travels west. Photos copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Stamp seals of many different designs are found widely in the ruins of the Indus civilisation. Principal designs that stand out of these seals are those of the Swastika, ancient symbol of the white race. These most ancient of Aryan symbols is found wherever the Mother civilisation of Uru spread and also that of the Indo -Aryan civilisation to which it gave rise. Illustration from The Ancient Cities of the World by Sir Mortimer Wheeler.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.

The Viracocha image. This great White God is emblematic of an entire people, a population of great numbers who sailed to the Peruvian coast from across the western horizon in the dawn mists of Amerindian history. They established themselves inland around the shores of Lake Titicaca, 3,900 metres up in the Andes, where they built the great city of Tiahuanaco. The recently extinct white tribe who called themselves Uru claimed to be the descendants of the original race, who it is said, introduced culture and civilisation to the primitive Indians of Peru. The Aztecs and Mayans of Mexico preserved traditions of Questzalcoatl, and Kukulcan respectively. Both names meant Plumed Serpent, meaning that he was a Sunworshipper. The Brazilian Indians say he walked on water, meaning he sailed to their shores. This White God was always bearded. The same traditions are found on the Atlantic side of the Americas, demonstrating that peoples from the Mediterranean and Middle-East sailed to those shores, just as they reached the Pacific coast via the Australian region. Yet these traditions are, in the case of the Pacific coast of the Americas, mixed with the arrival of that earlier Solar-worshipping race - the Uru, the original culturebearers of the Americas. Illustration S. Waisbard.

The Fortress of Sacsahuaman. The walls are composed of stone blocks so well fitted in place that a knife blade cannot be passed between them. The walls are 365 metres in length. The fortress was built on a hill above the Inca capital of Cuzco, at an altitude of more than 3,600 metres. The stonework is an example of the advanced megalithic architectural achievements of the Inca culture. Photo The Worlds Last Mysteries, Readers Digest 1978.

Old drawing of balsa raft from Guayaquil [from Juan and Ulloa 1748]. [A] bow;[B] Stern; [C] thatched hut; [D] Poles serving as masts; [E] kind of bowsprit; [F] centre-boards; [G] centreboard serving as rudder; [H] cooking place; [I] water-bottles; [K]mainstays; [L] flooring or deck. Although these rafts were Peruvian, they illustrate the type of ocean-going craft also employed by Mayan explorer-colonists. Illustration American Indians in the Pacific by Thor Heyerdahl [1952].


Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.

Old drawing of balsa raft at Payta, Peru [Spilberger 1614-1617]. Far larger rafts are said to have been constructed by the Mayans and Peruvians, complete with sails, shelters and storage shelters capable of carrying large numbers of men, women and children! Illustration from American Indians in the Pacific by Thor Heyerdahl [1952].

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During archaeological investigations at Cooktown, in Queenslands Far North, in October 2002, the Gilroys uncovered mystery stone ruins in dense bushland. Nearby, projecting from the soil, Rex Gilroy found a large stone carving of a reclining figure holding a bowl. Measuring 41.5cm long by 24.5cm tall and 7cm thick, this sandstone carving was soon identified as an image of Chac Mool, the Mayan God of Rain. The image shows a tear coming from the right eye and saliva coming from the right side of the mouth. The Mayan culture began about 2000 BC in southern Mexico, Guatamala and areas of Belize and had a golden age that began about 250 AD, lasting until around 900 AD during which their explorer-colonists penetrated far across the Pacific in the course of which they reached 13rthern Australia. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The back of the Cooktown, Queensland Chac Mool image bears the carvings of an Eye with teardrop [left] and a snake head with eyes, with a tear flowing from the right eye. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.

Frontal view of the crumbling stone terraced pyramid in the Cooktown region where the Gilroys made a number of discoveries of Mayan stone images. The terracing shown here has deteriorated through centuries of tree growth, which has displaced some of the large stonework. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

This large brown basalt head, a possible image of the Mayan Moon-God Itzamna, was discovered by Rex Gilroy partly buried in rubble of one of the pyramids stone terraces. This right profile shows the outline of a head dress, the right eye turned upwards in a half-moon aspect, an ear-plug, and air shown curling upwards from the rear of the mouth. The stone measured 49cm tall by 34cm width and was 16cm in depth. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.

A search carried out by Rex and Heather in the Atherton district, on Sunday 7th August 2005, resulted in the discovery of a forest-covered man-made basalt rubble platform. Upon investigating this structure, which Rex found to be about 250 ft [75m] square, they uncovered a number of large heads, and these two human skull images carved from solid volcanic rock. The skulls depict the Mayan God of Death, Ah Puch. This image measured 30cm tall by 23cm wide and 25cm deep. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The Upon second a large Ah boulder, Puch skull measuring image measured by 17cm wide 60cm 28cm tall bytall 56cm wide and and 18cm 31cm deep. deep, Both Rex identified skulls were another found lying image, a few that metres of a face apart with among strange vines head anddress, almost a obscured right hand by dead leaves and bracken. holding a small skull. This was Photo another copyright [non-skull] Rex image Gilroy of Ah Puch. 2013. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Then Rex stumbled upon a set of two large heads which had once stood upright, but which a large tree had gradually overturned in the course of its growth. The largest of the heads was 82cm long and 52cm wide by 26cm deep. Its fearsome aspect was unmistakable. Rex recognized the image as that of Kinich-Ahau, the Sun-God. Here the God was depicted with a fearsome open mouth showing pointed teeth. A breath of wind curls up from the left side of the mouth. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The second large head measured 63cm long by 39cm wide and 35cm deep. The image has been identified as Hunab Ku, the Creator of the World. The head was lying on its right side and impossible to move due to its weight, thus while the right ear is visible, the left one is buried. A tear drop is visible beneath the left side of the left eye and breath is depicted coming from beneath the left side of the mouth in a curl. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.

Near the two large heads, Rex stumbled upon another, that of a snake. Measuring 72cm in length by 40cm tall and 45cm in depth. Its open mouth showed two pointed teeth top and bottom, with a long tongue which curved upward. A nostril was shown, and at the rear of the head an eye, from which a tear was projecting downward. Here was an image of the Snake-God, Kukulkan. The temple could not be fully investigated on this trip as the Gilroys time had run out and they had to leave for home. Future investigations at this temple site will surely turn up further evidence of Mayan colonisation of the North Queensland region. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

This Mayan image was one of a number found by Rex and Heather Gilroy at Clairview, Queensland in August 2005. It appears that these Amerindians made landfalls at other places on the Queensland coast. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Mayans at Bowen!! In August 2005 the Gilroys carried out a search of the Bowen, Queensland district during which, on Saturday 13 th August they recovered this Mayan head image from an isolated beachfront. Measuring 25.5cm long by 22cm wide and 6.5cm deep, it bore glyphs which were later translated. The inscription stated: Tiba, Lord of the Land. Creator Father of Snakes in the third land, the Land of the West. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

This badly weathered image of the Maise God of the Mayans, Yum Kax, was the first of the two images of this God recovered at the same location above the stone terraced hillside. Its right ear is missing along with much of the back section of the image. The right hand reaches to the stomach, while the left is touching the mouth. The image measures 23cm tall by 11cm wide and 7.5cm deep. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.

Found near the image of Yum Kax at the Cooktown site was this image of Bolonyocte, the Travel or Foot God of the Mayans. His name means Nine paces there. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013. An image of the Mayan Maize God, Yum Kax, found at the stone terraced hillside at Cooktown. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The north face of a ruined Mayan pyramid discovered in the Wollemi wilderness by the Gilroys and their field assistant Geoff Holland on Thursday 10th June 2010. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.

A causeway extends from the pyramids south face. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

A sketch of the pyramid structure. Sketch copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The Wollemi pyramid was built structurally similar to astronomical temple pyramids like this Mayan example at Palenque, Mexico. Photo The Worlds Last Mysteries, Readers Digest 1978.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.

Some of the Carvings that have been discovered at the Pyramid!

The inscription from the east base of the pyramid. Translation: Burning Snake the priest performs sacrifices. On the second moon [ie every two months] all drink tears of blood from the body. Drink blood from the bowl of the priest. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

This stone from the east base of the pyramid bears an image of the Mayan Jaguar God BaIam. The inscription states: Here at the Temple of Kukulkan Bird-Jaguar your ruler speaks. All give ear. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

This pyramid east base inscription shows the large head of Kukulkan, the feathered Snake. It reads: The Land of Kukulkan fertilised by the tears of the Sun-God Ah-hu. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

A head of Kukulkan carved on a rock at the pyramid east base. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Embedded into the centre of the pyramid east side this inscription reads: The upright God, Ah-hu, Guardian of the Tree of Life, watched over by his Eye. Sacrifice to him at the Temple. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.

This portion of an Aztec map shows the migration of a tribe across the Pacific Ocean to the Lost Paradise of Culhuacan, the great land to the west at the centre of which stood a great red rock. [How could they and other Amerindian peoples have known this, unless they had learnt of it from people who had seen Ayers Rock [Uluru] in Central Australia? A translation of the maps accompanying inscription states: Now here is a record of the Hakuta warrior people of the Scorpion Clan who gave an account of a journey they made over the ocean, sailing west then south, to reach the paradise land of Culhuacan. With our allies the Naqui Clan let us sail across the sea, beyond the lands of fire* where heat is created. So they sailed west in a great number across the ocean. And they came to the lands of fire. Their ruler was Kui and he bade them to settle these lands of fire. Then they said among them, Let us sail on to the Land of the Western horizon, across the ocean, to the Paradise Land of Culhuacan that lay beneath the Sun. It is ruled by the Snake God Clan. So they sailed on and reached this land, and they came upon a great red rock that lay at the centre of all life, and fought a battle with people who threw spears with the aid of sticks and carried shields and used clubs. The battle was hard and men were buried in mounds at the great red rock which was the centre of all life**. Here they left a chronicle of themselves. Let us return home that we may tell others of our new land, and some journeyed home where their exploits were chronicled and others sailed there also. [*probably the Hawaiian Islands; **Surely Ayers Rock or Uluru].

This post-Spanish conquest Aztec illustration depicts the great west Paradise Land of Atzlan, an island continent surrounded by ocean. Another name for the legendary original homeland of mankind to the Aztecs, it was ruled by Quetzalcoatl, the great White God, who once sailed from there to introduce culture and civilisation to their forefathers. Here Quetzalcoatl is depicted standing atop the great red rock that stood at the centre of the paradise land of Atzlan.

A Chimu pottery head of the Moon-God, SinAn, found in a rainforest at Narooma, south coastal New South Wales photographed on the forest floor where it was found in two separate pieces, here joined together. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.

Frontal view of the head. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Rear view of the head, manufactured from local clay. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

OLD MAGAZINE ARTICLES. Recently we have been going through our archives and have relocated some old articles which were produced in the then Australasian POST. We have reproduced a couple of articles on the following pages for your information. Rex and Heather Gilroy.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter July, 2013.

Please Note:

Our previous meeting was a huge success and we look forward to seeing you at our next one

which will be held on SATURDAY -17 AUGUST, 2013 [NB! dont forget that there are 5 Saturdays in June this year] same time, same place 12 Kamillaroi Road, Katoomba. Our contact information: Phone: 02 4782 3441, Email: [or catch our website on or] or on our new Facebook page- - Rex and Heather Gilroys Blue Mountains UFO Research Club

So until our next meeting Watch the Skies!

Rex & Heather


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