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Lic. Lotty Palacios Student Selva Mrquez M. Report of activities for the three-month course during July Santa Cruz, August 13th, 2013

Mrs. Professor: In compliance to your instructions, I would report the activities for the three-month course during the month of July. 1. From 01/07/2013 to 08/07/2013. I started to give lessons to a group of eight students of first year. Between these dates I began my activities plan, which consisted of the first lesson: The Simple Present tense with third person. Most of the students showed mistakes about this tense because they confused with the verb To be. But I appreciate that these reinforce classes help them to understand better the difference between Simple Present Tense and the verb To be. Because when I give them exercises they did those without problems. Also I did an activity called Dominoes with the aim to practice using the Simple Present (third person) including questions and negatives. But this activity did not have the success that I expected because three students joint to the group that day and they were not in the same level like their others partners. 2. Date 12/07/2013. I taught again the simple present tense because I need to be sure that the three girls, that joint the last class with us, could learn and understand the use of the simple present, so in that way the others five students could practice what they learnt before. In this class I explained and wrote examples on the board and I made that the students went to write on the board their own examples. At the end of the class I proposed them to have classes on winter vacation, but only the first week of vacation, so they accepted my suggestion. I made that with the aim to recuperate the time lost on vacation. 3. From 15/07/2013 to 19/07/2013. In these dates the students were on winter vacation. The classes started at 16:00 and finished at 18:00 from Monday to Friday. I was glad because I had full presence, the eight students came to my classes and they showed interest in everything that I taught them. Well I need to be honest that there was a student that arrived fifteen minutes later to classes, but he assisted to my classes all that

week, so it was an event without much relevance to me. Also there was a student who only assisted to two classes in that week and she told me minor pretexts why she did not came to classes. 4. From 15/07/2013 to 16/07/2013. In these classes I taught the second lesson: The Simple Present Tense with the first and second person, questions and negatives. In this part, the point of confusion of my students was the auxiliary do, so I explained them when to use this auxiliary, then they did an activity called Your work-life balance in which the students needed to read and completed the questionnaire about them, then they did the same but asking to a partner. To finish that activity I told them that they must write a paragraph about their partner using the information from the questionnaire. I realized that they enjoyed that activity because they moved around the class and they knew better between them. 5. From 17/07/2013 to 18/07/2013. I used these two classes to teach students the third lesson: The Present Continuous/Progressive Tense. To teach this tense I used vocabulary about free-time, and I taught them when to use this tense. They were confused at the beginning but at the moment to write sentences they could understand better when to use the Present Continuous, and to finish I prepared a funny activity called Looking for the pair. In this activity I divided the class in two teams. The student of each team needed to find the pair of the pictures that he/she found first, so if the student find the pair of the first picture, the student had to make a sentence in present continuous, so it was the only way to win the points. The team that had more points was the winner. They loved this activity! 6. Date 19/07/2013. It was the last class of winter vacation. In this class I had the opportunity to give them a small sight of the Past Simple Tense because it will be helpful for their classes with their English Teacher (Lic. Ingrid Cazn). In my next classes I will expand the Past Simple Tense much better in a lesson and with more time. According to your instruction, it is all what I have to inform to your person.

Selva Mrquez Montoya Student of 5th year.

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