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The World Communicates

Focus 1
1. Define and apply terms to the wave model a) Medium: the material in which the wave is propagating. b) Displacement: distance traveled by one particle in a wave from its resting position c) Amplitude: The maximum size of particle displacement from the undisturbed state d) Period: the time it takes for a single wave to pass a fixed point. T and f are related through a reciprocal relationship, i.e. T = 1/ f e) Compression: Areas of high and maximum pressure in longitudinal waves f) Rarefaction: Areas of low and minimum pressure in longitudinal waves g) Crest: The highest points of waves (i.e. The maximum positive displacement) h) Trough: The lowest points of waves (i.e. The maximum negative displacement) i) Transverse Waves: Particles of the medium vibrate in plane that is perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave j) Longitudinal waves: The particles vibrate in the same direction as the direction of propagation of the wave k) Frequency: the number of waves that pass a fixed place per second. Measured in cycles per second (Hz)- 1Hz is one cycle or wavelength passing a point per second. l) Wavelength: The distance between two adjacent crests and troughs. It includes and entire crest and an entire trough m) Velocity: speed at which a waves propagates. It is how fast the wave transfers energy away from a source v= f. Velocity depends upon the properties of the medium, especially the elasticity (how tightly connected the particles are) and how difficult it is to accelerate (inertia) eg. Velocity increases in slinkies with increasing spring tension, but decreases when the mass of the spring is increased. n) Wavefront: Either the crest or trough of the wave which is perpendicular to the direction o) In Phase: Two points on a wave are in phase if, at a particular instant, they have the same displacement and the same velocity. 2. v= f 3. Solve problems relating to above 4. Waves are the transference of energy disturbance that may occur in one, two or three

dimensions, depending on the nature of the wave and the medium. All waves transfer energy from one point to another without the physical movement of one particle from one point to another. 1D: the medium confines the wave. Eg slinky or rope. The energy of the wave only has one dimension in which to travel 2D: requires an initial disturbance to transfer energy in the medium. There is a point of source of the wave and circular wavefronts eg a pond thrown in a lake creating ripples. 3D: there is an initial source that immediately travels away from the source in 3 dimensions with spherical wave fronts. Eg sound waves or electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves: radio, micro, infra-red, visible, UV, X-ray, gamma. A wave that propagates as a perpendicular electric and magnetic field. EM waves do not require a medium for propagation. 5. Mechanical waves require a medium for propagation while electromagnetic (nonmechanical) waves don't. 6. The relationship between particle motion and the direction of energy propagation is : (a) Transverse Waves: particles move perpendicular to the direction on energy propagation (b) Longitudinal: particles move parallel to the directin of energy propagation progressive? 7. Observe and gather information about the transmission of waves in slinky springs, water wave and ropes or use appropriate computer simulations 8. See worksheet 3 9. plan, choose equipment for and perform an experiment to gather information to identify the relationship between the frequency and wavelength of a sound wave at a constant velocity. In a sound wave with a constant velocity, if the frequency decreases, wavelength increases. Work Sheet 4 10. Radio: Sound Magnetic Electrical energy Sound Radio Waves Electrical

11. See Work Sheet 5 12. perform a first hand investigation to gather information about the frequency and amplitude of waves using an oscilloscope or electronic data-logging equipment. See Questions 9, 19 pg 12

Focus 2: Use Features of the wave model to account for properties of sound
13. Identify that sound waves are vibrations or oscillations of particles in a medium. All sound waves are vibrations or oscillations in a medium that result in pressure variations within

the medium. 14. Cathode ray Oscilloscope (CRO) experiment 15. Relate compressions and rarefactions of sound waves to the crests and troughs of transverse waves used to represent them Compressions are the zone where particles are closer together. They are zones of maximum pressure and on transverse graphs they are represented as troughs. Rarefactions are zones where the particles in the medium a spread further apart. They are zones of minimum pressure and are represented as troughs on transverse wave graphs. 16.Explain Quantitatively that pitch is related to frequency and volume to amplitude of sound waves. The higher the frequency of the sound, the more vibrations per second and the higher the pitch of the sound. The higher the amplitude (maximum displacement of particles from the undisturbes state) the louder the sound. 17. Explain an echo as a reflection of a sound wave. An echo is a repeated sound created by the reflection of sound waves from a surface. If you are to close to the reflecting surface, there is not enough gap between the end of the generated sound and the echo. The reflections does still occur, but it is drowned out by the original sound. There needs to be a time difference of around 0.1s between the reflected sound and the original sound. AS sound travels at app. 340m/s, you must be at least 17m away from the reflecting surface (0.5s there, 0.5 s back) 18. Describe the principle of superposition and compare the resulting waves to the original waves in sound. Interference occurs when waves meet each other and interact as the pass through each other, reinforcing or cancelling at different points in displacement (amplitude). This results with a sound waves of possibly of higher of lower amplitude and frequency. The principle involves adding together individual displacements at various points. The final waves may have varying amplitudes and may also results in a much more complex wave. In two out of phase waves, the resulting amplitude will be less than either of the original waves. This may be used with 13. Loud machinery in factories: machines which are exactly 180 degrees out of phase may cancel each other out and dim the noise. 14. The addition of sound and their echo's in stairwells of multi story buildings, where a stable source may appear to having changing amplitude. The term beats refers to the change in volume of a sound that occurs when two sounds of slightly different frequencies occur together. It results in amplitudes adding together when the waves are in phase and cancelling each other out when they are out of phase. 19. perform a first hand investigation using a CRO or computer to demonstrate the principle of superposition for two waves travelling in the same medium 20.Present graphical information, solve problems and analyse information involving superposition of sound waves

Focus 3
21. Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium in which to propagate or travel. They travel at the speed of light and can be reflected, refracted and carry information as codes. 22. Various methods for the detection of electromagnetic waves include 15. Radio waves Uses FM and AM radio, VHF, UHF Radio mapping- (bounce of the earth's surface Scanning devices in magnetic resonance imaging emergency and defence communication (long wave) Detection oscillating electrons in a receiving wire produces a current which can be amplified and detected antennae radio dishes gather signals 16. Microwaves Uses heating radar: short pulses of microwaves, can be used to find distances to planes, ships etc by measuring time delay (reflection of waves) eg police speeding mobiles cooking Detection radar guns food in cookig communication repeater systems 17. Infra Red RadiationUses 18. total internal reflection- transmission of information 19. remote sensing (car garages, TV) 20. electrical faults or overloading as they heat up wires 21. Satellite IR images can give info on crops and identify fires 22. night vision goggles Detection our skin thermometers special photographic films (when deposited on an absorbing surface the surface temperature increases) 23. Visible LightUses fibre optic technology Remote sensing of vegetation patterns from satellite and plane surveys Identification of different objects by their colour Detection Rods and cones in our eyes through chemical changes Photographic film Change in electrical conductivity 24. U-V Radiation-

Uses astronomy observations kills bacteria hence used in sterilization Detection photographic film certain crystals fluoresce when the absorb UV

25. X- Rays Uses to view internal systems in humans Detection photographic film special semi-conductor detectors (in CAT scans) 26. Gamma Rays Uses Radiation therapy Astronomical investigations of high energy events ins pace such as remnant signals from past supernovae released by radio active sources during decay Detection Geiger Counters 23. The atmosphere filters out many electromagnetic waves. The only one which make it to earth are visible light, radio waves and and very small quantities of microwaves. This is especially important when it filters out high frequency waves (eg Gamma Rays) which are the most dangerous. The amount of any frequency which reaches the earth's surface varies from day to day, depending on season and with space and atmospheric weather conditions. Eg microwaves decrease with and increase in water vapor which affects mobile phones Astronomers use radio and light technologies (eg telescopes) on land to gather information in out of space. However they are increasingly using space satellites and probes of the e-m spectrum which don't reach earth. 24. The range of the electromagnetic spectrum used in communication is limited. The government has then had to limit the bandwidth over which certain communication devices can be used. The parts of the electromagnetic spectrum which are used for communication generally have the lower frequencies in the spectrum. ie (c) Radio waves (AM and FM, tv and radar) (d) Microwaves mobile phones (e) Infra Red- optical fibres (f) Light- optical fibres 25. Some problems related with limited communication waves are p) Distance- attenuation is when waves decrease in strength after travelling over long distances (inverse square law). This affects communication because the signal could become much more weak and be less affective for the receiver. - To reduce this, e-m waves need to be sent out with great strength initially or be amplified at booster or repeater stations as they travel. q) Congestion of Frequencies: As more and more people access the limited range of frequencies, they become more and more congested and interference may occur.

- To reduce this, new method of technology need to be created which utilise other type of e-m spectrum. Also, there is no interference when infra red and light waves are used as forms of communication because they are utilised within enclosed systems where penetration and attenuation are problems r) Health Aspects: Microwaves used in mobile phones in particular are controversial as little is known if their frequency is high enough that they are able to alter human cells.

26. The inverse square law ( I= 1/d) describes the relationship between the intensity of electromagnetic radiation and distance from a source 27. gather information to model the inverse square law for light intensity and distance from a source 28. A wave that carries exactly the same amount of energy continuously does not carry information. Modulation is the process of changing the frequency (hence the wavelength and energy) or amplitude (hence energy) to add a signal to a wave. Demodulation is the decoding of the signal wave into information that you can use. A radio-wave signal occupies a bandwidth (series of adjacent frequencies forming a band within the spectrum). This means that the signal wave s using a series of frequencies which lie next to each other rather than a signle frequency radio wave. In the middle of the bandwidth is the carrier wave. The carrier wave does not cerry information but is a by product of the radio-wave transmitter and acts as the central frequency to which you tune your receiver. The message signal is superposed onto the carrier wave. i. Radio waves a) Amplitude modulation AM radio the signal is added to the carrier wave by changing the strength of the signal to math the information carried by the broadcast The AM signal remains constant in frequency with changing amplitude The variation of amplitude is decoded by a radio receiver which produces a signal to be amplified by internal circuitry and converted into sound b) Frequency Modulation FM radio the signal wave is added to the carrier to vary the frequency a limiting circuit removes any amplitude in the transmission of the radio signal and keeps the amplitude of the received wave at near constant the signal is converted back into sound by a discriminator circuit ii. Microwaves (frequency modulation) Used for transmitting mobile phone signals and mobile internet services the e-m spectrum is limited and everything available needs to be utilisedmicrowave bandwidth has the capacity available microwaves do not spread out as rapidly as radio waves, so more of the transmitted energy makes it to the receiver dish The range of microwave frequencies is large. The number of signals that can be transmitted depends on the range of frequency available for frequency modulation. Therefore, larger numbers of mobile phone calls are able to be sent at once using the same wave (up to 20 000 calls on one microwave bandwidth). However

microwave need a direct line of site from one antennae to the next. Hence the proximity of antennae is controlled topographically. This is less of a problem with radio waves they are refracted by objects larger than their own wavelengths. This is a problems in buildings with shorter wavelength calls. - More regular boosts are required than with radio waves atmospheric conditions, such as water vapor and oxygen, affect microwaves by absorbing the waves and producing heat (i.e. Microwave ovens).

iii. Visible light (amplitude modulation) st 1 communication device was the helioscope where an on or off: signal was flashed. Laser light of a fixed frequency can be amplitude modulated (frequency is too small to modulate) to send from laser transmitter to receiver LaserDot transmitter and receiver send sound waves transmitted across open surfaces Can reliably transfer sound or data signals around 200m Longer distances become unreliable because of the possibility of interference Then longer distance communication is used eg fibre optics with shorter wavelengths such as light and infra-red, transmits long distances with less risk of interference to signals 29. Mobile Phone microphone sound energy wires electrical impulses magnetic phone wires electrical impulses phone sound microwaves speaker air

Focus 4
30. The Law of Reflection states that the angle of the incoming (or incident) wave in relation to a line perpendicular at the point where the ray hits (normal), is equal to the angle the reflected wave will make with the normal. <i = <r 31. perform an experiment and gather information to observe the path of light rays and construct diagrams indicating both the direction of travel of the light rays and a wavefront. 32. One application of reflection for the following is: 27. plane surfaces: a mirror reflects the true image of an object used with cars to see objects behind and to the sides also used everyday for makeup (terribly important!) 28. concave surfaces: (parabolic) torches and head lights s) focus the light either into a spot or open it out into a flood light t) draws all the rays to a certain point to increase vision satellite dishes

29. convex surfaces safety mirrors (on work sites, in shops etc) (g) increase vision by spreading rays further apart so more reaches the eye (h) able to see more to stop any stealing 30. radio waves the satellite dish (parabolic concave) receives weak, parallel radio signals from satellites or astronomical objects reflects them to a focal point to receiver aerial to increase the strength of the rays. 31. Ionosphere Sky waves c) high frequencies and short wavelengths. d) They are especially important as, because it's at such a great altitude, it acts almost as a plane surface e) they are reflected off the ionosphere repeatedly and can therefor travel great distances. f) NB: at night the ionosphere heightens and radio waves which are unable to be heard during the day can be heard. 33. Present information using ray diagrams to show the path of waves reflected from plane surfaces, concave surfaces, convex surfaces and the ionosphere 34. Transfer of information has been achieved with reflection of light total internal reflections land surveillance from air

microwaves mobile phones radio waves radio satellite

35. Refraction: light strikes a boundary between two media with a different refractive index, some of the incident ray is reflected and some is transmitted into the new medium. Here, it bends or changes direction at the boundary. iv. Lower refractive index to a higher, the light slows and bends AWAY FROM THE NORMAL v. Higher refractive index to lower, the light speeds up and bends TOWARDS THE NORMAL exc. When light rays are at right angles to the boundary, the ray crosses without deviation Angle of incidence- angle between the incident ray and the normal Angle of refraction- angle between the transmitted (refracted) ray and the normal 36. perform an investigation and gather information to graph the angle of incidence and refraction for light encountering a medium change, showing the relationship between these angles 37. Snells' Law

v/v = sin i/ sin r or v/v = sin i/ sin r= / = n/ n where the 1 and 2 stands for medium 1 and medium 2

38. refractive index: changes in velocity of a wave in passing from one medium to another. A higher refractive index means a denser material and hence a slower wave 39. Solve problems on Snell's Law 40. perform a first hand investigation and gather information to calculate the refractive index of glass or Perspex 41. critical angle: the angle where total internal reflection prevents the ray from escaping from a higher optical density medium to a lower one. For total internal reflection to occur, the <i must be greater than the critical angle the ray then obeys the law of reflection (<r= <i)

42. Optical fibres optical fibres are made from thin, cylindrical strands of ultra-high-purity glass. The core has a high refractive index while the outer region (cladding) is made from a much lower relative index e-m waves which enter undergo total internal refraction between the two media. This means that rather than escaping through the surface of the optical fibre, the light is trapped internally and continually moves along. To allow for the transfer of light to be quicker and more efficient, the path traveled is reduced by making the core very small, around 10 m. This results in rays travelling parallel or almost to that axis of the fibre being successfully guided into the fibre The arrangement of the optical fibres must remain constant A bundle of optic fibres, each carrying its individual part of an image. See page 62 to draw diagram

Optical Fibres are used in communication for carrying signals precisely and at the speed of light quicker than energy transmission by electrons in electric signals medical keyhole surgery endoscopes are instruments made of optic fibres used to view intestines, previously unaccessible without invasive surgery

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