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MATERIALS: books, forms (have a rep.,need a rep.,want to become a rep. (you can get them
from your DM), page from cus. order book for every attendent, pens, q-tips, ticket for door prize
drawing (Walmart has roll for $5.00, LASTS FOREVER!!), List of regimens for Anew product
(how to choose what to use), Pg. 17 of C11, (or order pad of them , prod. #586-232 Eng. ,586-270
Span. 50 for $1.00), paper-clip all to book. Free gift for every attendent. (mini shower get, .99
cents, (they like it, they'll buy large size). 5 gifts for prizes: (Hostess, door & game winner, host a
party gift, sign up gift). Hostess: I give gift bag w/nat'l shower gel, body lotion, body spray, & a
pouf (4/$1.00 at $ store, save other 3 for more parties), Game winner & door prize, 4th & 5th
prizes, full size of anything you choose. Instant nails would be nice. I will give them at my next

GAME: list of 10 Avon products "scrambled". For example: lipstick could become "siklpict", etc.
copy list to give everyone to play. Have extra, in case more come than expected.

1 Anew retroactive (you'll need the q-tips for this)
1 new clinical
1 Anew 2-step eye treatment
1 Imari col. (C11 $9.99 (or newest col. like the "summer white" C12, pg. 27, buy 1-get 1 free). save
1 for next party.
1 nat'l cucumber-melon body spray (or your choice)
1 sss bath oil (print 100 uses for sss, found on communication forum)
1 blush
1 lipstick
1 nail polish (match lipstick)

Meet & greet (with hand stretched out) everyone as they come in. "Hi, I'm Holly, and you are?
I'm so glad you could come!! (If you want to get stickys for nametags that would be a good idea.
That way you won't have to remember names, just read them off when you want to talk to a
certain person)

When everyone is present, break the ice with the game. Award prize.

I begin by showing the Anew retroactive. I put a dab on the back of someone’s hand, then I tell
them to rub the back of their right hand, with their left hand. Now, rub your left hand, then your
right hand, feel the difference? (the right hand will be softer, smoother). You will probably get
them to order it right then.) Tell others they can try this (q-tips available), during the break. Next,
explain the benefits of clinical & 2-step eye treatment. Tell them to refer to the "how to choose
what to use, that is paper-clipped to their book.", for their age. Stop for snacks, (hostess should
have something), and tell them they can look at the products and try the samples). Break for
about 20 mins.

Now you can decide what you want to order. While you are doing that, I would like to take this
opportunity to tell you what your hostess will be receiving for inviting us into her home:
1 - A hostess gift
2 - A % off all orders, including hers as follows: Up to $199.00-20% $200.00-399.00-30%, $400 &
above, 40%.
Now, would anyone like to host an Avon party? if you would, please raise your hand and your
hostess will take your name & phone number, so I can call you tomorrow to set a date. (If you
have any takers, put they names in a bag and draw a prize. (4th prize). Maybe a full size nat'l
body spray. Everyone loves that. Has everyone filled out your form (have a rep, need a rep, want
to sell) that is attached to your book? Please take the time to do so. I will collect them and award
a prize to the person whose name I pull. (5th prize. This last one could be a full size hand cream,
or instant nails). I will pick up your orders at this time, will add shipping & tax, give you your
balance, and collect the amount due. It can be paid in cash, check, or c.card. If check, make out
payable to your hostess with your driver's license # and birth date on it. (IF CHECK, GET DL#,
SO YOU CAN COLLECT). Only happened once to me in 11 yrs. Received cashier's check for amt.
owed, plus $34.00 insufficient fee, (and the bank had only chged. me $5.00).

Let's have a drawing for the door prize. Everyone have their ticket? Put your name on back, and
we will take them up now. Have drawing. Thank you all for coming!! I hope to see you soon.


Help the hostess figure the total amount of all orders, including hers, with the shipping and tax.
(Whatever the total amount, divide by two), say her total is $600.00, ask her if she would like to
earn 50% of her total orders, (or $300.), "MINUS $10.00 for a leadership kit, that you will give to
me to become an Avon representative". Explain leadership. Let her know she will receive 50% off
all orders FOR 4 CAMPAIGNS! If she signs up, tell her she is in your 1st generation. "Now that
you know how to host an avon party, you can give those that will host the same opportunity to
go into leadership. That is a way to build your "down-line". If your hostess signs up, has a party,
and signs someone, that person becomes her 1st generation, but your 2nd generation, (which
makes you more money). Let her know you will be there for her, helping her all the way, and
FOLLOW UP!! FOLLOW UP!! FOLLOW UP!! Call frequently to let her know you are here for her,
and ask if she has any questions, or concerns.

Always have a sticky pad (4/$1.00 at $ stores), with you, to take down name, phone #'s of anyone
you talk to. Tell them you will call them when the order is ready to be submitted. (1st name,
phone # ONLY on bks). When you throw books, throw DOWNWARD, as the books will hit the
drive-way, and slide up toward the house, garage. I give out books wherever I go. I put one in a
bank drive-thru, hit "talk", told them I was sending an avon book. When I got back home, I had 4
orders from them. Put in all bathroom stalls, paper-towel rack, and even phone booth at all
restaurants/fast food places. At a school (dismissal time) when moms are waiting in their
vehicles to pick up their kids. Give them a book, (ask for their name, #, so I can call you, etc. etc.)
& they will look at the book while they are waiting. I hope this helps you. It has me, and also my
BOOKS. (100 BOOKS FOR $19.00). I let them know 1!! cus. with a $20.00 order pays for the 10
pack. Then I take them tossing or tailgating. Be sure if you go into leadership, that you encourage
them to go with you.

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