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encia; relacionado con castigos que no resuelvan el problema Empezar desde el origen del problema del adolescente Pensamos en reprimir y no en prevenir No hay conciencia ni reflexin Bromas pesadas Empujones

Es importante conocer las causas y los orgenes del problema. Segunda lectura LOS ADOLESCENTES EN SITUACIONES DE RIESGO: 1) Alcohol 5) Billings 9) PCS Prevencin: Qu se hace para prevenir. 1) Conductas antisociales 2) Salones con gran nmero de estudiantes. 3) Abuso de substancias contra la salud 4) Conductas anti-sociales 5) Necesidades especiales 6) Diversidad cultural 7) Los valores 8) Amistades 9) Soar despiertos 10) Abuso del internet y la TV 11) Depresin 12) Problemas alimenticios 13) Baja autoestima 14) Tatuajes piercing (si se usa, lugares adecuados para asistir) 15) Amistades NOTA: checar lista en observaciones para ver si alguno de estos estn presentes en las aulas a observar Pelculas, vdeos Recomendados: Fast food nation El secreto de la chancla Dangerous mind 2) Abortos 6) Drogas 3) Bulimia/anorexia 4) Abuzo sexual 7) ETS* 8) Desercin escolar

Freedom riders. * ETS Enfermedades de transmisin sexual PCS Problemas crnicos de salud 1) Qu factores del ambiente escolar pueden favorecer un mejor desarrollo de los adolescentes? a. Las actividades extracurriculares ayudan mucho; deportes, la banda, la escolta, etc. 2) Cul es el papel de los adultos en este ambiente? a. La vigilancia de la escuela es bastante estricta as como la disciplina. Adems los padres de familia son siempre avisados de cualquier percance y ayudan con la disciplina. 3) Qu aspectos de la vida escolar pueden cambiarse en el trabajo de cooperacin? a. Bueno, sera sumamente apropiado que tuviramos ms recursos, para que los psiclogos, la enfermera y los lonches escolares se pudieran implementar de manera regular tal y como lo establecen nuestros estatutos 4) Se hacen examen de anti-doping? a. No. NOTA: preguntar a los perfectos cuales lugares son de situacin de riesgo.

ENSEANZA (Apuntes de la clase) Descubrimientos de las observaciones No hay objetivos inmediatos No hay instrucciones claras Profesor habla ingls/espaol No hay monitoreo en todo el saln Los estudiante trabajan en otras cosas se aburren No hay buenas estrategias de enseanza El profesor no se da cuenta de quin entendi y quin no. Los estudiantes juegan en la clase y el maestro no hace nada.

abril 11, 2013 Necesidades en el aprendizaje de Ingls Fomentar interaccin Actos, tema y gramtica Teamwork selfassesment Cosiderar objetivo objetivo Clase aprender Crecimiento sexual Porque Situaciones de riesgo Como ser Mejor estudiante Para aprender Lesson plan in English Class in English Reflections in English Relationship Ss needs CEMAAI edu blocks Music short videos

o o o o o o o o o

Questions about the movie Detachment 1) What is the most interesting thing I learnt? a) Even though you feel the need to help your students when they have problems try not to get involved so deep in their personal harms, the results could be catastrophic for one or both sides. Think that students, because they feel the need of more affect, may get involved or think in a different way, about teachers intentions. 2) What did you like, or dislike, about the movie and why? a) The personal life of the teacher. Teachers have also a life, they are not persons 100 per cent dedicated to students only. Teachers are part of small portion of students education, however seems like the system has rely on them many more responsibilities. 3) What are the challenge you will face as a teacher? a) As a teacher I think I will face many and varied students problems; drugs, sexuality, bullying, gangs, sexual abuse etc. among those related to the teaching tasks. So it will be critical the necessity of acquire as much information as possible to handle these problem when they come at the stage.

FACTORES SOCIALES Y CULTURALES DE RIESGO PARA LOS ADOLESCENTES Riesgos concretos de la adolescencia: Bajo rendimiento Abandono prematuro de estudios (Son dos factores de riesgo del fracaso escolar)

Causas de bajo rendimiento o desercin escolar: Falla del sistema escolar Pobreza Educacin de los padres Educacin recibida en la infancia Crisis de la edad Etapa de conflicto entre los valores de la niez y los valores de los adultos Nuevos intereses y temas

Motivos para estudiar: Intereses relacionados con el trabajo escolar Dar ms valor a ciertas materias Trabajar para ganar dinero Le gusta la carrera

Role de los padres: Inculcar valores Orientar a los hijos Motivarlos para que sigan estudiando Crear buen ambiente familiar Valorar los esfuerzos ms que los fracasos Interiorizar el valor del trabajo Hbitos de trabajos bien hechos Fomentar la comunicacin del trabajo como medio de auto aprendizaje Saber cmo trabaja su hijo para saber que exigir Fomentar bueno hbitos de estudio Brindar los materiales necesarios

El papel de los maestros Estimular y motivar adecuadamente a los hijos. Exigir de forma comprensiva Facilitar el estudio en casa, y preocuparse porque desarrollen hbitos de estudio efectivo Colaborar con los profesores ante dificultades de aprendizaje

Implementar los mtodos de estudio Buscar actividades orientadoras Asesorar a los hijos por medio de recomendaciones de personajes y bibliografa Dar consejo a los hijos Controlar las lecturas, amistades y diversiones de sus hijos Mantenerlos ocupados en actividades que los estimulen

ABANDONO PREMATURO DE LOS ESTUDIOS Causas Querer ser independientemente econmicamente Ambiente negativo Obsesin por ganar dinero Ambiente escolar; no hay apoyo a estudiantes de bajos rendimientos Presin de la familia, abrumando a los hijos Soluciones

Una educacin financiera debe servir para evitar que los adolescentes se creen necesidades creen culto al dinero Las situaciones estudio trabajo elimina muchas de las causas del abandono prematura Evitar abrumar a los hijos con los estudios. Evitar presionarlos para que escojan una carrera que no les gusta


mayo 2, 2013

AMBIENTE EDUCATIVO Y CULTURAL o No se le tiene valor a la educacin o Choque cultural entre los estados de la frontera y los de interior de la repblica o Desintegracin social o Fenmeno de la inmigracin o Falta de oportunidades AMBIENTE FAMILIAR o Comunicacin

o Convivencia o Desintegracin familiar o Pobreza o Estatus educativo de los padres AMBIENTE SOCIAL o Indigente o No hay afecto o Crimen y robo o Trfico de drogas por parte de los adolescentes o Cultura liberal AMBIENTE INDIVIDUAL o Independiente o Ms apoyo econmico o No tiene proyecto a futuro planes, metas o Se pas de la niez a ser adulto AMBIENTE LABORAL o Industria maquiladora o Atraccin econmica o Gusto por cosas efmeras

Lo que ocasionan las situaciones de riesgos Violencia y castigo Factores sociales y culturales Buln Peleas Salones sobrepoblados Abuso de substancias Necesidades especiales Permiso para ver a la enfermera Vandalismo Tareas perdidas, making up missing work Distrados Diversidad cultural Valores en la escuela, saln de clases, en la casa

Attack Verbal / physical Making fun of some one It can happen everywhere Ss Ss Ss T T Ss Annoying people Making teachers cry

Verbal / physical confrontation Aggressive attitudes Lack of discipline & values

Overcrowded Classrooms
Growing population Budgets cut in education Discipline

Substance Abuse
Adolescents use drugs to fell better They are not really conscious of the damage this substances can cause in their body systems.

Ss with special needs

Wheel chair are not symbol of stupidity Ss deserve the best from teachers Many teachers dont have appropriate training

jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

Make Ss reflect Work in groups Talk to the bully Mention it to a superior Communicate Ss Listen to both sides Talk to the parents Talk to other Ss.

Awareness Intuition Observation Talk to the Ss of the consequences

Room management Monitor Ss Noise control Efficiency & organization Routines Allow no horse playing Prevent cheating Encourage cooperation Create permanent groups of Ss Plan your class carefully interesting lesson connect with Ss sincerely

Prevention and Help

Talk to Ss Talk to parents Parent need to have good relationship with their kids and tell them that is very difficult to quit drugs Be aware of the kind of friends their kids haves Make sure students are really aware of the health risks and social consequences of substance abuse

Be sensitive Make sure these Ss are not isolated Talk to parents/guardians Post rules for ADD, AD, HD. Teach ADD, AD, HD, to Ss, use planners, schedules These Ss do well developing computer skills Focus on strengths Be generous with extra time

Request to see the school nurse

- Communication between school and home. - Give information about students health - Give teachers information about helping Ss to improve health. -

- Monitor for a sing of destruction of school property. - Discuss in your classroom the vandalisms problem - Teach Ss to respect the classroom - Keep classroom neat and clean. - Use a hall pass: Ss are expected to return promptly - Practice furniture arrangement. - Encourage Ss to treat well their book and materials - Cover bulletin board with background paper

Making up missed work

- Make sure you policy is: reasonable, workable, etc., - Discuss the issue of making up work with your students. - Keep al returned papers for absent Ss, in a folder - If you provide your students with a syllabus encourage them to follow it as closely as they can while they are absent to try to stay caught up - Make a conference with Ss to discuss the problem and the solutions

Day Dreaming
A daydreaming student is somebody that has more interesting things to think about it than your class and work you have assigned. - DD only causes problems when their inattention is prolonged. - Used simple techniques. - Course monitoring will keep DDs on the talk at hand. - Focus all of your Ss on the work hand and then move close to the student who is daydreaming and make sure that they go back to the task. - Examine the lesson you have planned make it interesting. - Try to incorporate events to the lesson to focus DDs attention to the class. - Move DDs to spot in the room where is difficult for them to lose focus of the classroom

Culture diversity
jueves, 25 de abril de 2013 Many people define culture solely in racial term. - If we ignore the culture differences find in our Ss, we create the potential for a crash of values - You could follow some general guideline, explore cultural heritage and create another culture for your students. - Take time to find out about your community various groups. - Accept the fact that you cannot stop racism intolerance if that is what Ss are taught at home. - Stress the importance of open-mind acceptance for people whose beliefs or life styles are not the same of them - Cultural heritage exploration, this is easier for teachers in discipline such as social studies of language and arts

- Keep students file. - Be aware of diseases Ss might have in order to help them. - Ask nurse for bandages to avoid Ss going to nursing frequently. - Let Ss to the nursing with a hall pass - Talk to the nurse if the student is actually sick

- Teacher could invite representatives from several cultural groups. To conduct a panel discussion where they compare their beliefs and life styles.

jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

jueves, 25 de abril de 2013


Memoria Mecnica De determinadas aptitudes Mentales

Memoria asociativa


Infancia Independencia
De intereses Adolescencia

Aptitudes Intelectuales Disminucin de rendimiento



Desmotivacin Abandono Temporal o Definitivo

Efectos Acumulativos
Los Ignoran

Tratan de Subsanar sus Limitaciones

Descubrir Habilidades y Talentos Propios Enfoque en rendimiento satisfecho no en rendimiento suficiente Formar Hbitos de Estudio

Se convierten en un bola de Nieve




Facilitar el Estudio en Casa


Brindar Educacin financiera Hacer que el Alumno le Encuentre Sentido a la Escuela


Jess Buelna Enseanza de ingls a adolescente

Who does not remember the days when were a teenager? It comes to mind as the era of fewer problems, none of few responsibilities, a lot of fun and frolic, and why not? One of the most appreciated things of humans possessions: time. Time enough to do the things of preference. Who would not want to go back to those beautiful days? It is a fact that every single person treasure the memories of those beautiful moments of the teen years. Although, that epoch is remembered for almost everyone as the sweet age many are the trouble in which these little persons are involved. Even though it is thought that teenagers face just a few problems during their adolescence, some of those problems are very noteworthy and the results could be catastrophic if nobody pays attention to them. Thus, to mention some of them, here below, are enumerated the most important, rather, the most notables. Here, those that occur at school will be mentioned, just as some tips to solve them. Any place at the school where the adult supervision is minor, could be a good scene for bullying acts. Generation after generation, year after year, many students have suffered verbal or physical mistreatment. Bullying is a serious growing problem for educators, the abusing acts are no longer isolated. Critical as the matter is, the problem grew hidden from view of those responsible for maintaining discipline in schools. For this reason teachers have neither become aware how serious the problem is, nor have learnt to confront it. Following then, ten steps to prevent bullying are shown. Step one, make sure that the school has a clear updated policy on this issue. Step two, discuss the matter in class and try to convince them to talk about it. Step three, be alert for any sing of bullying, especially in hidden areas. Step four, do not hesitate to patrol school, in places that are suitable for bullying to take place. Step five, listen carefully and document all incidents observed. Report findings to an administrator. Step six, put school procedure into action, and do not wait for the problem to grow up dangerously. Step seven, meet with the victim and help student to file a report of the incident. Step eight, assist the victim and lend your support. Step nine, meet with the bully, and have him also write about the incident, be firm but not give a discourse. And finally step ten, talk to the bullys parents, without taking a party let them know what you witnessed it, and what you have reported. Make sure they understand that the action is not acceptable and that school has a policy against the bullying. Other acts that are not acceptable, are the fights. This is a hassle for teachers, because their career is based on the premise of helping and protecting students, and even more, some experienced teachers fear the first signs of a fight. Teachers are also part of the crew of discipline, and there are some things that can be done to prevent fights erupt inside the classroom and therefore in school. First, watch for the sings of trouble building up among the students, talk to students that might have involved in a quarrel, get assistance if necessary. Second, bullies generate violence, teachers must not allow any student to bully another in their presence.

jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

Next, students must be taught how angry words and hands playing lead to fight.

jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

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