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Debate text

Thank you Mr/Mdm Chairperson. A very good morning to the respected panel of adjudicators, my worthy opponents, honoured guests, the ever precise time keepers, L&G. Today the motion TEACHERS GENERATE NATIONS EDUCATIONAL TRANSFORMATION is presented to the house.

Siti Dolly, the Gs 1st speaker had clearly defined the motion and furnished you with the governments first arguement.

I as the 2nd speaker will lay before u 2 more arguements that will prove the unquestionable role of teachers as generators of ET.

L&G, the 2nd argument of the G is we believe that TEACHERS GENERATE NATIONS EDUCATIONAL TRANSFORMATION because of the fact that teachers are the initiators and inducers of EDUCATIONAL TRANSFORMATION.

L&G, the 2nd argument of the G is the role of teachers as initiators.

Who are teachers? Who are teachers? Teachers they encompass everyone, every single soul who imparts knowledge to learners i.e. from the preschool till the university level. Whoever imparts their knowledge from the lowest level right up to the highest level are basically teachers, L&G. Arent they? L&G therefore the professors and lectures at university level are teachers. Why am I stressing on this? Thats because it is vitally linked to the 2nd argument of the G that is teachers are initiators of educational transformation.

Who L&G introduces EDUCATIONAL TRANSFORMATION? The answer is simple. It is educators. Educators at the top level, who consists of professors or researches in the educational field who have learned new ways and new methods which they feel should best introduced into our educational field system. They put forward their findings and recommended solutions to the respective authorities. If these are found to be appropriate and feasible, they are then channelled into the education system in the form of new education policies and programmes. Now L&G, who initiated the reforms? TEACHERS! Its the teachers.

They are the one who initiates new ways, new methods, and new reforms. Who initiated the reform? To answer that, let us take the KSSR programme especially for the teaching of English Language. It was found that the previous KBSR system lacked the capacity to produce pupils who were communicatively skilled. Therefore some years of research and studies abroad done by the professors and educators brings in new knowledge. That knowledge is converted to substitute KBSR. Today it is called the new KSSR system.

Who brought back the idea? It was the professors who went overseas to find ways of education transformation. So, this relates to the motion TEACHERS GENERATE NATIONS EDUCATIONAL TRANSFORMATION because professors and educators are basically teachers who impart their knowledge to the learners.

L&G, the 3rd arguement of the G is the role of teachers as assessors. Teachers are assessors of education change.

Now let us look at the role of teachers as the assessors. Yes, lets walk down the teachers lane as assessors of the effectiveness of introduced reforms. How does the EM know whether a certain policy or programme launched with the purpose of bringing about ET is well received and successful? It is through the feedback from the implementers of the policy i.e. teachers. Teachers are the ones who are able to evaluate the feasibility of the reform measures and inform the policy makers. Perhaps an example

will put this into better perspective. Let us look at the recent developments in the KSSR programme. The Education Ministry ropes in the native speakers to help to generate the educational transformation. That is to overcome the lack of capacity in producing communicatively skilled learners. It is done with PBS which is bound to progressive initiations and assessments by the teachers. Yes, teachers L&G. If not for the teachers who were able to detect the problems in the KBSR and English Hour and bring those problems to the attention of the EM, the programme would have continued despite the serious

underlying issues existing to the detriment of thousands of students in the nation. PPSMI would not have been replaced with the MBMMBI Programme. There you are L&G 3 solid arguements laid before u to substantiate the motion of todays debate.

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