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: u' #Tut: ; l*

Ei-Vietnlri I ellor,r.s incl r-idins Dls. linlr. I rrorri. I [.r. Huons..rrr.l Hrir. ,rn,1 rlrr, nlet a lrcw Felk:u,i lir.Tr-an {rvho is cr-rrrenrly in the Llrritcd Strtes on .r i{EI Felloi.r's}rip}.
nLrmcrous ll.


rvas a 'nrrsy

t.eek in elriyAprii tirr rhr:

|vn golo gists rvho rcl tr'ri rnVi.'rnatl-.rnd .rrr .i,ittrriur,' t,'r Je ilSrt'l,bin'. rr lr., trtrlir.rtr'.1 thr. ir lr.r' a "ifr." betorc his nan-re, but he h;is a Ir1:I) itt lirtqutsrir's. lo!. rr)((iicilL'. Ihi' ri.t' lri.

teanr of seTen otolhi

r''cck.llhc {}ther do.tors

i )r.. I l.rn,lr-1 l'i,r,',1t,.1 I tr-s*'1y lrniliori rrtl kcd :rt No. I ( .hrl,ln 'r' lJ.,'pi::rt rhr'.ru::lrt,rir rlre
rli.,'icie cl tii-ne


r "'t* A&:"



first ureclicd trip, so-besides ofii.rinc hi:; r.tlu:tLrl. .Lills rn l.rn$irrqc- ct'liui.. l,'gi'r1. :rl coorrlinrtion, ald ordering noodies--hc u.t. lhli tu ,rirrt r \ (' , lrrr \ ('r v i.rl. itt.'.1 team oIEN'fs es the_\r perforntecl F]ticnt consultatiorrs. iectures" anli snrgelies.

Nrunbr:r (Jnc Clriirlrcn.s Hospitai, {lia ilinir llospitel, t'l{lMCh ENT i-lospital" and l.leuycri Tli PhLrr:ng I'{ospit;rl. fu!;st of the dor:rrirs spcrrt tbr: first p;ir:r oirhe rlav ii-: p:iticni r:onsultltions, ,,tt, n r\irlr,.rr,.'pL. i:rllr (lro\(it L\ r)lir

\ ittrt.irlr-'r' t olir'r=tr, - lbr rir. ir Jifliiuln. tlr.' doctols pc:rf;rmcd slul{cr\, in the afier-noon cn sclccte<J p;lticlrfs. []r:. 1)avtoriYtrung, iri

ENT fi *rrr tirc Universiq' oill},xar


llranch (Ul'Mi]) irr {lalvcston, is aisc a vcteralr

trrvrler, r.r'ith ten trips under his bclr. Hc brought his colieagr:c, Ifr. l)avtonYuLrns. an
Assi,stant Pm{i:ssor at Ul'},{il, ancl nr.ti resiir,,-:nts, llr. Er"u:r'fie Son ;rrrd llr.Viet Pharn, r'ho has

particulltr n.;i-q qivcl rour* ch:rl1engins surceries. He sper:i:riizct iir ::ep;Liring large pe*or':rtir:ns of the r,'ar ilrurl. Fl* *ttcrr reccivcs reflrr:rls rtl . r.(',,tit, t. l:. ti..rrt'$','=,g11.'r)Jr1('iit1,r'. rrtrt]tti,l. \Ut{( r t!\. }l:r,'i,.11, 111'.11,'1. ltl\' i{ IIr:ltlr l). ,l(,lr(\ti\r,Ji..i.r l.rr,'lol .t.t11 teciri'rir;rie to .rr.iccessfuilr.' c!osr: thesc larqe ltcles. There rvcrc n:ughlv fiiieen dor:tors obsrnti:rq ir tlrr: oi:cnting roonr iirrd lip to sirrv addjtional dortors n:rtching in anothcr roou vir lirrr: video rtre:inr.Aiicr" surgeq', hc lectluerl on the techriquc to thc rioctors r,r-ho had r.r,atcirer"l. the \Ut -'r'la ('.rl lrOI.
spec:id paricnt r.r,hc is
1{ E i

|)i'.5itriut'p. r'torrr,.J 'ir)u' sr.iLrlr ,)l' .l \r'f

s* d*:;rr tc
us: Mrs"


JeIl mct I)r. llrenr Senior, ENT tcaur le;rdcr fronr UNC, {iirapc-l Hill (in North Carr:1ir-ra) irr iianoi a fd,v clays bc,{bre, the rest o1 thc tr;rni ;rrrived. l}:. Scnior flerv intoVietn:rur {iom Indonesia u'l'rcrt' |re had bec:n norkins u,iili a hurnanitarian rnissirtn. JJi:. Senior irrr-c taken a rviroppine sixriel) trips t<lVictnerl sinc:e 1998. I)r-rrins this trip he divicled his tiure in l-{anoi betu'een Naticmai ENT {:lospiral and llach Mai Hu:pit.r1. r,r ht rr lrt pt'r'f?.r,ritl r]li.(. .irr!.ai'i('i aird ler:turcd on thc cjevelopnrerrt of sirnises ti'onr enrbryo to adr-r1tlrood. llnrt operated on ort' of our' f i.'n,i'. l)r. I linlr, "rrr l{ Fl Vii.rnarr: Fcikrlr' and head rif thc EN I l)epertnicnf ar lla. ir M,ri H,r.pit.ri. | )r. l)irrlr'' u rl-c r,. 1.,c,i by l)r. Senior'.s cxpert care 1i:r her hurb:nd, nrr'i lrer i.,r-.irt'll t,, LJt'L'tr \ ,1. \'( r') ioir('ltuts. .]eif and lJrent rnct thc rest cf tlrc EfriT rcanr irr Ho Chi Minh Ciry. I}:. Haroiti Pirre, pcdiatric

l'ir,t,'rr r\\\! l-li \iotr' 1r'1p.. | )'. |,.r'r, rr i'.,r,'i,rri..r l'r'Ji.tri'ir ( \ili rr'lr{ulorr i tll.rrr. ttrti I )r. AIr r F,r t;. l',,rllr',,r, U\( i lr.'p' l I Iill. rorrrrJcrl orrt tlrr' i.'..rrr. ll,'(.rr.t.,(' of a hlizzarLi on thc cast coilst, Ilr. Firrs tlirin't rrrivc in llo {liri Miirh Cir,v u11til 1}or1rs irelo'i ih. r.' l,..H.rn f lrr ir lirrr 1"1', ol rrg1.f,. Nevertirelcss, he d'.:ve into a firl1 sdreilr-rlc of
Li,ir'*'i.'d'r irh l)r'.
l'.rl ir'l Utr
1r . 1',1'1116.11 11.1..




r*sc n ta ti..'e iir r Vi r tn an rcse

{ r'i rl I -rn..


cn arriving. nrost r-f the d{:}{:tors harl nvo to recover iion jert lag arrd e:piorc nerrrlry shopping. ()ver tl're kcrrd. l}:s.

Ili ne. Piranr and Yor-ritg, ;,ir tci f)r. Yriur g'.s brotirer, Aa rcrr (in Vietnam alter I br.isjn e-rs trip iri Kor*a), -*jcnt orr a L;ike and boat expe<lititxr in the delta soLith of llo Chi

ll{inh Cirv. l}r"Ytrung

u,as srirprised ro sce rnany chiklrcn run outsir{e fhcir hoire to shout "hel1o" rs thev b)' on thc:ir

hr, r.i.'t. Arrii.trrg .rr tir.,iifli'rc'ir1 |1,r'prr,rl'. llrs. Pinc anrl Senior l'erc u,rk:ornr-el try o1d irt,'ttJ'. I ltc\ ir, r'. rl-lL' fo rt t onncr I \\ ttll

in the present health care environmcnt, clinical inconre and federal grants are no longer adequate to meet the overall mission of our Department. Additional private and corporate funds are needed to ensure our future growth. Private gifts allorv us to continue making research breakthroughs that form the foundation of new and improved methods of patient care. Thev alscr nrake it possible for us to attract and retain the best teachers, clinicians and promising scientists to train future surgeons. There are many giving options available to support the efforts of our Department. Please contact our Director of Development for more information on how vou can nelD.


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