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Political Philosophy Liberty University

Please summarize the most important political philosophy- related ideas contributed by Bentham and Marx. How did these ideas impact political philosophy? Jeremy Benthams philosophy influenced and impacted the development social and political reforms. In 1789, Benthams philosophical rational approach to legislative action is expounded in his book called, Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. Benthams book elucidates principles to guide the renovation and transformation of politics and society through scientifically designed legislation (Fuller, T., p., 712). He adopts the scientific approach towards the issues of the law and morality creating the Principle of Utility. The Principle of Utility is sanction by nature; since nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure... What we ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do (Fuller, T., p. 718). The amount of pain or pleasure brings consequences; pleasure equals good and pain equals to evil however pain and pleasure can be measured. Bentham doesnt agree about the concepts of natural law however condemns natural rights; laws that are commanded by a moral legislator. Karl Marx philosophy impacted the reconstruction of history; (1) governing dialectical materialism, (2) labor of theory value and (3) the convergence of dialectical materialism and labor of theory value (Cropsey, J., p. 803). The dialectical materialism is the history of the economic systems and emergent modes of production. Marx believed that society is organized to satisfy material needs based on different classes of people. In addition, the labor theory of

value of a commodity is determined by the amount of labor produced or relative worth; equal in value or surplus that benefits capitalism. How would you characterize the worldview(s) underlying these philosophies? Benthams utilitarianism is happiness measured by actions that are maximize (pleasure) and (happiness) minimize pain about the welfare of particular individuals. Its the divine revelation and biblical mortality of a moral system. Karl Marxs worldview is the history of a materialistic view of a bourgeoisie and the capitalism system. Its a classism struggle, how one class oppressing another through the mode of production. Please give at least one example of one or more of the ideas of Bentham and/or Marx being reflected in modern American public policy. Bentham political philosophy depends on the view of human happiness combined with optimism about scientifically constructing policy to achieve it (Fuller, T., p. 715). He had concern about the well being of society, equality and the development of welfarism. Example includes, advocacy of animal rights, separation of church and state, freedom of expression and equal rights for women.

References: (Fuller, T.) Strauss, L. & Cropsey, J. (1987). History of Political Philosophy. (1st ed.) Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Strauss, L. & Cropsey, J. (1987). History of Political Philosophy. (1st ed.) Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

DB 4 Response to Classmate Both theorist Karl Marx and Jeremy Bentham wouldve been actively involved with modern public policy. I certainly agree with your posting concerning Karl Marxs political movement, that he would be a good leader presiding over the Occupy on Wall Street, the capitalist movement dominating the market and oppressing citizens. For example, Marx used term mode of production that refers to the economic productions of factories; workers are paid less than what the work is really worth. Capitalism takes ownership and exploits the worker; focusing on the money and taking advantage of the worker. Jeremy Bentham wouldve been an advocate for equal rights, such as women, civil and animal rights. He wouldve been involved in all the protests concerning equal rights for everyone. He believed that legislation and moral principles promotes happiness, not based on natural right but the principle of utility that identifies pleasure not pain.

References: (Fuller, T.) Strauss, L. & Cropsey, J. (1987) History of Political Philosophy. (1st ed.) Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Strauss, L. & Cropsey, J. (1987) History of Political Philosophy. (1st ed.) Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

DB4 Response to Classmate You successfully summarized Jeremy Bentham and Karl Marx ideologies from this book, History of Philosophy. The submission of Karl Marx modern public policy ideologies concerning the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Peoples Republic of China, I believed you could have expounded more in detail on that subject. In addition, your thoughts on capitalism, the subject means of production for public ownership and how it affects society. I dont find Karl Marx beliefs disturbing concerning capitalism however intelligent and passionate on the behalf of the underprivileged. However, I agree that Karl Marx belief is more towards atheist because of the beliefs of: (1) metaphysics (2) dialectical materialism (3) absolute humanism, Karl Marx has proven no connection to God in his theory.

References: Strauss, L. & Cropsey, J., (1987) History of Political Philosophy (1st ed.) Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

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